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Davorka Gustin <davorka.gustin

Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:31pm

Re: New member


Dear Kevita,

I am a member of for several months. I am living in

Croatia, small contry in Europe. I was in India, by Baba in Prashanty

Nilayam, once in my life. It was in 2000. year. My name is Davorka Gustin.

Where are you from?

Baba bless you!





subhashini kamarsu <subha9295

Thu Feb 10, 2005 9:42pm

Re: New member


hi kavita


How are u,my name is Subhashini and I am frm Hyderabad,


and what about you,Its nice having a friend like u with baba blesses








"gaurav jamwal" <jamwal9

Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:34am

Re: New member



i am a student of engineering living in delhi, welcome to the group.



aum sai ram

best wishes

gaurav jamwal




jayanthkj jayaprakash <jayanthkj_jayaprakash

Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:29am

Re: New member


Sai ram

Spread the message of love and concern amongst others

by practising it yourself.








, "kavita jerath"

<kavitajerath1@h...> wrote:


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Hallo Davorka,

I am Lina from Indonesia, I joint here in 2004.

Baba bless you.




Davorka Gustin <davorka.gustin

Thu Feb 10, 2005 2:31pm

Re: New member


Dear Kevita,

I am a member of for several months. I am living in

Croatia, small contry in Europe. ......

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Dear Vina: I am d to the group and saw your kind message to the new members.


I see that you live in London. My name is Verina and live in West Palm Beach,

Florida in the USA. I lived in London and Cambridge many years ago while

going to school.


May the Lord bless you and your family,


Verina Villalon-Anchondo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:16:10 -0800 (PST)

sriricardo Seva sriricardo

New member




Sai Ram!

My name is Ricardo. I am from New York and I belong to the "Sthya Sai Baba

Center of Manhattan". The largest and oldest center in this city.

As a new member of the group I would like to share with you my every

day bajhan which is hymn,


Hymn is defined as:

-a song of praise to God.

-a metrica composition adapted for singin religious service.

-a song of praise or joy.


Ather this definition, this is my hymn which is a very popular bajhan among ours

cernters in the metropolitan area of New York.


"I am God. I am God. I am not different from God.

I am the infinite supre, the One reality.

I am Satchitananda Swaroopa.

I am Om Tat Sat Om.


I am truth. I am bliss. I am peace etenally.

I am ever pure delight. I am always full and free.

Fear and grief can never touch me.


I am God. I am God. I am no different from God."


I hope you take it as your hymn from now on.



Sai Ram Sri Ricardo

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Sai Ram. Would like to know about your group, i.e when established, how

many meet, what is the national background of your devotees, what special

Sai experiences have you had etc? Would love the update on what is

happening at P.P. I know we are He and He is We. Sit, Chat, Ananda.





>sriricardo Seva sriricardo

>New member



>Sai Ram! .........

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Dear Ricardo,


Welcome to the group.


You have an interesting hymn for prayer, which you want others to

follow. Do you know that in Sanskrit there is a sentence which

says 'Aham Bramhasmi', meaning Iam GOD. It is said that people who

follow Gnana Yoga, come to this level where they can see GOD eye to

eye and feel that they also GOD. As per Vedantic thoughts a person

who comes to a stage where he feels that he is GOD, has come to the

last leg of his personal journey of thousands of births and will be

born no more.


But by just singing that you are God, will you be so ? For that to

be understood, you must first understand or rather experience how

God feels like. Do't you think so ?


In my experience, most of the followers of Sri Satya Saibaba are

basically following Bakthi Yoga, where we are happy to being servant

to God, where we are happy to watch his lotus feet rather than those

powerfull eyes.


Pl note that this is my personal approach. Pl do't mind. If others

can put in their personal feelings, I will be glad to hear the same.


Warm greetings to all.






, saibaba list



> Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:16:10 -0800 (PST)

> sriricardo Seva sriricardo

> New member

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  • 4 months later...
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Om Sai Ram !!


What a wonderful question ! I choose to read it as a direct call from Baba

Himself, to "check" whether I have understood Who He is (I prefer "Who" to



Very simply put - "Baba" is You.


So perhaps you should really start off by asking: "who (or what) are you" -

that is to say, you start off by asking "who am I ?"


That is my advice to you, just at this moment........


I< am quite sure that you will get many very learned descriptions of Baba: with

time, you will read/hear Him "describe" Himself.

I put "describe" in inverted commas, beacuse Baba is in fact indescribable.


So I choose the question of rather asking YOU who YOU are.....


Baba asks us this question - He has asked me it. And this was a good starting

point for me toacknowledgewho He was.


Should I have started you on a line of self-questioning, then dont hesitate to

reply to this mail - if you so wish.


With His light and love


Mortimer Norman.

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Pl note this is the truth ' Sathya Sai Baba is a physical

manifestation of universal GOD who has incornated in the human form to

uplift the mandkind from their miseries' .


Donot mistake him for a Saint, preacher or Yogi. He is the goal,

whom all the Saints, Yogies and appostles spoke of as GOD and who

appeared in their visions in various forms of their wish. He is the

Father who sent Jesus to the ancient Jerusalem and he is the same who

walked on Bharath bhumi as Rama and Krishna in different ages. For his

devotees like us, he is just LOVE.


Sai Ram

Ravi Krishnamurthy

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Om Jai Shri Sathya Sai Ram !!!

To understadn best who Sathya Sai Baba is I think Tapovanam - sacred life story

of Sathya Sai Baba is the best book to begin with. This book nicely summarizes

the life of Baba upto 2000 to bring out the fact that Baba is God Himself in

Human Form, the God Incarnate to convince us of the reality of existence of

God and to teach us as to what is our goal and destination in this life and

what should we the humans do to achieve our goal and fulfill the purpose for

which we have been created by our Creator - The God who has created every thing

including us and all the religions as different paths to reach HIM.


This is today a scientific fact established by the investigations of renowned

scientists from all over the world who have investigated living with Baba and

confirmed His Divinity and His Divine powers, which have been well documented

in various books written by them and available from www.sssbpt.org and other



Sai Ram !





Mr Norman Shine <normanshine (AT) seznam (DOT) cz> wrote:

Om Sai Ram !!What a wonderful question ! I choose to read it as a direct call

from Baba Himself, to "check" whether I have understood Who He is (I prefer

"Who" to "what".....

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please ravi continuo to see taht topic plese it is gona be greate for every one

¡¡¡ & sorry for mi ingish i spanish parlant


rocky Ravi Krishnamurthy <raviskrish > escribió:

HiPl note this is the truth ' Sathya Sai Baba is a physicalmanifestation of

universal GOD who has incornated in the human form touplift the mandkind from

their miseries'.....

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Dear Norman,


Thanks for your question as to who Sai Baba is.

Who am I? There are many answers for me associated with that question. I

have been to Sai Baba twice, and sadly never had personal connection, except

through his eyes on the first occasion.

I have had some events that for me gave a synchronous series that made me

feel he might be with me , but I do not dream about him, or know who he is

in the way that many devotees do.

His photo is in front of me at home, by my bed, by my study, by my

meditation room, I talk to him, I repeat Sai Ram....yet at times I wonder

whether he hears me, how he is active in my life, whether he is active in my


Who am I?....divinity incarnate....man with desires...a man who has made

mistakes.....a father....an Englishman....a jew.....a holistic caring

doctor, a man who has lived 55 years.....a networker interested in health

and dare I say wealth....and yet a man who struggles....whose decisions

still give rise to doubt, and who seeks to know what is 'his will' and how I

know that I know that I am doing it.....


Any thoughts?



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My dear Michael,


Your views on whom am I, seems to suggest that you are a man of

honesty and very practical. You have described your 55 years of

existence. You are an Englishman, has family and made money and

mistakes. Thats one of your images. Bhagavan Baba describes each

person having Three images ; Image one is What he thinks he is, Image

two is What others think he is and Image three is What he actually is.

He also says that first two images are false and the third one is the

TRUTH and purposes of our very existance is to findout and experience

this TRUTH for ourselves. You have described your first image ,

which is what you think you are.


This image is very strong because of our body attachment. It is the

Guru's grace alone which can help you to overcome this maya. But

there are few methods to momentarily experience this Truth that you

are not the body. During meditation if you concentrate on your

breathing, by focussing your attention to the tip of your nose, you

will reach thoughtlessness. During this period you will come to know

why the body is called breathing machine or a vehicle which is

carrying your spirit. Pl try.


Offcourse, if you pray to Swami and melt HI with your Bhakti, he may

bless you with this experience. Bhakti Yoga!! Simple.


Sai Ram

Ravi Krishnamurthy

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Dear Michael,


Many thoughts ! Many, many thoughts...... I will do my best to share some of

them with you. We will have to wait and see where my thoughts lead us.


I met Baba physically for the first time in 1984: until that time I had been a

professor of languages at university in Denmark. As an open minded sceptic

(approximately your age (early 50's ?) I wastempted to search a little further

then the end of my nose. And ended up visiting Baba.


The experience was strong, meaningful and demanding: you can read something of

my experiences in my most recent book, "The Divinity of Numbers: The Scai-ence

of Numerology" (if you are still in India then you can get a copy easily. If you

are not in India and want a copy you can order a copy through me).


Twenty years later, further along the line, I have come to rest in a clearer

awareness of whom I am. This is imperative if you want to know who Baba is.

First you need to know who YOU are.


There is no simple answer to your questions. You most likely dont know all the

questions, anyway !


That doesnt matter. Start where you are. Start with who you know you are. And

when I say "know", I mean "REALLY know"

You dont "know" something just because somebody tells it to you.


Your birthday, for example. When is it ? (Its a trick question, but still try to

answer it as well as you can......)


More next time. You stimulate many thoughts.


Light and love,












> ------------ Puvodni zprava ------------

> Od: Michael Wetzler <michaelwetzler8

> Predmet: Re: New member

> Datum: 10.7.2005 22:19:51

> -------

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Dear Brother Norman,



Your letter was very interesting,and at the same time thought provoking.I am

intrested in the Book,which you wrote,and I live in USA-CALIFORNIA,can you

please tell me where I can fide it.

Thanking You.



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Dear Sister Anju,


Om Sai Ram !


I am happy to have interested you.

You must forgive me if I provoked you to discomfort......

You can get a copy of the book by asking me for one. The book is not published

outside of India as yet. But I do have copies with me in Europe - I can mail you

a copy if you send me your mailing address.


With light and love,



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Brother Norman,


Thanks a lot for your prompt reply,no it was not thought provoking in the bad

sense ,so please do not feel bad,I just was thinking, that in day to day life

we forget so many small thing to ponder on.

I will be very thankful if you can send me that Book.

My address is,



LA PALMA CA 90623.


Once again thanks a lot my Brother.



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  • 6 months later...

Hello Asheena,

A great big warm welcome to the Sai world

group.It is lovely to have you as new member.

We have so much to offer each other as we

grow daily.

Wishing you much happiness with us.

Sai Ram.

Brother David.

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Om Jai Sai

Raam Asheena,


of Love…

Welcome to

the wonderful divine group where you will get the opportunity to learn and

teach regarding all of Swami’s messages. This group of daily interaction is

really a great way to start the day and end the day. For Swami says, “Start The

Day With Lve, Spend The Day With Love, End The Day With Love For This Is The Way

To God…


better way to spend your day reading daily updates from Puttaparthi/Whitefield

and about Swami and also in reading and learning from everyone’s experience???!

Again Welcome

To NET-SATSANGH, it is a blessing to have you with us….







It is all

Swami’s will for Swami says, not even a blade of grass moves without his will…how

so very true!

May Swami

bless you and guide you, ALL OF YOU.


I offer my

humble pranaams at the Lotus Feet Of The Beloved Lord Of The Universe….Lord Sai


sister in Sai

Radhey Of



Om Sri Sai


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