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Question on faith/confidence / Malaysia Bro. Jaga's Mumbai Speech

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I am not sure if Amit himself realizes that he asked a very very

important question few weeks ago. One of the responses ended with a

question mark:


>>So our starting point is faith in Atma. Does this make any sense?


Just about 1/2 an hour ago, I "happened" to come across Malaysia

Bro. Jagadeesan's Speech at Dharmakshetra, Mumbai of

21st December 2001 - available at



The following is a paragraph from Bro. Jaga's speech:


"Baba often talks about self confidence. But the difference self

confidence with a small `s' which is confidence in your own ability,

skill, knowledge, talent etc. And the self confidence with the

big `S' – this is the confidence in the supreme self within you,

that you are the spark of the divine. This is also called Atma

Viswasam. Actually, for a long time I did not realise this until the

recent birthday I heard Baba says "Atma Visvasam", and I said to

myself – Oh my God! Self confidence is not that ability that

everybody in the world has got, but confidence that he is there with

you alone to do anything. This is atma visvasam. That means you have

nothing on your own, you dare, give everything to the divine."


Amit, keep at it. Swami will teach us all at the appropriate time.

Only pre-requisite is as I have personally learned over the years is

that we need to be alert and have faith that He will teach and guide

us continually. AND HE DOES. SaiRam. kc.




saibabanews, "kc" <kccn2001 wrote:


> saibabanews, "gobullsgo513"

> <gobullsgo513@> wrote:

> >

> > My question is this:

> >

> > What are Baba's feelings on confidence? Does He want us to be


> > confident people who have no fears OR does He want us to be


> > headed and not get over confident?


> SaiRam, Amit.

> In our study circle years ago, we had an opportunity to discuss

> confidence/over-confidence/under-confidence/no-confidence and its

> relationship to spirituality/spiritual practice. Since that time,


> have explored the topic off and on. Please allow me to share


> will help me to streamline my thoughts too. Can we contemplate

> together?


> Your question is totally and completely answered by Swami in a

> famous quote, though it is difficult to grasp fully. The quote is:


> Self-confidence is the foundation;

> self-sacrifice are the walls;

> self-contentment is the roof;

> Self-realization is the life.


> The term self is used in this quote with multiple meanings.

> 1) self (with a small s) = ahamkar = ego = i am a separate and

> distinct individual being = i am this and that = i can do this and

> that = i am the doer

> 2) Self (with cap s) = Aham = Atma = I am = Universal Divine being


> No separation from anything nor anybody = Oneness

> 3) self (with small s)= mind = manas


> The foundation is Faith in (Self) Atma. That is one's faith in


> divinity = I am divine. This is not the confidence in one's ego

> (separate beingness). "self-confidence" we learn in schools and

> colleges and in the external world is ego-confidence = "i can do

> this and that" = "i am the doer" ="i deserve all the credits for


> work". To teach us ego-confidence, we do not need any scriptures


> gurus or avathars. Without any of them, 20th/21st century humans


> already doing extremely well. Take a moment to look at the status


> humanity ...


> The walls are self-sacrifice = "sacrifice of the feeling of

> individuality" = "sacrifice of manas (lower mind)" = Mano-nasha

> = "die-mind to become diamond"


> The roof is self-contentment/self-satisfaction = "desire free"

> = "desirelessness" = Moha kshaya = moksha.

> ("Who is the poorest man in the world? = One who has most


> ("Who is the richest man in the world = One who has no desires")


> Swami, the master of masters, the avathar of avathars has defined

> the whole spiritual path and spiritual practice along with

> sequential steps in a single quote!


> So Swami teaches - start with faith in our own divinity, sacrifice

> the separateness (individuality), become desire-free and realize

> inherent divinity. Let's note the starting point of sadhana is the

> faith in one's divinity which is also the goal of any spiritual

> practice.


> I can not start with a faith "i am an animal" and hope to realize


> divinity. It is simply impossible. So also I can not start

> with "faith in my separate ego" and hope to overcome it. It is not

> possible either. Only truth can free us and the truth is we are

> divine. That's why Swami takes great delight in addressing

> us "Atmaswarupalara" and "Divyaswarupalara".


> So our starting point is faith in Atma. Does this make any sense?

> ... snip ...


> SaiRam. kc.

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consciousness. How compassionate and kind our Lord is to manifest in this Human

Form to confer this boon of God walking holding onto man, for the love for his

creation. Ultimately, all the vedic teachings end as Swaa Adhyayam, from the

SAADHANA undertaken. Swami is making it very easy for us. We all are him and if

we all see the world through HIS VISION we would have changed teh world around

us. With Love for Swami's vision and MIssion Meena Chintapalli

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gracing me with a really meaningful dream.... In the dream, i was riding a

bike...like a rickshaw bike where people can sit on the back but without a roof

on top.... i had 4 people in the back,(family), and also luggage.... However,

despite this heavy load...i managed to wizz thru the streets...as if i was in

a mercedes car!! A little while later, still in the dream...these members of

the family were commenting how fast i was able to go up and down the hill on a

bike, despite the heavy load...then my hubby commented...so, i replied "It is

only because of Baba that i am able to do this"...he said...u didn't know baba

before..it is only now..."no! not true, it is Always Baba that has

helped!".... so, there u have it...real example! love bakula x ps now i pray

swami wakes me on time so that i can have my time with the lord from the

morning! and do my pranayama!!;-)

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