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Sai Vichaar for Thursday, February 23, 2006

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Sadguru's love! Immense is Sadguru's love. Immeasurable is Sadguru's love.

Infinite is Sadguru's love. Such metaphors aside, can

anyone explain the love Baba has for His children in such a way that it can be

easily understood? Often, it is compared to the mother's love for mother is one

that is capable of loving her child in the most unselfish way, loving for love's

sake and nothing else. However, true experiences of Sadguru's love must be even

beyond the above comparison. A little observation here will be able to explain

this further. Although mother loves her child, a mother cannot love every other

child nor can she treat every child as her own! Besides, one can see instances

where a mother could hurt her own child. In the animal world, in a condition

known as Infantophagia, a mother animal sometimes can devour her own offspring

due to physiological reasons, for her own survival. Mother's love is considered

as the purest form of love in nature. Yet, the nature as most would know, is

still limited in its explanation of Sadguru's love. Sri Sainathuni Sarathbabuji

explains the love of Sadguru

as somewhat closer to the love that sparkles in the eye of the mother as she

glances at her new born for the first time, immediately after birth. Just for

that one fraction of a moment, frozen in time, the mother experiences the love

that would soon be different once the child starts crying and shows its own

movements, in essence its own identity. The momentary love of the mother

looking at the infant, as a part of her own self, is a remote comparison to

love that Sadguru has for His children! Saibaba said that he would save His

children even from the jaws if death. One would find such assurances of Baba's

protection a every stage of His children's lives. Blessed are we to know Baba

as the Sadguru, the mother of mothers, father of fathers, Guru of Gurus and the

ultimate there is. CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: Devotion and Self-realization

Sadguru is the substance of all scriptures and

He is the wisdom that pervades eternity. The purpose of the seeker is to seek

the depths of such an entity in order to quench the thirst; the blessing only

mankind is bestowed with in nature. Known as sadhana, such a pursuit is the

subject of discussions, arguments, speculations and postulations suited to the

human convenience. True, religions and sects all talk about the same, yet we

have many religions and sects. Let us not however forget that Baba refutes any

argument in the name of God and he said without mincing words, "All are same",

and "God is One". Baba's statement through Anantrao Patankar's episode in Sai

Satcharitha that devotion is the most important qualification required to

realize the supreme has most profound impression on His followers, then and

now. Bhakthimaarg or the path of devotion is sure to lead one to God that

exists in the self and elsewhere. Baba had stressed repeatedly the importance

of realizing the self; the story of merchant seeking

Brahma Gyan (the knowledge of the Supreme that exists within and out) in Sri Sai

Satcharitha is an excellent example. How does devotion lead to the pursuit of

the knowledge of the self? Even before we ask that question, one may wonder

whether something known as "self realization" really exists. The surprising

answer to the question is Yes! Mankind completely dwells in the realization of

grosser perceptions; the abilities that define the self to its fullest beauty,

" I realize, therefore, I am! However, the term self-realization in its

spiritual context is completely subtle and difficult to comprehend. Baba said

that His coffers are open and those who seek shall be given. In this context,

the subtleties of realizing the self assumes enormous importance if one were to

pay attention. Let us all on this beautiful Thursday spend a moment on seeking

Sadguru's treasures that lead us to our own subtle nature, the material that is

all pervading. (Contributed by Saibaba.org team) DEVOTEES SAY:

LakshminarayanaSairam, I do not have words to explain your miracles. Just one

instance, which I prayed to post in Sai Vichaar. I was disturbed about my

current compensation from my current employer and decided to quit and move to

another organization. My current employer called me and agreed to give me 20

percent hike which I thought is not what I deserved and prayed to Baba on

Wednesday night that it would be better if I get 30 percent hike and that if I

get it I would post my experience in Sai Vichaar. As prayed, the merciful Baba

really helped me out in such a way that when I came to office next day which

was a Thursday, I was moved with tears from my eyes when I saw the mail from my

leader saying that he is ready to offer me 30 percent hike. How merciful is our

lord how are we to thank him than remembering his

name always. Thank you Sairam. SoundaryaBaba, thanks for all your blessing to my

family. I was praying for my Dad CT scan and his health improvement. Baba you

did it. I wish you would be in every stage of his recovery. SrinivasThis is a

recent leela by Samartha Sadguru Sainatha Maharaj. I along with few friends

have been planning to start a franchise and with Baba's grace, the things have

been moving smoothly. The date was fixed for the signing of agreement was

fixed, in fact I have asked the other party whether we can do this on Thursday,

by Baba's grace they have agreed for that. Just few days before this signing

day, my friend who has just returned from visit to India had emailed me saying

that he had shipped the Baba's prasad to my address. I was so happy by reading

that and prayed in my mind that I should get this prasad on the day we are

going to sign the franchise agreement. Devotees, now you can

guess what would have happened on that day, I came back home after signing the

papers and opened my mail box quite nervously whether Baba had blessed me or

not. I was so thrilled and overjoyed by seeing the packet with Baba's prasad

from friend. There are lot of leelas by Baba ever since I started worshipping

in the 90's. I am always thankful to him for his love and blessings all through

these years and pray him to continue shower his love and blessings. Sai

devoteeBaba, please help me am going with lots of things right now you sent me

the offer letter to a job and same week I got a call saying the project is

scrapped. I dont know what to do but I believe you will help me with this

trauma. Baba my husband is worried about his college admission, please shower

your grace on him and always grace Your love and blessing to us. You are our

mother and father. I trust You completely, help us. PRAYER CLUB:

DevendraBaba, please save me. I am facing lot of problems, I know You are

giving lot of support to solve my problems, but I am getting lot of fear about

my friends. Please don't distrub us, I am living means because of my friends,

otherwise I would have died long back. This year I am praying You, please make

me solve all problems and given by me back the money to my friends which they

have given me in lot of troubles, and I am praying You don't let me die before

I clear all the dues. Baba, show me good path and give me strength for good

works. You know which type of problems I am facing, I believe in You Baba. Sai

devoteeJai Sai Ram, please help my husband to sort out his job problem and get

unemloyment. Please help him in settling down his business. Please shower your

blessings to my husband and my children. Baba please take him to your sharan.

Make him your devotee. Baba

please help him to leave his negative attitude, his short tempered nature. Baba

please bless me that scars of my face should be removed and I should be

healthy. Please help my daughter that her eye problem should be ok. Always

shower your blessings Baba. Sai devoteeBaba! Please help me in getting a

better job. As You know I have been slogging in this organisation for the past

five years without any growth and recognition. The humiliation that I faced on

23rd January made my determination strong to quit this organisation. Please

show me a way out!! PujaOm Sai Ram, please help us Sai, we need You to show us

the right path at this stage of life. Every step of our life has been a huge

struggle and I am losing my patience and strength. Please restore my faith and

patience Sai and help us through this rough stage of life. You have always held

my hand when I needed you Sai so please give me strength,

stability and peace of mind. Sai devoteeSai Baba please hear our prayers. Please

give my sister realizations what she did is wrong and please Baba show her the

right path. Baba!! I have faith on You, You would definitely bring her from the

jaws of death. We don't know Baba what is Your leela but still she is not

understanding her parents and sisters. Please help us to acheive what we really

want. Baba be with her and help us, we need You so much in this critical time.

Sai Ram A devoteeBaba, please cure the disease for that baby, Karthik and give

him a normal eye vision. Please take care of him and his family and bring

everyone to normal. Sai DevoteeSairam, Baba I implore you to please give

guidance to our daughter who is straying from the path of truth and

righteousness, inspite of all that we are doing for her. Please help her to

stay focussed on her studies and

help her to achieve her potential. Being our only daughter, we love her a lot

and want the best for her, but feel helpless to deal with her. Please guide us.

SanDear Baba, You know all my personal, financial, family and social problems.

Please solve all my problems and bring peace, happiness, success and good name

to me and my family from now on forever. I and my family surrender to You and

are your ardent devotees. RajenderSai Baba, You saved me all the time whenever

I prayed for You, Sai baba please forgive me for every bad thing I have done in

the past. I am in india now, looking forward to start my life here in India

after being abroad for five years away from family. Sai baba, please show me

the way and please guide me and please give me your blessing. I applied for a

job in India now, please bless me with your blessings as You always do. Once

again our whole family needs Your bleesing, Baba

please bless our family and please guide me in my life and show me the light.

VithyaSairam, please bless my daughter. She is getting ill very often. Please

save her life. Take care of her, I am very much worried about her. Sai ma

please take care of her. Make her healthy. ManuBaba please help my brother,

who is going through kidney failure. Give him strength and good health. Baba

please give him good health. I know You will help us whenever we need. Thank

you Baba. EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: KrishnamoorthyI was suffering from

back-ache since last two months, went to Medical center and got checked up, and

an x-ray taken out for further investigation, but could hardly find any problem,

and was given only pain killing tablets. I took those tablets but did not find

any improvement, rather it was

increasing. Then on 25th Jan 2006, there was Annadanam going on in Shri Saibaba

Temple, where I was called for assistance. Due to back pain, I decided to offer

only moral support and not to take items for distribution. But, surprisingly

Baba started sending one after one asking me to take Dal, Rice, or Roti etc for

distribution. Thrice I expressed my inability, and was supervising the things.

But He did not leave me, and again sent somebody and asked me to take Dal for

distribution. This time I could not say no and took a bucket of Dal and looked

at Him (through open window) and thought in my mind 'Baba! you are repeatedly

testing me, I feel this must be to grace me and relieve me of back pain', and

started distributing the Dal with bending and standing for number of times.

Surprisingly, from the day onwards within three days my back pain was gone to a

great extent and some residual pain is there, which also shall be removed by His

blessings. LalitaOur son, who is working in the US, had come to India last week

on a brief visit. On his return, he was told at the Delhi airport that his

flight was delayed. As a result, he missed his connecting flight from Munich,

and was put to much inconvenience. The onward journey was a circuitous one, and

led to a great deal of fatigue and inconvenience. As if that was not enough, on

reaching his destination, New York, he found that his suitcase containing all

his new, expensive clothes and other important belongings, had been lost! We

were all very unhappy to hear about it as it meant a lot of trouble and

inconvenience to him. This happened late at night, and he had to attend office

from early next morning, which left him no time at all to even buy new clothes,

shoes, toiletries etc. My only resort at this juncture was Shirdi Sai Baba. I

prayed very sincerely and requested Baba to find out and send back the lost

suitcase as early as possible, with all his

belongings intact. Three days had passed, and there was no news of the suitcase.

I told Baba that since Thursday was His day, a miracle must take place. Lo and

behold, on Wednesday night we received the news that our son's lost suitcase

had at last been delivered to him at home! I have absolutely no words to thank

Baba. This was nothing short of a miracle, made possible only by Sai Baba's

divine grace and blessings. Today being Thursday, I went to the local Sai Baba

Temple to offer my thanks to Him. On my return from the temple, I was told by a

friend who had just returned from Shirdi that she would be sending some "prasad"

for us! Yet another instance to prove Baba's constant presence in our home. May

Sai Baba's blessings be with us always! Jai Sai Ram! QUOTATION OF THE WEEK:

"Dear soul, Love alone cuts argument short, for it alone comes to the rescue

when you cry for help

against disputes. Eloquence is dumbfounded by Love: it dares not wrangle; for

the love fears that, if he answers back, the pearl of inner experience might

fall out of his mouth".-Rumi, a Sufi poet QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Q. How are

we to know that we have won Sai's grace? A. by Punam As all flowers want to ripe

into fruits, everyone wants to be happy in their lives. But as few flowers ripe

into fruits only few are benefited with Sai Grace. Sai answered like this

because people think when they got Sai Grace their life will be full of

happiness. Now they never face any difficulties in their life. But as Sai Said,

everyone has to live with his destiny. Sai cannot change anyone's destiny

because it is linked with his past but by prayer, he can give him patience,

which makes them capable to fight with his destiny. Q. Comment on what

Baba said-given below A. by Maddipatla Ramaa Prasad Baba said, "I give my people

what they want until they will begin to ask me what I want to give them ".

Comment? A. How wonderful is Sadguru Sainath's way of handling His devotees! He

is a loving mother who would lovingly coax her child into taking right steps, by

yielding to some of the desires of child. First, the mother instills confidence

and love in child's heart by conceding some of her demands. By this the child

realizes how loving and kind the mother is. Later, the child automatically

develops love and faith in her mother and consequently comes to know that what

ever that mother does or asks to do would be in her (child's) own interest.

Even if mother goes to punish the child later for her mistakes or pranks, the

child continues to love her mother. That is how loving Sainath proceeds with

His devotees. He draws the devotee to into His loving fold, by instilling love

and faith in the devotee. Thus, He is ever ready to answer the call of devotee.

When one of the senior devotees commented that one should not approach Baba to

fulfill his or her materialistic wants, Baba said, "Don't say that! Every one

naturally comes to Me to fulfill his or her material needs. In course of time

they develop faith in Me and then they learn to accept what I want to give

them!" Thus, Sainath directs the devotee into the path of 'Shraddha' and

'Saburi'. I know that a Sai devotee who has grown with 'Shraddha' and 'Saburi'

would say, "Baba knows what I need. What ever He does is for my good. Where is

the need for me to ask Him to grant my wants?" Thus, Baba takes his devotee

towards spiritual heights by granting people what they seek initially and thus

instilling faith and devotion in them. Subsequently the devotee asks Baba to

give what is right for him / her. A true Sai devotee gradually reaches a stage

of praying Baba, "Let Thy will prevail!" A

classical example in this case would be of that of Bayyaji Appaji Patil during

the earthly life of Baba at Shirdi. As a child and young boy, Bayyaji came

under Sai Baba's fold. Baba blessed him in many ways including by granting

frequent installments of money and consequently Bayyaji improved his economic

status. Gradually Bayyaji developed unshakable faith and love in Sai Baba. When

his father was virtually on deathbed, Bayyaji did approach Baba with a request

to save him (his father) from death. But Almighty Sai looking into the pros and

cons, refused to give him "udi" that could save his father. Baba simply said,

"Allah hei Malik!" meaning that God's dictate is the final. That, no doubt,

made Bayyaji sad momentarily. Later, however, he recovered from the temporary

grief and realized that Baba knew what was good and right. His faith in Baba

remained unshaken despite the fact that Baba did not relent to his request to

save his father from death. That is the way a Sai devotee would

evolve. Baba, therefore, granted him a rare boon. Sadguru Sainath left His

mortal human body leaning on Bayyaji. Q. Comment on what Baba said - given

below A. by Sadashiv Kavthankar, Goa Baba said, "I give my people what they

want until they will begin to ask me what I want to give them ". Comment? A.

The love of a Mother is peculiar, extraordinary and disinterested and has no

parallel. A human mother knows the wants of her child beforehand and feeds it,

at her breast in time. Shri Saibaba feels this Motherly love towards their

people (disciple) and give them what they want. Shri Saibaba thought that what

a man might give does not last long; and it is always imperfect. But what my

Sircar (God) gives, lasts to the end of time. No other gift from any man can be

compared to the gift of the Almighty. My Sircar (God) says, 'Take Take', but

everybody comes to Me and says 'Give Give', nobody attends carefully to

what I say, My Sircar's treasury (spiritual wealth) is full, it is overflowing.

I say: 'Dig out and take away this Wealth in cartloads'. The Blessed son of a

True Mother should fill himself with this Wealth. In fact, there no person more

liberal and benevolent than The SadGuru Shri Saibaba who wants to give us the

most precious thing that is inconceivable and inscrutable (The Reality).

SAI ACTIVITIES: Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USAShirdi

Sai temple is open daily from 8:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Winter hours). Daily

program includes Kakad Arathi at 8 a.m followed by Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at

12 noon, Dhoop Arathi at 6 p.m and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams,

Sahasranama and sponsored poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a

pooja for yourselves, your friends and family, please call. Devotees can

request water (Abhishek Jal) from the

Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located 25

minutes drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank Road

in Hampshire, IL. For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send email

to maildrop (AT) saibaba (DOT) org. Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, MinnesotaRegular Sai

activities in Minneapolis, St.Paul area are being conducted at Shirdi Saibaba

Prayer Center, 725 Lake St NE, Apt #139 Hopkins MN. For details, please contact

hamaresai , or call Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center at 952-938-2983, and

to read the monthly newsletter Sai Sandesh, visit www.hamaresai.org. Sri Shirdi

Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, TexasSri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW

Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX

75023. For temple hours and activities please call the temple office at

469-467-3388 or visit the website

www.shirdisaidallas.org. Shirdi Sai Satsang, Bay Area, CaliforniaShirdi Sai

Parivaar invites all to join us for Satsang every Thursday 7:30 pm at Odd

Fellows Temple, 20589 Homestead Road, Cupertino, CA 95014. For details please

call 408-564-6704 or send email to saibandhu or visit

www.ShradhaSaburi.org. Sai Satsang, New Jersey, USAShirdi Sai Dham, Inc

regularly conducts Sai bhajans followed by Aarti and Parsad on every 1st

Saturday of each month at Durga Mandir, Kendall Park, New Jersey from 3 pm to 5

pm (Winter Hours). All are requested to kindly come and receive Baba's

blessings. For more information, please call us at 609-275-1334 or visit

www.shirdisaidham.org or email us at shirdisaidham (AT) hotmail (DOT) com Shirdi Sai

Satsang, Toronto, CanadaShirdi Saibaba Sansthan invites all to join for

satsangs every Thursday 7:00 pm at Sai Dwarkamai, 147 Winston Castle

Dr. Markham, Ontario, L6C 2N4, phone 416-402-8089 or email:

saileela99 . To request a pooja for yourselves, your friends and

family for any occasion at your residence, please call. Devotees can request

udi or Holy water (Abhishek Jal) from the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an

email or by phone. Shirdi Sai Mandir, Scarborough, CanadaThe Shirdi Sai Mandir

located at 2721 Markham Road, Scarborough, Ontario, M1X 1L5 (Intersection of

Markham and Nashdene) is open Monday to Friday from 6:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m. and

Saturday to Sunday from 10:30 a.m to 8:30 p.m. Dhoop Aarti is at 7:30 p.m.

everyday. Bhajans are on Saturday from 5:00 p.m. onwards. For other temple

activities and information please call 647-444-4724 or send an email to

info (AT) theshirdisaimandir (DOT) com. Shirdi Sai Satsang in Vancouver, BC, CanadaShirdi

Sai parivar in Vancouver invites you for bhajans, every Thursday (6:30pm - 7:30

pm) at

8571, 118A Street, Delta, V4C 6L2. For further details contact Ritu (604)592

4182 or email at sai_ish (AT) hotmail (DOT) com. Sai Satsang, SingaporeTo all Shirdi Sai

Baba devotees in Singapore, Sai Sansthan, Singapore is organizing Shirdi Sai

Baba prayer session every Saturday between 18:30 hrs to 20:30 hrs at 2nd floor

function hall, Sri Vadapathira Kaliamman temple, (opp. to Sinda), 555,

Serangoon Road, Singapore-218174. We invite you all to participate and seek

Baba's blessings. For further details, please visit www.saisansthan.com. Sai

Baba Satsang in Auckland, New ZealandSai Baba Satsang ( Bhajans, Provochan, Sai

Ashotottram and Shej Arathi ) is held every Thursday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at

MT Roskill War Memorial Hall, May Road , Mt Roskill, Auckland, NZ. For more

detials visit our website http://www.shirdisaibaba.org.nz or mail to

info (AT) shirdisaibaba (DOT) org.nz. FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD: Please refer to Sai

Activities section to know more about Sai activities in various locations

across the world. Sai Vichaar has served as a useful platform for sharing about

your activities with other Sai devotees. Please write to maildrop (AT) saibaba (DOT) org if

you would like to publish about Sai activities in your area. Sai Vichaar thanks

you for your support for the Question of the Week feature. This feature is

intended to initiate useful discussion on topics related to Sai philosophy, His

message, and Sai devotion. Please send your suggested topics for the same. The

"Question of the week" for the week is, Q. Baba said, "I give my people what

they want until they will begin to ask me what I want to give them ". Comment?

Humbly Yours,The Editor ABOUT THIS EMAIL: This newsletter is not sent

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