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Sai Ram.Msg For Sai Youth - Fwd: Hi, check this 'Heart2Heart' page

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will tell you One Story.Once a Group of Foriegners want to test Swami , hence

they wanted Swami to Perform his Miralces the place where they tell him do

it.Since in chitravathi they dont have Trust.So an Group of Foriegners Swami

and Chidambara Krishnan started in an Car.they reached the Forest and

Foreigners took Swami to Middle of Forest .Mean while it was Getting Dark in

the Evening . While Walking in the Forest Swami Suddenly Told Haa!!!! and

immediately shri C.K asked what was the matter . Swami said small Thorn had

stuck him and said no need to worry for it and Proceeded walking to the Middle

of the Forest . But pls note that Swami Didnt remove the Thorn. Swami performed

the Miracles where these Foreigners asked Swami to perform and these people also

accepted Swami is Divine.Meanwhile Shri.C.K always used to Carry an Gun as he

was Hunter. he Couldnt tolerate the Situation . he was Roaring like an Lion

wanting to Shoot this peolple for Doubting Swami.Swami Calmed Shir C.K.While

return from the Forest the Thorn which struck Swami on the Lower part of feet

had come to Top part and Could be seen Clearly with Blood shedding all the way

in the Forest.. Swami didnt show any Symbol of Pain.Once they Reached the

Mandir Swami Went Straight to Upstairs and Gave an Shout Aaaaaaa!!!! .

Shri C.K rushed to Swami's Room and Found Swami Removing the Thorn and the

Blood Bleeding and later realised the entire area was with Blood . Shri C.K was

very Shokced seeing this and asked Swami you Could have told in earlier about

this . Swami said I am not the Body. Pleasure and pain are only for the

Physical Body of mine and not for the Atma swarupa.saying Swami closed the

Doors of his Room for Ten Days and Didnt give dharsan and Didnt Speak to anyone

..Since he was Suffering from Fever.Inthose days If Swami gets

Fever he would go into his Room and Close the Door's . He will not take any Food

nor Talk to any one outside.After Some days nealy a week and More ,Once the

Fever is Gone he would open the Doors and Ask for Tiffin and Give Padanamaskar.

Similar thing happened This Time and on Eleventh day Swami came out and asked

for Tiffin and gave Padanamaskar for Shri..C.K.One pleasant thing i would like

to Mention.Shri was there when an Period when Prof.Kasturi was not there .

Swami had only Dress and would wear it . if any thing he would Tailor it

personally and wear thesame. Though lot of Rich people used to Give Clothes for

Swami , He would Give it for Banner Drawing purpose.Shri C.K says though God

Swami built the Prasanthi Nilayam Brick by Brick with the hard work to show

mankind how Even God Follows the Principles Dharma.(effort).This Experience

with Swami helped Shri C.K him very much in his Bad times of life.when same

Type of

Physical Problems he Underwent.Still to Come. Thanks.Sai Prasad.Chennai.9444 00 70 78.

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