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Please help! Advice for my friend

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Dear Sai Devotees


Om Shri Sai Ram


I was wondering if I could please get some help and advice for my friend. He is

a 22 year old student studying in London, and until recently, he was a very

stong Sai devotee.


Then one day in August 2005, suddenly, one evening, he felt really very scared

to worship Baba. Not only Baba, he felt too scared to worship God in any form,

and had a strong feeling that if he was to close his eyes, something bad might

happen to him or that he may not open them again. He also cannot get to sleep

at night for this reason.


There is no one incident that he can say caused this to start. He insists it

just started suddenly on 1 evening back in August while watching tv. Since

then, his fear has spread. He has started to get strange aches and pains in

his chest. His doctor told him there was nothing medically wrong with him.

But now, he is scared to do anything. He finds it difficult to concentrate on

his studies without fear. He feels something bad is going to happen to his

family. He is afraid of being alone in the dark. All these things started

after that one evening. He also has a very strong fear of death.


He is one person who used to find it difficult to NOT chant Sai Naam, but now he

can't close his eyes and do even a round of Japa Mala without fear. Spiritual

talks used to give him a great deal of mental peace, but now just exacerbate

his fear. As a result, he has become more material than spiritual and is

frustrated that he finds more peace in the transient material world than in Sai

and his talks.


He has many hopes and aspirations of becoming a good doctor to serve the needy.

It has been his dream. But now he can't concentrate on anything.


He gets lost into thought these days about things such as 'What is Time?' or 'Do

I really exist? Does my family really exist? Am I imagining all of it?' He is

too scared even to think of Baba, let alone pray before he tries to sleep.


These are things that even he cannot understand and he admits his own behaviour

is very strange. He still gathers the courage and prays to Shri Sai Baba

daily, but rather than with heart of love, it is a heart of fear.


Since August, this is still going on. I am praying to Baba to help him to 'snap

out of it' but I was wondering if any Sai devotees have any advice I can pass on

to him.


I have never heard of anything like this before, so I don't know what to tell

him. He says that maybe Baba is angry with him for something or not helping

him for something he has done since he has read Baba's saying that if God

doesn't approach a devotee, the fault is with the devotee.


I just pray to Baba that if this is the case, to show him the fault so that he

can rectify it. He doesn't know what to do. But I have seen how his life is

being wasted away over the past few months. His psychological state has gone

from being healthy to rather depressed and always sad.


Please help and/or pray for my friend.


Thanking you all from the bottom of my heart.


May Baba bless you always.


Om Shri Sai Ram

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"Felicia Gironda" <fgironda

Thu Mar 30, 2006 10:27pm

Re: [saibabanews] Please help! Advice for my friend


Om Sri Sai Ram Dr.Akhil

What was he watching on tv that August day ? Any image , sound,

smell, taste and/or touch can set off a cascade of memories-perhaps

this is some Karma he must resolve now in order to continue his

Dharma. He should be placed on our prayer list, as he needs Divine

contact more than ever.

At His Lotus Feet, F. Gironda




"Ranganath" <brngupta

Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:44am

RE: [saibabanews] Please help! Advice for my friend




What i can suspect, is - when he started blaming GOD, for his

mistakes, and, mis fortune, he might be thrown himself, into these

mentally unstable, fearful state.


The only cure might be, he shoud start thinking like, he's only

responsible for all his mis fortune, and, his bad karma, in the past

or present year is only the cause, and, that's no one else's fault,

and, it is not even GOD's mistake.


He may start praying the lord, SRI ANJANEYA, can start listening to

ANJANEYA's songs (and, if possible, chanting SRI ANJANEYAM... or,

the complete Sri Anjaneya Dandakam), now, and, then, and, may

slowly, comeout of the fearful state, and, become confident, and,








Fri Mar 31, 2006 3:57am

Re: [saibabanews] Please help! Advice for my friend



Please ask your friend and fellow student to follow what is best for

him at the moment.Nothing will happen to him.He is totally safe.

When the time is correct he will follow the path most suitable to

his evolving spirituality.

I send my Divine blessings to him.

Brother and Sai devotee.

Dr.David Lyons.




vetri Jayaprakasan <vejaya70

Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:17am

Re: [saibabanews] Please help! Advice for my friend


Dear Friend,


I pray that your friend keeps his mind in light.Right now, it seems

that your friend is in the grip of fear and doubt.He needs to

practice psychological clairty.I have a online course on How to

practice psychological clarity in everyday living? Ask your friend

to register for the course.


We all have our down times.Thats Ok. But how we respond to our

downtimes decides our destiny.I am sure once your friend undergoes

this four week course, he will be able to connect withhimself and

with God.


Here is the link http://www.hermeticuniversityonline.com/


Hope it is helpful.


Much love






m w <maheshwariiyer123

Fri Mar 31, 2006 10:17am

Re: [saibabanews] Please help! Advice for my friend


sai ram

i was wonder stuck reading the condition of ur friend ask ur

friend to have swami's vibuti with him always and meditate listening

to bhajans as i do listen to bhajans when depressed and just

relax .may swami help him always my sincere prayers to baba to help

ur friend

sai ram




"cragunathan" <cragunathan

Fri Mar 31, 2006 7:41pm

Re: Please help! Advice for my friend


Sairam Dr.Akhil,


Sorry to hear about your friend's sudden illness since last Fall.


>From a medical point of view, this sounds like Anxiety Neurosis /

Panic Attacks.He needs medication ( Paxil ) and counselling.


>From a spiritual point of view,it will be helpful for him to always

carry Swami's Healing Golden Lingam Photo and a packet of Vibhuti /

Udhi in his shirt pocket at all times.


Hope this helps.......



In Sai Love and Seva,


Ragu. 3-31-06







saibabanews, DrAkhilG wrote:


> Dear Sai Devotees


> Om Shri Sai Ram


> I was wondering if I could please get some help and advice for my


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continue to push himself to pray when down....he is hoping for light...with

baba's love and grace-that too will happen soon. Also, on a rather even more

personal note, i will share with you that there is a very close member of my

family going thru issues too at present...i have talked and talked to them but

to no avail....they pray to god (a form of their choosing) and i continue my

heart felt prayers at Baba Swami's feet......i can "feel" the light and love

for the family memebr and have come to the understanding that without prayers

and devotion there is nothing .... So, on that note, i hope u have some

solace....for my friend, all i can give is a heartfelt prayers and offer a few

words of comfort that things WILL come about for the good of all..... You

must have heard..."Bhagwan ke ghar me der he...undher nahin!"...."Lekin mere

Bhagwan Baba Swami ke ghar me der nahin...aur ujala hi ujala he!"...... Smile

....be happy ...and make one other person happy today ;-) bakula x

DrAkhilG (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote: Dear Sai Devotees Om Shri Sai Ram I was wondering

if I could please get some help and advice for my friend. He is a 22 year old

student studying in London, and until recently, he was a very stong Sai


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As Bakula is saying, the great truth is that your friend is still

praying. If he is clinging on to God by as little as the shiny stub

on the end of one bootstrap, God will hold him.


It just could be that his mind has been invaded by a tramp soul ~ a

restless spirit from the lower realms. Surely a spiritual remedy is

the best way to throw such a "spiritual burglar" out of the "house"

of his mind. Psychologically, the best remedy for fear is trust in

God, abundantly affirmed. The remedy for spiritual darkness is to

turn on the Light and look at it. Where there is Light, no darkness

can live. First do it, mechannically if need be, and in time he will

come to believe it or know it as true. Is your friend willing to do

a short japa affirmation of Truth, repeated frequently throughout

each day, and especially over and over again when his body is ready

to go to sleep and his mind wants to stop him?


If so, I would suggst he choose something that he can quickly learn.

For example, "I am the sphere of eternal light. It permeates every

particle of my being. I am living in that Light. The divine Spirit

fills me within and without".


Where in London is he? I too am in London. The Sai Group I lead

(Camden, alternate Wednesdays, including tomorrow if he chooses to

come) uses from time to time an English bhajan "I am love, I am

Light, I am loved, I am Spirit, and I feel so free. I am safe and

secure and I know that Baba will heal me, free me. Sai Ram." When I

read your story, this bhajan came to mind because it seems to me so

exactly the relevant truth, soo precisely the diametric opposite of

what his mind is saying. We have the bhajan on cassette, I can send

him a copy if he wants and gives me his address. He can play it

until it penetrates his subconscious and he starts to silently chant

it within in his unguarded moments instead of the negative mind-talk

that the liar, the invader, in his mind is feeding him.


Sai Ram,







saibabanews, DrAkhilG wrote:


> Dear Sai Devotees

> Om Shri Sai Ram

> I was wondering if I could please get some help and advice for my

friend. .....

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