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Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba - The King of Kings - The God of Gods

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disciples or devotees into My fold or any fold. I have come to tell you of this

universal unitary faith, this Atmic principle, this Path of Love, the Dharma of

Prema, this Duty of Love, this Obligation to Love. (Sathya Sai Speaks. Vol. VI,

227.) Why does the sun rise and set every day without delay or disruption? Why

do these streams and rivers roar, murmur, and gossip over rock, pebble, and

sand, as they meander to the parent sea? This is the answer: Know that I am the

One who has ordained that these be such and shall behave so. I am everything,

everywhere, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. My power is immeasurable.

Tune into it. When compared to it, the power of the sun is like a baby's

breathing to a typhoon. I am ever new and ever ancient. I come always for

restoring righteousness, tending the virtuous, and educating the 'blind.' I am

the Lord who causes

Creation, Preservation and Dissolution. There is no substance, no reality other

than Me. I am the Primal Cause and Primal Substance. In this Human Form, all

Divine Entities, all Divine Principles -- that is to say, all the Names and

Forms ascribed by man to God -- are manifest. The same Divine Compassion that

blessed Dhruva, saved Gajendra, restored Kuchela, and stood by Prahlada has

come to Earth as the Lord of all the worlds, Puttaparthi Sathya Sai, the King

of kings. I often tell you not to identify Me with this body. You do not

understand. You call Me by only one name and believe I have only one form. But

there is no name I do not bear and there is no form which is not Mine. Revere

any Name of God and the reverence reaches Me. I answer to whatever Name you

use. In the years to come, you will experience Me in different manifestations

of My Form. I declare that I am in everyone, in every being. The man who dies


to Me to receive him. The people who weep at his departure pray to Me to keep

him alive. I know both sides of the picture -- past and present, crime and

punishment, achievement and reward. So I carry out what is ust, though modified

by Grace. I am not affected one way or the other by the arrival of some into the

world or the departure of others. I require neither food nor sleep. If I needed

rest, I would not have incarnated. I have no need to see places. I am

everywhere, always! I have no craving for change or recreation. I am always in

a state of bliss. My only desire is to share My bliss with you, to encourage

you to lead lives full of bliss. Showering bliss is My task. My acts are all

selfless, sacred, and beneficial. I have never caused harm. I am the Servant of

everyone. I am establishing the path of Truth and Morality, the holy path to

God-Realisation. So My work will march triumphantly on. The person who can make

Me give up My

task in fear has not yet been born nor will he ever be born. The Lord is Love

itself. He comes in human form so that you can talk to Him, move with Him,

serve Him, and achieve Him. I am the Embodiment of Love. Love is my instrument.

Those who have recognized and experienced My Love can assert that they have

glimpsed My reality. The path of Love is the royal road that leads mankind to

Me. You may be seeing Me today for the first time, but you are all old

acquaintances of Mine. I know you through and through. No one can come to Me

without My calling him, even if a hundred people persuade, drag, or push him.

It is My Will that has brought every single one of you here to Me. No one can

understand my Mystery. I hold the universe in My Hand. But devotees learn of My

glory and majesty through My personal attention to each one of them. That I hold

the universe in My Hand yet at the same time fully care for the lives of My

devotees, even to the smallest detail, is a measure of My glory that devotees

can understand. No Avatar [incarnation of God] has done like this before, going

among the masses, counseling them, uplifting them, and directing them. In no

previous era have men got so many clear intimations of the Advent of the

Avathar as now. So use this chance of association with Me as much as possible.

Try as quickly and as best you can to follow the directions that I give you. I

have now fallen into your grasp, the very Treasure that you have been searching

for. Your endeavour should be to draw near to Me and earn My Grace. Let me tell

you: There is no need for yoga [exercises], or tapas [penance], or even jnana

[knowledge]. I only ask you to fix your mind on Me, to dedicate it to Me. That

is all I demand and all that you need to do. Obeying My instructions is enough.

It will benefit you more than the most rigorous asceticism. Practise

Truth, Righteousness, Peace, and Love, which are dear to Me. Resolve to keep

these ideals before you, always, in all your thoughts, words, and deeds. That

will confer on you the ultimate good of Mergence in the Supreme Substance of

Divinity. Come and stay at Prasanthi Nilayam. Move with Me and experience My

company and conversation. I never utter a word that does not have significance

or do a deed without beneficial consequence. Listen to Me, watch Me. Then form

your conclusions. Dive in and know the depth. Eat and know the taste. To

partake of Swami's love, you have to spend nothing except the cost of travel.

But even that is a sacred offering. Regard the expenses of your Puttaparthi

trip not as a cost, but as a blessing. Without that expenditure, you cannot get

this Grace. We have no right to get anything without giving something. Likewise,

unless you make some small sacrifice, you cannot have the blissful experience

you get here. Come to me, eager to learn, to progress, to see yourself in Me,

and I shall certainly welcome you and show you the way. You will indeed be

blessed. Don't come with your hands full of trash for how can I fill them with

Grace when they are already full? Come with empty hands and carry away My

Treasure, My Love. My best gift is Love. Devotees should strive to acquire

that. Sai Krishna will install Himself in the lotus of your heart. He will be

ever with you as guard and guide and will shower Grace upon you. He will be

your Mother, Father, and Preceptor, your Nearest Kinsman; He will be your All

in all. Nothing will harm you if you turn your attention toward Him. Bring me

the depths of your mind, no matter how grotesque, no matter how ravaged by

doubts and disappointments. I will not reject you. I am your Mother. No matter

where you go, I will be there, inside you, guiding every step of the way. You

are my very own, dearer

than dear to Me. I will protect you as the eyelids protect the eyes. This

article was not derived from a single source, but is a compilation from

Bhagavan's teachings. References for the various quotes may be found at:

http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/1766/73rd.html Source:


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