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A recollection of Swami's Divine Messages for Christmas [2]

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A recollection of Swami's Divine Messages for Christmas [2]

Develop the love of God. All other forms of love are not love at all, but only

fleeting and impermanent attachments. Man's biggest folly is forgetting his

divinity. All should realize that they come from God. All are children of God.

Everyone should seek to get nearer and nearer to God. That is sadhana. You must

feel that God dwells in your heart ( Hridayavaasi). You must develop compassion

in the heart, because without it the heart is only a stone.

That is the message of Jesus - the message of love. Love is God. Live in love.

Start the day with love. Spend the day with love. End the day with love. This

is the way to God. Only the person who is filled with love will be dear to the


Today there are devotees here from many countries - Germany, Japan and others.

Whatever happiness you may have experienced here, you will have to go back to

your countries when your money is exhausted or your visa expires. Your aim must

be to acquire a permanent visa to stay here permanently. That is got by God's

grace. You can get it through love and love alone. When you have that love,

your proximity to God is ensured for ever.

Embodiments of Love! There is love in everyone of you. Develop that love. Share

it with others. When you have this love there is no need for you to go in

search of ashrams. There are some foolish persons who go on hopping from one

ashram to another. This is sheer folly. There is no need to go anywhere. The

Divine is in your heart. Adhere to one belief firmly. Do not change your faith

from day to day. Follow one path with firm faith. That is the Love principle.

Divine Discourse: December 25, 1996

Where there is love, there is no room for hatred. Do not be envious of anyone.

When this evil quality appears, Love takes to flight. A pure heart is the abode

of Love. Where there is Purity, there is Unity. Unity leads to divinity.

Today Purity is absent. How, then, do you realize Divinity? You must offer

everything to God without any desire. Dedicate your all to God. This was the

teaching of Jesus. He considered everything as an offering to God.

When he was being nailed on the cross, people around were weeping. At that

moment an ethereal voice declared: "All are one, My dear Son! Be alike to

everyone. " Jesus declared: "Death is the dress of life." Just as we change our

clothes, we change also our bodies. The bodies are vestures (for the indwelling

Spirit). Hence bodies should be regarded as mere vestures. We should not worry

about the body.

How many heed such sayings? You must learn to lead ideal lives. That is the

right way to observe the birthday of Christ. Few care to observe the ideals of

the great teachers.

Christ was the victim of envious persons who were opposed to His teachings and

who leveled accusations against Him. Devotees of God should not mind the

criticisms of envious persons. All good people have to face such troubles. They

should treat everything as meant for their good.

Divine Discourse: December 25, 1997

When Jesus was born three Arabian kings came to see Him. They were overjoyed at

seeing the newborn babe. While returning, the first king said to Mary, "Mother,

you have given birth to a child who loves God." The second king said, "Mother

you have given birth to a child who will be loved by God." The third king said,

"Mother Mary your child is not different from God, both are one and the same."

Once we understand the inner meaning of these three statements, we will know

the truth. The one who loves God is the Messenger of God; the one whom God

loves is the Son of God; the one who understands the principle of unity becomes

one with God.

Worship Jesus by following His ideals. Jesus pointed to three stages. The first

one is, "I am the Messenger of God." He wanted to propagate the message of God.

The second one is, "I am the Son of God." The son has a claim to father's

property. What is the property of God? Truth, Love, Forbearance, Peace and

Righteousness are the properties of God. So, man has to strive to attain these

qualities. He has to practice, experience and propagate these virtues. Only

then man deserves to be called Son of God. The third one is "I and My Father

are One." This stage is attained when the principle of unity is realized. When

Jesus reached this stage, He had no suffering at all. He was always blissful

and was prepared for anything. Even at the time of crucifixion, Jesus was

smiling, because he realized that He was not the body. Body is bound to perish,

but the indweller has no birth and death. Truly speaking the indweller is God

Himself. Jesus understood that

body was merely vesture, and He was the indweller.

You should have the firm faith that you are the Messenger of God. Propagate

Swamis message to the entire world. Some people may like it and some may not.

Do not bother about what others say, be it "yes" or "no." 'No' and 'yes' relate

only to you, but for Sai everything is yes, yes, yes. There are no defects in

God. All words and deeds of God are perfect. You see the reflection, reaction

and resound of your feelings. They are psychological in nature. God always

gives good alone. Understand and experience this truth.

Divine Discourse: December 25, 1998

Today (Christmas) is mainly celebrated by Christians, but do not make the

mistake that it is only for Christians. It is a holy and happy occasion to be

celebrated by the entire mankind. Get rid of religious and philosophical

differences and enlarge your mind (Matha - religion and Mathi - mind). You

house the single divinity only in your heart. Then the entire humanity becomes

a single race. There is only one religion in the universe and that is divine

love (Prema). The one without this principle of love in his heart is not a

Christian, Muslim nor a Sikh and is no better than a demon. This principle of

complete unity of all religions is now manifested only in Prasanthi Nilayam.

Imagine what a phenomenon it is that Christians from so many countries in this

world have joined together here to celebrate Christmas. There are people from

sixty-four countries assembled here. They are all of one heart. This is true

devotion. Swami

reiterates it is not a celebration for Christians only but is a holy occasion

for the entire humanity. It is the desire of Swami that such differences are

completely eradicated.

Divine Discourse: December 25, 1999

Source: http://www.saidarshan.org/baba/docs/christmas.html


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