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A recollection of Swami's Divine Messages for Christmas [3]

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A recollection of Swami's Divine Messages for Christmas [3]

Today you have to remind yourselves of the ideals Jesus stood for. For ages,

from time to time, many noble souls, endowed with immense spiritual power, have

taken birth to propagate sacred teachings to the world. They struggled hard to

make the world a good place to live in. But without understanding their noble

intentions, foolish people tried to ridicule and persecute them. Right from his

birth, Jesus had to face many trials and tribulations. When the name and fame of

noble souls spread far and wide, many people become jealous. Asuya (jealousy)

and Anasuya (absence of jealousy) are sisters. The history of Bharat is replete

with many examples that bear testimony to this truth. Asuya has three children,

viz, kama, krodha and dwesha (desire, anger and hatred). The Divine Trinity of

Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheswara were born to Anasuya. The three wicked sons of

Asuya (i.e. desire, anger ,and hatred) caused a great deal of suffering to

Jesus, who strove tirelessly for the

peace and welfare of society. Jesus was the epitome of compassion and the refuge

of the poor, needy and forlorn. But many people tried to create troubles for

Jesus, since they did not like his sacred teachings and activities. Their

hatred for Jesus increased day by day. Even the priests turned against Jesus as

they became jealous of his growing popularity. The fishermen held Jesus in high

esteem. They started following his teachings and became his disciples. Many

people out of jealousy laid obstacles in his path and even tried to kill him.

Jesus had twelve disciples. Judas was the twelfth disciple, who ultimately

betrayed Jesus. At that time, there was only one Judas, but today there are

many such 'Judases'. Today the world is engulfed in unrest because of the rise

in the number of betrayers like Judas. They are so mean-minded that they are

easily tempted by money. Judas betrayed Jesus for just a few pieces of silver.

Even two thousand years ago, money became the primary objective of man. Because

of their greed for money, people resort to evil and unjust ways, distort the

truth, and make false propaganda. This was the case then and it is so even now.

No one needs to be afraid of such false allegations. Why should one be afraid of

the mistake that one has not committed? In the past, many evil-minded people

were jealous of the divine personalities who attained worldwide fame through

their teachings of truth and righteousness. Even today there is no dearth of

such wicked people.

Ultimately, what happened to Judas? He felt miserable for having betrayed Jesus

for monetary gains. He shed tears of repentance. He hit himself, saying, "Fie

on me! I am a traitor. I betrayed my own master and God." Betrayal of God is

the worst of all sins. Such betrayal can never be atoned in any number of

births. So, never try to betray God. Love all. Salute even those who criticise

you,because Divinity is present in all. Do not give scope for anger and spoil

your mind. Pray to God with love. Even in the past, all noble souls and

incarnations had to put up with criticism.

Consider love as your very life. Love alone makes one's life sacred. One with

love alone is a true human being. Love is man. Man is love. Man is God and God

is love. It is love that unifies all. So, develop love. Tread the path of truth

and righteousness and lead a peaceful life. These four values are the life

supporting principles. There are no greater powers, no greater ideals, and no

greater supports than these human values of Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, and Prema.

Adhere to these four values and carry on with your life sojourn.

Divine Discourse: December 25, 2000

No spiritual practice can yield the desired result if the senses are misused.

Have sacred vision. Speak good words. Hear only what is good. Entertain noble

thoughts. There is no greater spiritual practice than this. This was the

teaching of Buddha. The same was taught by Jesus too.

The fishermen wanted Jesus to fulfil their worldly desires. Peter wanted more

fish. But ultimately, he realised the futility of worldly desires. He wanted to

go beyond the level of body and the mind as per the teaching of Jesus. Jesus

told them to give up hatred and to love all and serve all. He exhorted them to

develop faith in the principle of unity. Many disciples of Jesus interpreted

the teachings of Jesus in their own way.

When he was being crucified, he heard an ethereal voice, "All are one my dear

son, be alike to everyone ". When the mother Mary was shedding tears, Jesus

told her, "Death is the dress of life." Death is like changing of dress. Do you

find anybody wearing the same dress every day? Just as you change your dress

every day, you change the body from birth to birth. It is the body that dies,

not the life principle. The Spirit is immortal and non-dual. To realise the

non-dualistic nature of the Spirit was true wisdom, said Jesus.

Mathew was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. He was an income tax collector

by profession and used to meet the fishermen to collect taxes. Jesus used to

impart sacred teachings to the fishermen everyday. Mathew noted down all his

teachings and wrote the holy Bible. Later on, many others wrote the Bible based

on their own feelings. Nowhere has Jesus ever stated that he was God or the

Master. He always addressed God as his Father. He has shown the path to

experience unity. He never gave scope for multiplicity. He always said that all

were divine.

Divine Discourse: December 25, 2001

Jesus was a noble soul. He declared that he was the son of God, but he never

said that he was God. When Jesus was born, three royal wise men from the east

were guided by a star to a cowshed in Bethlehem where the baby Jesus lay in a

manger. He was radiating divine effulgence. The first of them said, "This child

will love God." The second said, "He will be loved by God." The third said, "He

will love one and all. He is not different from God." The one who loves God is

the messenger of God; the one whom God loves is the son of God; the one who

understands the principle of unity becomes one with God. This is the inner

meaning of the statements given in the Bible. The one you think you are; the

one others think you are and the one you really are. You should understand the

import of these statements.

God is not moved simply by sweet words. You must translate those sweet words

into action. You may be a great hero in giving lectures on a platform, but if

you are a zero in putting them into action, it will be of no use. You must

become heroes in practical life. That is what gives Me happiness. Jesus Christ

and Mohammad were highly noble. How could they acquire such greatness and

goodness? It was only by their good deeds. Therefore, you must acquire goodness

along with greatness. In fact, goodness is greater than greatness. Several great

souls took birth in this land of Bharat. Saint Thyagaraja in one of his famous

Kirtans sang, "Endaro Mahanubhavulu, Andariki Vandanamulu ?" (there are several

great souls, I prostrate before all of them). A great saint Thyagaraja himself,

exhibited such humility.

Whoever has acquired the quality of love will never be hated by others. Even the

wild animals will not harm you when you have love. The great rishis of yore

spent their lives peacefully in dense forests amidst wild animals. The wild

animals fought among themselves, but they did not cause any harm to these

rishis. What is the reason? The rishis possessed one single weapon of love

which protected them from these wild animals. In fact, these wild animals also

used to love these great rishis. What man has to acquire is this great weapon

of love. Love alone can protect us, not atom bomb or hydrogen bomb. Consider My

own example. I have one and only weapon, that is love. Because of this, millions

of people from every nook and corner of the globe gather around Me. Did I ever

send any invitation to you? No. It is only My pure and unsullied love that

draws you here.

Divine Discourse: December 25, 2002

Source: http://www.saidarshan.org/baba/docs/christmas.html


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