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Bhagavatha Vahini, Chapter 2 - The Birth of a Bhagavatha

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Bhagavatha VahiniThe story of God and his DevoteesWritten by Bhagavan Sri Sathya

Sai BabaDownload this Vahini


Chapter 2

The Birth of a Bhagavatha

Maharaja Parikshith was the very self of Abhimanyu, who had attained the

Heavenly Abode of Heroes. When Parikshit was an embryo, growing in the womb of

Uttara, he saw the sharp arrow let off by Aswatthama flying towards him,

emitting sparks of fury and terror, bent on his destruction. But, at that very

moment, he saw also, a Person of Brilliant Charm armed with a Terrific Wheel,

breaking that death-dealing arrow into a hundred pieces. The royal foetus was

filled with wonder and gratitude.


(see also Srimad Bhagavatam Chapter 12: Birth of Emperor Parikshit)

He pondered deep on the identity of his Saviour. "Who is he? He must also be

dwelling in this womb, with me, because he could see the arrow at the very

moment I saw it! But, he has such intrepidity and skill that he could destroy

it before it reached me. Can he be a uterine brother? How could he get hold of

that wheel? If he is endowed with a wheel, how did I miss having it? No; He is

no mortal." He argued thus for a long time within himself.

He could not forget that Face, that Forms. He was a Boy, with the splendour of a

million suns. He was benign, blissful, blue like the clear sky. After saving him

so dramatically and so mercifully, he had disappeared. He had the Form always

before him, for, he was seeking to see it again. Whomsoever he saw, he examined

to find out whether that form corresponded with the Form he had reverentially

fixed in his mind.

Thus he grew in the womb, contemplating that Form. That contemplation

transformed him into a splendour-filled baby. When at the end of the period of

gestation, he was born into the world, the lying-in-room was lit by a strange

light. The female attendants of Uttara were dazzled by the brilliance. Their

wits were overcome by wonder.

Recovering herself, Subhadra mother of Abhimanyu sent word to Yudhishtira, the

eldest of the Pandavas announcing the birth. The Pandava brothers were

overwhelmed with joy, when they heard the glad tidings for which they were

waiting anxiously. They ordered that bands play, and guns be fired, in honour

of the event, for, a scion had been born for the royal family, a successor to

the Pandava throne.

The people heard the peal of guns and sought the reason for the joy. They rushed

towards Indraprastha in large masses of enthusiasm. Every corner of the kingdom

gushed with joy at this event. Within minutes, the City was transformed into a

heavenly garden, fit for Gods to give audience to men. Yudhishtira distributed

several varieties of sweets to all who came. He granted several cows as gifts

to Brahmins. He instructed the ladies of the court to give golden caskets full

of saffron and kumkum to women. Brahmins were awarded silk clothes, and

precious gems. Citizens were transported with joy, for the dynasty had now

secured an heir. Night and day, they reveled in hilarious exultation.

Next day, Yudhishtira called the family priest, Kripacharya and performed the

rite of Jatha-karma (first cleansing) to the infant. He satisfied the Brahmins

by gifts of various costly jewels. The scholars and priests blessed the child

and returned home.

On the third day, Yudhishtira called to his presence renowned astrologers as

well as famous palmists and soothsayers, for, he was very eager to know whether

the fair name of the kingdom and its culture would be safe in the hands of the

prince who had come to carry the burden of the state. He received them at the

palace with traditional hospitality; they were given appropriate seats in the

hall; they were offered scents and silks.

The king bowed before them and joining his palms in reverential adoration, he

prostrated before them, and prayed, "0, wise men, who know the past, present

and future, examine the horoscope of the infant that is born, calculate the

positions of stars and constellations, and the planetary influences that will

guide his life and tell me how the future will be shaped." He noted the exact

time of birth and placed the note on a golden plate, before them.

The Pundits took that note and drew up the plan of planetary positions, and

studied it with great care. They communicated to one another their increasing

joy as they began to draw conclusions; they were in great joy themselves; they

could not get words to express their amazement.

The doyen of the group, a great Pundit, at last rose and addressed King

Yudhishtira thus. "Maharaja! I have till this day examined well nine thousands

of horoscopes and prepared concerned plans of the zodiacs and constellations.

But, I must admit I have never yet come across a more auspicious grouping than

is indicated in this horoscope. Here, all the signs of good augury have

assembled in one moment, the moment of this prince's birth. The moment

indicates the State of Vishnu Himself! All the virtues will gather in this

child. Why describe each glory separately, the great Manu has again come into

your dynasty ."

Yudhishtira was happy that the dynasty had such good fortune. He was indeed

overpowered by joy. He folded his palms and bent low before the scholars who

had given him such good news. "This family is lucky to claim such a gem as its

scion, through the blessings of elders and of pundits like you as well as the

blessings of the Lord, who is our guardian. You say that the boy will develop

all virtues and will accumulate fame. But of what use is all that if, he has

not acquired the quality of reverence towards Pundits, Sadhus and Brahmins?

Please look into the horoscope once again and tell me whether he will have that


The leader of the group of astrologers replied: "You need entertain no doubt on

that score. He will revere and serve the gods and the brahmins. He will perform

many Yajnas, and Yagas, prescribed in the ancient texts. He will earn the glory

that your ancestor Bharatha won. He will celebrate even the Aswamedha. He will

spread the fame of this line all over the world. He will win all things that

gods or men covet. He will outdistance all those who have gone before him."

They extolled him thus in various ways to their hearts' content. They stopped

because they were nervous to recount all the excellences; they feared they

might be charged with exaggeration and flattery if they continued to detail the

conclusions they had drawn from the horoscope of the baby.

Yudhishtira was not satisfied; he wanted to hear more from them of the

excellences of the character of the Prince. Pundits were encouraged by this

yearning. They said, "0 King, You seem to be eager to know about some more

aspects of the child's fortune. We shall only be too glad to answer any

specific question that you may feel inclined to put us."

Noting their enthusiasm, Yudhishtira came forward and asked them, "During the

regime of this Prince, will there be any great war? If war is inevitable, will

he achieve victory? 'No', said the Pundits, He will not be pestered by any foe.

He knows no failure or defeat in any undertaking of his. This is absolutely

true, an unshakable truth."

Hearing this, Yudhishtira and the brothers Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva

looked at each other and shared great joy.

Meanwhile, Yudhishtira began to speak. He had said, "If that is so...", but,

before he could complete the sentence, he hung his head and was plunged in

thought. The Pundits noticed it; they said, "You seem to be anxious to know

something more. You have only to ask, we shall readily answer all questions."

"Of course, I am happy at all the answers you have given. He will be virtuous,

famous, triumphant over all, loving and kind, treating all equally; he will

perform many yajnas and yagas; he will have no enemies; he will bring honour to

the dynasty and restore its reputation. All this gives me great joy. But,... I

would like to know also, how he will meet his end." The brothers saw

Yudhishtira getting rather upset at the anxiety which agitated him over this

problem. His voice had faltered a bit, when he put the question.

They consoled him and said, "Why worry about that at this stage? The end has to

come some day, some way. It is something that cannot be avoided. Something will

cause it; some circumstance will bring it about. Birth involves the contingency

of death. We are afraid, the extreme joy of this incident has queered your line

of thought a bit. We think this much is enough. We shall leave the rest, in the

realm of doubt; let us not probe further. Let us leave it to God."

But, Yudhishtira could not somehow give up his desire to know how such a

virtuous ideal Prince would end his career on earth. He imagined it must be a

truly wondrous finale to a glorious life. So, he wanted the astrologers to tell

him about it.

The scholars set about the calculations again and took a pretty long time over

it. Watching this, the King became excited; he hastened them and pressed for a

quick answer. They gave the reply, "This prince will give up his kingdom as the

result of a sage's curse." Yudhishtira wondered how such a paragon of virtue can

ever invoke upon himself the curse of a sage. He was shocked at the possibility.

Meanwhile, the Pundits said, "Our calculations show that he will be bitten by a

serpent." Yudhishtira lost heart at this news. All his joy evaporated in a

moment. He became very sad and dispirited.

Bhajan: Manasa Bhajare Guru Charanam


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