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Bhagavatha Vahini, Chapter 8 - Dhritharashtra Transformed

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Source: http://www.vahini.org/bhagavata/chapter8.html


Bhagavatha Vahini

The story of God and his DevoteesWritten by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai BabaDownload this Vahini


Chapter 8

Dhritharashtra Transformed

Dhritharashtra and Gandhari reached the forest, along with Vidura. Vidura

searched for a site where they could practise austerities. He also advised them

on the best means of seeking self-realisation. They spent the days in holy

company and holy thoughts.

Meanwhile in Hasthinapura, as soon as the sun rose, Dharmaraja woke up, finished

his ablutions and performed the ritual worship of the "Household Fire." He gave

away in charity the usual daily gifts to the needy. He then proceeded on foot

towards the palace of Dhritharashtra, his paternal uncle, as was his wont, for

he never began his daily round of duties without taking on his head the dust of

his feet. The king and queen were not found in their chambers. So, he waited for

some little time expecting them to return thereto, searching for them all

around, even while he was waiting anxiously for their return. He noticed

however that the beds were not slept upon, the pillows did not bear marks of

use, the pieces of furniture were undisturbed. He doubted for a moment that the

rooms might have been reset by someone after use, but, no, some fear got hold of

him that they must have left, so, he hurried towards the room of Vidura to

discover that he too had fled,

his bed was unused.

The attendants reported that the sage did not return to his room from the king

and queen to whom he had gone. As soon as he heard this, Dharmaraja had a

shock. He went back to the palace and searched every room with great care and

his worst fears were confirmed. His hands and feet shivered in despair, his

tongue became dry, words did not emerge from his mouth. He fell on the floor,

as if life had ebbed out. Recovering, he blabbered indistinctly. He called on

Vidura, more than once, and the officers around him became afraid of his

future. Everyone rushed to the presence, asking, "What happened?" sensing some

calamity. They stood in a circle, awaiting orders from the master.

Just then, Sanjaya came there, all of a sudden. Dharmaraja rose and caught hold

of both his hands: "My parents have gone, alas, I found their chambers empty.

Why did they behave like this? Have they disclosed anything to you, tell me. If

I know where they have gone, I could fall at their feet and crave pardon for all

my failings. Tell me quick, Sanjaya, where have they gone." He too had no

knowledge of their whereabouts. He only knew that Vidura must be at the bottom

of the whole affair. He too shed tears, and holding Dharmaraja's hands in his,

he said in a voice that shook with tremor, "Lord and Master, believe me, I am

speaking the truth. Of course, Dhritharashtra used to consult me and ask for my

suggestions even in small matters but, in this affair, he has acted without

discussing with me or even informing me. I am struck with wonder at this act.

Though I was near him, I did not in the least know about his journey. I cannot

also guess why he should have done

so. I never dreamt that he would deceive me thus. He showed me some respect and

had some confidence in me. But he has played me false. I can only say that this

is my bad luck" Sanjaya started weeping like a child.

Dharmaraja consoled him, saying that it was really the consequence of his own

sins, and not Sanjaya's. "The extent of our bad luck can be gauged from this.

Our father left us even while we were children; this uncle brought us up from

that tender age. We were revering him and tending him, as both father and

uncle. I must have perpetrated some error out of ignorance, I am incapable of

doing so, consciously. Both uncle and aunt were broiling in the agony of the

loss of their hundred sons. I was eager to offer them some little peace and so

myself and my four brothers were wholeheartedly serving them so that they might

not remember the anguish of their terrible loss. We took care that no little

point was missed while serving them. There was no dimunition of reverence or

affection. Alas, that they should have left this place! What a tragedy, what a

terrible blow!", lamented Dharmaraja.

"My uncle and aunt are both aged and weak, besides, they are blind. I cannot

understand how they managed to leave this place. How they must be suffering

now! Not even one attendant accompanied them. Of what benefit are these large

numbers that I have? Groping along, they might have fallen into the Ganges, by

now. 0, how unlucky I am! I fostered them both like the apple of the eye and at

last, I have allowed them to meet this tragic fate." Dharmaraja was beating his

breast and expressing his deep distress.

The brothers heard the lamentation and they flew fast to the side of the weeping

Dharmaraja. Kunthi, the mother, also inquired anxiously the reason for the

grief. She peeped into the chambers and not finding Gandhari or her

brother-in-law, she asked Sanjaya what had happened to them. Sanjaya could not

reply, he could only shed tears. "Where have they gone, in their aged and

helpless condition? Tell me," she cried, but no one could answer. Meanwhile,

Dharmaraja called the brothers to his side and made some gestures which they

could not understand aright. Then, he mustered courage and rose from the

ground. He managed to narrate to them the happenings since sunrise; he asked

Bhima to send forces in all directions to search for them and find them, for

they would not have gone far, since they were blind and could not travel fast;

they must be groping their way.

Bhima, Nakula and Sahadeva obeyed their brother's order and sent troops in all

directions. They rummaged all the roads, lanes and by-lanes, peeped into wells,

searched in all tanks and lakes, but, could found no trace of the blind couple.

Believing that they must have fallen into the Ganges, they got experts to scour

the banks and even dive into the waters to discover their fate. All their

efforts were in vain. So, the Pandava brothers were sunk in grief that they

could not save the king and queen from that horrid fate.

Meanwhile, Dhritharashtra and Gandhari were joyfully contemplating on God,

seated in prescribed postures with their mind rigorously under control. When

they were thus lost in Divine contemplation, and immersed in that supreme joy,

a huge forest fire swept along, consuming them too in its fierce onslaught.

Vidura had a great desire to cast off his body at the holy centre of

Prabhasaksethra and so, he escaped the fire and, filled with joy at the immense

good fortune of the couple, he continued his pilgrimage and reached the place

which he had chosen as the scene of his exit. There, he cast off his body,

which was composed of the five elements, and which therefore, was material and



(See also Srimad Bhagavatam, Chapter 13: Dhritharashtra quits home)

Bhajan: Bhava Bhaya Harana Vandita Charana



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