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The Spring of Divine Sakthis

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( Twelve Concomitant Proofs of Divine Majesty )


Dr K M. Munshi, a great follower of Gandhiji, one of the architects of free

India, a famous Gujarati writer and the founder of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, on

his first meeting with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, which took place on 15th

May, 1968, involuntary uttered “I came, I saw and I was conquered.”

Exactly after two months on 15th July 1968, while addressing a mammoth gathering

at Dharmakshetra, Bombay, Dr Munshi broke down with heart felt emotions and he

spoke these soul stirring words “I was pained to see around me the quick

decline of faith in God and earnestness in religion and I was on the brink of

despair when I contemplated the future of this ancient land. But as I look upo

Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and witness the transformation He is affecting in

the heart of millions, I am heartened and and happy.”

Dr. Samuel Sandweiss, M.D. the author of a popular book entitled "SAI BABA THE

HOLY MAN AND THE PSYCHIATRIST," has written about his personal and unique

experiences with Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Prior to writing this book he

came specially from the U.S.A. with the intention of researching and

investigating. Ultimately he came to realize that Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

is Divine Incarnation of God. This is what be expressed in a letter to his

wife. “There is no doubt in my mind that Sai Baba is Divine. I astound myseIf

to say such a thing ! I believe, I cannot even communicate the experience. I

know alI this isn't hypnosis, mass delu­sion, hallucination, hysteria and

effect of cultural shock or drug intoxication. It is too simple to say I saw a

materialisation and then all of a sudden changed. I marvel at

the experience, unable to relate it fully, joyful that I am able to share it

with so many who are witnessing it. I believe, Baba to be an Incarna­tion of


Shri R. K. Karanjia, the Editor of a popular English Weekly 'BLITZ', on his

return from Putta­parthi after his first meeting with Baba, wrote in his paper

dated 11th September 1976 in bold capital let­ters, "GOD IS AN INDIAN." He went

on to write that during the darshans at Puttaparthi, "The impact or compact

between the devotees and their Bhagavan was immediate, electric, powerful. I

saw the poor devotees come first, the rich last. In the middle was I - a

sceptic, a critic, a Marxist who had in the past openly questioned and

criticised Sathya Sai Baba." He further adds in Blitz dated 25th Septem­ber

1976, "As I have already admitted the encounter was fantastic, almost

shattering one, that does not mean, that I have been bribed, bought,

hypnotised, converted or otherwise influenced by Baba."

In another article Mr. Karanjia writes, "He went on to amaze me with knowledge

of the most intimate developments affecting my life and work. He appeared also

to know beforehand the questions I had planned to ask. As soon as I began

asking one He would stop me with a gentle tap on the knee to begin answering

it. I never completed a question, still I got all the answers.

Source of this article: http://web1.mtnl.net.in/~sairam/spring.htm


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