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Swami arrived finally in Brindavan

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Sairam to brothers and sisters of the sai family,


Today was an unforgettable day. Swami arrived finally in Brindavan in His

physical form, for the summer time.


There have been talk of Swami arriving on the 31st, and everyone thought that it

was unlikely because of the election fever that is beginning to grip this

region. Many said that He won't come until around 15th April.


Each day visitors to the asram would discuss the possibilities of Swami coming,

but gradually it began to unfold from the events that were taking place at the

Asram that Swami would infact to be expected on the 31st.


What were those events ? Well, a good facelift to the main mandir (Ramesh Hall).

Cordoning off the gardening area around the Stores and the book shop. Painting

work etc., etc., Each day these works would progress at tremendous pace.


Then came Ramanavami on the 30th. The asram was beautifully decorated with

mango leaves and banana plants and the like and there was a 90 minutes bhajans

mostly on Rama and His Glory and ofcourse Sairam too. Prasadam was distributed

to all the devotees and visitors alike.


It was wonderful to watch the swelling of crowds day by day and particularly

foreign devotees were beginning to arrive in large numbers.


Then dawned the 31st. There were whispers in the air that Swami would come by

plane, would come by car, would arrive at the asram by 7 AM (before the boys

went to college), etc.,


Today(31st March), devotees were already lined up by 7 AM to have the darshan

and glimpse of our dear beloved lord.

Every 15 minutes there would be some whisper that He has left puttaparthy, and

is on his way. But by 9 AM it was evident that Swami would not be there for

somemore time. It is beautiful to see in action, when swamy says "love my



There were Banners both at the Canara Bank Gate as well as the Main gate, each

one facing the opposite side welcoming Swamy to Brindavan. Inside the

Brindavan, one such big banner read "Prayerful Welcome to Bhagavan Sri Sathya

Saibaba Garu".


Then around 9 AM the pipe music accompanied by "thavil" - a type of drum(it is

called Nadaswaram music locally), began to play at the gate. So everyone's neck

was craned towards the gate looking for Swami's car. But nothing happened.


Then someone actually turned the main gate road banner to turn towards the

railyway gate indicating that now swami is to be expected from the ITPL side

(Superspeciality hospital side).


Then there were lot of people rushing inside the Trayee Brindavan, making others

believe that Swami had already arrived via the Canara Bank Gate whereas most of

the devotees had lined up adjoining the main entrance at the book stores area.

Everyone rushed to the Trayee Gate only to find that there is no Swami.


Then finally around 10.50 AM Swami made a grand entrance through the main gates.

There were continuous shouts of "Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ki Jai" as also

loud chanting of "Sayeeshwaraya Vidmahe, Sathya Devaya Deemahi" Swami was

blissfully blessing everyone sitting inside a ash colour benz car. The car was

fully covered with the flowers thrown by the devotees and the police and other

seva dal were running beside the car cleaning the front wind shield so that the

driver can see outside and the devotees can have a glimpse of our dear beloved

Lord. Lot of devotees managed to hide the cocanuts from the Seva dal and

succeeded in breaking the cocanut in front of the car and beloved lord.


Of course except for a few, most reported that they could just catch a glimpse

of the curly hair (the beautiful hair of Swamy). And then many dispersed. But

Swamy gave a big surprise.


After sometime, Swamy was found emerging on the newly built balcony at Trayee

Brindavan. The lucky devotees who refused to leave the area and who had waited

patiently were rewarded indeed with Swamy blessing them from the balcony. There

was a wonderful shouting cheer from everyone those were present.


Then devotees dispersed. And one expected that there would be afternoon

darshan, even though no formal announcement was made. Devotees began to arrive

by 2 PM and took up their places and were finally ushered inside the Ramesh

hall by 3.45 PM. There must have been nearly a thousand plus devotees today.

However Swamy did not come. everyone waited patiently, but it became 4 PM, 4.15

PM, 4.30 PM, 4.45 PM and even 5 PM and everyone was impatient and thought that

there is not going to be any darshan and they are going announce cancellation

of darshan any moment now.


It became 5.15 PM. There was total silence at the Ramesh Hall. Suddenly the

instrumental music started indicating that Swami is on His way. Everyone was

happy indeed.


Swamy entered through the stage gate, and Wow ! How great He looked ! Just like

Krishna - Pale blue in the face, fresh as a rose and took tentative slow steps

with some support and walked to the Chair and the Bhajan started.


Swamy enjoyed the bhajans sung by the College boys. They must have sung about 6

Bhajans when Swami got up, took Aarti and left through the stage gate.


Thus ended a great day with everyone praying for wonderful days ahead at

Brindavan. Brindavan is live now - are you all able to feel and visualise the

pulse ?. It is not necessary that you should be physically present here. With

Swami, when we pass on these messages to our brothers and sisters, it is as if

Swami is Himself taking these messages to the hearts of each and every dear

brother and sister devotee.


May all of you have wonderful Sai news in the days ahead.


with sai pranams and love




PS: At the store good number of sales was going on Multimedia CD-ROMs of "my

life - My Message", and "Chinna Katha" in particular. There were huge

enquiries for Veda casettes, CDs and books. Many devotees were physically

registering their names to get the Books and VCD, CD-ROM catalogue list.


Incase you have not yet registered your name to receive the latest catalogue

list, please send an email to

srisathyasaisociety (AT) (DOT) co.in or srisathyasaisociety (AT) lovelyindia (DOT) com


and register your name. The Sathyasai Book Center and Brindavan, Bangalore,

would directly send you the catalogue and other information through email and

you can order them directly through email.


PPS: I apologise, due to ISP problem, this mail just did not go yesterday.

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