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Bhagawan's Discourse on 23rd August 2004, Do Constant Namasmarana for Mental Peace

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Do Constant Namasmarana for Mental Peace Text of the Divine Discourse delivered

by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 23rd August 2004 at Sai Kulwanth HallOh man!

You struggle hard in life merely for the sake of filling your belly. You acquire

myriad types of knowledge from various fields. Examine and enquire for yourself

what great happiness you have achieved by spending all the time from dawn to

dusk in acquiring worldly knowledge and earning wealth, while forgetting God.

(Telugu Poem) Embodiments of Love!Whether a pauper or a millionaire, one has to

eat. But, having attained the sacred human birth, it is unseemly of man to spend

his entire life merely for the sake of filling his belly. Why don't you spend a

few minutes in the contemplation of God, instead of spending your entire life

just to earn a living? There are of course a few people in this land of Bharat,

who are sanctifying their time and their environment in the contemplation of


but the vast majority are wasting their births in vain pursuits.Embodiments of

Love!It is not only in Srikakulam District, but in many other places all over

India, there are people who are struggling and straining to eke out their

livelihood. In spite of all the effort, they are unable to attain peace,

happiness and comfort. Only those who are spending their time in the

contemplation of God are able to experience peace and happiness. Those who

forget God and spend all their time and energy in mundane pursuits are bound to

suffer. Till this day, nobody has been able to enjoy mental peace and physical

comfort in full measure. The body is like a water bubble. It is nothing but a

bag full of bones. Mind is like a mad monkey. It is a mistake to strive for the

happiness of such a physical body and wavering mind. So long as one is alive,

one should make efforts to keep the body healthy, so that one may not cause

inconvenience to others. There are many who spend their

entire life for the sake of physical comforts and pleasures. It is only a few

who are not concerned with their mind and body, but are centred on eternal

peace and happiness. Human birth is meant to experience divinity and not to

crave for fleeting pleasures. Human body is a divine gift, which is being put

to improper use, instead of its proper purpose of adoring God. Do not be under

the mistaken notion that body is meant for eating and enjoying physical

pleasures only. Certain duties have been assigned to man by performing which he

will be able to experience happiness at the level of the body, mind, senses and

the spirit. One should enquire what the purpose of human birth is. The goal of

human birth is to work for release from the cycle of birth and death. This body

is a den of dirt, and prone to diseases; it is subject to change from time to

time; it cannot cross the ocean of Samsara. The body should be used as an

instrument to rise from the level of humanness to divinity. Human

life is sanctified only when we experience divinity. There are many people who

are making efforts in this direction. But only a few are able to realise the

truth and achieve the goal. One may undertake any type of activities, but one

should always aspire to attain peace of mind. Without peace of mind whatever

enterprise that man undertakes will only add to his restlessness. Embodiments

of Love!You are really fortunate to have come here all the way from Srikakulam

in spite of your financial constraints and various other difficulties. Swami is

very well aware of your aspirations. You have come here to experience divine

bliss. You were feeling sad that Swami has not spoken to you a word even after

two days of your stay here. In fact, last night you were all praying intensely.

In response to your sincere prayers, I have decided to address you this morning.

It is not My intention to satisfy you with just a discourse. I am ready to

extend all the help required to fulfil

your aspirations. Many of you are facing problems due to shortage of water. Some

of you do not have even proper food to eat. Food and water are very essential

for everyone. Do not give room to worry and anxiety. God is not stone-hearted.

He will certainly take care of your needs. His heart is filled with compassion.

Swami's concern for you is hundred times more intense than the concern you have

for yourselves. You need not be worried at all. Develop the feeling that

difficulties and suffering are for your own good. Even insurmountable

difficulties will vanish like thin mist when you have firm conviction. Hence,

do not be unduly perturbed about your problems. Difficulties come and go. Not

only the poor, even a millionaire cannot escape from difficulties. Swami

confers His blessings on you so that you will be relieved of your suffering

soon.You may consult the elders of your villages and take the help of those who

are willing to cooperate with you. I will see to it that there

is plenty of water available in your mountainous area. Do not be depressed or

bogged down by difficulties. Having put on the vesture of the human body, one

cannot escape from difficulties. The physical body may undergo suffering, but

you should make efforts to attain peace of mind. Mind is the basis for

happiness for everyone. All physical comforts will be of little use without

peace of mind. Only through contemplation of God can you attain peace of mind

and not by any other means. Hence, chant the Name of God incessantly unmindful

of the difficulties that come in your way. It is because of contemplation of

God's Name that you have been able to experience peace in spite of the

innumerable difficulties you faced. God is the refuge for the poor and the

forlorn. He is always with them through all the vicissitudes of life. Do not

think that God is in some distant land. God is by your side always. In fact, He

is present in the inner recesses of your heart. Never think that God is away

from you at any point of time. Neither friends nor relatives can come to your

rescue. God is your sole refuge. He will protect you under all circumstances.

In spite of numerous difficulties, Bharatiyas never swerved from the Godward

path. If Bharat occupies a pivotal position among all nations, it is only

because of Bharatiyas' one-pointed devotion to God. There are many affluent

countries where people lead a luxurious life, but they are unable to attain

peace of mind. It is the good fortune of Bharatiyas that they are able to enjoy

peace of mind. Their devotion to God is responsible for this. Since ancient

times, the culture of Bharat has been protecting the Bharatiyas in all

respects. Its glory and grandeur defy all description. One who has peace of

mind will have moral strength. Hence, chant the Divine Name constantly.

Yesterday you went round the entire village singing the glory of God and

entered the portals of Prasanthi Nilayam; you experienced peace of mind. It is


possible to experience peace by any other means. Hence, never forget God.

Sanctify your time by chanting His Name. Contemplation of God should be man's

constant endeavour. There may be some jealous people who will try to dissuade

you from chanting God's Name. They say, "What is the use of chanting God's

Name? It will not help us to eke out our livelihood. We have to work hard for

our survival. So, stop chanting God's Name.' Do not pay heed to such

narrow-minded people. Never forget God's Name. You may not be aware; people all

over the world in all villages are facing hardships. They are suffering from

physical ailments and mental agitations. Only Bharatiyas are able to enjoy

peace of mind because of their devotion to God. There is no happiness greater

than experiencing peace of mind. Mental peace can be obtained only by constant

contemplation of God. This cannot be purchased from the market. It is only by

constant contemplation of God that mental worries can be overcome.

This is the experience of people all over the world. Contemplation of God alone

can bring about mental peace and happiness. No other means can achieve this.

To be born is a worry, to be on the earth is a worry; world is a cause of worry

and death too; entire childhood is a worry and so is the old age; life is a

worry, failure is a worry; all actions and difficulties cause worry; even

happiness too is a mysterious worry. (Telugu Poem) Contemplation of God is the

right royal path that would remove all types of worries. Therefore, do not try

other means for achieving mental peace and get into trouble and worry. March on

along the divine and glorious path. All the Karmas in the spiritual field are

meant to bring peace and happiness to us. They are not intended to trouble us.

Mental peace can be achieved only by performing one's own duty, not by any

other means. Karma brings about a result; and that result brings happiness and

peace. Even when you are undergoing difficulties, always think that they are

meant to bring you happiness. Every human being undergoes difficulties, only to


happiness later. However, he does not realise this during the period of

suffering. But, in course of time, when suffering ends and happy days arrive,

he would realise the truth. Hence, always remember the truth that sorrows and

difficulties are prelude to happy days ahead. In fact, real happiness comes out

of suffering only.Embodiments of Love! Love is the only property that always

grows — the more you spend, the more it grows; it never diminishes. Supposing

you go up a hill and sing the glory of God; the Divine vibrations will reach to

a large area and the people hearing the Namasmarana even from a distance will

feel very happy. Divine music can confer solace even to children and animals.

By hearing Namasankirtan, even the heart of a stone-hearted person will melt.

We have heard of several instances in Indian history where great devotees of

God, by their Namasankirtan, could bring about complete transformation in

die-hard criminals.Suppose you are digging

a pit; the soil in that is taken out and stacked by its side becomes a mound.

You need not feel anxious that the pit is becoming deeper and deeper. The soil

that is dug out of the pit and the soil that is piled up next to the pit are

the same. Similarly, along with the difficulties you undergo, you will

experience happiness also in abundant measure. When you fill in the soil that

is piled up (namely happiness) in the pit of sorrows and difficulties, you will

attain a state of equanimity. This is what you have to realise today. You need

not feel sorry, "Oh! I have fallen into this pit of sorrows and difficulties.

How can I come out of this? How am I to bear this?" The soil of happiness

stacked next to the pit of suffering may be filled into the pit. You will

attain a state of equanimity. You have to do this Sadhana.Embodiments of Love!

You have come here with love-filled hearts, undergoing lot of difficulties and

physical strain. It is your love and devotion to

Swami that brought you here. Go back to your places with the same intensity of

love and devotion. Continue to enjoy the moments of joy and happiness you

experienced in the presence of Swami.

Pleasure and pain, good and bad co-exist, none can separate them. You cannot

find pleasure or pain, good or bad to the exclusion of the other. Pleasure

results when difficulties fructify. (Telugu Poem) Thus, happiness and sorrow

come to teach us equanimity. Embodiments of Love! Love is the only wealth that

can never diminish. That is the property of God. Therefore, cultivate pure and

selfless love. God's love will always follow you wherever you are and will

protect you at all times. Do not ever consider that money alone is your

property. In fact, love is your real wealth. The wealth of Love always grows

(expands), never diminishes. Those who realise the Paramatma will be able to

understand this truth better. My heart is overflowing with love and joy on

account of the Namasankirtan you have done yesterday in the streets of

Puttaparthi. Continue this Namasankirtan wherever you are throughout your life.

Especially, when your spirits are down with sorrow, sing the glory of God

full-throated. Never feel diffident to sing the glory of God, thinking that

others may make fun of you. Irrespective of what others may think or say

against you, continue this sacred activity of Namasankirtan. Only then will you

be charged with Divine power.Embodiments of Love! I am very happy that you are

all gathered here. I always wish joy, happiness, comfort and peace for all of

you. Today, 8000 devotees from your place have come here to share the happiness

of Swami's Divine Presence. All of you, please go to the canteen and partake of

Swami's Prasadam happily. Swami's Prasadam will become Akshaya (never

diminishing) and will remove all your sorrows and difficulties. Everything that

is granted by Swami is suffused with love. Whatever is granted by Bhagawan is

always free. God will never succumb to monetary considerations. Wherever any

service activity is associated with money, it is

tainted. The entire property of Swami consists of Love only. Such Divine love

must become your very life-breath. All your past Karmas will become extinct, if

only you cultivate that pure love.All of you go to the canteen and have food, as

Swami's Prasadam. Thereafter, you can go to your respective villages,

happily.Embodiments of Love! Having come here from such a long distance, fill

your hearts with love. Sometime ago, there was a singer by name Saluru

Rajeswara Rao. He used to visit Swami, regularly. He remained absorbed so much

in music that he would sing while walking in the streets, unmindful of what

others thought of him. Today, his son has come here to sing some devotional

songs in the Divine presence of Swami. These devotional songs fill the hearts

of people with overwhelming joy. Late Rajeswara Rao used to sing a particular

song on Sri Krishna melodiously "Challagaalilo Yamunathatipy Shyama Sundaruni

Murali …" (Shyama Sundara is melodiously

playing His flute on the banks of the Yamuna, while the cool breeze is blowing).

His voice as well as his feelings were sweet. Both Rajeswara Rao and another

devotee Adi Naryana used to come here regularly. They were the people who

composed the "Sai Charita" and sang those songs melodiously. They may be

anywhere; the lives of such pure-hearted devotees are sanctified. Those, who

sell their God-given talents and make a wholly living out of it, can never be

truly happy. Rajeswara Rao and Adi Narayana never made business out of their

musical talents. They always sang to their heart's content, with love and

devotion. The glory of such devotees, whether dead or alive, will remain

forever. There was another well known devotee by name Ghantasala Venkateswara

Rao. He also underwent many difficulties. But, he was always devoted to God.

Whenever he was in difficult situation, he used to sing, "Oh! God! Won't You

pull me out of these difficulties?" Even when he was sick and was hospitalised,

he used to sing lying in the hospital bed, "Oh! Lord! How long have I to suffer

this agony! Won't you relieve me of this pain? "Once I went to the hospital to

see him. I consoled him saying, "My dear Ghantasala! Never think of these

difficulties and suffering. These things happen to test your faith in God. You

will come out successful in this test, by constant Namasmarana." A devotee like

him who is constantly engaged in Namasmarana under all circumstances, will

become immortal. Namasmarana is the only property that lasts forever.

Therefore, you also undertake this Sadhana, as a lifelong activity. Whether

your voice is good or not, continue to sing the glory of God by constant

Namasmarana at least in your heart. Thereby, you will acquire merit that will

protect you throughout your life. If you do this Sadhana, God will always be

with you, in you, around you. Whenever you take food, do Namasmarana before

partaking of the food. By doing so, the food will be sanctified and will become

Prasadam (gift) of God. Your heart also will be purified. That is why, our

ancestors prayed thus before partaking of food:Brahmarpanam Brahma

HavirBrahmagnou BrahmanahutamBrahmaiva Thena GanthavyamBrahma Karma

Samadhina.When you pray in this manner before you partake of your food, God

immediately responds thus:Aham Vaishvanaro BhutvaPraninam DehamasritaPranapana

SamayuktaPachamyannam Chaturvidham.(My dear! I am present in you in the form of

Vaishvanara digesting the food that you partake of)The prayer thus made invokes

an immediate response from God. That is reaction, reflection and resound.

Therefore, constantly engage yourself in Namasmarana, which will confer Bliss

on you.Bhagawan concluded His Discourse with the Bhajan, "Hari Bhajan Bina

Sukha Santhi Nahin …"

Source: http://www.sssct.org/Discourses/2004/23_Aug_04.htm


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