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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 18-2004

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Published Bi-Weekly

Issue 18/2004


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September 9, 1918: Dasa Ganu wrote " Sri Sai Sthvana Manjari" at

Maheswaram on the banks of the river Narmada.


September 28,1918: Nathpanth Saint Rama Maruthi of Kalyan passed away.


September 29,1952: " Kalash" of gold was fixed on the spire of

Samadhi Mandhir.







These messages are the outcome and essence of the dream sequences of

Saibanisa as given by Lord Sainath, which reflect the Sai Philosophy

and his high thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and are

generally thought provoking, enough to set one's thinking process.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


126) 27th July, 1993: Do not grieve if you are not having children of

your own. Children residing in orphanages are also mine. Play with

them to satisfy your love for children.



127) 3rd August, 1993: Believe in the principles of "KARMA" ( Sense

of Duty) and do not expect any returns as a karma yogi to live




128) 4th August, 1993: You are a pet of "GOD". If his instructions

are to live on water alone, do so with full faith and happiness.



129) 10th August, 1993: Even if you offer "WATERMELON", with no

medicinal value, I shall readily accept it with love.


130) 11th August, 1993: If you have to eat gram (lentils) to live,

use the pumpkin seeds to grow pumpkins, sell them and buy gram to

eat. Do not use the money meant for buying pumpkin seeds to purchase





Madhusudhan Nori, Hyderabad, India


SAI IN LETTERS (Saibanisa's letters to his Son


Translated from the Telugu original into English by Sri Sai Devotee

Madhusudan Nori.

Secunderabad - 28 February 2000.

I request the readers to read first Sri Sai Satcharitra in English by

Late Sri Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji, before reading these letters.









Letter 43 (Chapter 46)


Dear Chakrapani,

Hemadri Pant narrated interesting Sri

Sai Leelas (Miracles) in this chapter. Shyama, who witnessed and

experienced those Leelas, was indeed very fortunate. I am not

anywhere near in devotion compared to Shyama, but Sri Sai has also

made me experience what HE made Shyama experience in those days. I

will write about these experiences of mine in this letter. Before I

start writing about my Experiences recollect what Hemadri Pant wrote

in this chapter – "You will satisfy the wishes of your devotees" so

said Hemadri Pant to Sri Sai.


I am waiting for the day when Sri Sai accepts me as HIS own

immediately after HE fulfills my wishes of meeting all

responsibilities in my life. I am going to narrate the experience

given to me by Sri Sai. Hemadri Pant writes in this chapter thus –

"Once Baba accepts anyone as HIS devotee, then HE will be with the

devotee by day and night. HE will follow the devotee at his home or

abroad. Let the devotee go to any place of his choice, Baba will

reach that place before the devotee reaches and remains present there

in some unimaginable form". This aspect was proven in those days in

the episode of Shyama's pilgrimage to Gaya. I prayed to Sri Sai in

1990 for a similar experience. My prayers did not go in vain. I was

told in 1991 that the authorities, in the organization where I work,

have decided to send me to Korea. Sri Sai entered my mind on that day

and told me " I will reach Korea before you and await your arrival

there". What a nice imagination! I spent the day with a thought that

how nice it would be if such a thing actually takes place and then

forgot about the matter. I reached a big hotel, in the city of Chang

Wan in Korea, at 6 PM on 6 May 91 and a room was allotted to me. I

unlocked the room, entered it and switched on a table lamp. I noticed

a flying insect, which went around the table lamp three times and

flew out through the open door used by me to enter the room. My mind

was filled with joy at the thought that Sri Sai, in the form of

flying insect, reached Korea

before me and blessed me on my arrival there. I bowed and prayed to

Sri Sai. Some people may say that this incident is coincidental.


I will now narrate another incident that took place in the same room,

for asserting that the earlier incident was not coincidental. My

return journey to India was scheduled for 18 May 91. I woke up early

on that day at 5 AM and switched on the table lamp for reading early

morning Harati of Sri Sai. Surprise of surprises, the very same

flying insect, seen by me on 6 May 91 evening, was there, it went

round the table lamp three times and flew out of the open window.

This gave me an impression that Sri Sai

is returning to India before me. In those days Sri Sai told Shyama

and others with him at that time – "As the pilgrimage to Kashi and

Prayag gets over, I will be at Gaya before Shyama reaches there". In

my case Sri Sai reached the city of Chang Wan in Korea before my

arrival and also returned to India before me. I can never forget this

experience of mine in my life. This one incident is enough for me to

explain Omnipresence of Sri Sai. In the episode of two goats in this

chapter, Sri Sai tells

about two friends of HIS from their earlier births. I sought

clarification on the theory of birth cycles and rebirth from Sri Sai

while meditating on HIM. Sri Sai gave me a very nice answer. It is

not appropriate for me to write those revelations here. I will tell

you, about those revelations, in person at an appropriate time. Sri

Sai immensely loved animals. There are incidents of HIS assuming a

form of a cat or dog and saving his devotees. Sri Sai used to first

give pieces of bread to cats and dogs in Dwarakamayi before HE ate

the balance food. Sri Sai told us to see divinity in all living

beings and showed us the way. I have

mentioned in one of my earlier letters how Sri Sai made me build a

low water storage structure in front of our house for animals to

quench their thirst. Make an attempt to visualize Sri Sai in all

living beings.

In Sri Sai Seva,

Your father.













27 Aug 2004 15:33:18 –0000


Sai Ram. Let us continue with the stories of Chpater 12.


"Once, Kaka Mahajani went to Shirdi from Bombay. He wanted to stay

there for one week, and enjoy the Gokul-Ashtami festival." All our

wants, good and bad come from our ego. The inner God, and our Guru

Sai, who are One, know what is needed. Our needs are always met by

God. Our wants are not necessarily met, even an apparently good one

like in this case. Sai, the indweller knew what was needed. "As soon

as he took Baba's darshan, Baba asked him - "When are you returning

home?" He was rather surprised at this question, but he had to give

an answer. He said that he would go home when Baba ordered him to do

so." Kaka Mahajani was a great devotee. Even when he fell sick, he

didn't go to Baba to ask Him to cure his disease. He implicitly

believed that Baba knew what was going on and will interfere if

needed. The same Sraddha, Faith and Bhakti, devotion is shown in the

above sentence. "Then Baba said - "Go to-morrow". Baba's word was law

and had to be obeyed. Kaka Mahajani, therefore, left Shirdi,



We have already seen in Chapter 9 how those who did not obey Baba's

suggestions about leaving Shirdi met with a lot of difficulties. It

is not as if Baba was angry with them and caused them problems. He

loved one and all equally, but He also knew the future and gave them

the right advice. At the same time, He didn't interfere in their

karma and free-will. "When he went to his office in Bombay, he found

that his employer was anxiously waiting for him. His munim, i.e., the

manager, suddenly fell ill, hence Kaka's presence was absolutely

necessary. He had sent a letter to Kaka at Shirdi, which was

redirected to him at Bombay."


Sai Ram. Thus Sai, the indweller of all of us, knew what was needed.

He knew that Kaka Mahajani's presence in his employer's office was

essential and so ordered him to go immediately, much as He would have

liked to allow Mahajani to stay for a few more days. Faith and

devotion also demands self-sacrifice. Sacrifice of the ego at the

altar of social welfare. Sai knew how Kaka Mahajani was coming off

and on to Shirdi and how his employer was quite obliging in that

matter. Now the time to help the employer has come and Sai never

believed in taking any service free. "Now listen to an opposite

story. Once Bhausaheb Dhumal, a pleader, was going to Niphad for a

case. On the way he came to Shirdi, took Baba's darshan and wanted to

proceed to Niphad immediately. But, Baba did not permit him to do so.

Mr. Dhumal was then allowed to go and attend to his case. It went on

for some months and was tried by four magistrates. Ultimately Mr.

Dhumal won the case, and his client was acquitted."


Sai Ram. Sai was/is also the unifying force for all opposites and

dualities. We see this in the whole of Sai Satcharitra. In this case,

Sai knew that the right time for Dhumal's client has not come and

also knew that the magistrates were not destined to try that case.

It is very difficult for our ego to accept Sai fully and surrender

fully. But it is essential. Even an imperfect surrender is better

than nothing. Slowly but steadily Sai will transform the imperfect

unripe ego and when the ego is ripe, it falls off.


Sai Ram. We will take up the remaining stories of this interesting

chapter in the following weeks. Sai Ram.






(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)


"Shashi": shashi_31

10. Uniqueness of Sri Sai Baba and his Teachings


To describe Sri Sai Baba's Gospels and His actions is a futile

attempt to be trying with a salt ball to measure the depths of the

sea. Though His sayings and actions are outwardly very simple, they

reveal the depth of Upanishathic sayings. Though He was capable of

satisfying the hunger of all living beings, He was begging from door

to door for His food. Though He was competent to quote the Gospels

and passages from great scriptures, His utterances were simple and

solacing. His Universal love is extraordinary and His actions

moderate. Though at times, He was angry, He was always serene and

sober. Thus, when we visualize Him from a distance, we get perturbed

by His activities. The more we go near Him with devotion, the more we

can understand Him as PURUSHOTTAMA and see His Divinity in every

action. He never asked for anything for Himself and lived on simple

food offered by His devotees in an old mosque with simple clothing.


As per the clear saying of Sri Hemadpant, Sri Sai Baba is `ATMA RAM'

i.e, personification of impersonal God. The omnipresent God has

manifested as Sri Sai Baba to uplift the Universe. The Gospels of Sri

Sai Baba are mainly regarding the Universal God and in the methods of

His Teachings, there is none to excel or even equal Him. Sri Sai Baba

was accepting all the rituals performed by devotees and was accepting

the offerings by them, as these were necessary for purifying the

minds of the devotees. Only when the mind is pure, one can understand

the teachings of great saints and can concentrate on sadhana. Baba's

only aim was to improve all persons and guide them to the state of

Atma Sakshatkara.


This ultimate goal can be attained by the purified mind only and

purification of the mind can be attained by pure, selfless actions

and perfect worship. Man is bound to worldly ties because of his

ignorance and his feelings that he is the body. To know that one is

not the body, but pure self (Atma) one has to get rid of his

ignorance by serving saintly people like Sri Sai Baba and by

worshiping them. The blessings of such great Saints can help the

Sadhakas to a great extent.Sri Sai Baba's teachings were of varied

types. He was allowing all types of worship to Him like decorating

Him with flowers and offering fruits etc., but He was teaching that

God is present everywhere and is not limited to His body alone. For

attaining the goal of perfection Sri Sai Baba was teaching the

devotees to do Nama Japa thinking of His form with one pointed

devotion. By doing this with great concentration, one can supercede

the idea that he is the body and further he will realize that he is

the real-self present everywhere. Sri Hemadpant described Sri Sai

Baba's teachings in this way: The world we see is not real. This is

created by Maya which is under the control of God. This is like

seeing a mirage in a desert. There is no water and thirsty person

walking in the desert thinks, there is water and runs after it but in

vain. The same is the case with worldly pleasures. They are very

transitory and actually unreal. He who realizes that the world is

like a mirage in the desert does not crave for worldly pleasures. Our

prayer to Sri Sai Baba is to remove this evil ignorance and to

provide knowledge of the Universal self. In reality, we are all the

Universal Self, but we forgot this truth and so we pray to Sri Sai

Baba to make us recall this truth and remember our selves.

To be continued…





"Venkateswaraswamy Swarna" <swamysv

28 Aug 2004 15:43:22 –0000


Sai Ram. I would like to share with the readers of Glory of Shirdi

Sai, my following experiences of His grace.


On 15th August, myself and my wife were scheduled to leave our house

at about 8 AM to catch a train at Secunderabad Railway Station. The

train was scheduled to leave at 09:20 hrs. I already finished my bath

and Puja etc. and my wife was getting ready. In another few minutes

we were supposed to leave the house and catch an autorickshaw to the

Railway Station. I had to go the toilet and then to my shock, I

passed red blood along with the stools. I didn't have piles problem

to my knowledge and except for some such recurrence long ago after

intake of some spicy food, I did not have such problem. It being a

Sunday and that too being early in morning, there was no scope of

seeing a doctor and getting any medicine. Also, the programme could

not be postponed to some other day as we had already postponed it

once. We were to go to Khammam and return by night.


My only option was to get a quick relief of the problem and who but

Sai can give such a quick relief? The doctor of doctors came to my

rescue, as usual ( I got some good experiences earlier too). I prayed

to Him and took a little Udhi in water. My wife saw me taking the

Udhi water and sensed that something was wrong (she knows that I

don't resort to that except in emergency) and asked me what was the

problem. I was feeling a little weak and explained my problem. I also

told her that we are going ahead with our programme as I was

confident that Sai will take care of the problem. As expected, my

problem stopped and we went and returned safely. Not only that, the

problem did not recur so far.


I would like to share another experience. On 22nd August, I was

feeling very uneasy the whole day with some vague pain in chest. It

may not be out of place to mention that I underwent a coronary

angiogram last month because of a positive treadmill test for

inducible ischemia. While the angiogram did not reveal the presence

of any blocks in the arteries, the cardiologist told me that my

arteries were a little larger than normal and this condition called

ectatic coronay arteries is medically manageable. But the chest pain

doesn't yield to nitroglycerine tablets unlike blocked arteries.

Stress and hyper lipedamia etc. are the possible causative factors. I

was on the prescribed medication but there was no SOS medication to

be taken. Anyway on that Sunday, because of some stressful situation

and also rather unpleasant weather, I was feeling uncomfortable. I

was remembering Him and bore the pain, but in the night at about 8

PM, the pain was sharp and difficult to bear. Again it was a Sunday

night and the only option was to seek Sai's help or rush to the

nearest hospital for ICCU.


Again, Sai came to my rescue. I prayed to Him and told Him that I am

not afraid to die but I want to be absorbed into Him. I then took

some udhi and applied it to the painful spot on my chest and invoking

His name, took a little udhi mixed in water. Lo and behold. Not only

did the pain subside but I felt a shield of energy and love envelope

me all around and the external stressful situation stopped having the

slightest effect on my mind. I felt so comfortable and peaceful that

I had a good night's sleep. So, dear friends, let us have total faith

in Sai and surrender to Him. He will take care of us. Sai Ram is such

a potent mantra. I was inspired by Sai to share the experience so

that the faith of other devotees will also get strengthened. This is

not a publicity stunt or to get name as a great Sai devotee. I

consider myself to be a very lowly soul but on whom He has taken pity

because of some merit in this or some previous births.

At His lotus feet,




8/26/2004 07:01:48 -0600

Baba is great. He has made THE DIFFERENCE in my life. I just love Sai

Baba, I am a middle class family boy. I go to Sai Baba temple every

month. Right now I am working as a system analyst in German Company.

I have every thing in my life thank you SaiBaba.

Om Sai Ram

S. Manoj.







Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before

He took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play

in Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So I started

Krishna Leelas with effect from the first issue of New Year 2004.

Study well and learn good manners. Tell your parents to read the

Glory of Shirdi Sai - Fortnightly E-magazine and narrate Krishna

Leelas from this magazine.


Shri Krishna and Balaram enter the Rangamandap:


Lord Krishna along with his brother Balaram and other friends was

running on the streets of Mathura. As he moved ahead he met a short

statured lady who was carrying a bowl of chandan wood (sandal wood)

and angrag. She had a hump on her shoulders. She was the favourite

maid of Kansa. She was carrying the angrag for him. But when she was

Krishna she was so impressed with his beauty that she gave the angrag

to the two bothers. The lord was very happy over this gesture and

blessed her. She immediately turned into a beautiful young woman and

her hump also vanished. Krishna after promising her to meet

afterwards left the place.


Thereafter, they reached the Rangshala of Kansa being guided by the

people on way. The Rangshala was a vast one and at one side of it

Kansa sat on high throne. Studded with costly gems. Around him his

courtiers were sitting and along with them there were some wresters

also sitting there. The womenfolk of the royal palace were also

peeping from the windows to see the Dhanush Yagna.


Both the brothers saw that in front of Kansa a big bow was kept which

was like the bow of Indra. Lord Krishna smiled over all this

arrangement and despite the guards stopping him, he lifted up and

broke the huge bow with his left hand.


…To be continued



Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama

7/29/2004 17:54:18 -0000




Beloved Readers, We always say at the time of conclusion of Puja, OM

SHANTHI SHANTHI SHANTHIHI. Why should we repeat three times?? It is

mentioned that we face three types of sorrows/ difficulties. We seek

God's protection from these three types by repeating 'Shanthi' three



1. Aum -- Oh! Parabrahma (Prayerful appeal to Him)


2. Shanthi -- Pl free us from 'Adhyamika' sorrows( Ex : Bodily

ailments like fever etc.,)


3. Shanthi --- Pl free us from 'Adhi bhautika' sorrows (Which

are created by all embodied creatures ,wild animals, poisonous snakes

or even human beings)


4. Shanthi --- Pl free us from 'Adhi Daivika' sorrows (natural

calamities like cyclone, earthquake, fire accidents etc.,)


Compiled by D.Sankaraiah.


Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama

Thu, 26 Aug 2004 07:00:22 -0700 (PDT)


We know Baba Sai got several Temples repaired at Shirdi from out

of Dakshina amount, sometimes through destined devotees. Ofcourse His

abode was a dilapidated Masjid which He named Dwarakamai, also got

repaired in 1911.The experience narrated by Doma Venkata Swamy

Gupta's father in law in Sai Sudha of March'1945 issue is given below.

"When Baba was in the flesh, this gentleman accompanied his master

the Late Gummadalli Lakshmi Narayana of Secunderabad to Shirdi and

both took Darshan of Baba many times. GL was an ordinary merchant not

very rich at that time. On one occasion Baba told him "You have to

build a Lakshmi Narayan Temple". GL asked Baba "What the probable

cost would be?" Baba replied "Rs 6 lakhs" GL was aghast as he had

not with him even a fraction of that amount. GL therefore believed

that this was either a joke or some meaningless statement of Baba.

But within two years his own business flourished and he became an

owner of many Lakhs and could spare 6 lakhs. At that time Baba had

attained Maha Samadhi. Anyhow GL obeyed the direction of Baba and

constructed Lakshmi Narayana temple in Secunderabad costing about

six Lakhs inclusive of the permanent funds. It is still there

well maintained and well managed by GL's children.








8/26/2004 06:45:05 –0600


This site http://www.saidarbar.org is one of the best sites which

gives lot of spiritual information to those who are devotional and

have belief in Shri Shirdi Sai. The articles posted in this site are

really good and the experiences posted are electrifying. I stay in

Mumbai and I go to Shirdi min 2 times in a month I like a lot Sai

Baba. I would like to thank all the people behind the organization

and maintenance of this site.




8/25/2004 21:49:31 -0600


You people have done a great work. Frankly speaking, visiting this

site http://www.saidarbar.org makes me feel that Sai is before me at

that moment.

Thank You so much for all of you who is involved in building this




Please visit:



Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London Activities.

Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford




"Badri Narasimhan":saibadris

Thu, 19 Aug 2004 09:19:03 -0700 (PDT)

Sai Darbar USA – Annual Day Celebrations 2004


With the blessings of Lord Shree Sai Nath, SaidarbarUSA.org*

(Wallingford Sai Darbar) group has completed its first successful

year and cordially invites you with family and interested friends and

devotees for its First Annual Day Celebrations.

Venue : 212 Moore Road, Wallingford, PA, USA 19086

Date and Time : Saturday, 18th September 2004 at 10.30 a.m.

Contact : technical

(Please confirm your participation)



8/28/2004 11:54:11 –0600


I am very glad to read Sai devotee's experiences on this site and I

take this opportunity to inform that I am also a staunch devotee of

Shri Saibaba, Shirdi, since more than 22 years. In my life everything

goes smooth because of saibabashri only. By the inspiration given to

me by Lord Sainath, I have started one monthly magazine, "Sai's

miracles" (Hindi and English) from Indore, M.P. India. It is

completed one year now we are releasing 16th month issue.

For Further details Please contact: sai_publications

For Sai_publications: K.Padmavathi



Om SaiMandir saisandesh


The Monthly Newsletter of Om Sai Mandir

45-11 Smart Street * Flushing, NY 11355

www.omsaimandir.org & info

The newsletter is available online at: www.omsaimandir.org


Shirdi Sai Baba technical

8/24/2004 00:09:57 –0000

Satsang held on 22-AUG-2004: Next Satsang on 11-SEP-2004

Sai Ram:

The Satsangh was held on 22nd August 2004 at SaiBandu Shri. Rajesh

and Mrudula's residence. It started with Ganesh Mantram and followed

by Guru Mantram, Ganesh Namavali, Sai Ashtothram, Bhajans, Sai

Gayathri, Gayathri Mahamantram, Aarti and Mahaprasad.

Approximately 40 members attended and read the Shri Sai Satcharitam

chapter 23.

Next Darbar and Satsangh is scheduled for 11th September 2004

Saturday at Sai Bandu Shri. Nagesh and Neeraja's residence . The

agenda and direction details will be sent later. Kindly extend this

invitation to your friends and other interested devotees.

Bow to Shri Sai and Peace be to all.





8/18/2004 08:36:18 -0700


Om Sai Ram,

We would like to inform you that we have now added your link to our

web site, you can find the link here: http://www.omsaibaba.com/ We

have also updated the site with some new photos. Om Sai Ram.



ramachandra ramprasad shirdisaifoundation

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:46:45 PM


Due to unavoidable and unforeseen circumstances, All India Sai

Devotees Convention September, 2004 postponed to December 2004. The

exact dates will be informed in due course. We regret to all Sai

devotees and sorry for the inconvenience caused by us.

The 5th Anniversary Akhanda Sai Nama Sapthaha scheduled from 05-09-

2004 to 12-09-2004 at Dattatreya Shirid Sai Mandir, Sai Snehadhama

Vrudhashram Premises, Shirdi Sai Gram, Metipalya, Sondekoppa Road,

Tavarekere, Bangalore South.

It is requested all Sai Bahdus from Sai Darbar and Sai devotees from

all over the world to participate and receive the blessings of Shirdi

Sai Baba.

Accomodation will be provided to all the non-Bangalore devotees

participating in the sapthaha.

Yours in Sai service


Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir": baba

Wed, 25 Aug 2004 11:45:32 -0500

Temple timings: Weekdays (except Thu) - 6.15pm to 7.00pm; Thu –

6.30pm to 9pm; Weekends – 9am to 7pm. Dhoop (Sandhya) Arathi

performed on all days and in addition Kakad and Noon (Madhyan) Arathi

on weekends. All devotees are encouraged to sign up either by

contacting temple committee members or by sending an email to

baba to sign up for weekend volunteer service



"Atlanta Sai Temple News" atlantasai

Dear Sai Devotees,

Please plan to attend the sponsored Bhajan at the temple For Further

details Please visit: www.templeofpeace.org



"saibandhu" saibandhu

Dear Shirdi Sai devotees

.. We would like to invite you and your family for the Bhajans.

For details about the Weekly Satsanghs Visit www.ShradhaSaburi.org




We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar

The Executive members of Saidarbar – Hyderabad would like to convey

their hearty thanks to Saibandhu VijayAggarwal of USA who has came

forward to take the responsibility of publishing the E-book "Sai A

Beacon For Humanity" in the internet and to the Sai devotees who have

purchased this book. With this activity Saidarbar- Hyderabad gained

the confidence to release the E-books in future also. We request all

Sai devotees to support Saidarbar movement and receive Blessings from


Now in collaboration with India in a book "The Glory of Shirdi Sai"

is available in the form of E-magazine in the website

http://www.ebooks.vijishvanya.com/shirdi/emagazine.htm We hope that

readers will get benefited by going through this Bi-weekly Magazine,

solely dedicated for the purpose of spreading Shri Shirdi Sai

Philosophy across the Globe by the media of internet.



The Glory of Shirid Sai will be pleased to publish the activities in

this regard from all the Sai centers. Individuals interested may send

reports to Saidarbar

Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- a bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

and also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi




P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi

Sai ", kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.


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