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Amazing Cure - Prof Kasturi and his story of Gowri a bright student

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Prof Kasturi and his story of Gowri a bright studentAmazing cure(An article

shared by Ram Chugani) Prof Kasturi describes this letter: A shrill note

piercing through the bathroom shattered the absolute calm. Vasantha her mother

was terrified, and ran from the living room. She knocked loudly the closed door

of the bathroom. Gowri had bolted the door from inside and she screamed from a

sever back pain which had immobilized her. Slowly she managed to open the bolt.

Vedanta rushed in and helped her move to the bedroom. Gowrie was in agony. She

lay in bed. The family physician was called. He came and after examining her

pronounced it to be a muscular seizure. Injections and medicines were given.

Gowrie went off to a drowsy sleep, not aware of her pain. “That is what doctor

do, so also God’s grace, making you not aware of pain. Swami says, you have to

suffer Karmic pain because you have asked for it, but God’s grace makes you not

aware of it. That is blessings Swami may grant. “This was on 21st December 1982.

>From her childhood Gowrie was an active girl. Apart from being a bright student,

she participated in various cultural activities. She was an enthusiastic member

of the debating society, the drama association, the dance troupe and literary

circle. She had enrolled as a student of bharatanatyam, a south Indian style of

dance under a well-known guru of Tanjore tradition, at young age of seven years.

For ten long years she practiced bharatanatyam and she was qualified for the

first stage Performa dance before the public in 1979. Later she danced in

prestigious halls

like Shanmukhananda Hall. As well as many famous Halls in Bombay. She was a

member of a group of Bharatnatyam dancers who gave performance in ASAID

auditorium. She was a celebrated dancer. She was practicing hard to perform a

dance ballad scheduled for 23rd December 1982 when the tragedy struck her.

Leading physicians, surgeons and experts examined her. Close X-rays and

repeated medical tests showed no clinical evidence of any injury or illness. By

mid January 1983she suffered severe cramps at the lower back which left her in

agony and exhaustion. A leading orthopedist examined her and suspected a

serious problem in her nervous system and started treatment It gave Gauri some

relief, but she continued to suffer from pain in the lower back. She was

absolutely unable to sit. She had a stoop and could not straighten herself. She

had to be helped to lie on bed. She violently shivered. Months passed in agony

for gowri and all of us. As astrologers and

tantrics were consulted. Some of them said, she might have become a victim of

evil eye! Poojas were performed. The orthopedist continued his treatment. By

May 1983 Gowrie improved. She could sit for a while and stand up promptly. She

maintained steady progress after October 1983. But progress seemed to be

elusive. She started suffering bouts of several times a day, and late evenings

were spent in restlessness. By November her conditions deteriorated. She

complained of sever pain in her neck and shoulder. Days and weeks were spent in

sheer agony. It was already December 1983 and a year of agony was nearing

completion. At this time, a schoolmate of Gowrie casually dropped to enquire

about Gowrie health. She was shocked and distressed to see her condition. She

decided to something about it. She went back home and told her mother about

Gowrie’s illness. Gowrie’s friend and her mother were staunch devotees of Sri

Sathya sai Baba. They spent lot of time in the

service of the poor, and the old and the sick. They decided they would pray to

Baba to help Gowrie into Gowrie’s house. Gowrie and her mother were happy to

receive them. They were sad to see Gowrie’s condition. They talked sweetly to

her, consoled her and advised to pray to God and quietly took a packet of

vibhuti and gave it to Gowri, and asked her to apply to that part where it

pained her, and told her to mix it in the water and drink when the pain became

unbearable. They said it was the vibhuthi from Sathya Sai Baba. We felt there

was no harm in using it. After all we had tried all methods of cure and now why

not this? But, Gowrie’s friend and her mother added, you should have full faith

in Baba. How could it be? We had just heard about Him! They repeated their

assurance that the vibhuthi was a powerful cure. They had a video cassette with

them to be screened somewhere. We asked whether we could view it. They handed

over the cassette and once again reminded us to

pray to Baba and take the vibhuthi.” ‘Shrotavya’ is to hear about God.

“Drushtavya” is to see God. Seeing video was Drushtavya,’ seeing Swami’s form.

We had all kinds of doubts. ‘How can we have faith in him? Who is Sathya Sai

Baba? How does He look like? What about his vibhuthi. All kinds of doubts. The

entire family crowded around and viewed the cassette. We were spell bound at

what we saw. We were charmed at the red robed apparition. Baba looks so

beautiful! The crowd seems to adore Him! He looks so compassionate and kind!

All of sudden He waved His right hand and created vibhuthi! He gave it to all

devotees who were sitting. Baba making vibhuthi flow from an inverted vessel on

to an idol of Shard Baba was unbelievable! His message of Sathya, Dharma, shanty

and preamp, and there is only one religion, the religion of love, there is only

one God, He is omnipresent stimulated unification of humanity! We were thrilled

to hear it. We were moved at the splendor

of Baba! We regretted ourselves we did not see Him earlier! But never mind, it

is never too late. We saw Him again and again. The more we saw the more we

loved Him. It was an experience, when the two devotees came next day, they had

brought a couple of books on the life and teachings of Baba. That is

“Mantravya” knowing about Him. We used vibhuthi as directed. True, the pain

seemed to reduce and disappear when vibhuthi was mixed in the water and taken.

It made her a little bright and cheerful. What was happening? A dream or

imagination? A sort of make believe? We wanted to see further development.

Subsequently vibhuthi was smeared at the spot where it pained most, and gave

her generously water mixed with vibhuthi to drink, which stopped her pain,

particularly in the left arm which had gone numb! We were delighted, but kept

our peace for fear of some evil eye robbing her of this newfound remedy! When

the stock of vibhuthi declined we felt concerned.

But many devotees who vested us filled up the container. In fact they themselves

were surprised, and they could hardly conceive the happening and the wonder that

vibhuthi had done. They all decided to take Gowrie for Baba,s darshans. On the

13tth February 1984 , they all had Swami’s darshans. Kasturi report that there

was a messenger from Baba calling them for interview. Lady members awaiting the

interview stood near the sidewall. Soon Baba came out, He waived us. It was

simple direct gesture, we were right in His presence. All of sudden He turned

to Gowrie who was sitting on chair as she could not bend to sit on the floor.

“What had the doctors to say? He asked. She replied the doctors found nothing

wrong and father gave additional report that she was Bharatantyam dancer. “I

cure her right now, she should be quite normal” Baba said. We were astounded,

speechless, Baba was telling “Right now!” It was turning moment Baba got up and

went near her.

Gowrie was already on her feet, and though she could not bend, she went down on

her knee and did namskar. What better proof we wanted other than what we were

witnessing! It was happening after fourteen months. Medical experts had

cautioned her not to attempt at such thing. But here she was right at his feet

doing namaskar. She tried hard fighting back tears flooding out of her. Other

members could hardly conceal their joy and emotion. We followed Gowrie and we

were right at Baba’s feet, His grace, His love and compassion pouring on all of

us in abundance. Perhaps He accepted our devotion when He permitted us to hold

His feet for such a long time. Baba broke the silence, and assured that Gowrie

would be all right, and when she visited next time, she would be a great

dancer! He distributed vibhuthi to all of us in generous measure. It sighted

the end of the interview.. It was time for morning Bhajans and we joined

devotees in singing. After we came out

to find the whole world new. He has given you a new eye, a new vision. Gowrie

discarded the chair and pillows kept for her. In the Bhajan hall she sat on the

floor. Some members who had seen her agony broke into spectators joy at her

transformation. The news had spread all around, and loving volunteers too were

filled with joy “The miracle is one poster to announce that the AVATHAR has

come.” Sai Ram Ram Chugani Kobe, Japan


Source: http://aumsairam108.tripod.com/article/amazing-cure.htm

Courtesy: Sai Ram Website: http://www.sairam.ar.cx/


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