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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 19-2004

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Published Bi-Weekly

Issue 19/2004


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Bhadrapada 1910: H.H Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon left his mortal

coil. At the same time Shirdi Sai Baba grieved profusely and said "

Hallo! My Gajanan is gone".


Bhadrapada 1922: Mahalsapathi passed away on 11-09-1922






These messages are the outcome and essence of the dream sequences of

Saibanisa as given by Lord Sainath, which reflect the Sai Philosophy

and his high thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and are

generally thought provoking, enough to set one's thinking process.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


131) 21st August 1993: All religions are like rivers, which finally

join the sea. Follow the path of any religion and merge

with "PARAMATMA" (the Supreme).


132) 29th August 1993: If service to mankind is your aim, practice

it with all your available resources. Do not waste time in futile

talk and giving excuses for not doing.


133) 31st August 1993: The beautiful bird flying in the open sky

draws everybody's attention. The same bird with a broken leg,

struggling to sit on a branch does not attract anybody's attention

or sympathy.


134) 2nd September 1993: I am the driving force in warding off all

evils and hurdles.


135) 2nd September 1993: The offerings meant for me are consumed by

some one, while you are busy praying, do not abuse him .I shall be

the recipient of such abuses.




Madhusudhan Nori, Hyderabad, India


SAI IN LETTERS (Saibanisa's letters to his Son


Translated from the Telugu original into English by Sri Sai Devotee

Madhusudan Nori.

Secunderabad - 28 February 2000.

I request the readers to read first Sri Sai Satcharitra in English

by Late Sri Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji, before reading these letters.








Letter – 44 (Chapter – 47)

Dear Chakrapani,

This chapter contains details on how Sri Sai amplified on earlier

birth relationships to HIS devotees. A lot of changes have occurred

in me after I read this chapter. I may not be able to write in

detail about these changes but I will briefly write. Please read

carefully and with concentration Chapter 47 before reading this

letter. After reading the episode of Veerabhadrappa and

Chennabasappa (Serpent and frog in their next lives), if I say that

it is my story then don't you feel it is your father's story? Try

and understand the moral from this chapter –" If one has hostility

with anyone' then one should become free from that hostility. If one

owes anything to anyone, then one should settle that account. If any

balance remains either in Indebtedness or enmity then it will result

in corresponding sorrow". Haven't I said earlier that I will briefly

write my story? Listen, I married your mother in the year 1970. It

was a Love Marriage and against the norms of an arranged marriage.

This love marriage turned into a curse for me. Your mother's father

was afraid that I will ask for his wealth and was indifferent

towards me. He often used to insult me and always kept me at a

distance. His behavioral pattern towards me became a cause for

nurturing hostile feelings in me towards him. Our mutual

relationship vastly deteriorated by 1990 to a level that if dry

grass were put in between us, it would catch fire instantly. After

I started the practice of daily devotional reading of Sri Sai

Satcharitra for the first time in my life in June 1990, I started

thinking on ways by which I can become free from the agony caused by

this hostile relationship. Up to the time I am writing this letter I

do not think that I had meals in your maternal grandfather's house

on more than three occasions. How will I settle my indebtedness to

your mother's father and when will I become free from the long

established hostility between us? Only Sainath has an answer to this


In Sri Sai Seva,

Your father.









12 Sep 2004 07:03:36 –0000

Sai Ram. We have so far seen how devotees could not stay or leave

without Baba's permission. We have also seen that Baba was giving

His permission and directions, keeping in view the devotee's welfare

and knowing the future. Let us continue with the spiritual gems from

Chapter 12 of Sai Satcharitra. Sai Ram. Now let us see how Sai knew

His devotee's innermost desires and how He fulfilled the same. Mr.

and Mrs. Nimonkar were spending most of their time in the Masjid

with Baba and serving Him. It so happened, that their son fell ill

at Belapur and the mother decided, with Baba's consent, to go to

Belapur, and see her son and other relatives; and stay there for a

few days, but Mr. Nanasaheb asked her to return the next day and she

sought Baba's permission to go. Baba said to her, "Go, go quickly,

be calm and unperturbed. Stay comfortably at Belapur for four days.

See all your relatives and then return to Shirdi." How opportune

were Baba's words! Mr. Nanasaheb's proposal was overruled by Baba's

decree." Thus Baba fulfilled the mother's wish without her having to

state it openly which she could not have done without incurring her

husband's displeasure. Mr.Nimonkar also abided by Baba's dictum and

thus Mrs.Nimonkar's heartfelt wish was fulfilled.


Sai Ram. Now let us see how the Guruputra of a great Guru was helped

on his spiritual path by Sadhguru Sainath who is identified with all

Gods and Gurus. "An orthodox Agnihotri Brahmin of Nasik, by name

Moolay Shastri, who had studied the six Shastras, was well-versed in

astrology and palmistry, once came to Shirdi to see Mr. Bapusaheb

Booty, the famous millionaire of Nagpur. Plantains were peeled off

by Baba and the kernel was distributed to the devotees, while the

skins were retained by Baba for Himself. Moolay Shastri, as a

palmist, wanted to examine Baba's hand or palm and requested Him to

extend the same. Baba ignored his request and gave four plantains to

him." Sai Ram. Let us pause for a minute here and absorb the

significance of the above. Why did Baba give the plantain fruit to

the devotees and keep the skin to Himself? Baba was showing that He

is the giver of the fruits of the Karma to the devotee through this.

Also being a great Yogi, Baba could digest the plantain skins, which

normal human beings can't. A friend of mine, who is a clairvoyant,

told me that the inner fibers of the skins have great medicinal

value. Baba knew such secrets, which were not known to ordinary

people like us.


Also why did Baba give Moolay Shastri four plantains when he

requested for Baba's hand so that as a palmist he could examine the

same? Baba was beyond the Six Shastras and He did not need the

services of a scholar to know His future. He, who knew the past,

present and future of all people, animals etc., doesn't need to

resort to astrologers and palmists, isn't it? At the same time,

Baba's assurance that if a man takes one step towards Him, He will

take ten steps towards the man needs to be remembered here. Since

Moolay Shastri stretched out his hand to Baba to seek His hand, he

cannot be sent empty handed. So Baba gave him four plantains. These

four plantains were not simple, ordinary plantains, but were the

four Purusharthas, namely Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. Shastry

was an orthodox Agnihotri brahmin and was thus well established in

the ordinary dharma. He was also using his knowledge of astrology

and palmistry etc. in the right way to earn a decent livelihood. He

came to Shirdi not so much to see Sai as to see Shriman Bapusaheb

Buty who was a millionaire and earn some money. Thus he was bound by

Kama, desire. So, Sainath indicated to him that he should work for

Moksha, liberation from the bonds of desires."Then, they all

returned to the Wada and Moolay Shastri bathed, wore sacred clothes,

and started his routine duties, viz. Agnihotra etc.- "Take some Geru

(i.e. a red miry substance, to dye clothes in saffron-color), we

shall today don saffron-coloured cloth. None understood what Baba



To be continued…






(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)


"Shashi": shashi_31


11. Various Methods of Sri Sai Baba's Teachings


Sri Sai Baba said that a person, who wants to get rid of the birth

and death cycle, should try with a calm mind. That is the correct

path of devotion.

The devotee should not cause pain to others by bad talk. He should

always do good to others. He has to do his duty sincerely and always

surrender himself to God. Then only, he will get rid of the fear

complex. He who believes in God totally, he who takes interest in

hearing the Leelas of God, and discuss those Leelas with others, he

who does not think about other matters, such men alone will get Atma-

Sakshatkara. To many, Baba taught the spiritual methods in many

ways. He advised some to know "WHO HE IS". To some He advised to

hear, contemplate and meditate on the Universal Self. To some He

instructed to do Padha Pooja; some were asked to read books like

Adyatma Ramayana, Jnaneswari etc; some to sit at His feet; some to

go to Kandoba Temple some to chant Vishnu Sahasranama; some to do

Parayana of Chandyoga Upanishad and Bhagavat Geeta daily. Baba used

to give instructions to some devotees in person and to some in



To some of Bhaktas He appeared in dreams and gave instructions how

to develop spiritually. When one devotee was practicing Hata Yoga,

Baba asked him to stop it immediately. Thus Baba's methods of

Spiritual Teachings are very many. He used to give worldly matters

as examples. Sri Sai Baba was correcting those people who were

criticizing others. He used to say that by criticizing others lick

away the bad tendencies by the critics were licked away with his

tongue. So the criticized person should thank the critic.


Thus, Baba was teaching His devotees in various different ways,

according to the individual devotee's current level of spiritual

advancement. So we should not get bewildered at the variety of His

teachings, but adopt that teaching which is appropriate to our

spiritual status and slowly rise rung by rung in the spiritual

ladder to higher and more subtler levels.


To be continued………..





9/03/2004 10:33:38 –0600

Om Sai Ram

It was May 2004 that on retirement we had to shift from the

Government flat to our own house. It was our last Sai Amrit Vani in

the old house, we allowed the Sai devotees that they may bring their

prasad/bhog/offerings to Baba. As this Sai Amrit Vani was the last

in that house, the place was full to capacity. Vibhuti was coming

from almost all the photos and statues of Baba kept in the mandir

(temple) and all over the house. We recited the Sai Amrit Vani, it

was so soothing and refreshing, the words cannot explain these

experiences. The experiences are unimaginable. We feel the presence

of Baba at that time. One can only imagine it when one sees the lap

of Mrs. Veena Gupta filled with Udi/Vibhuti. Mrs. Gupta prayed for

all present there and for those who asked for the prayer. People had

darshan of Baba all over the house. Now it was the turn of prasad

distribution. So much of variety of prasad was there that the whole

tables were filled with them. There was not even a single item,

which was not blessed with Udhi. Udhi was sprinkled on all the items

of prasad by Baba. It happens every Thursday that all the prasad is

accepted by Baba and it is blessed like that. Mrs. Gupta distributed

the prasad and as devotees started eating the prasad a dog of dark

black colored opened the door by pushing it. It was very strange

that a dog coming upstairs on the first floor and opening the door

like this. People started giving him the prasad from their plates.

Even I gave him the good amount of prasad and then shut the door. He

again opened the door with his paw.

People asked Mrs. Gupta to feed him, only then he will go. Mrs.

Gupta gave him all the variety of Prasad like Pakodas of Brinjal,

curry -Rice, Pulav, different types of sweets and so on. She finally

asked him to go as he had eaten enough. The dog went away. Now the

discussion started that it was Baba in that roop. To end this

discussion Mrs. Gupta said that let us leave it to Baba, and prayed

to Baba that Baba, if that were you then please let us see one more

roop/leela of yours. After that some people went to the mandir,

which is in kitchen

to see Baba. To their surprise they saw three lines of chandan

started appearing on the forehead of the photo from which the Udhi

was coming. It was wet. People started weeping with joy. Some

remained stunned. This was unimaginable. This may look like a story.

But this really happened and it happens. The words are not enough to

explain the leelas/roops of Baba. Jai Sai Ram.


Ashok Kumar Gupta



9/10/2004 16:06:46 –0600


I can't tell in words about the grace of Sai Baba to me and my

family. I had been rescued from so many tight situations, which I

can't type in. He is doing miracles in my life each and every day.

He is helping me in each and every situation. I am a sort of person

who won't believe anything easily. But the experiences, which I got,

is something really wonderful and without Sai, it would not have

been possible. He is giving advice everyday for day to activities. I

can say due to Sai Baba, my life is going on and without him my life

would be real bad. I request everyone to have firm faith on him. I

really experienced that if we have firm faith on him, he will really

lead our life in a good way.









Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before

He took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to

play in Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So I started

Krishna Leelas with effect from the first issue of New Year 2004.

Study well and learn good manners. Tell your parents to read the

Glory of Shirdi Sai - Fortnightly E-magazine and narrate Krishna

Leelas from this magazine.




Kansa became afraid of Krishna after he saw him breaking the huge

bow and defeating his men. He had in fact conspired to kill Krishna

though this Dhanush Yagna but failed. He could not sleep that night.


The next day he organized a duel to kill Krishna. When the bugle was

sounded Krishna and Balaram reached the spot of the duel. At the

entrance of the Rangamandap there was a huge elephant called

Kuvalyapeed who blocked their way. Krishna understood the trick

played by Kansa. He tightened his belt and combing his hair with his

finger demanded way to the Rangamandap from the mahout. Balaram also

did so. But the mahout did not listen to them. For a while Krishna

kept waiting but after that he lifted the elephant with his trunk

and banged him against the floor and broke his teeth. The elephant

died there. It was in fact blessed by the Lord.


…To be continued



"Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama

Tue, 14 Sep 2004 02:14:52 -0700 (PDT)



The incident narrated below took place sixty years ago. As this

throws light on how a fervent prayer results in an instant reply

from Lord Sai, it is reproduced for the benefit of present day

students of Saiism. SK Viswanathan treated Baba as a loving mother,

a tender father, a spiritual guide and Divinity Himself. He further

declared "Sai lives with His devotees, showers His Grace and

protects them with such love that no mother on earth can do." Such

an ardent devotee had to undergo mental agony on account of His ten

and half year old son's missing from home on 26-1-1944.All human

efforts including reporting to the police were made.

He was assured by Swamy Kesavaiahji "Baba Helps",

even palmists and astrologers assured that the boy would return

safe. As he lost his thirteen-year-old son one and half year ago, no

assurance gave him peace of mind. At last he cried out in silence to

Him "If it my lot to loose this boy in accordance with my past bad

karma, I will try to bear it, My Lord. But how can I bear the

thought of the frinzy some who would attribute this mishap to me

solely for worshipping Thee? Whether my boy is traced or not,

whether you give me more suffering and agony, whatever worst may

befall on me, I sought refuge at Thy Lotus feet and I shall not

budge an inch, let Thy Will be done." This sincere cry gave him

great relief and he slept with a calm mind. In the early hours he

had a vision in which a tall, white robed fakir beating the boy made

him sit by his side and served sweets to both of them to eat. When

he got up he felt he was greatly relieved. As usual he went to the

office and received a telegram, which reads, "Umapathi brought home

safe." He thought whether this was a miracle or a test for him.

It appears the boy went to Madras in search of his

mother who was then staying in Madras. The boy was fed by somebody

during journey. The police caught him as a missing boy and handed

over to Children Aid soceity, Egmore from where he was taken home by

the boy's uncle. Dear readers, his prayer was fervent with tears in

his eyes and he was more worried if others attributed this mishap to

Baba's worship. His decision not to leave Baba's feet under any

circumstances is worth emulating by us. Let us try to realize that

God is always impartial and we get nothing by accusing God.




"Sevak": sevak

8/27/2004 23:15:09 -0700

Blessings from Sai Baba

Jai Sai Ram,

Bow to the Kind Sai Who is the Abode of Mercy and who is

affectionate towards His devotees. By His mere darshan, He does away

with their fear of this 'bhava' (samsar) and destroys their

calamities. He was first Nirgun (formless), but on account of the

devotion of His Bhaktas, He was obliged to take a form. To give

liberation - self-realization to the Bhaktas is the mission of the

saints, and for Sai - the Chief of them, that mission is inevitable.

Those who take refuge in His Feet have all their sins destroyed and

their progress is certain. Remembering His Feet, Brahmins from holy

places come to Him and read scriptures and chant the Gayatri mantra

in His presence. We, who are weak and without any merits, do not

know what Bhakti is but we know this much, that though all others

may leave us, Sai won't forsake us. Those whom He favours get

enormous strength, discrimination between the Unreal and the Real

and knowledge.

Sai knows fully the desire of His devotees and fulfills the same.

Hence they get what they want and are grateful. So we invoke Him and

prostrate ourselves before Him. Forgetting all our faults let Him

free us from all anxieties. He who being overcome with calamities

remembers and prays Sai thus, will get his mind calmed and pacified

through His grace.




Radhakrishna rao rkrao722001

9/2/2004 05:10:32 -0700


I am very much thankful to Sai web site http://www.saidarbar.org

recently I received your mail. I am very happy to say that when I

come to my office, I open my P.C and I visit this web site every

day. I am thankful to you once again because we are staying in

gulf and we can see daily Sai Bhajans and Aarthi through your site.

Mainly Telugu Section in the web site is very good hope fully every

one vist this site.


"BharatKumar: bharatkumar007

9/7/2004 19:45:33 -0700


You are doing a very good job through Internet keep it up





Neeta sawant: neesamir

9/5/2004 22:43:11 -0700


Thank you for the latest issue of "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". I am

reading the earlier issues from your site http://www.saidarbar.org

Looking forward to receive many more issues from you.




9/4/2004 07:36:49 -0700


My name is Lakshmi Thanks for sending me thee information I enjoyed

very much watching Baba pictures and reading

Sai Gayatri. I would like to have information how to contact

directly Shiridi Sansthan for Telugu/and English (Shiridi Saiba's


Thanks again



Vasudevan rao : vasudevanrao

8/29/2004 11:48:11 -0700

Sai Ram!

Thanks for sending news about Shirdi Saibaba.

With kind and warm personal regards,

Vasudevan Rao


Hari prasad hp_paladugu

8/29/2004 04:52:25 –0700


Thank you for sending me "The Glory of Shirdi Sai " E-magazine.


Karanam Kumar: karanamk

9/10/2004 16:38:41 +0100


THANKS A LOT for adding me in your email address really at least

weekly once I will hear some good things from the Lord SRI SAI BABA.

Through your mail. Recently I have become more devoted to Sri Sai

Baba. That's why I think my id is added in your address book.

With kind regards




9/10/2004 12:35:13 EDT

Dear Fellow Devotee:

Greetings. I appreciate your sending me the latest issue. Please

add my name and address for sending the future issues by email.

Thank you.

Dr. M. S. Rao



Please visit:



Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London


Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford




"Badri Narasimhan": saibadris

Thu, 19 Aug 2004 09:19:03 -0700 (PDT)

Sai Darbar USA – Annual Day Celebrations 2004


With the blessings of Lord Shree Sai Nath, SaidarbarUSA.org*

(Wallingford Sai Darbar) group has completed its first successful

year and cordially invites you with family and interested friends

and devotees for its First Annual Day Celebrations.

Venue: 212 Moore Road, Wallingford, PA, USA 19086

Date and Time: Saturday, 18th September 2004 at 10.30 a.m.

Contact: technical

(Please confirm your participation)


"ShanthiRamakrishnan": shanthi

9/9/2004 22:43:00 -0700

Sai Darbar activities of 14th chapter (Portland OR USA) for the

month of August 2004



We had a wonderful 14th session of our Sai Darbar on August 21st

Saturday. We started the session with OM, Gayatri and Sai Gayatri

followed by Sai Ashtothram. We sang a Ganseh Bhajan. Then we read

22nd & 23rd chapters in Sai SatCharitra. Sai Darbar was concluded

with Aarti & prasad.

Thank you for your support.




8/28/2004 11:54:11 –0600


I am very glad to read Sai devotee's experiences on this site and I

take this opportunity to inform that I am also a staunch devotee of

Shri Saibaba, Shirdi, since more than 22 years. In my life

everything goes smooth because of sai Babashri only. By the

inspiration given to me by Lord Sainath, I have started one monthly

magazine, "Sai's miracles" (Hindi and English) from Indore, M.P.

India. It is completed one year now we are releasing 16th month


For Further details Please contact: sai_publications

For Sai_publications: K.Padmavathi



Om Sai Mandir": saisandesh

9/1/2004 22:34:46 –0400

Om Sai Mandir Newsletter: Sai Sandesh: September 2004 Issue is

available on line and can be read at:




8/18/2004 08:36:18 –0700


Om Sai Ram,

We would like to inform you that we have now added your link to our

web site, you can find the link here: http://www.omsaibaba.com/ we

have also updated the site with some new photos. Om Sai Ram.



Ramachandra ramprasad shirdisaifoundation

Tuesday, August 10, 2004 12:46:45 PM


Due to unavoidable and unforeseen circumstances, All India Sai

Devotees Convention September 2004 postponed to December 2004. The

exact dates will be informed in due course. We regret to all Sai

devotees and we are sorry for the inconvenience caused by us.

The 5th Anniversary Akhanda Sai Nama Sapthaha scheduled from 05-09-

2004 to 12-09-2004 at Dattatreya Shirid Sai Mandir, Sai Snehadhama

Vrudhashram Premises, Shirdi Sai Gram, Metipalya, Sondekoppa Road,

Tavarekere, Bangalore South.

It is requested all Sai Bahdus from Sai Darbar and Sai devotees from

all over the world to participate and receive the blessings of

Shirdi Sai Baba.

Accommodation will be provided to all the non-Bangalore devotees

participating in the sapthaha.

Yours in Sai service



Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir": baba

Wed, 25 Aug 2004 11:45:32 -0500

Temple timings: Weekdays (except Thu) - 6.15pm to 7.00pm; Thu –

6.30pm to 9pm; Weekends – 9am to 7pm. Dhoop (Sandhya) Arathi

performed on all days and in addition Kakad and Noon (Madhyan)

Arathi on weekends. All devotees are encouraged to sign up either by

contacting temple committee members or by sending an email to

baba to sign up for weekend volunteer service



"Atlanta Sai Temple News" atlantasai

Dear Sai Devotees,

Please plan to attend the sponsored Bhajan at the temple For

Further details Please visit: www.templeofpeace.org



"saibandhu" saibandhu

Dear Shirdi Sai devotees

.. We would like to invite you and your family for the Bhajans.

For details about the Weekly Satsanghs Visit www.ShradhaSaburi.org




Saidarbar – Hyderabad has celebrated Krishna Janmastami on 06-09-

2004, Monday with devotion. In the evening Saibanisaji gave a

discourse to the Sai devotees assembled in Darbar. The topic

was "Dwaraka Krishna is Dwarakamayi Sai". The topic was well

received by the devotees. Smt.Madhu Gopal Ravada has distributed

sweets and Prasadam to the devotees. Darbar wore festive look with

devotees celebrating the Birthday of Lord Krishna.

Saibanisa – GopalaRao Ravadaji is going to address Saidevotees at

Wallingford Saidarbar –PA-USA on 18-09-2004 at 9 P.M IST over

telephone on the eve of First Annual day Celebrations of


We from Saidarbar wish all the Sai devotees "A Happy Ganesh

Chavithi" on 18-09-2004.

We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar

The Executive members of Saidarbar – Hyderabad would like to convey

their hearty thanks to Saibandhu VijayAggarwal of USA who has came

forward to take the responsibility of publishing the E-book "Sai A

Beacon For Humanity" in the internet and to the Sai devotees who

have purchased this book. With this activity Saidarbar- Hyderabad

gained the confidence to release the E-books in future also. We

request all Sai devotees to support Saidarbar movement and receive

Blessings from Baba.

Now in collaboration with India in a book "The Glory of Shirdi

Sai" is available in the form of E-magazine in the website

http://www.ebooks.vijishvanya.com/shirdi/emagazine.htm We hope that

readers will get benefited by going through this Bi-weekly Magazine,

solely dedicated for the purpose of spreading Shri Shirdi Sai

Philosophy across the Globe by the media of internet.



The Glory of Shirid Sai will be pleased to publish the activities

in this regard from all the Sai centers. Individuals interested may

send reports to Saidarbar

Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- a bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will

publish them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

and also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi




P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi

Sai ", kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.


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