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Divine Music

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Divine Music


EVEN a little effort sincerely and honestly made bears immense fruit

and if a person constantly remembers the All-Merciful God and chants

His Divya Nama or Mahamantra, surely he attains supreme bliss. There is

no doubt about it. But taste for the Divine Name grows as a result pf

supreme religious merit in previous births as well as in this birth also,

out of Divine Grace. So it will be necessary to lead a pure life and to

cleanse our hearts and minds of every impurity first. We must eschew without

reserve lust, anger and greed

Fearlessness, purity of heart, steadfastness in knowledge of Yoga,

alms-giving, control of the senses, sacrifice, study of the sacred

scriptures with reverence, humility, austerity,

staight-forwardness, harmlessness absence of anger, renunciation,

peacefulness, truthfulness, absence of crookedness, compassion to all

beings, uncovetousness, gentleness, modesty, absence of

fickle-mindedness, vigour, forgiveness, fortitude, scrupulous

cleanliness, absence of hatred and absence of pride are the

characteristics belonging to one born for a divine state.


Hypocrisy, arrogance, self-conceit, anger, lust, harshness, ignorance,

impurity, untruthful conduct, atheism, pride, delusion, immeasurable cares

and expectations, gloating over one's vicious achievements and ill-gotten

wealth, harmful and deceitful nature, stubbornness, disregard of scriptural

ordinances, haughtiness,' egoism, boasting of one's powers and malice are

the characteristics of those belonging to demoniacal nature.


Divine nature is deemed for liberation and the demoniacal for bondage. The

former leads to supreme happiness and bliss, and the latter to ignominy and

the foulest hell. The Lord's Nama alone will save us from hell and the chain

of births and rebirths. So every one should strive sincerely to follow the

divine path and attain salvation in this very birth.


The great Kunti Matha prayed, " O Krishria! It is in sorrow and suffering we

remember Thee. Therefore throw me in the whirlpool of misery over and over

again so that I may not forget Thee." .. 'this shows the divine state which

is fitted for immortality.


Krishna is singing of God's Nama and glories either singly or in Chorus,

where a number of devotees join together for self-purification and for

getting the Lord's mercy or kripa. When people who have reliance in the

Lord's Words find themselves overwhelmed by difficulties and When there is

no hope' of rescue, they call for His help in extreme distress and help

comes forthwith. This also is kirtan for redemption from imminent peril

(Bhaya), the Lord being 'Bhaya Nashana.'


The music of Sages Narada and Thumburu and the chorus bhajan of Sri Gauranga

and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu come under the former category and the appeal

to the Lord for help of Draupadi and Gajendra under the latter. The

memorable prayer of Draupadi and her kirtan when her saree was pulled away

with violence in the royal assembly by that villain Dhuchasana is most

thrilling. She cried, " O Dweller of Dwaraka ! O Krishna! Lord of the Gopis

! See how I am insulted and ill-treated by these Kauravas. O Lord of

Lakshmi! Lord of Vraja! Lord Janardana, allayer of suffering ! Deliver me

from the ocean of misery into which these Kauravas have plunged me. O

Krishna ! Preserver and Protector ! O Maha Yogi! I seek Thy protection

against the tyranny of the wretched Kauravas. Pray, save me and protect my

honour. O Govinda! I fall at your feet in Saranagati. There is noae to save

me expect Thyself."


What happened ? That Ocean of Mercy, Lord Sri Krishna, at once entered into

the composition of Draupadr's garment and the more that wicked Dhuchasana

pulled it, the more the cloth extended and there was a huge pile of divine

and beautiful garment all the while. Such is the efficacy of chanting and

singing the Divine Nama and His glories,

Victory and mangalam be to Lord Sri Krishna and His sacred Nama! The story

of Gajaraja is another instance of the Lord's overflowing mercy even to

animals who can neither chant mantras nor sing like human beings. Owing to

supreme merit acquired in previous births the lord of elephants cried and

appealed to the Lord of watchers, Sriman Narayana and help came at once.

As regards singing in chorus by several devotees, this form of kirtana

flourishes in Brindavan, Ayodhya, Pandarpur and Shirdi even today. When Sri

Sai Baba was alive, his devotees used to sing in ecstasy, forgetting

themselves and in complete self-surrender to that great Saviour and Healer

of broken hearts.


The divine music and kirtan instil Para Bhakti not only in those singing

them but also in those hearing them. The Lord of the kirtana is bodily

present where so much of Divine Love is manifested. The Lord has said :

" I dwell not in Vaikunta or in the heart of Yogis ; I stay wherever My

devotees assemble and sing My glory and Nama in ecstasy/'

Blessed is the devotee who gets a thrill and whose voice gets choked and his

eyes filled with tears of joy as he hears, remembers or sings the Divine

Name. Glory to Lord Sri Narayana. May Sri Sai Baba bless us all to have

remembrance of the Divine Name always and sing His glories without reserve

at all times.


Om Shanthi! Shanthi!! Shanthihi!!!


Saint Sayings


Unhappiness comes from the-wrong view points, from worry, dissipation of

energy, fear of the future regret for the past. Stop all this mental

agitation and unhappiness ceases.

Very often we place false value upon ourselves and think we are great, good

and all that. God above is great and good.

To suffer for the sake of truth or God, it is a glorious human privilege.

Such suffering brings you nearer to Him.




(Adopted from the Book Pearls of Wisdom by His Holiness Swami Kesavaiahji)

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