Guest guest Posted March 9, 2005 Report Share Posted March 9, 2005 ====================================================================== HIGHLIGHTS OF TALKS BY SPEAKERS 08-03-2005 ====================================================================== TALK BY PROF. ANIL KUMAR – HIGHLIGHTS ---- Prof. Anil Kumar began his talk with a unique experience he had in Kodaikanal. Once while seated in front of Bhagawan, he saw a mark on the ankle of Swami's left foot. It looked like the imprint formed by the continuous wearing of an anklet. This is what Swami also said. After a while out of curiosity, Prof. Anil Kumar observed the right ankle of Bhagawan but did not find any such mark. He questioned Bhagawan mischievously whether the right foot ankle had fallen off during Darshan time. To this Swami immediately replied, "Don't you know, I am Ardhanareeshwara?" Prof. Anil Kumar continued giving the example of Sri Ramabrahmam (Former Brindavan Caretaker) who said that he would always see Swami as the form of Lingam. He would conduct himself with Swami in this consciousness. He recapitulated Swami's Sivaratri Discourse in 1972 at Brindavan, wherein, Bhagawan mentioned that Shiva is truly Cosmic Energy. Shiva is not a form as we understand. That is why we do not refer to this energy as Sri Shiva. Shiva stands for Ardhanareeshwara which represents matter + energy. Prof. Anil Kumar concluded his talk explaining the relation of the moon with the mind and its significance with respect to Sivaratri. TALK BY DR. NARENDRA REDDY – HIGHLIGHTS ------ Dr. Reddy, a very scholarly speaker, quoted extensively from the Vedas, the Gita and also from Bhagawan. He explained how incomprehensible the Avataric phenomenon is. He struck a personal note by sharing his own experiences. He spoke about his father who had a spinal disc problem but was cured by Swami without any surgery. In fact surgery could have proved fatal and Swami had stopped them just in time. His mother too had multiple health problems. She was disabled and could not even walk. However, this 79th Birthday of Bhagawan, she was Blessed by Swami and with just a tap of His Hand, she is now able to walk to the surprise of all! Dr. Reddy then went on to describe how Bhagawan cures the ailments of others but does not use this power for Himself. There are two lessons, Dr. Reddy said, that must be learnt from this episode. One is the transcendence of body consciousness and the second is living life selflessly. Bhagawan was setting an example for both. True renunciation does not mean giving up wife, children, home etc., but it means giving up of evil qualities. He narrated a very interesting episode wherein a physician friend of his, on one occasion felt very much hurt when Bhagawan called two of his friends for an interview, but left him out. He felt within as to why Swami was treating him like a step son. The next day, during Darshan, Dr. Reddy was sitting next to him. Swami came straight to this man and said, "Why do you look at me as a step mother?" Dr. Reddy could not understand this conversation but later when his friend shared this episode with him, he realized how Bhagawan reflects every thought of ours. He concluded his talk narrating the story of Sri Kutumba Rao. In his final days, Sri Kutumba Rao had cancer. He was admitted in a hospital in Bangalore. His wife, being very disturbed prayed to Swami to cancel his cancer. Bhagawan said that He would surely do so provided Kutumba Rao himself asked for it. The wife went to her husband and narrated all that had happened. Sri Kutumba Rao said that he would never ask for such a boon. If at all he would ask, he would seek only for liberation. This body had to anyhow go one day. The disappointed wife returned for Darshan. Swami came to her and asked her about her husband's response. Then Bhagawan said that through this event, He wanted to show the world an example of a true devotee! TALK BY SRI S.V. GIRI - HIGHLIGHTS - Sri S.V. Giri said that the festival of Sivaratri signifies control of the mind. The moon reflects the aspect of the mind. On this day when the moon wanes away to a great extent, the mind too must disappear. This is the key to liberation. Mana Eva Manushyanam Karanam Bandha Mokshayo. Mind alone is the cause for both bondage and liberation! He explained some of the titles given to Lord Shiva. For example, Lord Shiva as Ardhanareeshwara, is symbolic of gender equality. More than equality it reflects on the complementarity of man and woman in this world. This assumes more importance in the context of the role of women in society. Lord Shiva as Neelakanta, signifies that the Lord is willing to take upon Himself any amount of hardship for the welfare of the world. Hunger and sleep are two animal instincts which must be overcome by man. This is the qualification that he must gain to move towards the Lord. Jagaran (keeping vigil at night), he opined, is to remain awake with a purpose, with an awareness. Bhagawan has said that all those who participate in this Sivaratri celebration here will attain Moksha. However, He has also defined what Moksha is. Moksha is Moha + Kshaya. Destruction of attachment is Moksha. Incidentally in Ujjain, the first worship offered to the Lord Shiva, which is the Rudrabhisheka, is performed with the hot ash obtained from a recently cremated body. This symbolizes the detachment aspect of the Lord. Shiva is at ease both on the lofty mountain top and also in the burial ground! Sri S.V. Giri concluded his talk elaborating on the various projects initiated by Bhagawan, stressing especially on the Deenajanodarana Pathakam (orphanage) and the Bheema Ratha Santhi – that targets the geriatric population and sets an example regarding the respectful attitude that one must foster towards the aged in society. TALK BY SHRI ANIL GOKAK – HIGHLIGHTS --- Sri Gokak opened his talk with the statement – The inner core is more important than the outer shell. He explained that all the rituals are like a fence that protects the crop. The main purpose is related to the inner core. For example, the main purpose is control of the mind. For this we need to remember God and therefore we sing Bhajans. Sri Anil Gokak went on to elaborate the significance of the Lingam. 'Li' in Lingam stands for Leeyate which means 'to merge'. All forms merge into the Lingam. It has by itself, no beginning, no end, no front or no back. It is a symbol of the formless Divine Essence. Similarly, he said that Swami too says, "I belong to all forms, names and religions". The need of the hour today is faith in all the religions. Intensity of belief, he stated, is the essence of religion. But many people say, "My religion is true, the other religion is false". This is called fundamentalism or fanaticism. Inclusiveness is where one says that one's religion is complete and he does not need any other religion. However, the golden mean, Prof. Gokak concluded, was to practice ones own faith and also respect others faith. He finally quoted Bhagawan saying that there is only one religion – the religion of Humanity. ====================================================================== DIVINE DISCOURSE HIGHLIGHTS 08-03-2005 (MORNING) ====================================================================== No one is able to understand the true significance of Sivaratri. The meaning is in the word itself. Siva means auspicious and therefore Sivaratri means the Holy Night, Auspicious Night. Who is Shiva? He is the Universal Cosmic Consciousness present in all beings. Not just in humans, but even in birds, beasts and animals. In fact, every second, every moment is Sivaratri. We do not have to wait for a whole year to celebrate Sivaratri. Siva Consciousness is effulgent, radiant and all pervasive. This is the highest principle of Love. There is nothing else other than this principle of Love! Shiva is not just a person with matted hair and ochre robe. Indeed, Shiva is playing Tandavam in one and all. How can you ever comprehend this all pervasive principle? It is impossible for anybody to specify a particular place or time for the presence of Lord Shiva. We think that Siva Tandavam is similar to the dance performed by the boys and other dancers. This is only symbolic, not reality. We say that Shiva has three eyes. What does this mean? This means that Shiva can see not just the past and present as we normal humans do but even the future! Each one of us describes or estimates God based on our own feelings and thoughts. However, all our descriptions fall short of conveying the Reality! Whatever form the Divine Consciousness takes, we see Him that way. It could be a crow or a dog or a human! Esvaratvam means Divine Consciousness. This Sivatvam is present in all the beings. This Divine Consciousness is worshipped by people by attributing different names and forms to it. But the main principle is Love. However, your love for your father, mother, sister and brother are all forms of attachment. It is not true love. God is in your own form. You yourself are witness to it. As is the form so is the feeling, as is the feeling so is the attribute, as is the attribute so is the consciousness. God does not follow daily mundane procedures or sanskaras. He is the one who subjects others to sanskaras. He is the one who cleanses others. All that we think of God are based on our own imagination resulting from our devotion. However, we must not be carried away by our imagination. God is always peaceful. We refer to Him as Rudra. But He is not Rudra Rupa. He is ever smiling. Differences arise on account of our own thoughts and feelings. Go beyond the diversity and understand the unity in Divinity. Divinity is only One not two! Today, in this Kali Age, we think of diversity because we are intoxicated with wine and not Divine! We can understand Divinity only through the path of Love. Ravi Verma – (the great painter) may paint different forms of God. Both Ravi (painter) and Kavi (poet) give rise to diversities. Sometimes, God Himself wonders where this diversity exists, for people to speak about. It is our food, habits and mentality that is responsible for this diversity. If all our habits are good then we will see only Unity! You are encouraging too many thoughts and imaginations about God, leading to Diversity. This is very wrong. Never divide, God is only One – pure, unsullied, blemishless….We are confused because of our mistaken identity, super imposition etc. Rama, Krishna, Eswara, Vishnu all are One! Names and Forms are given only for our satisfaction!! You can worship any form of your choice. There is no compulsion. Never feel that if you worship Rama, Krishna will get angry and if you worship Krishna, Rama will get upset!! (loud applause). There is no negativity in God. Even for fun, we cannot say that there is negativity in God. Worship any name, any form. Never imagine any differences whatsoever! Bhagawan sat down at 9.10 a.m. As He sat on the sofa, Swami asked, "Are you full of positivity or negativity?" There was no answer. Then Swami asked, "Who among you can say that you are full of positivity?" He continued, "Can anyone say that you are full of negativity?" Prof. Anil Kumar translated the question to all the students and then we all answered in one voice that we are all full of positivity. Prof. Anil Kumar conveyed the same to Swami. Swami then asked, "If all of you are full of positivity, then why do you have differences among you?" Hearing this remark, there was loud applause. Swami waved His hand and materialized a gold chain. He asked, "What is in this chain?" All of us answered, "Swami!" Bhagawan then closed the chain in His fist and when He opened it again, there was a gold ring. Swami asked, "What is there in this ring?" Once again all gave the same reply, "Swami!' Swami then said, "In the ring, you find a diamond. Diamond means - Die Mind". Swami then called a II PG student sitting in front with a letter. Bhagawan accepted his letter and placed the ring on his finger much to his amazement and delight! As the hall was filled with applause, Swami's Hand again moved in circles and there came a gold chain!! Again another II PG student sitting in front was called. As the brother came forward and gave his letter to Swami, Bhagawan put the chain around his neck! Another round of applause and all were delighted. ====================================================================== DIVINE DISCOURSE HIGHLIGHTS 08-03-2005 (EVENING) ====================================================================== In this sacred land of Bharath, it is forbearance which beings beauty. In this sacred land, among all the rituals, adherence to Truth is a penance and is the toughest. In this land, feeling towards the Mother is the noblest. In this land of Bharath, character is more important than life itself. Just as an elephant is not ware of its own strength; Bharathiyas too are unaware of their true might! Nobody till today has ever understood the greatness, significance and purpose of this country of Bharath. Bharatiya Sanskruti (culture) is the noblest of all (cultures). The Bharatiya Culture is present right from the microcosm to the macrocosm. Today we are forgetting this sacred culture and are blindly aping foreign cultures. Truth and Dharma alone can ensure Peace. Nobody can annihilate Truth and Dharma. They are like our two eyes. Unfortunately today, we are losing our eyesight. Shanti (Peace) is more important than Truth and Dharma too. Tyaga is even nobler. Tyaga does not mean giving up your worldly possessions. Tyaga is spiritual in content, not material. We can be called true Bharatiyas only if we foster Human Values. True Tyaga is to imbibe these values in our daily life. Today it is our bad luck that we are losing such noble values. The entire Creation comes out of Truth and dissolves in Truth. It is these Human Values which foster the child right from its birth. The women of Bharath undergo so many difficulties and teach values to their children. Swami very well knows the suffering that parents undergo to bring up their children. Many times they even go without food so as to feed and educate their children. Today, students need not acquire great degrees or qualifications. They should first understand Truth and Dharma and their inner significance. Satya = Sat + Ya = Sacred sound in Silence. In Satya, Sa stands for Satva, Ta stands for Tyaga, and Ya stands for Yama and Niyama i.e. individual and social discipline. Dharayeti Iti Dharmaha. That which is worn is Dharma. Dharma is the vesture for man. At this point Swami elaborately described the story of Markhandeya, until the point where he is given a second birth by Lord Shiva and Parvati. It is then that Parvati and Shiva give him a new name of Neelakanta. The significance of this name is that inspite of having poison within; it is not able to harm the individual. God alone can save man from such ailments. Doctors only give promises but many of them are missed. It is God who is the true Protector. Students, right from this tender age, you must pray for God's Grace. Once you acquire His Grace, He will always protect you. There are several names given to God. Achintya means the one who has no worry at all. Aprameya is the one who can never be measured or estimated. Amritya is the one who is deathless. Mrutyunjaya is the one who has conquered death. Today is Sivaratri. Siva – Siva – Siva. Siva means auspiciousness! On this day, from dawn to dusk we must sing the glory of the Lord. You all are children of immortality – Amrutasya Putraha. (At this point, it was 5.10 p.m. and Swami sat down on the sofa. The mike was held in front of Him and He continued the Discourse sitting on the sofa) If you all are immortal, why is it that you encounter death. Because we think of death, we meet death. We must constantly remind ourselves that we are immortal! Bhagawan concluded His Discourse with the Bhajan Prema Mudita Mana Se Kaho….Students be awake throughout the night and participate in singing Bhajans. I will come out again during the Brahmamuhurtam period – early in the morning. You must not sing out of force. Sing with enthusiasm. Participate smilingly and cheerfully. In the morning, when I come out I must see your bright faces, full of Tejas (glow). Sai Ram A Anantha Vijaya Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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