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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 7--2005

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Third Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 7 / 2005


Please visit our Web site: http://www.saidarbar.org


















Rajeswari Kasturi,

Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

>From the Satsanghs of Saibanisa


"Keep away from the people ill-treating and humiliating you. Never

invite them. If you come across them exercise restraint". This message

I have collected from the spiritual diary of Saibanisa – Gopala Rao

Ravadaji. When I asked to elaborate more on this subject, Saibanisaji

has given his views to this message, which I would like to produce for

the benefit of our readers.


Saibanisaji feels that in this world there are no friends or enemies.

Everybody is a Sai Swaroopa. He says if some people are like Tulasi

plants (Good persons) and some people are like Itching plants (Bad

persons). God creates both plants so we should be nearer to plants

like Tulasi and we should be away from Itching plants. In other words,

these Itching Plants are allergic plants to humanity. So we should be

away from them. If you are suffering with allergy, you will go to a

doctor and the doctor will diagnize the cause for the allergy and he

will advise you to keep away from the allergic food. In the similar

way, for the advancement in the spiritual life, you should be away

from the bad people.


2. Your enemy (bad person) is like a Date tree and you are not

supposed to hug the tree to avoid piercing from the thorns of the

tree, but you are advised to collect and eat the good tasty fruit

(good qualities of the person) and enjoy the spiritual life.


3. Even Lord Rama has told the same to his brother Lakshman to go to

King Ravan (When Ravan was on death bed) and learn Rajneethi from him.


So with all these statements, we should not develop hatred nor

attachment for our fellow beings. We should learn to accept the good

and reject the bad.





April 1886: Baba performed Yoga kriya samadhi for 72 hours.


April 1904: Rao Bahadhur.H.V.Sathe first arrived at Shiridi.


April 1912:Baba announces the first arrival of Dhurundhara brothers

from Bombay in advance.





These messages are the outcome and essence of the dream sequences of

Saibanisa as given by Lord Sainath, which reflect the Sai Philosophy

and his high thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and are

generally thought provoking, enough to set one's thinking process.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


200) 27th Nov 1997: When you are talking about divinity be humble

because "EGO" is the first hurdle in the path of "ADHYATMA". Destroy

the ego.


201) 2nd Dec 1997: "GOD" has blessed us with a tongue to relish the

food and to talk good. Why eat prohibited food and talk bad of others?



202) 2nd Dec 1997: When your heart is cleansed with the milk of

"ADHYATMA" bad thoughts cannot enter your mind, even if you stand

fully exposed.


203) 2nd Dec 1997: Estimate and then distribute the excess in

requirement of your food before your consumption, to the hungry and

the needy. The food thus consumed by you is equivalent to

"BHUKTHASESHA" (left over of GOD).



204) 9th Dec 1997: "HANUMAAN" is the true slave and servant of the

"GOD". He always protects the devotees of "GOD".



205) 2nd Oct 1993: Man- woman relationships, the cycle of life and

death are natural phenomena. To feel happy on the arrival of newborn

and grieving on the death of a family member are not desirable.



206) 23rd Sep 1993: Misuse of power for the sake of kith and kin with

arrogance is a sin. Realize that your power is not permanent.



207) 10th Sep 1993: It is worthwhile to distribute the seeds of good

flowers to others. In all probabilities they may not use for

themselves. Even if they throw them anywhere casually, a good

plantation of flowers may come up in the near future.


208) 10th Aug 1997: I say that the blood running through our veins is

similar and I am

The driving force behind that flow.





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA

from our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


Dated: 06-01-1993

Shri.Sai has many times compared life with that of journey by Train

and this is one of such sequences that created lot of impact on my

personality as a whole. I boarded a Train at an unknown station along

with my wife and children, just about to move. Ticket collector

examined the Tickets and asked me to get down at the next station as

we have boarded a wrong train. I sought his guidance with respect to

the future course of action to be followed. I readily offered him a

Dakshina of Rupees Two as demanded by him. In reciprocity he gave me

all the particulars. I wanted to inform my wife and children about

details of the conversation. To my utter despair, they have already

got down from the running train, probably on overhearing our talk. My

mind was confused and in the process, I got down at the next station.

I approached the Station Master and requested him to contact the

previous Station telephonically and inform my wife and children about

my presence here. He refused to oblige. I started walking backwards on

the same track to reach them anticipating their wait and worry for me.

My love and attachment towards them was drawing me towards them. In

the mean while, I saw a lone Rail – engine coming slowly from behind.

Unmindful and undeterred, I continued the walk. Soon the engine has

hit a wall in my front and I was trapped between the wall and the

bumpers, how- ever I was not at all hurt. The wall collapsed due to

the impact. The engine then reversed it's direction and for me there

was neither a track, nor a wall. All that visible were an open ground

and the Horizon. I felt as if some unknown force was calling me in

that direction. From there on, I commenced the marathon walk with out

looking back.


The contents once again reminded me the words by Baba on `Udhi',

quoted from the 33rd chapter of Sai Satcharitra – " Brahmah is the

only reality and the universe is ephemeral, and that no one in this

world, be he a son, father or wife, are really ours. We come here

alone and we go alone from here". It appeared to me that this dream

has demonstrated the ultimate truth and given me a new meaning for my



Work towards Self – realization and come out of `Maya' i.e. illusion.


Dated: 04-02-1993.


I have gone to bed thinking about the Baba's times and imagining him

in bodily form when he was alive. In my sleep, I have initially seen a

clear blue sky with out any stars, clouds, sun or moon. It was all

like universe full of glow. I was unable to face sight of the glare of

the light that subsequently followed. I got awake frightened. I was

dumb folded and not in a position to see the actual frame of SAI. I

was terribly disappointed. Again I stood before SAI's photograph and

requested him to show his presence in a form that I can understand. So

saying, I once again retired to bed. I was astonished to see SAI in my

mother's form and I prostrated before him with reverence. I woke up

and started recollecting the dream contents .My attention paused for a

while at the addressing of Baba to his beloved `Meghashyam' in 28th

chapter – " I neither need a frontage nor a door to enter. I have

neither a form, nor have an extension. I live everywhere and the

entire universe is filled with me". I concluded that SAI is omniscient

and the entire universe is filled with SAI in different forms.

I have neither a form nor an extension. I live everywhere.



"Venkateswaraswamy Swarna" swamysv & swamymain

Sat, 26 Mar 2005 21:26:36 -0800 (PST)

Sai Ram. We have been enjoying the beauty of the Spiritual Gems that

the 14th Chapter of the Ocean of Sai Satcharitra has been bringing up

for the last few weeks. In this article, with the blessings of that

gracious Sadguru, our Maharaj, we shall conclude this chapter. Shri

Hemadpant wrote, "Now we shall close this Chapter with a few remarks

about Dakshina."


Sai Ram. Dakshina has many meanings. One is that of an offering to a

Saint or God or a Priest etc., Dakshina also means the right hand path

(right path). Dakshina also means the southward direction, ruled by

Lord Yama. As long as one gives with the feeling that he/she is

giving, one is bound by one's karma. In that sense, it is like any

other sacrifice or yagna. And as long as

One performs a yagna with a desire to enjoy the fruits of that yagna,

one is bound by the law of karma. One has to reap the fruits of one's

actions. One has to lie in the bed that one has made, till one's

desires are burnt in the fire of Jnana, True Knowledge and one's ego

is left like the cinders/ash/burnt stick, where no seeds can sprout,

one has to do good deeds. And what is a better deed than offering

one's money or other worldly gifts, at the feet of one's God and Guru?


"First for a long time, Baba did not accept anything. He stored burnt

match sticks and filled His pocket with them." Sai Ram. Sai was

indicating that He has burnt all His desires (His ego's) by Yoga and

Jnana. Each burnt matchstick probably represented a desire! So, He

collected burnt matchsticks to indicate that a Jnani should be

conscious of desires coming up in the mind and burn them. A burnt

matchstick cannot be reused, as it doesn't ignite, so a Jnani's seeds

of desires are burnt and cannot sprout. His desires are burnt and

cannot ignite passions.


"He never asked anything from anybody--whether he be a devotee or

otherwise. If anybody placed before Him a paise or two, He purchased

oil or tobacco." Sai Ram. What is given without asking can be accepted

as a God's gift or prasad. Sai was indicating that as a Saint, as a

devotee of God, He accepted everything as His gift. "He was fond of

tobacco, for He always smoked a bidi or Chilim (an earthen pipe)." Sai

Ram. I beg to differ with Shri Hemadpant, the author on this

point. Sai was not fond of anything except remembering Him (He

referred to Himself as Yade Huq, who remembers God - the only refrain

from His lips was Allah Malik, Allah Accha Karega - this unwavering

Faith in Allah distinguished this great Saint, in whom God took a

permaent abode). His smoking was another Dhuni, in which He burnt the

sins of all His devotees. "Then

Some persons thought that they could not see the Saints empty-handed,

and they, therefore, placed some copper coins before Baba. If one

paise was placed before Him. He used to pocket it; if it was a two

paise coin, it was returned immediately." Sai Ram. He asked for the

two paise of Sraddha and Saburi. His accepting one paise and returning

two paise was probably indicative of the non-duality and rejection of

duality with God.


"Then after Baba's fame had spread far and wide, people began to flock

in numbers; and Baba began to ask Dakshina from them." Sai Ram. This

asking devotees for dakshina was Baba's simple stratagem of filtering

devotees who had real faith and keep away those who doubted and whose

time was not yet ripe. "Ultimately, the Shastras laid it down that,

when one goes to see

God, King, Saint or Guru, he should not go empty-handed. He should

offer something, preferably

Coin or money." This is to show one's respect. What is adorning one's

hand is now placed at the feet of the other, thus indicating that the

ego is now ready to place itself at the feet of the God/Guru. "In

order to teach the devotees the lesson of charity and to remove their

attachment to money and thus to purify their minds, Baba extracted

Dakshina from them; but there was this peculiarity, as Baba said, that

He had to give back hundred times more of what He received." Sai

Ram. Baba was again indicating the law of karma. One has to reap what

one has sown. Just like a seed sprouts and grows into a tree, which

yields a number of fruits, one's actions, good or bad yield a manifold

return. So, one has to be very careful of what one thinks and one

does. And as goes along the path of karma, one finally reaches a stage

where one feels bound by the actions and reactions. The intellect gets

weighed down, the mind becomes clouded by desires and the side effects

of fulfilling those desires. Just as the preparation of food results

in many sins and thus

Needs the performing of five daily yagnas, thus binding the ego, the

jeevatma with more and more

karmas, each of which results in more karma. It is important to note

that there is no karma, which is totally pure, except what one offers

to one's Guru. The Sadguru alone is capable of giving back good and

burning what is bad in the offering. "Mr.Bodas says, that in later

life he never lacked money, as it came to him abundantly." The returns

match the offerings. Provided one gives to the right cause.


"There were also secondary meanings of Dakshina, in many cases, in

which Baba did not want any pecuniary amount. To quote two instances -

(1) Baba asked Rs.15/- as Dakshina from Pro. G.G.Narke, who replied

that he did not have even a pie? Then Baba said, "I know you have no

money; but you are reading Yoga-Vashistha. Give Me Dakshina from

that." Giving Dakshina in this case meant - `Deriving lessons from the

book and lodging them in the heart where Baba resides'. (2) In the

second case Baba asked a certain lady (Mrs. R. A. Tarkhad) to give

Rs.6/- as Dakshina. The lady felt pained, as she had nothing to give.

Then her husband explained to her that Baba wanted six inner enemies

(lust, anger, avarice etc.) to be surrendered to Him. Baba agreed with

this explanation." Sai Ram. Here, Baba was indicating the right path

to be followed.


In short, Baba's main object in taking Dakshina, from His devotees was

to teach them the lessons of Renunciation and Purification.


Sai Ram. We have now completed the original chapter and shall take up

the post-script in the next issue of Glory.


Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer




(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

16. What is God? Who is God? How are we to see God?

Swamiji also said that Konopanishad says that God cannot be sensed,

that He is not seen, heard of felt or even thought of.

1.'Yat Chakshushana pasyati yena chakshumsi pasyati; Tadeva Brahma

tvam viddi na idam yad idam upasate.' (What one does not see with eye

but that by which the eyes see, know that alone is Brahman – not this

which people worship as God)


2.'Yat manasa na manute yena ahur manomatam tadeva Brahma tvam viddi

na idam yad idam upasana'. (What the mind cannot form a conception of,

but what is said to be that by which the mind is conceived – that

alone is Brahman not what people worship as God)

This forms the Neti-Net portion, that is the negative or rather the

chiefly negative portion of the description of Brahman or God. There

is also a small particle in the above two, which sets the positive

aspect of Brahman. But it is better to take it up after we come to

explain the more popular concern of God. GOD and BRAHMAN are synonyms.


Ever immersed in the worldly pleasures and impure in heart, having no

faith in scriptures or saints, they do not get God. Those who are

immersed in the worldly affairs do not know or observe the difference

between right and wrong, or what God is. The Mumukshus, disgusted with

the worldly pleasures, begin VICHARA and VIVEKA and thirst for the

sight of God. They are devoted to God, and observe moral law. They

become Sadhakas by adopting Sadhanas like repetition of God's name,

doing Japa and meditation on God in solitude, withdrawing their minds

from sense objects.


When they become perfect, they are called Siddhas. At that stage, God

becomes same as man. They have no desires. They are past the notion

that body is their home or their self to be identical with God. To

know God, see how God is viewed by each of these at each stage. Then

ultimately God is seen as manifested in all movable and immovable

forms. God is everywhere. There is no place where He is absent. But

behold! The power of Maya does not allow God to be seen and

recognized. We are all parts of God. Therefore none should hate other.

Forget not that God is in every place. Thereby non-hatred is

essential. When that springs up everything is achieved.

Many people have a doubt and ask what is God? For this Baba explained

`without non-attachment to riches, honors, sensual pleasures, without

discrimination between the real and the unreal, no one can know what

is God. Very few people attempt to attain Divine wisdom'. Baba also

says: `the more attachment to the world, the less is the chance to

attain Divine wisdom. Love leads the devotee to God. Discrimination

from the real, from the unreal and non-attachment to the world are the

steps to know what God is'.




2/04/2005 17:49:55 +0530


Om sai ram

mera naam hai sonu tiwari mai uttar pradesh ka hoon

lekin abhi surat me rahta hoon ..Sai baba meri jaan hai

26 may2002 ko mera exident ho gaya tha st bush aur tampo travel

se...mai behosh ho gaya sapna dekha ki baba aye aur mujhe apne gond me

utha ke leja rahe hai

mai utha to driver mar gaya tha aur mai bach gaya tha

aab her10 din me mujhe baba ka sapna ata hai

baba ate hai aur sahi rasta batate hai

ek baba ke mandir me mai gaya to waha ke pujari ne kaha ki aap jarur

us samay shirdi me rahe honge

mujhe pata nahi per ilove sai baba

unki daya se meri jindagi chal rahi hai

her wakt wo ake mujhe bachate hai meri raksha karte hai

mujhe ye bishwash ho gaya hai ki baba mere dhadkan me hai aab to ankh

mundte hi baba ka divya darshan ho jata hai

meri ichhchha hai ki mai gitkar banu

baba ki daya se wo kaam bhi ho raha hai

mai baba ko bahut pyar karta hoon

dil me to bahut kuchh hai per kah nahi pa raha hoon

hey baba aap ki jai ho .........aap sab ka baba klyan kare he dev aap

mahan hai aap n hote to hamara kya hota

bolo sadguru sainath maharaj ki jay




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He

took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in

Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed

Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity with Lord Sri

Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan. Tell your parents

to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai – Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate

Ramayan from this magazine.


Wailing and weeping Surpanakha entered the court of Ravana, the

ten-headed demon King of Lanka, who was feared by gods, demons and

mortal human beings. He was a great devotee of Lord Shiva who, pleased

with his worship, bestowed upon him a number of divine weapons. With

his long and devoted prayers, worship and penances he had even forced

Lord Brahma to give him a boon that no god, demon or human being could

ever defeat or kill him. He had mastered all learning as well as the

art of warfare. The gods, demons and human beings alike trembled on

merely the mention of his name. Seeing his sister's disfigured face

and plightful condition, the powerful and proud Ravana thundered with

rage, "Surpanakha! Who did dare do this to you?""Brother, two hermits

are living at Panchavati in the Dandaka forest. They did it to me when

I wandered off to their hut."- Said the crying Surpanakha.


"Why did khara and Dushana, not punish them" asked Ravana."Khara and

Dushana hearing my tale of woe, immediately mounted an assault on

them. But brother, they, the two young human beings killed them and

their whole army of demons was exterminated.What!" the amazed

Ravana exclaimed. "Two mere mortal human beings killed Khara and

Dushana and vanquished their army of demons. Unbelievable!" He was

totally at loss. "Yes, brother unbelievable, yet true." Surpankha

said, "Brother, they are the two banished princess, Rama and

Lakshmana, of Ayodhya. Rama's wife, Sita , also lives with them. The

three together live in a hut. Sita is very beautiful and she will make

a lovely queen for you, my brother." Ravana said consoling his sister,

"I promise you, I shall kill the two princes and bring Sita here to

Lanka and make her my wife. By this way, I shall avenge your

humiliation at the hands of Rama and Lakshmana.


The invincible Ravana was confident that he would defeat Rama and

lakshmana in an open battle and then take Sita by force, but

remembering the fate of Khara and Dushana he resolved to abduct Sita

by deceit. Ravana immediately approached Mareecha. Mareecha was a

demon that knew the art of transforming himself into any form. He

could assume any form, whether it be a man or an animal. When Ravana

told him of the fate of Khara and Dushana, and the insult and

humiliation suffered by Surpankha at the hands of Rama and Lakshmana

he recalled his earlier encounter with Rama and Lakshmana at

Vishavamitra's hermitage in which he had been wounded and thrown

hundreds of miles away. His whole body shivered with fear. He asked

Ravana what did he want him to do. Ravana apprised him of his plan to

abduct Sita and his role in it. Ravana said, "You transform yourself

into a golden deer and go about Rama's hut and any how catch Sita's

attention. The attracted Sita would persuade Rama to catch you. You

will run and Rama would chase you. He would not be able to catch you

alive. He would kill you. But, remember, before you die you shall

imitate Rama's voice and call out to Lakshmana for help." So, I shall

have to die for helping you in your design."- asked the frightened

Mareecha. "Mareecha to die is your fate. You want to die at my hand by

not helping me, or you want to die at the hands of Rama by helping me.

Choice is yours." Mareecha thought "It seems Rama is not mere mortal.

He is surely the reincarnation of God Almighty himself. It is better

to die at the hands of Rama than to be killed by a cruel demon" and

then, he decided to help Ravana.

To be continued…



Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama


One day in the month of August 1995 my friend Sairam Who was actively

associated with the firm Akhanda Sainama Sapthaha prepared to be

conducted at Sri Sai Mandir, near Maristella College, Vijayawada had

this experience narrated below.

Some Sai devotees commented adversely on the chief organizers based on

false propaganda by vested interests. Sairam being the main person

felt very bad and prayed to Baba "Who is Cheating Whom? What for all

this?" He was moving this side and that side in a disturbed condition

near Alpha Hotel opposite to Secunderabad Railway Station. Of course,

the company bus stops at that stage. Suddenly a Fakir with color lungi

and zoli was coming towards our friend. It was the habit of Sai Ram to

offer alms without being asked by any beggar. As per his usual habit,

he took out a four ana coin and gave to the Fakir. Now the real

conversation that took place between them is of spiritual

significance. The fakir was murmuring that he came from the mandir on

foot. Sai Ram felt the fakir was in a drunken condition.

Sai Ram: Where is your mandir?

Fakir: Everywhere!

Sai Ram: Do you know Shirdi? Have you ever been to Shirdi?

Fakir: What is there to go to Shirdi? Take a train from Manmad and go.

It is 9 miles from Koppergaon.

Sai Ram: I know all that I have been several times to Shirdi. Please

take this ticket (it contains Akhanda Sai Nama Saptha Sapthaha

26-12-1985 to 13-02-1986, Vijayawada).

Fakir: (Even without seeing the sticker) Oh! I don't know Telugu (So

saying received and kept in zoli).

Sai Ram: A function is being arranged in VIjayawada but some Sai

Devotees are criticizing on baseless points and doing 'Gadbad'. Will

Baba come to the function?

Fakir: Why not? He will certainly come. No 'Gadbad'

Sai Ram: Will Baba gives darshan to me?

Fakir: Yes! Sit at home and think of Him. He will come. My time is

over. I have to go to the mandir. So saying the fakir left the spot

and Sai Ram's bus also arrived.


Sai Ram sitting in the bus felt it was Sai Baba. He was trying to

analyze the points and discussed with one or two close devotees of

Baba. "Fakir's words - I have come on foot, " indicates he can go

anywhere at will. " Mandir is Everywhere," indicates. Omnipresence of

the Lord. The two routes to Shirdi, one- Man + Mad - Manmad i.e., kill

your mind/ control your mind to go to Shirdi alias place of knowledge

- alternative nine miles represent nine types of Bhakti Marga to

realize the self. Further 'Sit at home and think of Him' Home may not

mean residence built with cement and mortar - it is heart. If we

constantly think of Him, He will reside in our hearts. The above

incident is a proof of His assurance that he would be ever active to

listen to the prayer of sincere devotees'. After 3 or 4 days of the

incident, Sai Ram went to Shirdi. As it was his habit to go behind H H

Sivanesan Swamiji whenever he goes, while they were near Baba's

sitting stone suddenly Swamiji remarked "Manmad" means. Then Sai Ram

without allowing Swamiji to complete in ecstasy cried "Was it Sai Baba

who met at the railway station, Swamiji confirmed and also consoled it

would be difficult even for great souls also to recognize Baba when He

appears in flesh and blood. So dear Sai Brother let us try to see

'Sai' in all. Then we will be happy.



punmans punmans

12/20/2004 17:12:57 +0400

Dedicate or utilize your talents for the service of humanity. It is

indeed self-alone that will blossom the Divinity within & will lead as

service to Baba. Baba resides in every living being-animal, birds,

stone & stump. Offer all your actions at the alter of Baba as flower

offered at the feet of Baba without any envy or anger or lust or greed

or ego. Fortune acquired by unfair means or deceit or trickery will

never bring true happiness in your life. Only honest dealings with

positive attitude in life will bring self-satisfaction, peace,

happiness and joy.


There is nothing Higher than the Guru. The real seeker should

sincerely worship the Guru with a pure mind and words soaked in truth.

Most of us find it well high impossible to give up the duties ordained

in life. It is a matter of great reassurance that our Pujya Gurudev

and many Spiritual Masters have asserted time and again that the

portals of Immortality are wide open for us if we choose to follow

their guidance, who paves the ground for us to march ahead on the

spiritual path to everlasting glory & peace. Remember Baba all the

time. Think of Him in the midst of work- never for a moment forget

Him. Meditate upon His form. The mind is prone to go stray, but never

give up. Have implicit faith and perseverance in Baba and chant His

name or mantra by loving Him, you will find a fountain of love and

affection will burst open and will produce an immense joy and

happiness around.


Raise your mind above the pain & pleasure, friend and foe, honor and

dishonor and perform your duties, not for the sake of sensuous

pleasures, but out of devotion to Baba. Always live in the present

without worrying about the past or the future. There seems to be

nothing absurd for the householder, immersing in divine thought even

as the great Rishis in the Ashrams did, provided the householder has

the necessary discrimination and dispassion. Indifference to worldly

pleasures is the chief requisite for spiritual advancement. Never

give up the self-study. Worship Baba. Meditate regularly. Perform your

daily prayers. Never give up for a day, whether you are traveling or

sick or busy in work. This alone can bring sweetness into your

day-to-day life & this is path of spirituality, which will merge you

with Him forever and ever at the appointed time.

MAY BABA BE WITH YOU Nimano fakir- Dubai-



"Dobby sommer" dobbyonearth

Thu, 17 Mar 2005 20:11:22 -0800

Om Sai Ram,

Many Blessings on your wonderful issues of the magazine. There is a

saying from my youth. The good men do lives after them, the bad is oft

interred in their bones. What would Shirdi Sai say about this.

Thank you.

Grandmother dobby


"padma padma padma" padma_kr

17 Mar 2005 03:44:13 -0000


I am very much interested in your magazine "The Glory of Shirdi Sai."

Please do not stop. Send regularly.

Thank you & Pranams



"radha gembali" rkgembali

3/15/2005 10:49:24 +0000


Would you please send me "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" E-magazine to my

E-mail id

Kind regards



Saravanan a saravee2003

3/23/2005 19:55:53 +0000

It's been a great pleasure to be member of Saidarbar group; I treat

this as greatest gift of my life.




Please visit:



Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London Activities.

Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford



"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center": sai

Sun, 27 Mar 2005 22:30:39 –0700

Hamaresai-Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center] Sri Rama Navami / Baba's Urs

Celebrations April 16 2005

Sri Sachchidaananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai!

Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, Inc. Twin Cities, Minnesota, invites you

for the Sri Rama Navami / Baba's Urs celebrations on Saturday April

16th, 2005 from 4pm at Geeta Ashram [10537 Noble Ave, Brooklyn Park,

MN 55443].


The program includes Sai Abhishek with devotee participation, Archana,

Shirdi Sai aartis, Bhajans/Kirtans, Kids Skit, Devotees' Experience

sharing and Palki Utsav. The program also includes traditional Flag &

Sandal processions as carried out during Sri Ramanavami in Shirdi

[explained in Chap 6 of Sri Sai Satcharita, by Shri Hemadpant].

For Further details Visit: Web Page: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


Shirdi Sai Baba technical

28 Mar 2005 02:16:39 -0000

Dear Sai Bandhu,


Our next Sai darbar and satsang will be held on Saturday the 2nd

April 2005.

05:00pm - 05:30pm - Assembly – Sai Nama japa

05:30pm - Satsang Prayer

For further details contact: technical


Sri Rajanna Swami srirajanna

3/18/2005 13:16:47 +0000

Om Sai!

We are happy to announce that we are launched a new website


Solely maintained for devotees of lord Shiva Shankar who is famous in

district of Karimnagar

Thanks for your moral support

Best regards

Ramesh Nandi


"SAI MANDIR" saimandir

Sai Ram,

By the Insipration and blessing of Shirdi Sai Baba, Shirdi Sai Mandir,

Banswara, Rajasthan is inaugurated. Please find the link below for

further details. http://groups.msn.com/saimandir

Banswara is in Rajahasthan on border to Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, India.

Sai Ram

Yash Kothari


S Chopra saileela99

SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN OF CANADA invites all to join us for Satsangh

every Thursday 6:30PM at 147 Winston Castle Dr. Markham Ont. L6C 2N4.

For details on other Activities and Services please contact Shammi

Chopra on email : saileela99


"sudhaaz": sudhaaz

Sun, 27 Mar 2005 16:03:42 –0000

[AZSHIRDISAI] April 9th Bhajan

Dear AZSHIRDISAI Devotees:

Next month's Bhajan will be held on Saturday April 9th at 6 PM




"Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: shirdisaidallas

Dear Shirdi Sai Devotees,

Events Announcement

First Tuesday of every month (1 time a month) @7:15pm - Lalita

Sahasranamam Chanting

Every Sunday @7:00pm - Satcharitra Reading

Every Purnima (1 time a month)- Sathyanarayana Puja @6:30pm

Every Thursday - Sai Bhajans @ 7:30pm

Mar 8 - Maha Shivarathri Celebrations - 8:00pm to midnight

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web

site to: admin http://www.shirdisaidallas.org


"Sai Sandesh" saisandesh

3/1/2005 23:59:16 -0500

Sai Sandesh Issue::Om Sai Mandir's Newsletter. The newsletter can be

read online at:



"Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir": saibabahouston

Mon, 28 Mar 2005 16:42:25 -0800 (PST)

Sai Baba Temple, Hillcroft - Shree Dhariyalal Pooja on 9th April

Sairam to all,

We are celebrating Shree Dhariyalal Pooja at our temple on 9th April.

Please participate and have blessings of Shree Dhariyalal.

At Shridi Sai Jalaram Mandir, 5645 Hillcroft, Suite 104,Houston, Texas

Time: 11:00 AM – 6:00 PM

All are welcome to join the celebration.



3/22/2005 16:50:05 –0800

Dear Shirdi Sai Devotees


We welcome all of you with family, to join us for


on April 23rd (Saturday) in Sunnyvale between 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Venue: Las Palmas Park Building 850 Russet Drive

Sunnyvale, CA (Located off of Remington Dr. and Spinosa Dr.)



For Further details visit: www.ShradhaSaburi.org




You can get your copy at http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com

Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal vijishvanya


Sai Ram! We welcome your valuable comments time to time. On behalf of

Saidarbar, We are grateful to Saisevak Vijay Agarwal, who has released

the Second edition of SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY, consisting of Baba's

Aaratis in Audio form

We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar



Things impressed me from this Magazine:


Remember that even an enemy is as powerful as you are in order to face

the challenge thrown upon him. War is always fought between two equals

and perhaps that is the reason why Lord Rama has foreseen King

Ravana's capabilities and rightly advised his brother Lakshmana to

learn Rajaneethi from him.


April 1886: Baba performed Yoga Kriya Samadhi for 72 hours.

In doing so, Baba has demonstrated to the World that he has mastery

and full command over all the five basic elements. He could decide

when his soul should leave the physical body and attain Samadhi due to

Yoga Siddhi.



" Brahmah is the only reality and the universe is ephemeral, and that

no one in this world, be he a son, father or wife, are really ours. We

come here alone and we go alone from here". Sooner or later one should

work towards self –realization and come out of the illusions of the

materialistic life.


Sai has neither form nor an extension and is infinite like the sky and

is embedded in the nature. He can take any form, be it mother or a

fakir to offer solace to a disturbed mind and prove that he is patting

behind every good effort and pushing, no matter the obstacles on the way.


Tail piece-


Worship Baba. Meditate regularly. Perform your daily prayers. Never

give up even for a day, whether you are traveling, sick or busy in

work. Finally it is the path of spirituality alone, which will merge

you with Him forever and ever at the appointed time.



this issue. With the permission of Saibanisaji, we are starting a new

article from the next issue onwards "FOOT STEPS OF THE HOLY FEET" in

which mainly Saibanisaji's close interaction with Lord Sainath of

Shirdi will be narrated. Hope the readers will be benefited after

reading these experiences for developing faith in Lord Sainath of Shirdi.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster

We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org

also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm,

from www.saidakshina.com and from http://www.saidarbarusa.org

Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.

This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi




P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi Sai ",

kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.

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