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Mystery of Mysteries and Super Saint - Sadguru Sai Nath

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Our worldly concern and worldly joys mean so much to us that the word

"Help" is often interpreted as some material gain as: profit in business,

promotion in office, suitable match for our children, recovery from illness

or rescue from some mishap and so on. Maya holds us all under Her powerful

spell so much and for so long. Little do we think how temporary pleasures

fail to satisfy us and how as one desire is fulfilled another follows and

often these pleasures contain the seeds of pain. Again so inordinate is

our desire that we do not hesitate or scruple to commit bad karma in

pursuing our pleasure. Worse than that we develop for these pleasures a

carving, which goes with us life after life, even though we shall have

atoned for our sins by suffering. Temporal pleasures are in these ways

transient and they become breeding grounds for bad tendencies as: lust,

greed, anger, envy, etc. and bad karma. They infect our minds, dim clear

thinking and check our spiritual progress. These arguments are not intended

to deprecate bodily enjoyments altogether. Moderation should be observed in

having them.


As against all these take spiritual joys called bliss. Bliss is unmixed

without even a touch of pain. It is pure, holy and it has a freshness,

which cannot be found in sensual leasures. Pooja, bhajan, satsangh,

devotional reading, as: Shri Sai Satcharitra, serious study, and meditation

bring us joys that never go stale. Engaging in some kind of yoga is

rewarding. They delight us from day to day, and are therefore, called

nityanand. This is what Sai Baba likes to give us. He complains: "People

do not ask me, what I want to give." This joy is a tonic to us. It

purifies our minds, raises our efficiency and promotes our spiritual

progress. This is where Sai Baba "Helps us". Sai Baba also says "Life is

spent in vain, if one does not engage in yoga, or any other spiritual work."

(To be contd....)


(This book can be read from www.saileelas.org/books

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