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This is a quote from a book written by Sai devotees for sharing

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Sairam everyone

I have with me a book written under the guidance and message of our

dear Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai Baba...India the Motherland of


I quote from Chapter 1:



Baba's Tribute to India [in a dream]


" Oh Holy Bharat Mata!

I bow to Thee Tyaga-bhoomi [sacrficing land]

Mother of Humanity

Home of all Religions and Spirituality

Temple of all sciences and mathematics

A jewel in the crown of God.


Oh Jnani [knowledgeable one'!

Mother of Holy Avatars of God.

Krishna, Rama, Bhudda

Abraham, Mahatma Gandhi!

Oh India, the long suffering

Forgiving Salubrious Mother

Giver and the Invincible!





Motheland of all humanity

conversation in dream sequences as narrated to a voice and a devotee

it has many messages for all spiritual aspirants devotees sadhakas

and many revelations


I would like you dear brother moderator to peruse and let me know so

that i can give some interesting quotes for our readers...

In saibaba our beloved Bhagwan's seva and love and light




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Thankyou Nayanika! Jai Sai Ram ! I wish the

rest of the world could SEE that GOD lives in India,Absolutly no need to

wait for the 2nd coming HE is already here!! HE has come! We are SO

blessed,SO fortunate, everyday I just drop to my knees,look at Bhagawan with

tears of heartfealt GRADITUDE,and say thankyou,Swami,thankyou! JAI SAI

RAM.....david. wilson.




"me" <nayanika.romanyuk

Saturday, September 10, 2005 6:51 AM

This is a quote from a book written by Sai devotees

for sharing


> Sairam everyone

> I have with me a book written under the guidance and message of our

> dear Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai Baba....

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