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Sai Service Newsletter-03

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SAI SERVICE Newsletter


Issue No. 03 Issue Date:

April 25, 2002


This Thursday's Message:





Ahum bhavaan na chaanyastwam: twamevaaham vichakshva bhoh

Na nou Pasyanthi kavayah chidhram jaathu manaagapi: (The Bhagavata)


The meaning is "We are one; the wise discern no difference between


Hence On this Happy occation of Bhagwan Mahaveer Jayanthi, we offer

our prayers to Him for a Happy, prosperous and peaceful life to all.

To mark this occation, we are pleased to give Jain Prayers to our

readers in the prayer column.


Weekly Article:




Wherever we go, almost all devotees had a common question – "Despite

my prayers to God Almighty since a decade or two, my prayers never

addressed to and my sufferings are still continuing and there is no

scope towards an end. Throughout my life I devoted all my life in

doing good to all my near and dear, yet the resultant reaction is

bitterness and unhappiness in my life. Why such indifference only in

my life? "


We must understand this question in two contexts. First, what does a

prayer mean? Second, How to perform prayers?


As most of us simply think a prayer is routine exercise to appeal

God for materialistic gains and just have a satisfaction of

performing poojas and visiting temples. Even one stage up, doing

parayana, participating in yagnas, etc., Do these acts are sufficient

for a person to attain mukthi?


No, not at all. There are instances in the life of Bhagwan Sri

Ramakrishna Paramhamsa. During 1847, when the Queen Rajamani of

Kolkatta requested Bhagwan to chant a song on Godess Kali in Kali

temple. While chanting on Godess Kali, queen's mind was thinking on

her long pending litigation in the court. By understanding the

queen's attention was not on Godess, He slapped on her face. While

others wanted to punish Bhagwan, queen prohibited to do any harm to

Him as the she felt guilty on her act.


The above incident clearly defining anyone in front of God, must

surrender themselves in total, our physical body, mental body,

conscious and sub conscious body. You need not demand anything from

God, as He knows what is appropriate to you and definitely, you will

receive without asking. You must practice nistha and sabouri.


In order to get benefits of prayers, it is not necessary to

participate publicity oriented poojas budgeted to spend millions of

rupees. Baba said " I do not need any paraphernalia of worship" Sri

Sai Satcharitram (Ch. xiii) then how can you expect such above

extravaganza celebrations will please Baba. Also Baba said " Do not

be deluded by worldly honors" (Ch.vi) you should not be a part of

products of Maya, such as president, governing committee member,

chairman, director, officer, staff etc. We are all servants to our

Lord, realize all living beings are one and love all. Submit your

ahangar (ego) to the Lotus feed of Baba.


For method of praying Baba explains " The form of the Deity should be

firmly fixed in the mind. Let all the senses and mind is ever devoted

to the worship of the Lord, let there be no attraction for any other

thing. Fix the mind remembering Me always, so that it will not wander

elsewhere, towards body, wealth and home. Then it will be calm,

peaceful and care-free." (Ch.vi) " I rest there, where there is full

devotion" (Ch. xiii)


Now coming to the main topic - the answer is simple. An ardent

devotee, sincere in his devotion, never indulge in any offences,

still he is suffering. Actually God is happy about his devotion, but

it is a test of integrity. In Sri Sai Satsaritra Ch. xxix, "It is to

be noted here that doubts and difficulties surround us, just to move

us and confirm our faith. We are tested as it were. If we only hold

on steadily to Baba, with full faith and continue our endeavors, our

efforts will be ultimately crowned with success."


It is Lord's way of action is unique, He agitate us initially and

comfort us subsequently. In Sri Sai Satsaritra, Ch. xxxiv, Shama

exclaimed to Baba "Deva, what is this play of yours? You first raise

a storm and make us restless and then calm it down and comfort us"


Naturally human mind is made to enjoy the results of their efforts at

once, like doing a work and getting the wage immediately on its

completion, we usually expect the results of our prayers immediately.

In the event of prolonged sufferings, his mind is upsetting his

prayer process and fabricating unnatural dilemma on his faith and

efforts. One must have Nishtha and Saburi to remove all our sins and

afflictions and to get rid of calamities in our life.


Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.


N. Sivanandam, Coimbatore, India


a. Our Prayer to Baba:


All Sai devotees are encouraged to send their Prayers to Sri Saibaba

and will be published in subsequent issues.


On account of Shri Bhagwan Mahaveer Jayanthi, we are pleased to

present few lines on Jain Prayer for our readers:


1. May the sacred stream of amity flow forever in my heart.

May the universe prosper -- such is my cherished desire.


2. May my heart sing with ecstasy at the sight of the virtuous,

and may my life be an offering at their feet.


3. May my heart bleed at the sight of the wretched, the cruel, the


and my tears of compassion flow from my eyes.


4. May I always be there to show the path to the pathless wanderers

of life.

Yet if they should not hearken to me, may I bide in patience.


5. May the spirit of goodwill enter all our hearts.

May we all sing in chorus the immortal song of human concord.




O man! Control thyself. Only then can you get salvation. If you are

to fight, fight against your own desires. Nothing will be achieved by

fighting against external enemies; if you miss this occasion, it will

be lost forever.


One's own unconquered soul is one's greatest enemy.




1. May my thoughts and feeling be such that I may always act in a

simple and straightforward manner. May I ever, so far as I can, do

good in this life to others.


2. May I never hurt and harm any living being; may I never speak lie.

May I never be greedy of wealth or the wife [spouse] of another. May

I ever drink the nectar of contentment!


3. May I always have a friendly feeling towards all living beings of

the world and may the stream of compassion always flow from my heart

towards distressed and afflicted living beings.


4. May I never entertain an idea of egotism; nor may I be angry with

anybody! May I never become jealous on seeing the worldly prosperity

of other people.


5. May I never become fretful towards bad, cruel and wicked persons.

May I keep tolerance towards them. May I be so disposed!


6. May I ever have the good company of learned ascetics and may I

ever keep them in mind. May my heart be always engrossed and inclined

to adopt the rules of conduct, which they observe.


7. May my heart be overflowing with love at the sight of the

virtuous, and may I be happy to serve them so far as possible.


8. May I never be ungrateful (towards anybody); nor may I revolt

(against anybody). May I ever be appreciating the good qualities of

other persons and may I never look at their faults.


9. May my mind neither be puffed up with joy, nor may it become

nervous in pain and grief. May it never be frightened even if Iam in

a terrible forest or strange places of cremation or graveyards.


10. May my mind remain always steady and firm, unswerving and

unshaken; may it become stronger every day. May I bear and endure

with patience the deprivation of dear ones and occurrences of

undesired evils.


11. May all living beings of the world be happy! May nobody ever feel

distressed! May the people of the world renounce enmity, sin, pride

and sing the songs of joy every day.


12. May Dharma (truth) be the topic of house-talk in every home! May

evil be scarce! May (people) increase their knowledge and conduct and

thereby enjoy the blessed fruit of human birth.


13. May disease and pestilence never spread, may the people live in

peace, may the highest religion of Ahimsa (non-injury) pervade the

whole world and may it bring about universal good!


14. May universal love pervade the world and may ignorance of

attachment remain far away. May nobody speak unkind, bitter, and

harsh words! 15. May all become "heroes of the age" heartily and

remain engaged in elevating the Cause of Righteousness. May all gain

the sight of Truth called "Vastuswarupa" (Reality of substance) and

may they bear, with pleasure, trouble and misfortunes!




-- The above prayers and songs are from *Jainism -- Past andPresent:

Prayers, Articles and Short Stories,* published by Dr.Tansukh J.

Salgia (1984, Parma, Ohio).



b. Baba's Help:


Ahmedabad is a stranger-though not so very dramatic – instance of

Baba's chamatkars. Here a well known lawyer of good standing, Sri

C.C. Mankewalliah, was the person to whom or for whose benefit Baba's

lilas were performed. We may give his experience, as it appeared in

the September 1953 issue of the Sai Sudha, in the words of Sri



>From 1948 to 1952 for five years continuously, I suffered from Dropsy

and gastric ulcer. I had no appetite. I vomited blood and could not

eat anything or even take water. My weight became abnormal, viz. 300

pounds last year, from January onwards. I was bed ridden. Doctors

attended on me about 1952 April, the chief doctor of the hospital and

other consulting doctors of the city gave up hope of my recovery. On

one day, the chief doctor noticing that blood in profuse quantity was

coming out of my mouth and that my weight due to dropsy was

abnormally high, viz. 300 pounds said that there was no sufficient

blood in the body and that surrounding poisons would prove fatal in

two days. Some friends and relations had advised me to worship

Saibaba (whose temple was opposite to my house) in April 1952 and I

had hung up Saibaba's picture in front of me and worshipped Him.

After looking into His photo, I got affection for Him. First, I had

apprehension that I should not worship a Mohammedan saint. But, the

continuous attraction of His photo on my mind and relation's talk

gave me a sudden vision of Saibaba when I was awake at 6.00 p.m. He

then said to me "I am not a fakir. But I am an incarnation of Guru

Datta. There are nine gems (including Me, who are incarnation of

Datta, namely. Tajuddin Baba of Nagpur, Dhuniwala Dada of Khandwa,

Vishnu Debananda Saraswathi of Narmada, the Mahant of Akkalkot, etc.

" The next day, I got two books in Gujarati on Baba and read them.

Some days later when the doctor completely gave up hopes and stated

that life will pass away in two hours (at noon), then Baba appeared

in front of me at about 1.00 p.m. First a light came from the door

and Baba came in that light, and my mother Sri Sivaganga and I saw

Him and heard His words. He said " Baccha, Mad gabra tumara sub dukha

me hardeya" to me; and to my mother, He said " tumara sub dukha me

hardeya" which means, "Child, fear not, all your disease I have taken

away.Send your grand son Turt immediately to Shirdi."


Then He disappeared through the door. As my son had not

sufficient experience of travel and as my sudden death would

necessitate the presence of my son for funerals as apprehended by

some, I and my mother had to consult together, but we told my son to

start in the evening for Shirdi, and he did. At 6.00 p.m. on that

day, Baba again appeared and told us, "Do not be afraid. I am with

your son also. Tomorrow at 12.00 O' clock you will receive a wire

from your son that he had reached Shirdi safe." After 6.00 p.m. the

doctor visited me. He again gave up hopes of my survival and mocked

at the above experience, which was narrated to him. He said, "This is

mere hallucination." In one or two hours, life would depart. This is

said to my mother, and other close relations. Next day, 12.00 noon, I

got my son's wire "Reached Shirdi safe." then from that moment, I

began to purge. No blood passed. Next day, all poisons had passed out

in that way, in the stools and urine; my body became light. It is

weighed. The weight was 75 pounds. The heart beating and the pulse

were normal. The doctor came when the purging was going on. He was

present at the weighing and resumption of normal pulse and normal

beating of heart. The doctor was satisfied that I had now become safe

and was saved by the "mysterious ways of Baba." From that date, my

health regularly improved. In two months, I could and did take

ordinary food. I am all right since then. I am doing regular lawyer's

work now as before. I am always praying to Baba. In other matters,

example domestic, Baba is guiding me and protecting me. Then I went

to Shirdi and I have now completed my entire south Indian pilgrimages

I will visit Shirdi again on my way back home. I came to Madras 3 or

4 days back, as the guest of Mr. Ambalal Khapadia of Adyar. On 8th

night and on 9th morning, I had a vision of Baba (about 5.00 a.m). He

commanded me to visit His temple in Mylapore and all His devotees

there. So I came here yesterday and today.


In 1953 was the first appearance of Baba to Sri Mankewalla

but this did not stop with 1953. in 1954 he had repeated appearance

and help of Baba. That was for his benefit. But Baba appeared before

him in August 1954 for the benefit of the public. This pamphlet had

been written and attempts were being made to print it in August.

There was inordinate delay on the part of some printers who undertook

the task of printing it. Meanwhile Baba made use of the delay for

furnishing the best answer to the question at the top of this

pamphlet. He appeared on the morning of 23-8-1954 to Sri Mankewalla

and the message He gave was for the publication and broadcasting in

this pamphlet and in the history of Saibaba. That was written by Sri

B.V. Narashimaswamiji.


(Courtesy: Is Sai Baba Living and Helping Now? written by His

Highness Pujyasri B.V. Narashimaswamiji, Founder-President, All India

Sai Samaj (Regd), Chennai-600004)



Publisher's Note:


Sai Service newsletter is distributed every Thursday and is devoted

to the life, philosophy and teachings of Sri Shirdi Sai Baba. Feel

free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates.


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