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Experience of Sai Devotees with Divine Father, Vol.3


July 30, 1998

Dear devotees,

Thank you for sending me the Sai newsletter. It is a pleasure to read

about Baba. I would like to share a wonderful experience with all Sai

devotees, which I had actually witnessed in 1996. I had a friend who

was polio stricken from birth. In 1994, she met me for the first time

and I was deeply saddened to see a young and beautiful girl dragging

herself to the computer class. One day I mustered courage to ask her

about her condition. She said she was always like that. Next day, I

gave her a locket of Saibaba of Shirdi whom I absolutely revered, I

asked her to wear it and I remember telling her that He will cure

you. I lost all touch with her, once the computer course was over.

One day, in JULY 1996, I heard from her and she broke the news that

she could walk, run do anything with her legs. I was stunned, I have

yet to see such a miracle happen, Baba inspired a doctor in Vellore,

circumstances so happened that she went to visit her uncle in UP,

India and she ran into this God-sent doctor. The doctor said he would

like to operate on her, if the surgery is successful, you'll be able

to walk again, otherwise I will amputate your affected leg and

replace it with an artificial leg. She agreed and Sai spared her leg,

the surgeon straightened her leg, all this may sound unbelievable but

I have seen it with my own eyes. She is married now and what I feel

is that all these years prior to wearing the locket, why no Doctor

had ever suggested or even tried saving her leg? As far as I am

concerned , it remains a sheer miracle of modern times. Sai Ram to

all, I wanted to share this with all esteemed Bhakts' of OUR LORD SAI

BABA OF SHIRDI. Thanks for reading this and please publish it in your

next newsletter because it will be read by scores of devotees. Thank


Babita Lakhanpal


NOVEMBER 05, 1998

I would like to narrate to you the experience when I was first

blessed with the love of Sai Baba. After a lot of struggle, I got a

job in Shaw Wallace and Company. It was a fantastic job with lots of

perks and other benefits. I was thrilled as this was my first job and

that too in such a big company. But when I received my appointment

letter, to my utter dismay I found that I was posted to Guwahati.

Being a resident of Calcutta, I could not move out at that time as my

father was suffering from cancer and being the only child I had to

stay by his side. We had a Mandir of Baba in our locality. In the

evening that day out of sheer depression, I went to the Mandir and

told Baba about my unpleasant situation. The next day I went to the

company to tell that I was not ready for the job but I was astonished

to find a revised appointment letter posting me back to Calcutta. I

could not believe this, but this was a reality. Later I heard that

the General Manager was so impressed with my interview that he wanted

me to work with him in Calcutta, otherwise he threatened to resign.

This was the first incidence I had with Baba and I continued to

receive His blessings till now.


Kaushik Roy Chowdhury,

Embassy of India,Stockholm.

NOVEMBER 12th, 1998

Nila Vaishnav

Marquette, Michigan

I have had several miraculous experiences in my life and I attribute

them to SAIBABA. I would like to share one of my recent experiences.

Four months ago, I decided to take part in a race per one of my

friend's suggestion. She has had several years of experience in doing

this race while this was my first. She was very much willing to help

me with the training and she did. We had a great training schedule

and it all went well until the last three weeks before the race. I

started having problems that I did not know the cause of. I just did

not feel even close to how I was feeling prior to this. In fact, it

kept getting worst. I was really worried since my family and I had

invested so much in me succeeding this challenge. Moreover my friends

and colleagues were quite aware of me doing this and it was a

question of embarrassment should I have to drop out. I did not know

what I was going to do. All along, my friend and I were making plans

to finish the race together. This seemed impossible since I could not

even do 1/4th of the race without having problems while my friend was

getting stronger every day. At this point, I talked to Baba, told him

how important this is for me, and asked if he could help me. As

always, like Baba says, "If you look to me I look to you", he

immediately heard my prayer and I started feeling better. In fact, in

the last issue of Sai Vichaar, I had read about how we don't need to

take any medicine if we have faith in Baba- Vibhuti (udi). I stopped

taking any pain-related medicine and until now, I have still not

taken one, even after my race. We started our race and half way into

the race, my pain started again. I told Baba to please continue to

help me. Like a miracle, my pain disappeared. I had a desire to

finish the race with my friend and she was quite a bit ahead of me so

I had no hope that I would be able to. As I got close to the finish,

all of a sudden I saw my friend next to me. I could not believe my

eyes since she was so much ahead of me all along. We both finished

together in the time we had desired. It was a pure example of another

one of Baba's miracle. I can not thank Him enough for helping me and

my family every every step of the way. I can go on and on describing

how in the day-to-day life Baba comes to my rescue like he is always

there, you just have to call upon him.

Pranam and Thank you Baba



NOVEMBER 26th, 1998


(Originally posted on Tuesday, Nov 24, 1998)


Today I would like to share on of my experience with SHIRDI SAI with

you. It happened in 1991, it was time when I just started believing

in SAIBABA. I was doing my post graduation and I used to be in

hostel. I went to a nearby place to a function and had to come back

to college within four days. Unfortunately, in the function I

contracted conjunctivitis, a contagious infection also called as

'madras eye'. I had to come back to the hostel since I was in the

middle of completing my course work. The second morning I noticed

that my best friend who is my roommate also got it. My roommate was

so skinny, weak, and sensitive. I like her very much and I always

used to take care of her like a baby. I felt very guilty that she got

that only because of me. Conjunctivitis stays for atleast four days

no matter whatever medicine you use. In addition, my friend is so

weak I felt she could not bear the pain. As we were about to leave to

the college at 10.00 AM, she complained that she is feeling pain and

itching in her eyes. I felt very sad and guilty then I just turned to

my BABA prayed to him, put udhi on her forehead, and told her just to

sleep. Then, when I came back for lunch at 1200 noon I was very

surprised to see her eyes were so clear and you know what happened,

my friend does not have any belief on SAIBABA but that day in her

sleep she saw Baba came to her and just put his hand on her forehead

and left. From that day, she also started believing in Baba. I felt

very happy because he did this only for me as I was feeling very

upset and guilty and in the class, I was just praying Baba. In this

way my Baba is always with me and where ever I go I always am noticed

as Sai devote which make me feel very happy. I LOVE YOU BABA AND I




DECEMBER 03, 1998

K. P. Rao, Nauru

My wife is an ardent devotee of Shirdi Sai Baba and I am her

supporter. Due to my job in this small pacific island nation of

Nauru, my wife and daughter have been staying away in India for the

past one year.

When I got the Internet connection in this August, I somehow visited

your site and d to the newsletter. As I receive them, I read

and send them to my wife whose joy finds no bounds, not just because

she receives the newsletters but I have started reading them too.

Recently, on my job front, a terrible setback was averted and my wife

believes that it is due to my reading the newsletters.

I give a copy of each letter to a good friend of mine here who enjoys

reading them. If I delay giving them by a day, he would remind me.

Thus, the two persons to whom I circulate are very happy with your


When my wife first put a sticker of Baba in my car back in 1992, I

met with a minor accident on the very same day. When I visited Shirdi

last year, as part of my pilgrimage, my daughter suffered from

hepatitis. But, I do not think that Baba did not help us. I believe

that he helps those who deserve help. One simply can not demand help

from him. We deserve his grace by good thoughts and good deeds. Next

year when I visit India, we plan to visit Shirdi again. Thank you for

keeping us in touch with Baba


DECEMBER 31, 1998


Anitha Ramesh Kandukuri, Canberra, Australia

On December 21st evening after returning from work, kids were playing

in the living room while I was cooking. I heard a news headline by

accident since the cartoon cassette that my five-year-old son was

watching had finished. It was on National news and the Head lines

said "255 women at maternity ward in THE CANBERRA HOSPITAL at risk of

contracting Hepatitis B and HIV A, after undergoing surgical

procedure's by a health care worker". I did not give it a thought but

somehow they kept repeating it again and again. When I thought I

would just listen, I heard them say that women who have undergone

some procedures in the Hospital between since January 1998 and

December 11, 1998 were at risk. It was further said that 255 women on

whom this particular health care worker has done procedures in the

maternity ward were short listed.

I dismissed this news thinking this was not relevant to me. Somehow

it kept flashing back in my mind and I realized soon that I was in

the ward during that period and Shamukh Sai, my second son was

delivered there. Just as a routine measure and to be on the safe

side, I thought I would ring the hospital Hotline for and find out if

it had anything to do with me. The hotline, which was set up only for

this particular catastrophe, was busy and I could not get to talk to

them. Some how my anxiety was increasing and I was feeling

distressed. I prayed to BABA and I have this old habit of asking BABA

for guidance through Saicharitra. I asked him if this would affect me

anyway, praying to Lord Sai I opened the book and there was this

sentence "No, have no fear and anxiety, Shyama and myself will be

there before you". This is in relation to Shyama's trip to

Bhuvaneshwar in Hemandpant's Saicharita. I called my General

Practitioner at home (which I do only in emergency) at night 7.30,

apologized for the inconvenience, and told them about what I heard on

the TV and my anxiety. GP said that I did not have to worry as I had

not been contacted by the hospital. However, to rest my mind she said

she would write a prescription for blood test and leave it at the

reception so I could collect it and get the tests done.

Later that night when Ramesh, my husband, came home at 9.00 PM after

a busy day, I told him what I heard on TV and what the General

Practitioner had said about it. He was anxious to know more details

and tried to call the hospital. On third attempt Ramesh was able to

get through to the hospital hotline for this matter and I spoke to

the lady identifying myself and saying I have had a baby on 21st

January and is there anything that I had to worry about regarding

this issue. The counselor on the other end said she will get back to

me immediately and hung off. This further increased our anxiety

levels. I got a call again after 10 minutes and the same lady asked

me my date of birth, other medical details related to delivery.

Finally she said,"I have to confirm all the details before I give the

information to you, and drop the bombshell, yes you are on our short

listed names of people who has had a procedure and delivery done by

the health care worker who is infected. I am sorry to do this to you

before the Christmas and Newyear. How do you feel about it". My world

came to an end I couldn't breathe. I thought I am not only infected

but I have also passed it on to my children and husband. I asked her

why was I not contacted earlier. I was given the reason that someone

did try to contact me but could not and the lady went on counseling.

I broke down, I cried my heart out for my kids and my husband. She

spoke to my husband too, who could hardly speak. She made and

appointment for next day 8.00 AM at the hospital pathology for me to

have the test first, and if it was positive then for the whole


It was the worst night in my whole life. We couldn't sleep. Next day

I went for the test, got it done and had to wait until 3.30 in the

afternoon for the results. It was the worst fifteen hours in my life.

I did not go to work, I was afraid to feed my kids and sent them off

to baby sitter. I asked the nurse why they thought I was at risk and

what were the criteria for classifying me under high risk. She

explained that it was because I had a surgical procedure done on me

after the delivery by the health care worker who tested positive for

those infections. At last, at 3.30 when I went for the results they

told me "good news, negative for both tests so no infections, have a

Merry Christmas". My husband and I cried in relief and thanked BABA

for his mercy.

This experience has deepened my faith in Him and showed me that He

listens to us in need and never leaves His children. May BABA give

you all a very happy and prosperous New Year.

Bow to Sri Sai Peace be to all


Anonymous devotee

The first leela I will write about was one that actually happened a

long time before I was born. It involves my father's father- i.e. my

grandfather. He once was very sick and bed-ridden. He was half-asleep

sitting alone in a room in their house when someone he did not know

came in. He walked around the bed on the floor and said "do not worry

sir, you will be all right soon." then he walked out. There were many

other people in the house but no one went into his room at that time.

Everyone was at a loss as to who came in and how he got in without

anyone noticing. It was dismissed as a hallucination. Soon after the

mystery man came in my grandfather's fever abated and he got well.

One day, soon after he recovered, he saw in a shop a picture of the

man who came in his room. He was much surprised and inquired the name

of the person in the picture. He was told that it was a great saint

who lived in Shirdi. He became a devotee from then on.

The second leela involves my mother. My mother was a staunch devotee

of Swami Samartha Maharaj. Upon coming to America and seeing that

pooja of Sai was being performed, she was unconvinced. She then,

after some persuasion, she read Sai's Pothi. The first story she read

was a story regarding that Sai was the same as her Akkalkot Maharaj.

We have been worshipping Sai and Akkalkot Swami's pictures together

ever since. Once, after I got the Pothi, I attended a dog show

because our close friend's dog graduated from obedience school. ;-)

There were "contests" which the newly trained dogs found challenging.

Prizes were given out to the dogs that did the best. My friend's dog,

god bless her! ;-), did absolutely horrible! She was, in the general

opinion of the spectators, the worst dog there. I though that there

was no way she will win any prize. I had to leave halfway through the

contest. Suddenly remembering Sai, I decided to test him because I

still was not convinced about his greatness. I made a mental bow to

Sai and said that I would read three chapters of the Satcharita if

the dog wins a prize. When I got home, I received a telephone call

from my friend that her dog one third place out of 300+ dogs in spite

of the fact that she failed half of the contests! I was astounded! I

read the three chapters and was convinced of Sai's greatness.


FEBRUARY 04, 1999

B. Laghate, Ex-Sub Judge, Shaniwarpeth, Poona, wrote on 20 July 1936,

as follows:

"I went to Sai Baba about 1913 or 1914. I was in trouble and I went

to get his ashirwad (i.e.) blessings to get rid of the trouble. When

I approached him, he asked for dakshina and I gave it. He said to me

of his own accord `sow margosa and afterwards cut off that tree'.* I

could not make head or tail of this utterance. It was evidently not

the ashirvad I went to him for. I was disappointed and I never went

to him again, though at about that time, I lived with Mr. H.S. Dixit

(who was a staunch devotee of Sai Baba) for three years."

*There was a bribery case in the Criminal Court against him for

having taken bribes and he was convicted and sentenced to a term of

imprisonment with a heavy fine. This was confirmed on appeal. It was,

pending the appeal, that he (B. Laghate) went to Baba to get his

blessings for success. Margosa sowing and margosa reaping was Baba's

parable about the law of Karma. If you sow the bitter seed the result

must be bitter and of the same sort. Therefore, it is better for man

fully to pay the price or penalty of one's folly, wash off one's

karmic debt and profit in the future from the lesson of the past.

(From Devotees Experiences of Sri Sai Baba by His Holiness

Narasimhaswami ji)


FEBRUARY 11, 1999

A Sai devotee

I am a Sai devotee from Hyderabad, India. I just read the last two

issues of Sai Vichaar today as I was out of station. I wish to reply

to a disturbed devotee regarding her not conceiving and her doubts

about Astrologers (Sai Vichaar dt.28.01.99). .My sister has already

written about it in the Sai Vichaar DT 3.02.99 but I wanted to write

about my experience so that the disturbed devotee may get confidence.

My ordeal started four years after marriage when I realized that I

was not conceiving. Until then, I thought "I" could have children

whenever "I" want. I waited eagerly for it but felt awfully depressed

every month. I was so depressed and vulnerable that I started

consulting astrologers. Each had his own predictions to such an

extent that one even told my mother that the marriage itself was not

rightly performed as the horoscopes did not match. This was very

shocking to my parents who have done everything to everyone's

satisfaction. Then started my trauma with doctors, appointments,

tests, endless hours of waiting, and the insensitive people around.

It was then that my sister from Australia had told me about Baba for

the first time. I started reading Satcharita - at first, I read it as

a storybook. I went to Shirdi too with the hope of a miracle. Every

time I read the book, I thought it will do some "magic". Then as I

kept reading I realized that the book could not change anything but,

I have to change myself , my way of thinking.

This was when I told Baba " You are my mother, you know what is best

for me, if you think that me, your child, should have no child , then

its okay with me. But Baba, please let me also feel the joy of having

a child". I cried to Baba every night but slowly I even stopped that

and left it to Him. Then it happened when I least expected it to.

Chanting His name, I went to the Doctor and my pregnancy was

confirmed. I was blessed with a healthy baby boy whom I have named

Sai Sanket, which means a sign or a communication from SAI. Today

when I see any childless couple, I tell Baba "if you have plans of

giving me another child, then give it to those childless couples so

that they too can have the joy of a child in their homes". Going to

astrologers is not wrong, we are all humans but one must have faith

in Baba and most of all have patience. Let us all want only what OUR

MOTHER wants us to have, as MOTHER knows the best. OM SAI RAM.



FEBRUARY 18, 1999

K. Navin Chander, India

(Originally posted in the magazine "Sai Padananda" issued Oct. 1998,

published by Sri R. Seshadri for Sri Sai Spiritual Center, Bangalore,

India 560 028)

It was on 3rd February 1998. I was about to complete an article on

Sai Baba. I heard a sharp rap at the gate of my house. I shouted; who

is there?" Promptly the reply came: "Khaana Lav" (give me food). From

where I sat, I could not see him. Nevertheless, I called my wife to

serve food to him. She bought rice and dhal but oddly, he did not

have anything on him to receive it. My wife did not feel like serving

in the plate she brought. So she came back to the house, took a small

cardboard and served the fare on it outside the gate. He sat on his

haunches preparatory to eating.

Meanwhile, my wife came inside to fetch water for him. It did not

take a couple of minutes for her to do so. But the stranger was not

to be seen anywhere. There were telltale marks of his having taken

the food. He did not even wash his hands. It was impossible to eat

the food, that too without water, and walk away out of sight in less

than a couple of minutes.

It was then the truth hit me like a whiplash. I should have known

much better when he said, "Khaana laav". It was truly a command. Even

during his begging rounds sometimes, Sai Baba never begged. He simply

commanded, "Lassie, roti laav". I asked my wife as to how he looked

like. She said, "He was lean aged and looked like a village Muslim of

the old order, with a sharp beard. He was wearing a faded green lungi

with brownish checks on it and a soiled white long-sleeved kurtha

with a black vest on it. His head was turbaned leaving the top crown

open". Though the description did not actually tally with that of Sai

Baba, I was by then more than convinced who He was. I cursed myself

because the food that was served was overnight food and served on

cardboard outside the gate.

Later when I slowly composed myself, I went into the pooja room and

begged His pardon for my lapse. At that stage my own conscience began

to reply, "Your repentance is enough for me. Keep on feeding the

hungry, who come to your doorstep, as best as you can. Believe me,

charity especially that of food, is indeed a great spiritual virtue".



FEBRUARY 25, 1999

(from Devotees' Experiences of Sai Baba by H.H. Narasimhaswamiji)

Bhaskar Sadasiv Satam, Sub-Inspector of Police, Lamington Road,

Bombay, India

I joined the force (Police force) as an ordinary constable in 1911

and rose to the position of Sub-Inspector in 1930 AD. I met Nagesh

Atmaram Samant, who spoke to me about Sai Baba. I told him I would go

to Shirdi, but for years I did not. In 1940, both of us were at

Nargam Training School. I had then some misfortunes resulting in the

loss of my job. I was suspended (from service) on 16-2-1940. I prayed

to Baba while under suspension. Udhi and Prasad from Shirdi were

wanted and sent to me. Prasad was received but not Udhi - though

Sagun Meru Naik sent both. It is after that I received the dismissal

order on 28-2-1940. Samant wanted me to go to Shirdi unconditionally.

I and my son came to on last Ramanavami here (Shirdi) and prayed to

Baba. We spent only two days here. On my return, at Dadar, I met a

constable and he said that I was reinstated and posted to Lamington

Road. But no such order could have been passed then. On 28-4-49, I

appealed. On 14-5-1940 the order was passed and I was "Reinstated and

posted to Lamington Road". Baba's decision had come from the

constable's mouth two months earlier. I had debts to clear. I prayed

to Baba and he sent me some money. I am now free from debt and I am

well-provided. I prayed to Baba only for this state of happy freedom.



MARCH 11, 1999

Prabodh Telang Chicago IL USA



I am a SAI-BHAKTA right from my child hood (with the blessings of my

parents and my Satguru Param pujya Shree Bhaktaraj Maharaj from

Indore MP India). Just like me now my son Jay (3.5 Yr.) is also

proceeding on the same steps. He too loves Sai-Baba and worships him

every day. As far as my experiences are concerned, I have countless

experiences related to BABA and many of them have been just out of

the world kind. I would be glad to share them with any body.

Anyway, this particular experience is one of the simplest kinds. It

was very recent when we had a bad snowstorm in Chicago (Jan 99). It

was a worst of its kind as we had over 18 inches of snow in just one

day. Due to some unavoidable reasons I had to go out in my car and my

son was also with me. While our return, my car got stuck in the

heavily accumulated snow just close to my residence. I tried by all

means to pull my car out, but without a success. Just after that my

son who was quietly sitting in his car seat, told me that " Hey Dad,

BABA just now talked to me and told me not to worry, he said I'll

come to help you". He was pointing to Sai-Baba's photo on my car's

dashboard. After that I carried my son home, leaving my car in the

same condition. When I returned, I was very much surprised to see an

American gentleman parking his huge 4x4 truck, just at the back of my

car. Without saying a word he took out a rope to tie my car to his

truck (this is very unusual in the US, some body carrying a rope and

then doing this without being asked). Within few minuets he pulled my

car out. I duly thanked him and in return he just said, "I enjoyed

it!" He was gone within no time. I was left thinking, how could he

come from just no where. That too in the middle of such a bad

storm??? But then I realized, what BABA had told Jay. BABA actually

came to help us in this form. SAI YOU ARE GREAT. YOU ARE OMNI





APRIL 29, 1999

Hari Kiran, Hyderabad, India

Om Sai Ram! I am a Sai devote from Hyderabad, India. I would like to

narrate a recent experience of mine- actually my husband's. I

normally get up earlier than my husband. It was one morning that he

was up before me and was talking on the phone. From his conversation

I gathered that he was talking to his broker friend about investing

in a particular scrip. He sounded very excited. Later he told me that

he was expecting a sharp rise in that scrip and that he was going to

invest, and that we would get huge profits in a short time. My

husband believes Baba as any other God. Of late he has started

reading the Satcharita too. He reads it regularly after his bath, but

randomly- any page that opens up. On that particular day, he sat down

after his bath and surprisingly of all the chapters ch.25 opened up-

Damu Anna's speculation where Damu Anna wants to speculate in cotton

and asks for Baba's advice and Baba says "Tell that shet to be

content with what he has, nothing is wanting in his house. Let him

not bother about lakhs." My husband read that that chapter and took

it as Baba's advice. He wanted to invest some very huge amounts that

day and after getting this warning from Baba he decided not to do so.

His broker friend was shocked. He persuaded him and convinced him to

put in some money at least, which he did. In the next couple of days

we realized that the value of that scrip fell and people registered

losses. Had we invested the originally planned amount of money we

would have been in deep troubles by now, we would have had losses

that we could never pay. Thanks to Baba's timely advice in warding

off that calamity. Despite the warning my husband took the risk of

investing some amount which ended in a loss. He took Baba's advice

but not in full. The story about the man falling off the mountain was

an eye opener. What is wanted is COMPLETE faith. Om Sri Samartha

Sadguru Sri Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai.

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