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Sai Vichaar 4-4-02


Suresh Sydney, Australia

My family and I were blessed with the opportunity of visitng Shirdi


have Sai's darshan. I could not express in words the feeling I had and

the peace I felt when I had my darshan of our beloved God.


We were returning to Chennai after our trip in the train from Pune.


early in the morning we were all woken by cries of a small baby of 8

months. The baby would not stop crying and the efforts taken by its

grand parents did not stop the agony of the child. My wife found out

from them they were taking the baby to Channai to look after and the

mother is not accompanying them. We told them several suggestions but

none of them worked out to stop the crying. It appeared the baby was

suffering from some sort of stomach ache as it weiled when somebody

touched the stomach. This went on till about noon.


Suddenly a thought occured to me which was based on the experiences of

several devotees mentioned in Sai Satcharita. I wanted to give the udi

to alleviate the pain or any other problem the baby might have. When I

expressed this to my wife she approached them and asked them what

religion they were and also expressed my idea. Though they were

christians they agreed to us applying the udi as they could not think


any other idea.


We applied UDI on the baby's forehead and then my whole family prayed


Sai to help this baby. For about quarter of an hour nothing happened.


thought to myself and prayed to Sai" I beleive in you 100 percent. I

normally don't attempt these things myslef as I feel I am not


to do these acts. But more or less I was forced to do this seeing the

plight of the baby. If you do not help the baby now I would start

doubting what I read and heard. Please be take pity on me and the baby

and ease its pain"


Within five minutes the baby stopped crying and for the remainder of


journey, was joyfully playing. We were all moved by this miracle and


faith in Saibaba has grown many folds since then. I thought I must


this with everyone.



Dear Sai Devotees,


OM SRI SAI RAM, I would like to share my recent experience with Sai

Devotees about how Shri Sai pulled my friend from a very critical

health condition.


It was in the month of April 2000, I called my friend's home in

Canada to know that he is in intensive care Unit (for two months)

with a massive third Cardiac arrest followed with multiple ailments.

Doctors have not given any Hope and are waiting to pass the critical

period. I rushed to their house with Sai's picture and Udi (sacred

ash) in my pocket and praying Baba. I went to hospital with his

spouse and two little kids. I silently prayed in the Heart that Sai

if you are Here, You must Help to revive the condition of this



I took out the Sai Picture and Udi from my pocket, which was then

mailed from one of the ardent Sai devotee in New Jersey, USA I

requested the ailing patient's spouse to place the Sai Picture on his

chest and sincerely pray Lord Sai "Please reconcile the condition of

my Husband and I shall be ever indebted to you". The lady did prayers

and took a pinch of Udi and put it in his mouth. The patient was on

intravenous and Oxygen pipes then with closed eyes. I prayed in the

heart of mine "O Lord Sai, please shower your richest blessing on

this traumatic and depressed family. Reassure your faith and miracles

on this patient." Doctors are still waiting for countdown at this



Trust me, the miracle of Sai happened on the next day, the patient

was able to move and open his eyes slightly, which gave everyone a

ray of hope for survival. Doctors declared that critical moment is

gone now. He should revive in a couple of days. Since then I kept on

inquiring about the condition of the patient, One week later I could

directly speak to the patient in Hospital over the phone and was glad

to hear his Voice once again, "Ravi I am improving now."


If BABA had not showered his Blessings, the whole family would have

been in distress by now.


Now the patient is at home and living a normal life with slight care

and supervision on and off from the specialists. However, those

moments are unforgettable for me in the Hospital.




Ravinder Thota shirdibaba.org





I can never forget SAI BABA who saved my daughter who had lost her

walking power due attack of paraplegia (bone TB) in backbone. Doctors

at AIIMS New Delhi had declared that she could survive only after

operation of the backbone considered to be dangerous with lesser

chances of success.

A friend devotee of Sai Baba for many years came to know about my

daughters operation and visited my daughter when I had gone home to

fetch breakfast for my daughter. He met me at home and informed that

he had been to my daughter and gave Sai Bhabuti (sacred ash) brought

from Shirdi and also prayed for her recovery. When I went to hospital

in the afternoon my daughter was all smiles and laughing as also

other patients. After applying Bhabuti she said she felt like pulling

her left leg and little after right one. Both the legs started moving

after remaining almost dead for 4 months. Doctors came and declared

that only God has to cure her and their operation would not be

necessary. It became news in their AIIMS and people did come to us

for similar blessings. We advised them to pray to SAI Nath and

assured them it was HIS Chamatkar (miracle). My daughter was had lost

the job due to illness. Gradually she was discharged from AIIMS in a

week and brought home where was bed ridden for over two years. And

ultimately with blessing of SAI Baba she regained her strength and we

had entire family gone to pilgrimage at Shirdi to thank HIM for his

blessings and saving a human being. Now that she is married and has

two children I remember Sai's blessings and have been to Shirdi for

getting his blessings.


For my daughter she keeps fast every Thursday goes to Lodhi Road Sai

Mandir without fail and is leading a happy life. How can we dare to

forget HIM?

Tilak Bhasker shirdibaba.org




My husband had cancer. While going through treatment, he went into

semi-coma. He called me and said, I have seen a triangle in the

clouds and many white chadars. After that He started going into deep

coma and slurpy speech. All the well wisher who was with me at that

time, helped me to pray to Sai Baba and we used to put vibuhiti on

his forehead everyday in the morning and evening. The day we were

told he is no more, we put bhajans of Sai Baba in his ears the whole

evening and the following day. On the third day he opened his eyes

and also wrote on a piece of paper. After that he recovered, and

finally he told us that he had seen Sai Baba's hand with Om sign

making him turn his route and he is back with us. This is our

experience and we believe Sai Baba is with us all the time.

Sai Baba, You are our mother and father, you are our savior. We pray

you always remain with us.



Dearest Friends

Sai Baba is my source of sustenance. He is ALWAYS there with me and

all my friends and loved ones. Most of my friends are now ardent

devotees of Sai Baba, and all of us have countless spiritual

experiences, and feel the healing touch of Sai so many times a day.

I would like to tell you about one event in my life, which, like

every other event, reaffirms my Faith in that supreme all-pervasive

power. It was the second year of my masters, which I was doing in

Jawaharlal Nehru university in New Delhi. I was very worried about

what was going to happen to my career etc. after M.A., and I was

dejected with the way things were proceeding. But when Sai is with

you, life is like a dream. I was in the doldrums and thinking all

those things people think when they are in that state, like what is

the purpose of all this and what's existence all about and so on and

so forth. And Baba was standing there all the time and seeing right

through me, and testing my Faith in Him.

I must confess here that I think it is Baba who instills 'Shradha and

Saboori'. I received 'rejection' letters from Universities where I

had applied with such confidence and motivation and I had put my

heart and soul into it. And then Baba waved His magic band. Someone

passed on a form of the University of York to me and I filled it up

expecting nothing in return. I didn't even receive their first

confirmation of my acceptance in their MPhil program as it got lost

in postal transit. I got that info through e-mail. But then they told

me Scholarship was going to be difficult. So life was a roller

coaster and I was feeling very sick in the ride. Then one fine day I

learnt that I have got the unbelievable...a full scholarship.

Here I am now in a computer-room in this wonderful University (which

is rated first in U.K. in Language and Linguistic Science, my

discipline) and the least I can do is to relate this episode to you

and what happiness it brought me, a very deep and fulfilling

happiness that miracles happen, prayers can move mountains, and BABA

IS THE SOLE DOER. He does what is best for you. Life is still the

roller coaster it always was...but with a huge difference, I quite

enjoy this superficial ride, for the permanence is the deep calm of

the soul within. So for all of you my message is to hang on, things

will look up very soon, WHY FEAR WHEN HE IS NEAR? Have total faith in

Sai dear friends.

Srija Sinha





July 08, 1999

K.Bharathan, 8, Krishnapuram street, Royapettah, Chennai -14, India

I am a devotee of Sri SHIRDI SAI BABA. I have visited six days the

meditation program at BABA PRAYER CENTER. I felt peace of mind every

time I visited there. Sir Kumar Baba talks to SRI SAI BABA. He has

devoted his life to spread the message of SRI SAI BABA. He prays for

the health and education of devotees. My daughter has been getting 25

to 30% in school exams. She is a spastic child. She passed in the

10th PUBLIC EXAM with 54.6% marks- all this due to blessings of SRI

SAI BABA and prayers of Sri Kumar Baba. I have got severe health

problem and retired prematurely from service. I got a peculiar severe

problem of choking last year and was unable to breathe. It was only

through Sri Kumar Baba's prayer and BLESSINGS OF SRI SAI BABA, I have

got rid of this problem. Please contact me at the above address for

more information on Baba Prayer Center and the services of Sri Kumar








July 22, 1999

MRK, Phoenix, AZ, USA

I am writing the little I know about Sri B.V.Narasimhaswamyi ji. He

was a leading advocate in Salem, Tamil Nadu, India. He was related to

Sri C. Rajagopalachari (Rajaji, eminent freedom fighter, scholar,

politician, and spiritualist) who in turn was related to Mahatma

Gandhi. From what I was told, Sri Narasimhaswamiji left his lucrative

practice as a lawyer in Salem, when a very brilliant young son died.

I met him in Madras in thirties when he then was staying with another

son who was doing business. After leaving legal work, he spent three

years (about) in Ramanashramam with Bhagavan Ramana and wrote his

biography. He was more attracted by bhakti marga and became Shirdi

Sai maharaja's ardent devotee. He took pains in thirties to

personally meet devotees who personally saw Shri Sai Maharaj in

physical body and published about eight volumes called Experiences of

Sai devotees. I saw these books and read them. He spread Sai

Maharaja's name allover south of India. I again saw him in 1937 when

he came to our house and addressed series of lectures on Shirdi Sai.

My father was his classmate and so he stayed with us. This was in

Bapatla, Guntur Dist, Andhra Pradesh, India. It will be not an

exaggeration to say that in circar districts of Andhra Pradesh,

Shirdi Sai was known only because of him. By 1949 or so, he settled

down near and then in Shirdi Sai temple at Mylapore Madras. I met him

a number of times in the temple and he did namakaranam (naming

ceremony) to my second daughter in that temple. Even now his marble

statue is in this temple and worshipped by all devotees. He ordered

one late Bapatla Hanumantha Rao to publish Shirdi Sai's books in

Telugu and he produced and published numerous books and they are

still reprinted by his son Sri Bapatla Parthasarathy who is a very

great devotee of Shirdi SAI. I also met Sri Rege, a retired High

court judge of Nagpur at Madras Sai Temple.He knew Shirdi SAI IN HIS

PHYSICAL FORM and he asserted that till then, and all the time Shirdi


garu who built a Shirdi Sai temple in Shenoynagar Madras and his life

is available in book form at this temple I also met Sri U.

Sangasmesam garu at madras then living near Vijaya studios, Madras. I

also knew late Krishna Priya who was a great Sai devotee. If you

thought of any problem and placed bananas, she would place before

Shirdi Sai and bring them back to you. Answers were printed on the

bananas. I saw this in Madras.



Dr. K.V. Raghava Rao, Hyderabad, India [ Close devotee of Baba ]

[From Golden Voice and Divine Touch of Sri SAI Baba (1994-95) by Dr.

K.V. Raghava Rao] Three episodes described under this section relate

to members of an Indian family working abroad (UN). They are ardent

devotees of Baba since long. Suddenly the housewife was in critical

condition. The doctors diagnosed it as a case of brain tumor and

advised immediate operation. They were apprehensive about the

possible side effects, such as paralysis of some parts of the body.

They contacted me for guidance and blessings from Baba. Baba

indicated that the surgery should be performed on a Thursday, but as

everything is scheduled in the U.S. the date happened to be

thirteenth August 1991. When the first operation took place the

surgeons could not reach the tumor site and the operation was

stopped. Surprisingly, the follow-up surgery was performed on the

following Thursday. It was successful operation with Swami's grace

there was no side effects and she gradually recovered. The family

members and self offered intense prayers during this period to Baba,

both. Subsequently, she visited India (December 1992/January 1993).

During this period Baba started indicating to me in meditation about

the change of scenario in the health condition of the family members.

I cautioned and also advised them to hasten up the marriage of their

daughter as indicated by Baba. As forewarned by Baba, she had to

undergo another surgery of a different nature when she visited India

(June/July 1994). Udi was applied to the patient on the forehead

before and after the operation. With the grace of Baba everything

went well and the patient recovered to normal condition soon. With

the blessings of Baba, things moved smoothly in the right direction

and the marriage of the daughter took place in December 1994. One has

to measure the benevolence of Sri SAI from His nature to forewarn the

events befalling the devotee and other family members and protect

them in time.




Nov 17, 1999

Namasthe to all SAI devotees. Today as per IST is Thursday. May Baba

bring happiness and peace to all His devotees. Many of you might have

heard about the Nagasai Mandir at Coimbatore, TN. When this temple

was consecrated, HH Narasimha Swami was present. When some eternal

Doubting Thomases questioned about Baba's acceptance of the Pooja

performed that day, Narasimha Swami replied in the affirmative. When

the doubts still persisted, Swami told the gathering that Baba would

manifest His presence, but the devotees must be prepared to take it

with equanimity. The Bhajans continued late in the night and all of a

sudden a big cobra entered the hall, went near the lighted lamp and

showed its hood. When the devoteed became panicky, Narasimha Swami

advised calm. He offered Arathi to the cobra and offered Pranam and

requested the Cobra not to frighten the devotees. At the same spot,

the cobra dug a pit and disappeared. Narasimha Swami then told the

gathering that Baba came in the form of Cobra and His presence in the

Mandir confirmed that He had accepted their Pooja. As the temple was

associated with this episode of Cobra, the temple was called NAGASAI

MANDIR thereafter. An old photo of this incident is available in the

rear portion of the Chennai Saimandir at Mylapore. My father narrated

this incident to me as he was present in the Mandir on that day. This

incident took place around 1948/49.





I want to share this little experience of mine with you. This last

Saturday I had invited few families over for dinner. I wanted baba to

be present there and take care of our guests. I wanted baba to make

sure that all come and leave happily with the smiling faces. I wanted

the bhojan to be perfect. I had given all these zimavaris to my

dearest SAI. As the evening came closer I started getting panic and

little nervous. The first guest came and when the second came, she

brought with him a very sweet gentle looking Sai's picture in the

form of a magnet. She could have put that in the box and rapped it

but she put it right on top of her gift box and this was Sai's leela

to show me that I am present here and everything will be alright. For

some people this might be a small coincidence. But I know for sure

that my baba wanted me to know his presence.

I want to share my recent experience. Me, my wife and recently

married elder daughter of ours were to travel by train to New Delhi.

Purpose was for seeing off our elder daughter on her much awaited

journey to US to join her husband and start the new phase of their

lives. Unluckily my fatherinlaw fell ill and was hospitalized,

resulting in

my wife canceling her journey.On the day of journey my daughter,with

all her baggage, and self boarded 2 tier AC compartment of the train

at Hyderabad. As our berths were not collocated, I got down from the

compartment seeking the Supervisor for exchange of berth, whereas my

wife remained inside spending her last moments with our daughter

before her departure. We didn't realize that time for departure of

the train had come, the train started moving slowly, I looked and saw

that my wife was not on the platform, ran towards the compartment and

saw that my wife being scared of getting off from moving train sat on

the steps. In my anxiety that she should get down and I should get

in, I told her to hold on to me and pulled her on to the platform. We

both fell down, I was closer to the platform edge and my legs from

knees downwards entered the space between the platform and moving

train. I froze realizing that any movement may result in very serious

injury and in that state of shock didn't even call out to GOD or any

one else for help.In the meanwhile our daughter attempted to stop the

train by pulling chain but without any success.Now a miracle

occurred, in that Sathya SAIBABA, whom I firmly believe to be

incarnation of Shirdi

SAIBABA, in the form of unknown people appeared in no time and pulled

me back simultaneously lifting my legs from the gap between the

platform and moving train thus saving not only my life but also

ensuring that I was not injured. I got up immediately and shakily

jumped into the compartment passing in front of me where safe hands

of Railway staff caught hold of me.When I reached my compartment I

found my daughter crying not knowing how her parents were.Luckily my

wife had the presence of mind to take an autorikshaw and come to

Secunderabad station.Our daughter calmed down after seeing both of us












A Devotee

August 4, 1999

I thought of sharing my experiences but couldn't have dared to share

among friends. Now I got the chance to share through this web page. I

have firm faith on BABA as He fulfilling all my wishes and this is

the way Shri BABA is making my faith high. In Satcharitra mentioned

BABA used to ask two APIs Daksina from devotees which are SHRADHA

firm faith and SABURI patience. But in my case He has taken those two

in the following way


Actually before 1993, I didn't make bow before any other God except

Lord VenkateswaraTirupati as I had wrong impression on all with name

BABA. My cousin used to go to Sai Temple in Rajahmundry A.P and once

asked me to have the Darshan but I rejected. After some time went to

Hyderabad for job searching and got nothing of some reasons. My

mother was worried so much and discussed with our family friends

about my position. They told her that if you make your son to read

SAI SATCHARITRA one-week parayana, he would get benefit. When I

called my home, mom told me about parayana. I agreed and started

reluctantly. This time I would like to say sentence mentioned in

SATCHARITRA Man will go to Gods feet when he is in troubles and

became true for me. I completed and liked the life and teachings of

BABA and waited for the Invitation from BABA to go to Shirdi. As

mentioned He only will pull us to His feet, suddenly after one week

my classmate invited me for Shirdi trip. After 20 days got 2 offers

and joined in NOV 1994.But I didn't satisfy with my salary and

stopped worshiping. I quit the job in

DEC 95.I tried and failed to get another job took training in

Software and went to Bombay for the job frustrated in job searching

and one night suddenly I thought why dont I start worship BABA from

tomorrow. After 10 days Sept 25th 1996 I got one DREAM which changed

my entire life. The dream follows We were searching for one WHITE

HAND CUFF and after long search my friend got that one and said that

SRINIVAS You should have a FIRM FAITH to get any thing you want and

because I my friend, Sai devotee, in Bombay have a FIRM FAITH, got

this one. Suddenly woke from dream and felt like lively happened to

me. After I woke up and stood before BABA photo and prayed that I

will have firm faith on you if I get the job in today's Interview. My

friends wanted to shift to company in Hyderabad having real

experience and myself having zero experience attended the interview.

Here BABA listened my urge and made a miracle. After written test and

interview my name only is there in the final list. Immediately I

cried in front of all b'coz I couldn't stop and remembered the dream.

I got the offer letter within two days And started Hyderabad via

Shirdi from Bombay.

I joined the job on NOV 1st 1996 and on NON 6th BIG Cyclone washed

out my village and our lands. Every body in my family prayed SAI BABA

in helping to get the job and then He is protecting my family through

retaining my job. SHRI SAI BABA is sole protector of our family. By

this he took FIRM FAITH and created PATIENCE in me.


As I mentioned above, from NOV 1996 I don't have any hitch in my

life. In 1997,Aug got visa and selected client interview in India

itself and till now going smooth by His grace. When called one of my

college senior s in U.S., I came to know that he is also staunch

devotee of SAI BABA. We discussed our experiences and how he blessed

by BABA.While this chat I got attention to one of his experiences and

follows Being staunch devotee, he got lot of visions and used to get

sudden solution when he thinking about some problems. He got fixed

his marriage Feb1998 and prayed BABA how He is going to bless him

while marriage function. On marriage day everybody is busy and one

man came with beard and maroon cloths, looks like sadhu, was asking

about bridegroom. Nobody is caring about this man, as they are

involved with their work. Then finally asked his father and said that

I want to bless bridegroom and dakshina and his father called him. He

immediately realized that BABA came to bless him in this form and

took blessings and gave dakshina to him. He sadhu left that place

with happy. After hearing this one thought arose in my mind that how

BABA will bless me in U.S. At the end of the Feb98, when called my

friends house in Hyderabad, came to know one of my classmates is

coming to NewYork and wanted to meet him. Whenever I go out, worrying

about not reading parayana as daily reading one chapter. I went to

NewYork to meet him

On last weekend of Feb98 and on Saturday morning woke up and asked

about his trip and about any thing for me. Actually I don't want any

thing from him but as being classmate just for sake I asked. He

opened his briefcase and took out one large portrait asked do want

this When I wrapped paper out of that, wonder of wonders for me, It

was SAI BABA photo. I really much excited and stared thinking inside

that in this way You have blessed me and I got for all these years

worship. I asked my friend why did u bring only BABA photo. He said

that he got info from other friend that I'm going to meet him in

NewYork and when he went to Shirdi he bought that extra picture and

he knew before that I'm BABA devotee. I never expect that my friend

will come to NewYork as I'm staying in Connecticut near to NY and

will give BABA picture. This is all because of BABA'S Miracle.When my

sisters wedding fixed on March 6th 99, I thought that You blessed my

friend mentioned above in Marriage function, Ill see how going to

bless me and how You see that marriage will go without any hitch went

to India and very busy with wedding work as I'm the brides brother.

The Muhurtham is at 345 a.m.. At 1 a.m. I wanted to take some money

from my suitcase that is put where all necessary marriage items

located and while coming out from that room suddenly noticed COCONUT

decorated with small chamak items. Because I never seen decorated

Coconut that will be in Brides while marriage. Then I took the

Coconut and observing the design made on Coconut and noticed one

small size photo 25 np size and found that It was SHIRDI SAI BABAS

photo. At that BABA only knew how much I excited and cried for this

wonder. I enquired my mom about this and how it happened to be there.

My mom said that my aunt housewife took that Coconut on marriage day

evening and gave it back with that decoration. But here mystery is,

at that even my mom didn't notice that small photo as busy with work.

After marriage I asked my aunt the reason why she put the photo

there. As she is also BABA devotee at the end of decoration got a

thought to put small BABA photo in the center of Coconut and she

didn't tell any body that she is going to put photo. So in the

presence of BABA, my sisters wedding went fine.

I told this wonder to every body in family and they also got FAITH in

SAI BABA and have feeling like He is sitting in every body's heart.




A Devotee

September 26 1999

I would like to share with other devotees an experience that I had

many years ago.

One night in 1976, Shridi Baba blessed me by appearing to me in a

dream. It was a dark night and I was standing in the open along with

Baba who held my left hand with his right hand like a small child

held by an adult. I was about 32 years old at that time but in the

dream, I had the physical stature of a small boy say about 45 years

old. Mentally, I was conscious of the fact that I was an adult.

Baba did not talk to me but led me towards a single stored house that

appeared to be several hundred feet away.

The rooms of the house were lit with electric lights. As we neared

the house, I saw that it had a front verandah and

three rooms, one adjacent to the other. Each room had a window and a

door that opened out to the verandah. It appeared that the rooms were

not inter connected. Each room was full of people sitting on the


Baba led me along the verandah. Baba stooped in front of the door of

the first room. I could see a figure of Jesus Christ on one wall. The

people in the room were singing hymns. Baba said to me, "To

Christians, I am Isa Christ".

Next, Baba then stopped in front of the second door. The people in

this room appeared to be Muslims and they were also offering namaz.

Baba said to me, " To Muslims, I am Allah."

Next, Baba then stopped in front of the third door. The people in

this room appeared to be Hindus who were singing bhajans. He said,

"To Hindus, I am Shiva or Vishnu. But to the whole world, I am Sai".

Saying this, Baba disappeared.

At that very moment, I woke up. Something had stung one of my fingers

sharply. I switched on the light and I saw a big bumblebee flying

away from me. I do not know how the bumblebee got there. I was in

pain and in my anger, I hit the bee with my pillow and it fell down

dead. Somehow, I immediately fell asleep. When I got up in the

morning, I remembered the dream and I was very angry with myself for

having been so immature as not to realize the wonderful dream that I

had. The pain in the finger had all but disappeared. The dead


was still on the floor.



A woman has narrated this incident from Thane, Maharashtra.

" One of my friends Mrs. Parab (true name withheld for reasons of

anonymity) residing at Andheri, Mumbai has a brother in Pune. Due to

the bad company, his drinking habit went beyond control and none of

the relatives could persuade him to give up this bad habit. His

health complaints increased but it was very hard for him to abstain

from drinking.

One day in the month of May, 99 he collapsed and was admitted in the

hospital in the state of coma. Mrs. Parab visited Pune and was

extremely sad when the Doctor mentioned to her that her brother could

hardly survive for a month or so. Her trips to Pune became quite

frequent and on my inquiry she revealed the condition of her brother

which she had been hiding all along for the fear of disrepute to

family name.

Upon my advice, she visited Shri. Bandekar's house in Vile Parle - a

suburb of Mumbai- and collected Baba's Vibhuti, which flows from all

the photos in the shrine of Shri. Bandekar. Her husband being a non-

believer ridiculed her for this as he was relying more on the

Doctor's verdict. Nevertheless, MrsParab took Vibhuti to Pune and

applied on her brother's forehead. Initially the failing health of

her brother was steadied which itself came as a surprise to the

medicos. In a week's time her brother came out of coma. She is ever

thankful to BABA for saving the life of her brother and plans to

visit Puttaparthi with her brother as soon as he regains some

strength. Not to mention that her husband also has decided to

accompany them.


Movielike projection by Swami in 1948

The author Dr. A.V. Lakshminarasimhan, is a Faculty Member in the

Department of Bio-Sciences of the Sathya Sai Institute of Higher

Learning at the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus. This is one of the miracles

mentioned in his article.

"Way back in 1948 when Bhagawan was 22 years of age in this beautiful

physical frame, a certain wealthy man visited Prasanthi Nilayam along

with his twin sons who were born blind. This wealthy man had toured

the world over and had consulted great eye-specialists but all of

them had said unanimously that it was impossible to provide eyesight

to the blind twins. Hence the wealthy man had come to see the young

Bhagawan. Bhagawan did not see them for seven long days. When the

devotees, who had brought this family to Prasanthi Nilayam, prayed to

Bhagawan for an interview, He called the wealthy man and his family

along with the devotees. Bhagawan gave them all a profound discourse

on the law of Karma and human dharma. At the end, when the devotees

prayed and almost persuaded Bhagawan to grant sight to the twins, He

said, 'Look, what these twins have done in their past life' and asked

the devotees to look towards the corner of the interview room. What

they saw was like a movie. These twins appeared as two cruel dacoits.

They appeared to be tying two other persons to a tree in the forest

and plucking out their eyes and robbing them of their wealth. The

devotee was perplexed and disturbed seeing this incident taking place

before his eyes.

Bhagawan asked the devotees.'Tell me, shall I grant sight to these

boys? If you are in My place what will you do?' The devotee had no

answer. He fell at Bhagawan's Lotus feet and cried, 'Baba, pardon me

for my audacity. You are God, being ever present in the past, present

and future. You are our destiny. Please save us all.' Bhagawan with

all His Love lifted the devotee and said that the twins had repented

for their evil deeds and prayed to God for forgiveness. Their

lifestyle had changed. They served the poor with the robbed money and

as a result of which they have been born in the house of the wealthy

man. They cannot, however, escape from the evil act of blinding two

innocent persons and hence had to be born blind. Bhagawan assured

that now that they had come to His divine presence, their future

would be good and that He would take care of them and would bless



A Devotee

October 7, 1999

Dear Shirdi Sai,

I am grateful to you for the miracle. My Son Rohan was brought into

this world in an emergency situation when Doctors started to realize

that his heartbeat was crashing. When they got him out he was not

alive and the doctors revived him to life for 30minutes and his heart

started to beat, they put himeon the ventilator for next few days.

Within few hours of his birth we found out that due to lack of

Oxygenation during the revival period there is a possibility that he

sustained Brain Damage.he had all signs that and next 2 days they did

an MRI and confirmed that he suffered extensive Brain Damage and he

may or may not walk. All the doctors could tell was the Damage was

extensive and it could mean anything. As parents we did not know what

to pray for as he was still on the Ventilator not breathing by

himself. We finally decided to take him of the ventilator, it was

very hard choice, but we thought what life will he have, if he is a

vegetable, but as we decided that, Rohan Raghav decided to breath by

himself and survived without machines. We did not know if we should

be happy or cry for his ill fate, He was the cutest boy I have ever

seen and we went through hell making the decisions we were making and

analyzing what went wrong

without any notice in matter of minutes.

Anyway, we got him home and as my brother who is a doctor and I am

grateful to him suggested I started stimulating him every 1 to 2hrs

by moving him showing colors, touch and feel for the next 3 months.

The Neurologist would not commit what the outcome is other than his

damage is extensive. My sisterinlaw gave me the Sai Charithra and I

read the Sai SatCharithra during this time, I don't remember how long

I took, but I used to read every night and write Guru Raghavendra

swami's name as much as I can. I put all my faith in God and my

mother prayed a lot to Sai.

Today my Son is 10 months old and he is crawling and taking few

steps, which according to doctors is actually advance for 10 month

old, if not have any issues walking crawling or sitting. I cannot say

what this means to us. Neurologists were very surprised to see Rohan

when he was about 6 months to see him sit and crawl. He said I guess

it proves Doctors are not Gods one more time and said Rohan has

overcome any Motor issues. But as parents we are still worried

because we won't know his mental abilities till he grows up and as

usual the doctors say, we cannot predict, brain grows for 18 years

and we won't know until we see him grow up. He also suffered Moderate

hearing loss due lack of oxygenation and wears hearing aids, but

right now he is the miracle kid doing things faster than a normal kid


We are very very very grateful Shirdi Sai, my family and me is

planning to visit Shirdi this December to offer our prayers to Lord

Shirdi. Hope Lord will not have any more obstacles for us to come see

him in Shirdi. I was always believer in God, but this incident makes

me think Gosh God is really there. But I also get scared that all my

problems are not over. I know I should not feel like that, but what

we have gone through has made very skeptical of everything. I cannot

believe God is actually listening to my prayers and I really deserve

his blessings.

I am grateful to Sai's Grace and Well-wishers prayers. Hope no

parents go through this kind of Turmoil with their children. I pray

for the whole world's children suffering. God don't let any child


Ohm Sai Shri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.


A Devotee

I'd like to share the following moment, one of the innumerable times

that I have felt close to Baba. I am a student, and had some extra

classes on a Sunday Afternoon. On my way back home my car broke down

in an absolutely isolated place, there was no petrol pump, garage or

even a phone booth within several kilometers. If that is not

synonymous with being helpless what is? Or rather, with Baba always

with me I can never be helpless. Just when I was on the verge of

tears, a motor bike with two men stopped next to my car on an

otherwise quite road. They were both mechanics and offered to help

me. Without any hesitation, I allowed them to check my car, to

realize that one spare part was missing. So one of them stayed back

with me and the other rushed to the nearest shop to fetch the part.

When all was done and my car alright, I thanked them and asked them

how much they had spent. I realized that I didn't have enough money

to pay them, so I took the address and phone number of the workshop

that the man belonged to and promised to pay him the balance. His

name was Iqbal and he said that he was from Ganga Mechanics in

Nizamudin. I then went home and related the incident to my family and

called up this place to locate Iqbal. To my surprise they said that

no one with that name had ever worked for them. I then went to

another mechanics shop in Vasant Kunj where there was an Iqbal, but

he turned out to be someone else. Till today I haven't been able to

meet that person who I am sure was a roop of Sai Baba. I just wish I

had been able to express my profound gratitude that day.

Jai Sai Ram.

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