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Sai Service Newsletter-06

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SAI SERVICE Newsletter – 06

Issue May 16, 2002


Sai Service Newsletter is a Weekly newsletter distributed every

Thursday and is

devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi.

Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates.

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This Thursday's Message:


 Question; Baba, who are you? whence?

 Sai Baba: (in the absolute mood): I am the attributeless, Absolute=


Nirguna. I have no name, no residence.

 (Again Baba in the mood of Duality) I got embroiled by Karma, and =


came to a body. (So) I got a name and abode. Dehi, i.e., the

embodied, is my name; and the world is my abode, Brahman is my father

and Maya, my mother. As they interlocked, I got this body. The world

is evanescent, mutable.


a) Baba's Talk with Devotees

b) Spiritual Dews from our God

c) Weekly Article: Sri Saibaba's Touch

d) Devotees Page

e) Baba's Help


a. Baba's Talk with Devotees:


Baba as a cat is beaten.


Baba to Hansraj, an asthma patient: Do not take curds or taste sour



But Hansraj was daily preparing curds overnight to drink it in the

noon meal. Daily a cat drank it off and one day he beat the cat.


Baba to others in the presence of Hansraj. "There is an Urphatia, a

cusses, cross-grained man. I told him not to take curds. But he daily

prepared it. Daily I went as a cat and drank it off, to save his

life. Today I went again. Do you know what he did? He beat me over

the shoulder. See here, (Hansraj looked and found a fresh weal on

Baba's shoulder, though it was a cat he beat with a stick on the





 See, how I have to suffer for My devotees, their difficulties are =


Mine. (SSS Ch.7)


 If you want anything, beg to the Lord. (SSS Ch.6)


 I am the Inner Ruler of all and seated in your hearts. (SSS Ch.3)


 He will get some other job, but now, he should serve Me and be

happy! (SSS Ch.3)


 Do not be deluded by worldly honour. (SSS Ch.6)



c, Weekly Article:




In 1943 December issue of Sai Sudha, the question is raised and

answered whether Sai Baba is a builder or breaker. In that very

issue, a `devotee' in stating his experience of Saibaba, narrates how

he lost faith in Sai Baba and consequently broke Baba's image and how

some one else with more faith in Baba successfully used the broken

bits of that image for improving a patient's health. This was perhaps

a distance repercussion produced by the report in Sai Sudha of a

similar conduct of another `devotee' leading to similar results. It

is not improbable that this second report may have similar further

repercussions. Hence, it is the solemn duty of those responsible for

the journal at any cost to analyze the mentality of these `devotees'

frankly, so as to prevent further repetition of iconoclastic frenzy.


Let us carefully dive into the minds and hearts of numerous devotees,

who `proclaim their devotion to Sai with complacency and pride. In

most cases, the devotion will be found to be a bargain, - Sai to give

so much temporal benefit and the devotee to offer his namaskarams,

archanas, naivedyams etc., in return. Most people frankly declare

that (only) in case of the benefit being reaped, the devotion will be

confirmed and the proposed naivedyams etc. offered. This may not be

considered bhakthi at all and in any case, not a bhakthi of a very

estimable sort. But, all the same, this is how devotion starts, is

made to start or can start in the vast majority of cases. No

objection should be raised to rudimentary bhakthi being so crude.

But it would be pitiable indeed if bhakthi being continued so crude,

after the early days and stages are passed. The child soon throws

away its teething ring, trundle hook and springtoys, one after

another. So should a baktha soon recognise the absurdity of resorting

to God (or Godmen, who are the manifestations of God that men can

easily reach to) merely to pull out one's earthly chestnuts from the

fire. God is not to be bargained with and God knows what is really

good for a devotee better than the devotee. Regard for God beginning

with gratitude for one or more extraordinary acts of help must turn

into Love, the Love of a child to its mother touched into sublimity

by dim perception of Infinite Power, Wisdom &c. in the unseen

Universal Mother. Failure to advance will be not mere stagnation but

decent into lower and lower levels.


Let us know the evil effects of continuous looking to Baba for

earthly benefits. Our longing for earthly benefits get strengthened

i.e. rajas and tamas get more and more to predominant in our nature,

clouding the satwa and even temporarily banishing it from us. The

evils of tamas and rajas rise up at once. A bit of disappointment

makes us angry with God and Saints that we have just worshipped for

earthly objects alone and we break our idols and Gods, fiercely

trample upon them and gloat over our vandalism. If we but worshipped

in the correct spirit, we would ask for earthly benefits, not in a

bargaining spirit, nor in terms of dictation but with humble

submission, recognizing the possibility that the All-wise Mother-God

might deem it better to disappoint us and make us suffer in the

present, to wipe off old karmic accounts, to develop the satwic side

of our nature and to fit us perhaps for the position decreed by

Supreme Wisdom and mercy. The Omnipotent, Omniscient and Universal

Mother provides for the present and future of innumerable creatures

with apparently conflicting interests and may make use of us as her

instruments or even as agents to carry out her high decrees. It is

for us to submit our wills and to be receptive. If we are in this

proper mood, prayers are found to be needless assertion of ego, not

promoting but retarding our real progress.


These general observations have been made with a view to help people

to approach Sai Baba, one of the most powerful manifestations of God

in recent times, in the correct spirit. Let people go to him for

earthly benefit if they want. But let them realize more and more that

it is God that they are really dealing with. Let the apparent

distinction between Baba and God that appears at first so patent be

dissolved in the increased appreciation of the divine attributes of

Sai Baba i.e. his wonderful and obviously limitless Love and Power,

Wisdom and Mercy. Let us recognize that our notions of God are really

abstractions and that is wise not to ignore and lose the concrete

manifestation of God before us in trying took pledge at abstractions

that are so elusive. If we recognize Baba as God or divine amsa, can

we ever try to break his image without descending to the level of a

Hiranya Kasipu or Kamsa or Satan?


It is not unlikely that just a few people that read the above may

feel hurt. No personal hit, however, against any particular person is

intended, and the writer deprecates the assumption of any personal

animus in him. But the intention of the article is deliberately to

hit at certain traits and attitudes. People sticking to those traits

and attitudes may feel aggrieved at the hit. The write must only

apologize and hope that his motive i.e. desire to benefit the soul by

pruning off dead and dying matter will be ultimately appreciated when

the soul's growth is promoted as a result of such pruning.


(Courtesy: Glimpses of Sai Baba, by His Highness B V Narasimah

Swamiji, Founder-President, All India Sai Samaj (Regd), Chennai-4,




d. Baba's Help:




It is help for issue, which Baba rendered that broadcast his fame and

started his cult. Till 1890, Baba was known only at Shirdi and its

neighbourhood mostly. It was about 1890 or so that one Gopal Rao

Gundu, a Revenue Inspector of Kopergaon Taluk, was informed by Nana

Saheb Dangle, Zamindar of Nimgam and descendant of Trimbakiji Dangle

about Baba's wonderful powers and wonderful nature and about his

being a Sai Purusha whose blessings are effective. Gopal Rao Gundu

went to Baba and paid his respects. He had until then no issue even

though he had two wives. Then Baba gave him Asirvada, blessing that

he would have a son, and he got a son to the great surprise of

himself and all who knew him. Out of sheer gratitude, Gundu was

broadcasting the greatness and powers of Baba amongst people whom he

met, both officials and non-officials, villagers and townsmen. Out of

gratitude again, he tried rebuilding Baba's Mosque and brought

quality stones, which Baba distributed to local temples. he also took

a leading part in starting Baba Urse (festival on Rama Navami day in

honour of Baba at Shirdi, about 1897.


The next notable grant of issue was the case of Damodar Sawalram

Rasane. He brought Baba's name to the forefront among Saints because

of the very peculiar circumstances of damia's case. the stars were

against him, the astrologers having declared that the papi in the

Putra-sthana would prevent any issue. But the Guru Sai Baba overcomes

the adverse influence, and by Baba's blessing, he had eight children,

and exactly in the order of sexes that Baba had stated neither more

nor less. Damia (Rasne) became a great and ardent devotee of Baba,

and took a prominent part in the Rama Navami Standard festival and

contributed to other important celebrations also.


There were numerous other persons whom we need not take in

chronological order, but may take in the order of peculiarity of the

facts in each case. We shall take up ordinary views of medical and

quasi-medical men about issue. Medical science has not been

successful in exploring all the causes of sterility. Far greatly

distresses many of them, and they long for children. The human or

animal longing for issue (philoprogenitiveness) is a natural instinct

and is said to be due to the pineal gland and also to family

sentiments. As George Elliot put it, "A child is a divine gift to

declining age and brings hope with it and forward-looking thoughts.:

so people are anxious to beget children and in default to adopt

children as Silas Marner did. By medical research and experience,

some of the reasons, which prevent issue, have been found and

declared. Absence of issue may be due to disease like hypochondria,

anemia, hypogonadism, malformation of the genital organs, diseases of

the ovaries and tastes, and the incompatibility of the blood of the

parties etc., are made responsible. In the case of some people, age

and similar circumstances are also declared to be interdictory to



Now we will take one of such difficulties, anomaly, and age. One

Sakharam Aurangabadhar had no issue by his second wife. She never

conceived even one during 27 years she lived with him. She, however,

went up to Baba, and on Shama's intercession got Baba's blessing,

after a very comical conversation. Shama told her to wait till Baba

should be in good humour, and kept her outside the Mosque when Baba

was eating. When Shama poured water on Baba's foodsoiled hands, the

latter pinched his cheek. Shama pretended to be angry, and asked,

"Deva, is it proper for you to pinch me?" Baba said, "Arre, during

the 72 janmas that you were with me I never pinched you till now. And

yet you resent my touching you"


Shama: Deva, we want a Deva to give us sweet things, swargaloka,

vimana, etc.,

Baba: Yes. Indeed I have come for that.


Then Baba sat in a very good mood on a seat which as been prepared.

Shama beckoned to the lady. She brought a coconut and scented sticks

and presented to Baba. The coconut was taken up by Baba. The internal

kernel was loose and rolling in it was copra. Baba shacked it said,

`Shama, hear what it says', Shama said that the women prayed that a

child should be similarly quickening in her womb, Shama requested

Baba to give her the coconut with his blessing. Baba said, "Will the

coconut turn into a baby? How foolish are to fancy such a thing?"

Shama said that he knew the power of the blessing. After some little

talk, under Baba's orders, the coconut was broken, one half was given

to the lady, and Baba said that in 12 months' time she would have

issue. Accordingly she had a child in 12 month.


Another lady (Mrs. Chandra Bai Borker) had never been pregnant upto

the age of 51 and people were laughing at her when she said that by

Baba's blessing she was to have issue. But Baba's saying proved true.

In her 51st year she had her first conception, and brought forth her

boy who blessed her with his presence and made her happy.


It is not merely having issue but having issue of a particular sex

that is the demand of the bhaktha. The Hindus believe that if no male

child is born, then in spite of female children being there, the man

goes to put a place in hell. therefore, the male child is called

Putra, the child that saves his father from going into Put-Naraka.

Rao Bahadur H.V. Sathe, a Deputy Collector, was in this condition. At

the age of 50 he was a widower with two daughters and no male issue.

he was strong and vigorous, and was advised to marry again. But he

stated that the marriage would involve difficulties for his daughters

and yet give no guarantee that any but daughters might be born. So,

he said that he would not marry unless some saint assured him that he

would have a son. In 1914, he was working as Deputy Collector in

Ahmednagar district, and he came to Kopergaon. The Kopergaon

Mamlatdar and he visited Baba inn 1904. Then the Mamlatdar (Barve)

told to Baba, `Saheb (meaning H.V. Sathe) has no sons', Baba then

said, `If Saheb marries, the God will give him a son'. Accordingly in

1906, H.V. Sathe married the daughter of Dada Kelkar, but strangely

his first two children were both girls. Dada Kelkar went to Baba and

asked, `Baba, when are we to have a grandson?' Baba's reply was, `I

am requesting Allah, He will comply with my request.' accordingly in

1913 a son was born to H.V.Sathe.


Similarly Mahalsapathy, who was constantly attending upon Baba, had a

number of daughters, but no son. Yet, disgusted with life, he came

and slept with Baba at the Mosque. One day Baba said to him, `Hey,

Bagat. Go and live in your home, Your will have a son.' A son is a

mango fruit while a daughter is a tamarind fruit. Even then

Mahalsapathy was unwilling to add to his samsara. But his friend

Kasiram Shimgi compulsorily took him away from the mosque and made

him sleep in his house. He went home on Gokulastami day and slept

there on that night and on further nights. The next Gokulashtami day,

a son was born to him. The child was named Marthanda.


(Sai's Help, by His Highness Pujyasri B V Narasimahswamiji)



Publisher's Note:


Vasuki Mahal Shri Shirdi Saibaba Trust is a non-profit organization

purely devoted to spread Sai Philosophy, without expecting any form

of admiration or appreciation - which we consider those are motivator

of ego or ahangar. Our motto is service, pure service as prescribed

by Baba in His Satsaritam.


Mailing Address: Vasuki Mahal Shri Shirdi Saibaba Trust, Vasuki Mahal

Compound, Gandhi Nagar, Edayar Palayam, Coimbatore 641025, India. e-

mail to: essgee.


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