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Sai Service Newsletter-08

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SAI SERVICE Newsletter – 08

Issue May 30, 2002


This Thursday's Message: (Baba said)


I am Parvardigar (God).

I live at Shirdi and everywhere.

My age is lakhs of years.

My business is to give blessings.

All things are mine.

I give everything to everyone.


a) Baba's Talk with Devotees

b) Divine Dews from our Lord

b) Weekly Article

c) Devotees Page

d) Our Prayers to Baba

e) Baba's Help


a) Baba's Talk with Devotees


When (in 1918) Mrs.T and her son Master T, visited Saibaba.


Saibaba: Mother, now a days I have been much pestered, Some want

wealth, some want women, some sons, Hallo! what I have, none wants. I

wait and wait; and one day I will suddenly disappear. I am quite


Mrs.T: Baba, why do you say so? Then, what is to become of us?

Baba: Why are you anxious? Is not God taking thought for your

welfare? I am very much pleased when my children come to me, and then

I take my two morsels of food with gusto and put on more flesh.

Master T: We come to you to ask just what you have got. You know that?

Saibaba: yes. You will get it.

Master T: Yes, we are quite sure of it. But when?

Saibaba: Very soon.

Master T: Baba, I must have an assurance from you how many more

births I will have to take before getting it.

Saibaba: Three more lives will be sufficient.

Master T: But Baba, will you not be always with us?

Saibaba: Hallo! During how many births have I already been with you!

We shall meet again and again. I have to take care of my children

night and day, and give an account of every pie to God.


b. Divine Dews from our Lord:


 Nothing will harm him, who turns his attention towards Me. (SSS



 It is not good to dispute and argue, so don't argue, don't emulate=


others. (SSS Ch.X)


 My abode is in your heart and I am within you. (SSS Ch.15)


 Make Me the sole object of your thoughts and actions and you will,=


no doubt, attain Paramartha (the spiritual goal of life). (SSS Ch.



 Well, you need not be afraid. (SSS Ch.XII)


 Be patient at heart. (SSS Ch.XXXII)


c. Weekly Article:


Baba had immense powers. He knew everything everywhere. He knew what

troubles devotees were undergoing and what dangers awaited them in

every place. It is no doubt a grand feat for one to be able to know

what takes place with so many devotees at the same time. But to

proceed next to guard each devotee and help each devotee at each

place is a task that stuns the human mind. No human being can

possibly be watching one at Poona one at Bombay, one at Bandra and

hundreds of others in various places and providing the safety needed

for them all. What was the safety granted by Baba? He assured people

that he would even save them from death. He would save them from

Government prosecution. He would save them from the danger of missing

their trains and hardships on the way. For all these purposes, he

would watch numerous devotees and various people and provide for

their safety. To take one small instance, Abdul Rangari's carriage

broke down on the road to railway station far away from Shirdi in the

middle of the night, and Rangari, his wife and children were on the

road absolutely helpless. But was he really helpless? Baba's

superhuman eye and superhuman love were upon him. Baba saw the whole

thing from his Shirdi residence with his own wonderful powers. He

sent a jutkawalla on that road asking him to cry out, Thanawalla,

Thanawalla, for a Thanawalla's cart had broken down and left him

stranded on the road helpless at midnight. So, a tongawalla came

shouting Thanawalla, Thanawalla, to the place where Rangari was, and

told him of Baba's instruction. Rangari was wonder-struck at the

extend of Baba's knowledge and kindness. So, he got into the cart

sent so mysteriously and kindly by Baba, and went back to Baba and

found Baba waiting for him.



Baba would watch people in far away places like Poona and Bombay.

Nana Chandorkar, a fat stout gentleman, and Lele Sastri, his

companion, were in a tonga coming from Poona, and on the road, the

horse reared and upset the carriage. Both the corpulent men were

tossed down. Baba at that time was in his mosque and he, putting his

hands in front of his mouth, make a sankham sound, that is, a

dolorous warning about the approach of death. He said, `Nana is about

to die. But will I let him die?" Then what happened was that Baba, by

the use of his mysterious powers, saved both the corpulent gentlemen

from any injury to life and limb. They picked themselves on the road,

and they came later on to Baba to learn that Baba at that time when

death and danger faced them had known that fact and averted both

death and danger. The knowledge is wonderful. the exercise of power

is wonderful. But yet more wonderful is to save his devotees


(Written by: His Highness Pujyasri B V Narasimahswamiji)



d. Spiritual Spectrum:



Divine Wealth - Daivi Sampat


>From the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, I.3.1.

"Verily there are two classes of the

Creator's creatures - gods and demons."


>From The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 16, Verse 6:

"There are two types of beings in this world, the divine and the



Explanations drawn from the writings of Swami Shivananda, Divine Life

Society, Rishikesh


The Divine Wealth consists of 26 attributes

These are described in The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 16, Verses 1, 2 and



Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 1: The Blessed Lord said :

Fearlessness, purity of heart, steadfastness in Knowledge and Yoga,

almsgiving, control of the senses, sacrifice, study of scriptures,

austerity, and straightforwardness


Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 2 :

Harmlessness (Ahimsa), truth, absence of anger, renunciation,

peacefulness, absence of crookedness, compassion towards beings,

freedom from covetousness, gentleness, modesty, absence of fickleness


Gita, Ch. 16, Verse 3 :

Vigour, forgiveness, fortitude, purity, absence of hatred, absence of

overweening pride - these belong to the one who is born with Divine


Commentary by Swami Shivananda, Rishikesh:


The 16th chapter of The Bhagavad Gita is called

'The division between the Divine and the demoniacal'.


Daivi prakrti (Divine treasure or Daivi sampat) or the nature of the

gods leads to moksha (liberation) or release from the rounds of birth

and death The nature of the demoniacals leads to bondage.


The Divine nature must be accepted and cultivated. The demoniacal

nature should be abandoned. All these qualities are found in human

beings. There are Sattwic people who possess the Divine attributes.

There are among human beings those that are endowed with demoniacal

qualities, who are filled with excessive Tamas.


In an ordinary man there is a mixture of the three gunas (Sattwa,

Rajas and Tamas). Tamas and Rajas pull a man downwards; Sattwa lifts

a man upwards. Tamas and Rajas lead to bondage; Sattwa helps to

attain salvation. Discipline yourself and develop Sattwa. When the

mind is Sattwic, there is calmness in it. Divine light can descend

only when the mind is serene and cheerful.


The Sattwic man controls the senses, does selfless service, and

practices japa, pranayama, concentration, meditation, self-analysis,

and enquiry of "Who am I?" He has no attraction for sensual objects.

He has a burning desire to attain moksha (salvation). He is humble,

generous, merciful, forbearing, tolerant and pious. He destroys his

little personality.


The rajasic man is proud, intolerant, egoistic, self-sufficient,

lustful, hot-tempered, greedy and jealous. he works for his own glory

and fame and self-aggrandisement. He develops his own little



There is an intimate connection between the gunas and karmas (actions

performed by men).The nature of the karmas depends upon the nature of

the gunas. A Sattwic man will do virtuous actions. A Rajasic and

Tamasic man will perform non-virtuous actions. It is the guna that

goads a man to do actions. The Self or Brahman is actionless. He is

the silent witness.


Daivi sampat enables the aspirant to attain the highest state of

super-consciousness (Nirvikalpa Samadhi), wherein the seer and the

seen are united in one; the meditator and the meditated become



(to be continued)



e. Baba's Help:





Baba always pointed out that wealth is not a thing to be dreaded and

kept aloof from. Wealth is necessary for getting on in this world and

in society, though in many circumstances wealth, especially,

unrestricted attachment to wealth is a serious danger. Baba helped

people to get wealth, to guard it, especially against improper claims

or attacks, and also helped people otherwise in monetary matters. The

number of such helps is legion, and Baba's help took various shapes.


So, first let us take Baba's providing wealth. Now providing wealth,

especially for the sake of sustaining the organism, is providing

maintenance. Baba has off and on definitely undertaken the

responsibility to provide food for his bhaktas, and even for those

families and children. For instance, when he told Das Ganu Maharaj to

give up Government service and he actually did so with great

reluctance and under great compulsion from Baba in the year 1903, he

went and asked Baba, `I am without property and I have no income.

Unless there is some provision, myself and my wife will have to

starve'. Then Baba said, `Do not fear. I will provide for you, Ganu'.

Baba did provide. Baba told him, `Go to Nanded in Nizam's state.

Attend to your Brahminical duties of reading puran, explaining and

conducting kirtans, etc.,' Das Ganu did so. Das Ganu has an excellent

voice and had a good mastery of the art of Kirtans, and went on

reading and writing puran stories and delivering them as kirtans and

from 1903 up to date (luckily Das Ganu Maharaj is still living –

Readers please note: at the time of writing this article by HH

Pujyasri BVN Swamyji). Das Ganu had never had to starve for want of

food, always some way or other money coming and later he began to own

land and house, which he to his adopted son. Baba's undertakings are

never left unperformed.


Then again in the case of Manker who attached himself to Baba with

intense love solely for spiritual purposes, his relations complained

to Baba that he was the only earning member, and by his sticking on

to Baba at Shirdi, there was utter damage done to the family welfare.

They said that Manker had a number a number of sons who would be left

destitute by his neglecting business. Baba then said, `I will provide

for Manker's sons'. Manker was sent away to Machengad for spiritual

meditation, and especially for learning fact that Baba was as much

with him at Machengad as he was at Shirdi. Baba one day appeared to

him there and told him that the object of his being sent to Machengad

was to demonstrate to him that Baba who was at Shirdi was at the same

time at Machengad also and could talk to him and guide him. Manker

had very great spiritual advance, and it was at one time hoped that

he would be the successor of Baba to Baba's gadi. So high was his

spiritual position. But unfortunately he died in 1913 long before

Baba passed away. As for provision for his family, all the four sons

of Manker are now well placed and are in high positions drawing

income in four figures. Baba's statement that he would provide for

Manker's sons has proved to be absolutely true.


Then again Baba provided for so many other families that trusted to

him absolutely. In point of fact, he asked devotees not to overburden

themselves with thoughts of worldly income, and very much in the

language of Jesus he said that people should not trouble themselves

about what they should eat and what they should drink, that is, about

the needs of the body, that all these would be provided for, that

they should concern themselves solely with their religious duties and

that everything would be safe with them.


There are hundreds of people who put their trust in Baba and acted on

his declarations and advice. There is not one who comes and says that

Baba has disappointed him totally. Of course, there are many people

who are without bread, but if we examine the cases, we would find

that they are cases in which they had no trust or no full trust in

Baba and did not implicity act on his sayings. One must be sincere

and earnest and try really to follow Baba's advice, and then only can

rely on Baba's charter that he would provide for all such cases.


In individual cases when Baba said that he would provide something,

he did provide. When Babugir was sent up to Jamnere to carry udhi to

Mina Thai, daughter of Nana Saheb Chandorkar, Deputy Collector, in

the throes of labour trouble, Babugir wanted to know how without

practically any money in hand he could cover 30 miles of road journey

from Jalgaon to Jamnere, Baba told him, Babugir, go, everything will

be provided. When Ramgir Gosavi (Babugir) arrived at the Jalgaon

station at midnight, he thought it was a hopeless affair. But there

was a liveried peon with tonga, food and everything waiting for him.

Ramgir Gosavi was safely taken to Jamnere. When he delivered the

udhi, and told about the liveried peon and tonga sent by Nana Saheb

Chandorkar, the latter was amazed, because he had sent none. In fact

he did not know whether anybody was coming from Shirdi at all. Both

Ramgir Gosavi and Chandorkar discovered that Baba had provided all

these to enable the Gosavi to reach Jamnere and deliver the udhi in

proper time, and the udhi when delivered and applied to Mina Thai

helped in her easy and quick delivery. Numerous instances are

available where Baba has provided such helps, and it is not necessary

to prolong this chapter by quoting those instances.

(to be continued)


(Courtesy: Sai's Help, by HH Pujyasri B V Narashimha Swamyji,

Booklets donated by Saibandhu Sri K. Ramaswamy, Past President All

India Sai Samaj, Chennai-4)


Publisher's Note:


THE SOLE PURPOSE of this newsletter is to present Sai messages and

other spiritual messages to the interested devotees on Thursdays.

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In this newsletter, wherever the sources of the articles not

mentioned, please consider these items are taken from H H Pujyasri B

V Narasimha Swamiji's books.


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