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Sai Service Newsletter-11

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SAI SERVICE Newsletter – 11

Issue June 20, 2002


This Thursday's Message: (Baba said)


I have been considering long and thinking day and nights. All are

thieves, but we have to deal with them. I pray to God night and day

for their improvement or removal. But God delays and does not approve

of the (i.e., my) attitude and grant the prayer. I will wait for a

month or two and then see. But living or dead I will have what I have

been praying for. I will not go to Teli or Vani nor beg of them.

People are not good and devoted. They are unsettled in mind. A few

friends will gather and talk divine wisdom, and sit and contemplate.


a. Baba's Talk with Devotees


Judge (M.B. Rege) in 1912, went to see Baba with Rs.100/- in his



Baba: Give me dakshana Rs. 40/-


That was given.


Again Baba: Give me dakshana Rs.40/-


That was given.


Again Baba: Give me Rs. 20/-


That also was given by the judge, who noted that Baba was reducing

him to zero condition.


Later, Baba to Judge: Give me Rs.40/- dakshina.


Judge: I have nothing to give.


Baba: Then go and get the money and give.


Judge: To whom am I to go.


Baba: Shyama.


Then Judge went to Shyama and told him.


Shyama: You have not understood Baba. He cares a rap for you rupees.

What he wants is your mind and heart, your time and soul to be

devoted to him. That is his meaning.


The Judge went back and reported to Baba.


Baba, smiling: Go to Dixit and ask him.


The Judge went and told Dixit.


Dixit: Baba's directions to you must be understood in the

circumstances as a lesson to you and that you should not feel absence

of money or the begging for money or for anything else to be a

humiliation and that you should not consider yourself to be above



Judge went and reported to Baba.


Baba, smiling: Go to Nana (N.G. Chandorkar)


Judge went and reported to Nana.


N.G.Chandorkar: I know how delicate it is, when Baba asks for

Dakshina and there is nothing to be given. You must learn my plans

and ways. Whenever I go to Shirdi, I start with a certain sum and

leave half of it at Kopergaon, e.g., on this occasion I came with

Rs.200/= and left half of it at Kopergaon and came to Shirdi with

Rs.100/- only. I go on giving dakshana out of the stock in hand to

Baba and when it is exhausted, I send for the reserve at Kopergaon.

You must adopt this plan.


Judge went and reported this to Baba.


Baba then sent for Nana and Nana came.


Baba: Nana, give me Rs.40/-


And Nana paid it and went away.


Again he was sent for.


Baba: Nana, give me Rs.40/- more.


Again Baba sent for Nana and collected Rs.20/-. Then Nana sent

someone to Kopergaon for the reserve fund, but before it came, Baba

wanted more from Nana and Nana felt humiliated.


The lesson taught by these demands for dakshana was that it was a

presumption on the part of anyone to think that he himself was the

great Providence supplying Baba or that anyone could supply all that

Baba might ask for.


b. Divine Dews from our God


 Let the world go topsy-turvy, you remain where you are (SSS



 No attempt to refute other's opinions. (SSS Ch.2)


 He should turn all his attention towards Me and avoid the company =


of atheists, irreligious and wicked people. (SSS Ch.III)


 Always consider your interest and welfare. (SSS Ch.X)


 Though I am here physically, still I know what you do beyond the

seven seas. (SSS Ch.XV)


 Offers of food should be regarded as auspicious signs of success. =





c. Weekly Article:


Sri Santaram Balwant Nachne, Dahanukar. He is an ordinary Head Clerk

in Taluk Office. His contact with Baba started in 1909. His elder

brother was then undergoing an operation very near in his throat in a

hospital at Bombay. At Dahanu, Santaram Nachne and his family were

full of anxiety about the result of the operation. A sadhu approached

their house, and from outside asked, `Will you give me a crumb or two

of roti?' Then he was invited inside, and a regular course of dished

was served. But in doing so, Santaram's sister-in-law deliberately

omitted to give him Bendi baji lady's finger curry, thinking that it

was too poor a stuff to serve a saintly guest. The sadhu himself

said, `I want bendi baji', and then it was served to him. He then

blessed them all, and said that the operation in the Bombay hospital

was safely performed and that there was no danger. later in the day,

Santaram's friend, Mr. H.M. Pasne, told him, `I hope the operation is

safe by Sai Baba's grace'. that was the first time that Santaram

heard of Baba's name. In the evening after that, Santaram's father

returned from Bombay with the news that the operation was really

success and that a sadhu, after the operation had been performed,

appeared in the hospital, came near the patient, passed his hands

over the operated part, and said, `All will go on well'. The

operation was quite successful, and his brother had recovered



Later in that year his father attended Das Ganu's kirtan wherein Das

Ganu gave a full account of Sai Baba, and described him as the Datta

Avatara having wonderful powers and wonderful kindness. He also

brought the picture of Sai Baba home, and with it Baba's puja began

in the house.


In 1912, Santaram first visited Shirdi. then he had appeared for a

departmental examination, a revenue test and went to Shirdi with two

friends. at the Kopergaon railway station, the stationmaster heard of

their proposed visit to Baba, and began to abuse Baba saying that

undue honour was being given to a mere hypnotist, who was guiling

people like so many wandering jugglers and thaumaturgists. This made

the impressionable Santaram very unhappy. He was beginning to have

his doubts about Baba. Anyhow he reached Shirdi. The first sight that

he caught of Sai Baba was walking from Lendi to Mosque. On the way

Santaram and his friends met Baba. Baba looked straight at Santaram,

and said, `What? Have you come away without taking leave from the

Mamlatdar?' The reply was `yes'. Baba said, `Don't do so hereafter'.

At once, the object of these remarks was evident. Baba revealed his

Antarjnana of Santaram being a Mamlatdar's clerk and that he had come

without permission and showed a motherly kindness towards his devotee

who was wavering. The Antarjnana and the kindness showed the

worthlessness of the Station Master's remarks. Evidently it was for

that purpose that Baba had addresses those words to him. This was

only the beginning of a series of similar experiences during his

three days of stay at Shirdi. At the end of three days, Santaram was

perfectly assured and confident that Baba was the Datta Avatara, and

not a juggler or thaumaturgist. Baba took udhi from Santaram's hand

and applied it to his forehead. This was a mark of favour.


One day Santaram had gone very early for the arati in the Masjid,

without taking his meal as it was ekadasi day. Baba was no respector

of mere forms. Baba asked Santaram, `Have you had your meal?' He

said, `No, because it is Ekadasi to-day'. Baba said, `Never mind, You

go and eat.' His two friends were very orthodox, and, therefore, Baba

did not ask them to take their food. Baba said, `They are mad. You

better go and eat.' Then Santaram went to the dining place at his

wada. the man in the wada began grumble that on an Ekadasi day, and

that too before arati was over, Santaram should ask for food. so

Santaram quietly returned to Baba. Again Baba asked, `Meals over?'

Santaram said, `No, Baba. I will take the meal after the arati.' Baba

said, `Go, arati will wait, and it will begin only after your meal is

over'. Santaram went and told the man in the wada what Baba had said.

so, he had to be given the meal. This is very good proof of Baba's

affection towards Santaram. Then, meals over, Santaram went back to

Mosque for the arati. Maushi had brought bidas, which is rolled up

betal and nut, and Baba took some and asks him to chew. On Ekadasi

days, people do not chew betal. But as Baba asked him to chew,

Santaram had to chew. When the arati was over, Baba asked dakshina

and took four rupees from Santaram and sixteen from Vaidya. from his

friend Date, Baba did not ask for any dakshina. Date had no thought

of giving any dakshina to Baba. In fact Date had very little

reverence for Baba and Baba distinctively read each man's heart.

During these three days, when H.S. Dixit, Jog and Dabolkar were

present, Baba spoke, pointing to Santaram, and said, `I went to this

man's house for a meal, but he would not give me Bendi baji'. At once

Santaram remembered the sadhu who cam to him three years ago in 1909,

and was wonder-struck, for the sadhu who was then in his house looked

different from Saibaba at the Mosque. But from Baba's remarks,

Santaram understood that it was really Baba who came in that form to

help the family and reassure them of the safety of the operation in

the Bombay hospital. Santaram asked Baba what result of his

departmental examination would be. Baba said, Allah Malik Hai and

placed his palm on Santaram's head. Santaram passed the examination.


On the third day, Santaram and his friends begged him for leave to go

away. He gave them leave with udhi. Baba at that time gave another

blessing to Santaram. Santaram badly wanted a transfer from mofussal

Dahanu to metropolis Bombay. Baba of his own accord said, 'Come to

Bombay for service'. This was either prophecy or control, and took

six years for its fulfillment. In 1918, Santaram was transferred to

Bandra, a suburban district of Bombay.





Two friend devotees of Bombay suburbs went to Shirdi, paid their

respects to Baba and stayed at Shirdi, paid their respects to Baba

and stayed at Shirdi for two three days. At the time of leaving, they

purchased two copies of Baba's photo and started Journey. Thereafter

on the way one of them remembered his brother and felt sorry that he

has omitted to purchase one more copy of Shri's Photo for him. On

reaching home when he untied the package of photos instead of the two

they had purchased. Ardent devotees as they both were, they ascribed

this to Baba who had by His superhuman grace, requited their love by

giving one more copy of his Photo for his brother.


(By. Swami Sai Sharan Anand in Shri Sai The Superman)






Highest Object of Knowledge

>From The Mahabharata - Aswamedha Parva, Section XXXV

Translated by Sri Kisari Mohan Ganguli


(continuation from last week)


The conclusions with regard to the past, present, and future, etc.,

and religion, pleasure and wealth, which are all well known to

conclaves of Siddhas, which appertain to remote cycles, and which

are, indeed, eternal, I shall declare to thee, O thou of great

wisdom. These constitute what is called Good. Men of wisdom,

understanding them in this world, attain to success. In days of old,

the Rishis Vrihaspati and Bharadwaja, and Gautama and Bhargava, and

Vasishtha, and Kasyapa, and Viswamitra and Atri, assembled together

for the purpose of asking one another. They thus assembled together

after having travelled over all paths and after they had got tired

with the acts each of them had done. Those regenerate persons,

placing the sage son of Angiras at their head, proceeded to the

region of the Grandsire. There they beheld Brahma perfectly cleansed

of all sins. Bowing their heads unto that high-souled one who was

seated at his ease, the great Rishis, endued with humility, asked him

this grave question regarding the highest good. How should a good man

act? How would one be released from sin? What paths are auspicious

for us? What is truth, and what is sin? By what action are the two

paths, northern and southern, obtained? What is destruction? What is

Emancipation? What is birth and what is death of all existent

objects? I shall tell thee, O disciple, what the Grandsire, thus

addressed, said unto them, confirmably to the scriptures. Do thou



Brahma said: It is from Truth that all creatures, mobile and

immobile, have been born. They live by penance (of action).

Understand this, O ye of excellent vows. In consequence of their own

actions they live, transcending their own origin.

[Note: Their origin is Brahman or Truth. They live, dissociated from

their origin in consequence of their acts. When their acts cease,

they return to and become merged in Brahman.]


For Truth, when united with qualities, becomes always possessed of

five indications. Brahman is Truth. Penance is Truth. Prajapati is

Truth. It is from Truth that all creatures have sprung. Truth is the

universe of being. It is for this that Brahmanas (Brahmins) who are

always devoted to Yoga, who have transcended wrath and sorrow, and

who always regard Religion as the causeway (along which every one

must pass for avoiding the morass below), take refuge in Truth.


I shall now speak of those Brahmanas who are restrained by one

another and possessed of knowledge, of the orders, and of those who

belong to the four modes of life. The wise say that Religion or duty

is one, (though) having four quarters. Ye regenerate ones, I shall

speak to ye now of that path which is auspicious and productive of

good. That path has constantly been trod over by men possessed of

wisdom in order to achieve an identity with Brahman. I shall speak

now of that path which is the highest and which is exceedingly

difficult of being understood. Do you understand, in all its details,

ye highly blessed ones, what is the highest seat.


The first step has been said to be the mode of life that appertains

to Brahmacharis (celibate students). The second step is domesticity.

After this is the residence in the woods. After that it should be

known, is the highest step, viz., that relating to Adhyatma.

[Note: Adhyatma: That course of life, which has for its object the

acquisition of knowledge relating to the soul. This, of course,

includes the knowledge that is needed for achieving identification

with the Supreme Soul or Brahman.]


Light, space, sun, wind, Indra, and Prajapati, - one sees these as

long as one does not attain to Adhyatma. I shall declare the means

(by which that Adhyatma may be attained). Do ye first understand

them. The forest mode of life that is followed by ascetics residing

in the woods and subsisting upon fruits and roots and air is laid

down for the three regenerate classes. The domestic mode of life is

ordained for all the orders. They that are possessed of wisdom say

that Religion or duty has Faith for its (chief) indication. Thus have

I declared to you the paths leading to the deities. They are adopted

by those that are good and wise by their acts. Those paths are the

causeways of piety. That person of rigid vows, who adopts any one of

these modes separately, always succeeds in time to understand the

production and destruction of all creatures.

I shall now declare accurately and with reasons, the elements that

reside in parts in all objects. The great soul, the unmanifest,

egoism (consciousness of identity), the ten and one organs (of

knowledge and action), the five great elements, the specific

characteristics of the five elements, - these constitute the eternal

creation. The number of elements has been said to be four and twenty,

and one (more). That person of wisdom who understands the production

and destruction of all these elements, that man among all creatures,

never meets with delusion. He who understands the elements

accurately, all the qualities, all the deities, succeeds in cleansing

himself of all sin. Freed from all bonds, such a man succeeds in

enjoying all regions of spotless purity.


f. Our Prayers to Baba:


"I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of death. If My stories

are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid of. So, hear My

stories with respect, and think and meditate on them, assimilate

them" – Shri Sai Baba, SSS Ch.III


N. Sivanandam, Coimbatore, India.


Dear Sairam, my son's class mate Master Anus, son of Mr. M.

Kumaraswaamy Pillai, studying in ninth standard, is undergoing a

treatment to strengthen his legs and performed operation in six

places. Please earnestly pray to Baba for his speedy recovery and

normalisation of his health and for enough strength to attend his

schooling independently.



g. Baba's Help:


Baba's saving people from epidemic is best illustrated under heading

of `Modern Markandeya' in the Gospel of Sai Baba. A Bandra boy, with

his mother, had come to see Baba, Baba told to the boy at noon arati

to come to him exactly at 2 o'clock. When he came, he was asked to

hold Baba's foot firmly. Within an hour, a huge female figure with

disheveled hair and shot out tongue, came from the side of the

Dwaraka Mai wall, and tried to approach the boy. Being afraid to go

near Baba, the figure said, `I want this boy'. Baba said, I will not

give' and held him firmly. Then that figure came closer to pull the

boy away from Baba. Baba rose and gave her a kick. The figure ran

away howling, left the Mosque, and disappeared. Then Baba told the

boy that figure was the Cholera goddess, and she wanted to take him

away, but that he had saved him. Baba told him and his mother to

leave next morning. They went back to Bombay safe. But from the next

day, cholera was raging at Shirdi, and Baba's statement was fully

corroborated, that Baba could see the exact moment when Cholera was

about to attack a boy, and then save him, reminds one of Markandeya

being saved by Shiva when Markandeya gripped fast the lingam which he

was worshipping, being absorbed in Siva in the form of linga.

Similarly this boy gripping Baba, in whom he had firm faith, was

saved by Baba from death.


Baba's saving people from accidents:


Nana Chandorkar and his friend Lele Sastri were in a tonga near Poona

on a road about 120 miles away from Shirdi. Their cart capsized, and

their lives were in imminent peril. But just at this moment, Baba

made the Sankh sign and sound saying, `Nana is about to die. But will

I let him die?' Then what happened? By Baba's wonderful power of

protection, the two fat bodies of Chandorkar and Lele Sastri were

saved from injury, and when next Nana came to Shirdi, people informed

him of Baba's declarations at the crucial moment and nana learnt that

Baba had given him new lease of life.


Baba prevented the death of Nandram Marwadi at Shirdi when plague was

raging there. When Nandram had high fever and wanted to leave the

village Baba told him, `Stay on, I will not let you die till I die'.

Nandram was safe, and he survived for many decades.



Publisher's Note:


THE SOLE PURPOSE of this newsletter is to present Sai messages and

other spiritual messages to the interested devotees on Thursdays.

Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates.


In this newsletter, wherever the sources of the articles not

mentioned, please consider these items are taken from H H Pujyasri B

V Narasimha Swamiji's books.


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