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Sai Service Newsletter - 13

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SAI SERVICE Newsletter – 13

Issue July 04, 2002


[shri Shirdi Sai Baba's Messages, Life events, Articles are available

in / ]


Baba made preparations for termination of His physical body four

months before His Mahasamadhi. Read related Divine Revelations in the

above web link.


This Thursday's Message: (Baba said)


I am formless and everywhere.

I am in everything.

I am in everything and beyond.

I fill all space. All that you see taken together is Myself. I do not

shake or move.


I am here to give you temporal and spiritual welfare.


a. Baba's Talk with Devotees


N G Chandorkar bowed to Sai and said: Enough of this Samsara for me.

As the Sastras describe it, samsara is really nissara i.e.,

worthless. Break its fetters off from me, Baba. What first seems to

be joy here is seen to be sorrow at the end. Fate leads us a nice

dance here and there. I cannot discover even a bit of happiness in

this Samsara. I am quite disgusted, I do not wish to touch it, Baba,

any further.


Baba: What crazy and delusive talk is yours! There is some truth in

it – mixed up with error. As long as the body remains, samsara

remains. None escapes it. How can you? Even I am caught up in it.

Samsara is various sorts. It is like the surface of the body. Kama

(desire) Krodha (anger) etc., and any mixture of these is samsara.

All mental and bodily processes are samsara. The contact of any two

things is samsara. By going away to a forest you cannot escape

samsara. Your present condition, has been brought about by yourself.

What is the use of irritation at it? This Deha Prarabdha is result of

the karma done by you in former births. This body was, therefore,

born. The jiva takes birth in body to work out former Karma. Without

suffering the results of Prarabdha Karma, you cannot get rid of it.

All persons, all creatures differ in form etc., Why? Because of

previous karma of each. Difference between species, like difference

between individuals is due to the same cause. see the difference

between the rich man's dog lolling on sofa and the poor man's running

about in search of crumbs. That is due to Deha Prarabdha.


b. Divine Dews from our God


 Be more truthful in future. (SSS Ch.V)


 The Lord will protect you. (SSS Ch.X)


 If you say "Sai, Sai", I shall take you over the seven seas (SSS



 Leave off all cleverness, and always remember "SaiSai". If you =


did that, all your shackles would be removed and you would be free.

(SSS Ch.X)


 Fakiri (mendicacy) is real, Lordship (riches) is transient (SSS



 I want nothing from him; ask him to live in peace and contentment.=




c. Weekly Article:


Mrs. Tarabai Sadasiva Tarkhad of Poona, is also one of those devotees

of Baba who derived very peculiar and very great advantages, mostly

in temporal matters, but partly inspiritual matters also and

therefore her experiences with Baba's name was through her brother-in-

law Sri. R. Tarkhad of Bombay, who was a Director of a mill there. He

had been to Baba, and had a very high impression of Baba's power and

nature. When he visited his brother's house, he spoke of Baba in

terms of high praise which naturally roused Mrs. Sadasiva Tarkhad's

attention for a special reason. her little child Nalini Tarkhad had

taken ill suddenly at the age of 15 months, and she was perplexed as

to what to do. Hearing of Baba'' fame, she said, `if Baba is the

wonderful Saint that my brother in law stated he is, then he should

make the child recover, and if he makes the child recover, the whole

family with the child will go to Shirdi and pay their respects to

Baba in person.' Very shortly after the vow was made, the child did

recover, and so, she, her husband and the child went up to Shirdi.

The lady had already a fairly good grounding of religious experience

by contact with other Saints and her first impressions of baba are

all the more valuable on that account. She faound the most prominent

feature about Baba was his eyes. She says,


`There was such power and penetration in the glance that none could

continue to look at his eyes. One felt that Sai Baba was reading him

or her through and through. Soon one lowered one's eyes and bowed

down. One felt that he was not only in one's heart but in every atom

of one's body. A few words, a gesture would reveal to one that Sai

Baba knew all about the past and the present and even the future and

everything else. There was nothing else to do for one, except to

submit trustfully and to surrender oneself to him. And there He was

to look after every minute detail and guide one safe through every

turn and every vicissitude of life. He was the Antaryami – call him

God or Satpurusha In Sahajasthithi or what you like. But the

overpowering personality was there, and, in his presence no doubts,

no fears, no questionings had any place and one resigned oneself and

found that was the only course, the safest and the best course'.


>From her first contact, she went on getting experiences of his power,

his All-knowing and All-pervasive personality, and all his protecting

care shielding her whereever she went at any time whatsoever. She had

become Baba's Ankita, by complete surrender with full faith in him.

For the benefit of strangers, she was kind enough to give some

instances of Baba's Antaryamitva that she could vouch far from

personal experiences or from that of some intimate friends. Shirdi

was nototrious for being infested with snakes and is so even now

after lighting arrangements are made. When she went there first,

there was no street lighting and no village committee was working.

She was walking about at night in the street. But suddenly it struck

her that she should stop. There was no sight, no sound, nor object

visible to account for her stopping. But somehow she felt she must

and in a very short time, a light was brought. Then she saw that if

she had taken another single step it would have been over a serpent

that was lying there, quiet. Bur how she managed to stop then, and

why the light came, were never explained to her. It was all Baba's

grace, his protection and his ever watchful eye over his children.

She says that, like this, `He saved her life again and again on

several occasion, both before and after his Mahasamadhi.


One very interesting instance of Baba's Antaryamitva that she gives

was in respect of a leper, who came to Baba to take his darsan. The

poor man's disease was very far advanced, and he had very little

strength. he was stinking all over. It was with great difficulty that

he could slowly get up the three steps of the Losque, and then like

every visitor he had to go to the dhuni to pick upthe ashes and then

give it to Sai baba, placing his head on baba's feet. This lady being

fairly near, found that his prolonged presence and the intense stench

he gave out, was very difficult to bear. At last he moved off, and

then she felt relief and said within herself, `Thank god, He is off.'

Sai baba at once looked at her, sending her a piercing glance. Of

course he knew her thought. he ordered the leper to be brought back.

The man came. Slowly he clambered up, full of his stench and bowed

again.He was carrying a parcel in his hand – a very dirty parcel.

Baba took it up and asked `What is this.' and opened it. It had

pedas. Baba picked up a piece and gave one piece to the lady and put

a bit into his own mouth. Baba said to the lady `eat'. There was no

option but to obey and she had to eat it. Then the man was sent back

with the rest of the pedas. This is what he wished, that is, that Sia

baba should accept a part of the peda, and return the rest as prasad.

baba satisfied him, though that man had not the courage first when he

arrived there, to present the dirty packet to Baba. Baba used the

occation to teach her valuable lessons in humanity, fraternity,

sympathy, endurance and trust in Baba's supreme wisdom, which knows

when there is danger and when there is none. She did not contact

leprosy of course. She declares that whenever they had difficulties

to get over, they had simply to stay or stand in baba's presence,

without the necessity to utter a single word. Baba knew at once

everything in the minds of his children, and would do the needful

himself. She gives one instance.


They had taken their servant with them, who was suffering from pain

in the waist. as there was no hospitals at Shirdi, her husband went

up and stood before Baba. At once Baba said, `My whole leg is

paining. The pain is Great'. Someone suggested, `Why not do something

to relieve the pain.' `Yes' said Baba `if green leaves are heated and

applied over it, the pain will go away.' `What leaves, Baba?' the

asked. Baba said, ` The green leaves near Lendi.' `Is it korphad?'

somebody asked, `Yes' said Baba, and added, if that is brought, split

into two, warmed over the fire and applied, it will do. Her husband

knew at once that it was Baba's prescription for their servant and he

took up korphad, warmed it over the fire, and applied it to his

servant's waist. That man cured.


Baba's saving her from the snake was not the only instance in which

she found that Baba was present, invisibly keeping a watch over her

and other children in all places. She had other instances also

proving the same. As regards her physical health – her eyes were

giving her great trouble. She went and sat before Baba. the eyes were

paining and water was flowing freely from them. Baba looked at her.

Then the eyes ceased to pain and water ceased to flow. But tears were

trickling down from Baba's own eyes. The accurate diagnosis of

diseases take doctors much time and efforts, and to discover

appropriate remedy takes more time and more efforts. In the case of

Baba, the diagnosis, the remedy and everything was instantaneous. A

deep-seated organic disease abruptly and suddenly got cured; and the

power of drawing disease from her to himself by pure will power, was

something marvellous and something uncommon. Few would care even if

they have the power to draw disease to themselves.




Next time Baba saved a bull from a butcher's hand. Once it so

happened in Shirdi that a bull dedicated to God Shivaji roamed about

in the Village gardens and fields and destroyed the plants, standing

crops etc. so people met together and decided to send away the bull

to Panjra Pole (an asylum for old beasts) at Yeola and collected some

fund for the purpose. They entrusted this work to Bhikhoo Marwadi of

Shirdi, in all good faith; but the said Bhikhoo proved treacherous he

did go to Yeola as directed, but instead of taking the bull to that

asylum he sold it to a butcher for a sum of Rs. 14/-. Returning to

Shirdi however he calmly reported that he had taken the bull to

Panjra Pole and kept him there. Baba knew how the bull was dealt

with, so He appeared in one Bayoji's dream and said, "You have been

enjoying sound sleep of rest. Haven't you placed me in a butcher's

hand?" Bayoji reported this to the village people, who growing

suspicious of the bonafides of the Marwadi deputed Bayoji to Yeola

for investigation. Bayoji went to Yeola Panjra Pole book full and

complete search of it. Not finding the bull there, he went to the

butcher's lane and looked about here and there. Fortuitously a this

very time the bull had raised up its head above a butcher's compound

wall; Bayoji saw this, he at once recognized the bull; so he

approached the butcher and requested him to return the bull, but he

would not part with it, as he had purchased it for Rs. 14/- cash.

Bayoji thereupon got the bull released by paying to the butcher Rs.

14/- and then took him to the old beasts asylum and kept him there.

On his return to Shirdi he acquainted the people with what Bhikhoo

had done so to set a lesson to such sinful, faithless people as

Bhikhoo, Baba inspired them to prosecute him and Bhikhoo had to rot

in Jail for two months for his heinous act.


These instances show that Baba had His benign protective eyes not

only on the people of Shirdi but also on all creatures, large, and

small bull, buffalo, lizard etc. of Shirdi.

(By Swami Sai Sharan Anand in Shri Sai The Superman)





Hinduism – A Brief Sketch

Swami Vivekananda - The first disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa


Paper on Hinduism

Read at the World's Parliament of Religions, Chicago

19th September 1893


(continuation from last week)


The natural habits of a new-born soul; since they were not obtained

in this present life, they must have come down from past lives.


We cannot deny that bodies acquire certain tendencies from heredity,

but those tendencies only mean the physical configuration, through

which a peculiar mind alone can act in a peculiar way. There are

other tendencies peculiar to a soul caused by its past actions. And a

soul with a certain tendency would by the laws of affinity take birth

in a body, which is the fittest instrument for the display of that

tendency. This is in accord with science, for science wants to

explain everything by habit, and habit is got through repetitions. So

repetitions are necessary to explain the natural habits of a new-born

soul. And since they were not obtained in this present life, they

must have come down from past lives.


There is another suggestion. Taking all these for granted, how is it

that I do not remember anything of my past life? This can be easily

explained. I am now speaking English. It is not my mother tongue, in

fact no words of my mother tongue are now present in my

consciousness; but let me try to bring them up, and they rush in.

That shows that consciousness is only the surface of the mental

ocean, and within its depths are stored up all the experiences. Try

and struggle, they would come up and you would be conscious even of

your past life.


This is direct and demonstrative evidence. Verification is the

perfect proof of a theory, and here is the challenge thrown to the

world by the Rishis. We have discovered the secret by which the very

depths of the ocean of memory can be stirred up- try it and you would

get a complete reminiscence of your past life.


So then the Hindu believes that he is a spirit. Him the sword cannot

pierce, him the fire cannot burn, him the water cannot melt (or make

wet)- him the air cannot dry. The Hindu believes that every soul is a

circle whose circumference is nowhere, but whose centre is located in

the body and that death means the change of this centre from body to

body. Nor is the soul bound by the conditions of matter. In its very

essence it is free, unbounded, holy, pure, and perfect. But somehow

or other it finds itself tied down to matter, and thinks of itself as



Why should the free, perfect and pure being be thus under the

thraldom of matter, is the next question. How can the perfect soul be

deluded into the belief that it is imperfect? We have been told that

the Hindus shirk the question and say that no such question can be

there. Some thinkers want to answer it by positing one or more quasi-

perfect beings, and use big scientific names to fill up the gap. But

naming is not explaining. The question remains the same. How can the

perfect become the quasi-perfect; how can the pure, the absolute,

change even a microscopic particle of its nature? But the Hindu is

sincere. He does not want to take shelter under sophistry. He is

brave enough to face the question in a manly fashion; and his answer

is: "I do not know how the perfect being, the soul, came to think of

itself as imperfect, as joined to and conditioned by matter." But the

fact is a fact for all that. It is a fact in everybody's

consciousness that one thinks of oneself as the body. The Hindu does

not attempt to explain why one thinks one is the body. The answer

that it is the will of God is no explanation. This is nothing more

than what the Hindu says: "I do not know."


Well then, the human soul is eternal and immortal, perfect and

infinite, and death means only a change of centre from one body to

another. The present is determined by our past actions and the future

by the present. The soul will go on evolving up or reverting back

from birth to birth and death to death. But there is another

question; Is man a tiny boat in a tempest, raised one moment on a

foamy crest of a billow and dashed down into a yawning chasm the

next, rolling to and fro at the mercy of good and bad actions- a

powerless, helpless wreck in an ever-raging, ever-rushing,

uncompromising current of cause which rolls on crushing everything in

its way and waits not for the widow's tears or the orphan's cry? The

heart sinks at the idea, yet this is the law of Nature. Is there no

hope? Is there no escape? –was the cry that went up from the bottom

of that heart of despair. It reached the throne of mercy, and words

of hope and consolation came down and inspired a Vedic sage, and he

stood up before the world and in trumpet voice proclaimed the glad

tidings: "Hear, ye children of immortal bliss! Even ye that reside in

higher spheres! I have found the Ancient One who is beyond all

darkness, all delusion. Knowing Him alone you shall be saved from

death over again."


"Children of immortal bliss"- what a sweet, what a hopeful name!

Allow me to call you, brethren, by that sweet name- heirs of immortal

bliss- yea, the Hindu refuses to call you sinners. Ye are the

children of God, the sharers of immortal bliss, holy and perfect

beings. Ye divinities on earth- sinners! It is a sin to call a man

so; it is a standing libel on human nature. Come up, O lions, and

shake off the delusion, that you are sheep; you are souls immortal,

spirits free, blest and eternal; ye are not matter, ye are not

bodies; matter is your servant, not you the servant of matter.


Thus it is that the Vedas proclaim not a dreadful combination of

unforgiving laws, not an endless prison of cause and effect, but that

at the head of all these laws, in and through every particle of

matter and force, stands One "by whose command the wind blows, the

fire burns, the clouds rain, and death stalks upon the earth."


And what is His nature?


He is everywhere, the pure and formless One, the Almighty and the all-

merciful. "Thou art our father, Thou art our mother, Thou art our

beloved friend, Thou art the source of all strength; give us

strength. Thou art He that beareth the burdens of the universe; help

me bear the little burden of this life." Thus sang the Rishis of the

Vedas. And how to worship Him? Through love. "He is to be worshipped

as the one beloved, dearer than everything in this and the next life."


This is the doctrine of love declared in the Vedas, and let us see

how it is fully developed and taught by Krishna, who the Hindus

believe to have been God incarnate on earth.


He taught that a man ought to live in this world like a lotus leaf,

which grows in water but is never moistened by water; so a man ought

to live in the world- his heart to God and his hands to work.


It is good to love God for hope of reward in this or the next world,

but it is better to love God for love's sake, and the prayer goes:


"Lord, I do not want wealth, nor children, nor learning. If it be Thy

will, I shall go from birth to birth, but grant me this, that I may

love Thee without the hope of reward- love unselfishly for love's



One of the disciple of Krishna, the then emperor of India, was driven

from his kingdom by his enemies and had to take shelter with his

queen in a forest in the Himalayas, and there one day the queen asked

him how it was that he, the most virtuous of men, should suffer so

much misery. King Yudhishthira answered:


"Behold my queen, the Himalayas, how grand and beautiful they are; I

love them. They do not give me anything, but my nature is to love the

grand, the beautiful, therefore I love them. Similarly, I love the

Lord. He is the source of all beauty, of all sublimity. He is the

only object to be loved; my nature is to love Him, and therefore I

love. I do not pray for anything; I do not ask for anything. Let Him

place me wherever He likes. I must love Him for love's sake. I cannot

trade in love."


(to be continued)


f. Baba's Help:


Baba's cures with udhi are really cures by his divine powers. in

several cases, he did not use even udhi, but effected cures by word

or glance. For instance, in the case of Mahlsapathy's wife, Baba told

him one day that his wife, who was in a distance village, had a

tumour near her throat, which nobady could cure especially as in a

village surgeons capable of treating throat tumour were not to be

found, and that he would cure her. The lady was absolutely poor and

had no means to pay either for the doctors or for medicine. But Baba

said, `I shall cure her', Mahlsapathy was not even aware of this

tumour. But much later, he got a letter a letter from his wife had

such a tumour and that was cured. Similarly, when H.S. Dixit was with

Baba and got a letter that his brother at Nagpur was seriously ill,

Dixit regretted his inability to go and help, and told Baba, `I am of

no service'. Baba said, `I am of service'. The significance of that

could not be made out at the time, But Dixit learnt later that a

sadhu appeared at Nagpur when Baba was speaking with him and, using

the words `I am of service', cured his brother, and saved him.


Baba's ability to cure by pure will-power is nothing strange when

people study the way in which our nervous organisms and our brain

react upon the diseased condition of the body. in some strange way,

Baba is able to effect cure, and the best illustration we can give of

Baba's means and methods will be the latest case of this sort that

was reported in the September issue of `Sai Sudha', 1953. Mr.

Champaklala Chamanlal Mankewala, B.A., L.L.B., a practicing lawyer of

Ahmedababd, of 12 years standing, at Relief Road in Ahmedabab,

developed gastric ulcer and his body swelled and weight increased to

300 pounds and heart beat and pulse could not be felt by the doctor.

he was vomiting blood. This condition remained for several months,

and the doctor finally declared the case hopeless. By that time

Mankewala had begun to believe in baba and to pray to him. he kept

Baba's picture in front of him. After the doctor declared his case

hopeless, baba gave him Sakshatkar, came in person and walked into

the room where Mankewala and his mother were present. He told them

not to have any anxiety, but simply to send the elder son of

Mankewala to Shirdi, and added that as soon as they received a

telegram from him, improvement in Mankewala's health would begin. The

doctors thought that the whole thing was a hallucination, and the

relatives thought it was foolhardy to send away the elder son, just

at the time when his presence would be needed in case of death for

doing the funeral ceremony. But Mankewala and his mother had full

faith in Baba, and so sent the elder son to Shirdi, and when the

son's telegram was received, Baba's way of operating was noticed.

Mankewala's bady was placed upon a stool chair, and he went on

purging. For twenty-four hourshe had motions, and he was passing

urine also abundantly. As the motions and urine left him, his body

dwindled so that at the end of twenty-four hours, the weight of his

body, was reduced from 300 to 75 pounds. Meanwhile, the doctors who

had pronounced the case hopeless, came up and noticed what was

happening. They were surprised that there could be any treatment for

such a case, and that without any medicine purging and urination

could go on to such an extent. Finally at the close of 24 hours the

heart-beat and pulse were found to be normal, and thereafter steadily

the patient improved. After two months he was all right, and again

fir for practice. He went on pilgrimage, and Baba sent him from

Adayar to Mylapore(Chennai) in August 1953, and in the All india Sai

Samaj, before His Highness Pujyasri B.V. Narasimha Swamiji and other

devotees, he gave a statement of the above facts. So, people would

notice what marvellous ways Baba has of operating upon minds and

bodies of persons, and to pull out of a patient from the jaws of

death. this is only one of many cases which have occurred. Readers of

the `Sai Sudha' and of books on baba would have noticed that, long

after Baba's Mahasamadhi, his udhi used with full faith, has helped

in easing delivery pains and saving people in various serious



Baba's saving people from accidents has occurred not merely before

his Mahasamadhi but also after. When Nachne prayed that the child

over whom Noel's car has passed should be saved, her life was

actually saved. In Madras similarly in front of the General Hospital,

a jutka ran over a body, and by Baba's grace, the child escaped



Publisher's Note:


THE SOLE PURPOSE of this newsletter is to present Sai messages and

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V Narasimha Swamiji's books.


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