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SAI SERVICE Newsletter – 17

Issue August 01, 2002


[shri Shirdi Sai Baba's Messages, Life events, Articles are available

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updated/added on daily basis]


This Thursday's Message: (Baba said)


(To Shankar Rao Gowhanker) ; Baba: `"They had many giving them

trouble. As they were with me, they did not suffer by that trouble.

God punished the troublers. See, God rewards the doers of good and

punishes evil-doers.


a. Baba's Talk with Devotees




A rich lady carried a plateful of rupees and stood before Baba for 4

days. But Baba did not ask her for any Dakshina.


Lady (on the fourth day): Baba, I have come here for a Guru. Take my

dakshina now. Make yourself my guru and give me upadesa.


Baba: It is not the guru that makes himself your guru. It is you who

must regard him as Guru, i.e., place faith in him. Take a postherd

and regard it as your Guru and see if your goal or aim is reached or




b. Divine Dews from our God


 If anybody wants money from you and you are not inclined to give, =


do not give but do not bark at him like a dog. (SSS Ch.XVIII & XIX)


 I serve him in his house in all possible ways. (SSS Ch.2)


 Try to get Lord's grace and blessings and be honoured in His court=



 His dishes will be ever full and never empty. (SSS Ch.III)


 I am satisfied at your darsan (SSS Ch.X)


 Purification of mind is absolutely necessary, without it all our

spiritual endeavours are nothing, but useless show and pomp. (SSS






G G Narke, Professor of Geology and Chemisty,

College of Engineering, Poona.


In April 1913, G G Narke went up to see Sai Baba. His mother was

greatly liked by Baba and as the son of his mother, he was naturally

welcome. So, Shama alias Madhava Rao Deshpande introduced him to

Baba. Baba then said to Shama, `You introduce him to me! I have known

him for thirty pidis. That was the initial surprise for Narke. His

first impression of Baba was derived by looking at Baba's eyes.

Baba's eyes were piercing. His glance pierced Narke through and

through. Long after Baba passed away, in 1930 when Narke gave his

statement, he said, `I still have the indelible impression of Baba

sitting in the chavadi with piercing eyes'. Narke joined the current

of devotees and did his portion of service to Baba and attended artis

etceteras. But at one of the earliest artis, Baba was in a towering

passion. He was fuming, cursing and threatening' whom and what for,

nobody could say. And the idea occurred to Narke, `Is Baba mad?' that

was during the arti, and after the arti was over, he went home and

returned to Baba in the afternoon to massage Baba's feet and legs.

Baba stroking his head said, `Arre Narke, I am not mad'. The passing

thought which he had in the morning when he was one in the crowd, was

still known to Baba. So, he concluded that nothing was concealed from

Baba. `He is my Antaryami, inner Soul of my soul' he said. He then

attempted to study Baba, and accumulated experience after experience

demonstrating Baba's Anataryamitva. When Baba spoke, he spoke as one

seated in Narke's heart knowing all his thoughts and his wishes.

Narke said `This is God within'. So, Baba must be God, he thought,

but still as a scientific minded professor, he wanted to test him

further. Whenever he tested him the conviction was brought home again

to him that Baba was All-knowing and All-seeing, and All-powerful,

that is, able to mould all things to his will. The professor gave out

of the hundreds of instances that he knew, only a few in his

statements, which proved beyond doubt that the past, present and

future were open before Baba though the future appears unfixed and

liable to be changed by human will. So, first let us see proof about

Narke himself.







Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa


How dare you say you can do good to others?


Man struts about so much; but if one pours foul water into his mouth

when he is asleep, he doesn't even know it: his mouth overflows with

it! Where are his boasting, his vanity, his pride, then?


A sanyasi must give up woman and gold; he cannot accept it any more.


When a sanysai gives something to another, he knows that it is not

himself who gives. Kindness belongs to God alone. How can a man lay

claim to it?


Clarity depends on the will of Rama.


A householder, of course, needs money, for he has a wife and

children. he should save up to feed them.


They say that the bird and the sanyasi should not provide for the

future. But the mother-bird brings food in her mouth for her chicks;

so she too provides.


If a householder is a genuine devotee he performs his duties without

attachments; he surrenders the fruit of his work to God-his gain or

loss, his pleasure or pain-and day and night he prays for devotion

for nothing else.


That is called motiveless work, the performance of duty without



A sanyasi too, must do all his work in that spirit of detachment, but

he has no worldly duties to attend to, like a householder.


If a householder give in charity in a spirit of detachment, he is

really good to himself and not others.


It is God alone that he serves-God, who dwells in all beings, and

when he serves God, he is really doing good to himself, not others.


If a man thus serves God through all beings, not through men alone,

but through animals and other living beings as well; if he doesn't

seek name and fame, or heaven after death; if he doesn't seek any

return from those he serves; if he can carry on his work of service

in this spirit-then he performs truly selfless work without



Through such selfless work he does good to himself. This is called

karma yoga. this too is a way to realize God but it is very difficult.


Therefore, I say, he who works in such a detached spirit-who is kind

and charitable-benefits only himself.


Helping others, doing good to others-this is the work of God alone,

who for men has created the sun and moon, father and mother, fruits,

flowers, and corn.


The love that you see in parents is God's love; He has given it to

them to preserve His creation.


The compassion; He has given it to them to protect the helpless.


(Courtesy: East and West Series-March 2002)



Publisher's Note:


THE SOLE PURPOSE of this newsletter is to present Sai messages and

other spiritual messages to the interested devotees on Thursdays.

Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates.


In this newsletter, wherever the sources of the articles not

mentioned, please consider these items are taken from H H Pujyasri B

V Narasimha Swamiji's books.


Mailing Address: Vasuki Mahal Shri Shirdi Saibaba Trust, Vasuki Mahal

Compound, Gandhi Nagar, Edayar Palayam, Coimbatore 641025, India. e-

mail to: essgee.

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