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MIRACLES AND VISIONS - Sri Ramana Maharishi Answers (2)

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Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi




PART – 2



By David Godman




Question: people talk of Vaikuntha, Kailasa, Indraloka, Chandraloka

(the Hindu heavens). Do they really exist?


Sri Ramana Maharshi: Certainly. You can rest assured that they all

exist. There also a swami like me will be found seated on a couch and

disciples will also be seated around him. They will ask something and

he will say something in reply. Everything will be more or less like

this. What of that? If one sees Chandraloka, one will ask for

Indraloka, and after Indraloka, Vaikuntha and after Vaikuntha,

Kailasa and so on, and the mind goes on wandering. Where is shanti

(peace)? If shanti is required, the only correct method of securing

it is by self-enquiry. Through self-enquiry Self-realisation is

possible. If one realises the Self, one can see all these worlds

within one's Self. The source of everything is one's own Self, and if

one realises the Self, one will not find anything different from the

Self. Then these questions will not arise. There may or may not be a

Vaikuntha or a Kailasa but it is a fact that you are here, isn't it?

How are you here? Where are you? After you know about these things,

you can think of all those worlds.


Question: Are the Siddhis (super-natural powers) mentioned in

Patanjali's Sutras true or only his dream?


Sri Ramana Maharshi: He who is Brahman or the Self will not value

those Siddhis. Patanjali himself says that they are all exercised

with the mind and that they impede Self-realisation.


Question: What about the powers of so-called supermen?


Sri Ramana Maharshi: Whether powers are high or low, whether of the

mind or of a supermind, they exist only with reference to the one who

has the power. Find out who that is.


Question: Are Siddhis to be achieved on the spiritual path or are

they opposed to Mukti (liberation)?


Sri Ramana Maharshi: The highest Siddhi is realisation of the Self,

for once you realise the truth you cease to be drawn to the path of



Question: Then what use are the Siddhis?


Sri Ramana Maharshi: There are two kinds of Siddhis and one kind may

well be a stumbling block to realisation. It is said that by Mantra,

by some drug possessing occult virtues, by severe austerities or by

samadhi of a certain kind, powers can be acquired. But these powers

are not a means to Self-knowledge, for even when you acquire them,

you may quite well be in ignorance.


Question: What is the other kind?


Sri Ramana Maharshi: They are manifestations of power and knowledge,

which are quite natural to you when you realise the Self. They are

Siddhis, which are the products of the normal and natural Tapas

(spiritual practice) of the man who has reached the Self. They come

of their own accord, they are God given. They come according to one's

destiny but whether they come or not, the Jnani, who is settled in

the supreme peace, is not disturbed by them. For he knows the Self

and that is the unshakable Siddhi. But these Siddhis do not come by

trying for them. When you are in the state of realisation, you will

know what these powers are.


Question: Does the sage use occult powers for making others realise

the Self, or is the mere fact of his Self-realisation enough for it?


Sri Ramana Maharshi: The force of his Self-realisation is far more

powerful than the use of all other powers.


Though Siddhis are said to be many and different, Jnana (knowledge)

alone is the highest of those many different Siddhis, because those

who have attained other Siddhis will desire Jnana. Those who have

attained Jnana will not desire other Siddhis. Therefore aspire only

for Jnana.


Although the powers appear to be wonderful to those who do not

possess them, yet they are only transient. All these wonders are

contained in the one changeless Self.

Greedily begging for worthless occult powers (Siddhis) from God, who

will readily give Himself, who is everything, is like begging for

worthless stale gruel from a generous natured philanthropist who will

readily give everything.


In the Heart, which catches fire with the blazing flame of supreme

devotion, all the occult powers will gather together. However, with a

heart that has become a complete prey to the feet of the Lord, the

devotee will not have any desire for those Siddhis. Know that if

aspirants who are making efforts on the path to liberation set their

heart upon occult powers, their dense bondage will be strengthened

more and more, and hence the lustre of their ego will wax more and



The attainment (Siddhi) of Self, which is the perfect whole, the

radiance of liberation, alone is the attainment of true knowledge,

whereas the other kinds of Siddhi, beginning with Anima (the ability

to become as small as an atom) belong to the delusion of the power of

imagination of the foolish mind.


People see many things which are far more miraculous than the so-

called Siddhis, yet do not wonder at them simply because they occur

every day. When a man is born he is no bigger than this electric

bulb, but then he grows up and becomes a giant wrestler, or a world-

famed artist, orator, politician or sage. People do not view this as

a miracle but they are wonder struck if a corpse is made to speak.


Questioner: I have been interesting myself in metaphysics for over

twenty years. But I have not gained any novel experience as so many

others claim to do. I have no powers of clairvoyance, clairaudience,

etc. I feel myself locked up in this body and nothing more.


Sri Ramana Maharshi: It is right. Reality is only one and that is the

Self. All the rest are mere phenomena in it, of it, and by it. The

seer, the objects and the sight all are the Self only. Can anyone see

or hear, leaving the Self aside? What difference does it make to see

or hear anyone in close proximity or over enormous distance? The

organs of sight and hearing are needed in both cases and so the mind

is also required. None of them can be dispensed with in either case.

There is dependence one way or another. Why then should there be a

glamour about clairvoyance and clairaudience?

Moreover, what is acquired will also be lost in due course. They can

never be permanent.


Question: Is it not good to acquire powers such as telepathy?


Sri Ramana Maharshi: Telepathy or radio enables one to see and hear

from afar. They are all the same, hearing and seeing. Whether one

hears from near or far does not make any difference to the one who

hears. The fundamental factor is the hearer, the subject. Without the

hearer or the seer, there can be no hearing or seeing. The latter are

the functions of the mind. The occult powers (Siddhis) are therefore

only in the mind. They are not natural to the Self. That which is not

natural, but acquired, cannot be permanent, and is not worth striving



These Siddhis denote extended powers. A man is possessed of limited

powers and is miserable. Because of this he wants to expand his

powers so that he may be happy. But consider if it will be so. If

with limited perceptions one is miserable, with extended perceptions

the misery must increase proportionately. Occult powers will not

bring happiness to anyone, but will make one all the more miserable.


Moreover what are these powers for? The would-be occultist (Siddha)

desires to display the Siddhis so that others may appreciate him. He

seeks appreciation, and if it is not forthcoming he will not be

happy. There must be others to appreciate him. He may find another

possessor of higher powers. That will cause jealousy and breed


Which is the real power? Is it to increase prosperity or bring about

peace? That which results in peace is the highest perfection


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