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The question is often asked especially by people outside Maharashtra,

whether Baba attained the highest Realization himself and imparted it

to his devotees. As for the first part of the question, there can be

no hesitation in giving an affirmative answer. The loftiest

realisation that any achieved must be obviously perceived and enjoyed

by one whose nature and powers surpass our capacity to describe or

comprehend. A full answer to the above question involves an intricate

examination of subtle matter which would be uninteresting-nay,

positively wearisome to the general reader and has therefore been

left over. It is enough here to say that if any creatures or beings

had the intellectual perception and the emotional or spiritual

enjoyment conveyed by the terms God-Realisation and Self-Realisation,

Sai who had gone through the necessary sadhanas and obtained his

guru's grace, and who read every one's mind and heart and shared the

ideas, sorrows and bliss therein certainly realised God and His Self

and enjoyed Divine Bliss.




Referring to the half of the question, we shall content ourselves

here with the statement that the thousands that went to Sri Sai Baba

and still go, have not cared for the loftiest realisation and never

asked for it. Baba knew if any one knew, that removal of immediate

troubles was almost invariably the heart's desire of his visitors and

devotees and that better sort among them wanted Devotion, and other

virtues, vision of God, Sadgati and other spiritual good of the same

order and he has showered these liberally on his devotees.




In not a few cases, he gave his ardent devotees certain interim

experiences of Realisation that would naturally lead to the highest.

among these is the power to see the Guru and that mean the same thing

as God to most of his devotees in all creatures and at all places.

They viewed him, al least in their moments of exalted devotion, as

God; and when they saw their God Guru in various creatures, there was

a more intense and vivid realisation of the intellectually accepted

truth that God is in all. Jnaneswari, a commentary on the Bhagavad

Gita in Marathi ranked very high in the Maharashtra, describes the

seeing of God in all creatures as an important, nay, indispensable

part of the aspirant's course. hence Baba helped many to attain that

step especially through the identification of God with the Guru. Nana

Saheb realising His Guru-God's presence in flies, ants, etc., is a

good instance of this help.


(Courtesy: HH Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji)

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