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SAI SERVICE Newsletter – 21

Issue 29 08 2002


[shri Shirdi Sai Baba's Messages, Life events, Articles are available

in / and

updated/added on daily basis]


This Thursday's Message: (Baba said)


I look equally on all.

Not a leaf moves, except by my grace.

I look on all with equal eye.


a. Baba's Talk with Devotees


Baba, to Balakrishna G. Upasani Sastri: Will you give me dakshina?


Balakrishna G. Upasani Sastri: I have no money.


Baba: What is that in your pocket? Give it.


Balakrishna G. Upasani Sastri: This is a silver watch. Take it, Baba.


Baba: Do you think you are losing by giving this.


Balakrishna G. Upasani Sastri: Nothing given to you is a loss.


Then Baba received the watch and at once gave it away to some one


Balakrishna G. Upasani Sastri went on to Poona and there a rich

friend, learning that he had given away his watch to Baba, compelled

him to accept a gold watch (without knowing the above words of Baba).

So, Balakrishna G. Upasani Sastri was a gainer and not a loser by

giving away his silver watch.



b. Divine Dews from our God


 It is to be noted here that doubts and difficulties surround us,

just to move us and confirm our faith. we are tested as it were. If

we only hold on steadily to Baba, with full faith, and continue our

endeavours, our efforts will be ultimately crowned with success. (SSS



 Don't be afraid, don't care a jot (a small amount), the Merciful

Fakir will save you. (SSS Ch.XXIII)


 Let us love and serve each other and be happy. (SSS Ch.XVIII & XIX=



 If any men or creatures come to you, do not discourteously drive

them away but receive them well, and treat them with due respect.



 Look at me wholeheartedly and I, in turn, look at you. (SSS






Sai cult is the easiest,

Love and Devotion is the best.

He says `Chant, Chant'

My name day and night

This is my philosophical gist

And as well as the crest.

Listen and keep this in your chest.


O: Baba I want, Thee only Thee,

You are shade and fruit yielding tree.

And had kindly made me

Stand under you as refuge

But I am unable to win the worldly race

And find eternal peace

Please shower your benign grace

Without it I find no solace

So I pray with my meek voice

Let my legs stand at your service.

And hands do you obeisance

Let my eyes see your divine face.

And my tongue offer you, hearty praise.


O, Baba, I am nothing

I know nothing

You are everything

Make me anything.


Whatever you do, oh! Sai

Who am I to question Dwarakamai?

Does a Statue

Ever quarrel with a sculptor Baba?



M. Rama Rao,

East End Main Road,

9th Block, Jayanagar,

Bangalore – 560 069


c. Weekly Article:




When a person is in god-realisation, e.g., `aham Brahmasmi' state and

some treat him as their personal God incarnated for their benefit,

and others treat him as a wonderful embodiment of daivi prakriti or

divine qualities, what answer can we give to the question – what is

his religion? God has no religion as religion is human institution

and a human attitude towards God. When, however, a god-self-realiser

has various moods and for the sake of society (loka sangraha) taken

up the role of a wandering fakir or a teacher (sadguru), the question

of his religion can be raised, though it is hard to give an answer.

Even when he is not in the god-mood, he, if a sadguru of all

religions, like Sai Baba, is seen to be saturated with Hinduism when

dealing with Hindus, with Islam when dealing with Moslems and so on.

He is everything in turn, according to the mentality of the person

that approaches. "Ye yatha mama prapadyante tams tathaiva

bhajamyaham", i.e., "I adopt the manner in which I am approached and

devote myself to the approaching person in his way", said Sri

Krishna. Sri Sai Baba acted exactly in that manner, and none could

affirm of him that he belonged to any religion. so, people could and

did sometimes say of him that he had no religion or that he belonged

to all religions.


In the present stage which civilisation and culture have reached in

the world, this position of Baba has a great and universal merit. The

history of religion is a piteous spectacle, where a great divine

spark lights parts of the world, and a glimpse of real divinity is

caught perhaps by the very few in intimate touch with the incarnated

light. But besides the ordinary dullness of mankind and its inability

to reproduce or retain divine light amidst worldly life, the surging

waves and storms of animal nature generally assert themselves so far

as to discolour or drown the divine light with the result that in the

name of religion, the animal nature of man proceeds to get its full

satisfaction and prevent the reappearance or spread of the real light

divine. "If Christ came to Chicago, he would have been driven out by

Christians themselves from their homes and churches", said a writer

in the Review of Reviews some decades back. If Christ came to Europe

or Asia today, the very same treatment would probably be meted out to

him. This is not an observation that should be made of Christianity

alone. How many Buddhists are there whom Buddha would not find it

easy to describe as his real followers? How many that take the name

of Sankaracharya or Sri Ramanujacharya are really filled with the

spirit of these great leaders and follow their divine light? It is

because of this human tendency to quickly drown the divine sparks

that incarnate, that


The old order changeth giving place to new,

And God fulfils himself in many ways

Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.


Every part of the world receives its divine messenger, in a form

suited to its special condition and its stage of development. This

truth is referred to in Srimad Bhagavata, which states that divine

manifestations (avatars) are not confined to ten or twenty-four but

are numberless, "avatarah asankhyeyah". This `Vibhutimat sawam srimad

urjitam' is sure to assert and get a recognition of its excellence,

earlier or later and must purify and exalt the section of humanity

coming to it. What then is the religion of these `purushaya amsah?"

the religion of the people amidst whom they shine.


In reality, the essence of religion, whatever it may be found, is

one. It is Divine Power, Knowledge and Love-Love that recognises no

barrier of caste, creed or colour . When people assert that they are

following such an amsa of God – be it Christ, Mohammed, Buddha,

Sankara or Chaitanya – and in his name, slay, burn, torture and "shut

the gates of mercy on mankind", they are really working out not God

or the essence of religion but the opposite principle. God is Love,

Hatred is its opposite. Where hatred and murder, greed and plunder

are the prevailing feature, there is no God or real religion. In

Baba, hatred and greed had no place at any time. His being, mind,

words and conduct were saturated with Love Divine – impartial love

that seeks no reward, - Love that sacrifices itself for the benefit

of humanity.


Publisher's Note:


THE SOLE PURPOSE of this newsletter is to present Sai messages and

other spiritual messages to the interested devotees on Thursdays.

Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates.


In this newsletter, wherever the sources of the articles not

mentioned, please consider these items are taken from H H Pujyasri B

V Narasimha Swamiji's books.


Mailing Address: Vasuki Mahal Shri Shirdi Saibaba Trust, Vasuki Mahal

Compound, Gandhi Nagar, Edayar Palayam, Coimbatore 641025, India. e-

mail to: essgee.

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