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SAI SERVICE Newsletter – 26

Issue 03-10-2002


This Thursday's Message: (Baba said)


Baba to Chandra Bai Borker:


We should not harbour hatred, envy, rivalry or combative disposition

towards others.


If others hate us, let us simply take to Nama Japa and avoid them.


a. Baba & Dakshina


Chakra Narayan noted that Baba never showed anger or displeasure if

any did not pay dakshina, and never gave (or sold) special favour for

donors of dakshina. His unbought grace was given free to all. The

moneys received by Baba did not stick to his palm, but were quickly

passed out. Baba did not lead a luxurious life, but lived on simple

begged food, except for the addition of Naivedya presented.


b. Divine Dews from our Sadguru


 I am the Controller – the Wire-puller of the show of this universe=




 It is my special characteristic, that I always look to and provide=


for, the welfare of those devotees, who worship Me whole-heartedly

with their mind ever fixed on Me. (SSS Ch.VI)


 Sitting through five fires, sacrifices, chantings, eight-fold Yoga=


are possible for the Brahmins only, they are of no use to other

classes. (SSS Ch.X)


 For a greedy man there is no peace, neither contentment, nor

steadiness. (SSS Ch.XVI & XVII)


 Demolish the wall of difference that separates you from Me, and

then the road for our meeting will be clear and open. (SSS Ch.XVIII &



c. Weekly Article:




One day I had a talk with my close relative, who is now ardent

devotee of Sri Raghavendra Swamiji. Our talk goes on to the saints

and I elaborated on greatness of Baba. To my surprise, he knew pretty

well about Baba and was a devotee of Baba. He progressed gradually on

Baba devotion and started to read Sri Sai Satcharita. At very

beginning, just after the commencement of Sri Sai Satcharita

parayana, he met with an accident at his work place and admitted in a

hospital for his bone fracture and wounds. He connected this event

with Satcharita parayana and discontinued reading. This news created

few questions in my mind. Is there really any relationship with

parayana and that accident? Is the devotee misunderstood Baba's test

for his faith and devotion?


For a common man with worldly objects, the answer is very simple? His

reasoning ability is limited and resulting answers are not acceptable

to us. Even after complete reading of Sri Sai Satcharita first time,

I could understand very little about Baba. Each time while repeatedly

readings, Baba blessed me to understand several new meanings, new

philosophies, spiritual updates and offering successful solutions on

my day to day problems.


Baba Himself encouraged holy books parayana during the time of

distress. Hence there is absolutely no relationship with the accident

of a devotee and parayana, in fact he failed to understand Baba's

help while karma is acting against him, in fact, otherwise it could

have been a major disaster and Baba saved his life.


It is to be noted here that doubts and difficulties surround us, just

to move us and confirm our faith. We are tested as it were. If we

only hold on steadily to Baba, with full faith, and continue our

endeavours, our efforts will be ultimately crowned with success. (SSS

Ch.XXIX). At least one complete parayana is required to understand

the ways of Baba. Unless a devotee practically understands Baba's two

paise dakshina, Nistha and Saburi, he will have indifferent attitude

towards devotion and difficulties. A true devotee will not

differentiate difficulties and comforts in his life, for him all are

same, as he had already submitted his body and soul to Sri Sai Baba.

He is mere a witness to all the happenings in his life. Let us take

the example of R.B. Purandhare, he is a simple devotee without having

any high ambitions in his life. Even though he is struggling to

maintain his big family with his Rs.35 p.m. salary, he never asked

Baba about his worldly comforts. Baba wanted him to have a own

bungalow, but he continuously neglected Baba's wish. Baba persuaded

him through Bade Baba, Nana Saheb Chandorkar, but in vain. Finally

Baba punished him with neurological headache. Unbearing his physical

pain, Purandhare took rapid action and constructed his bungalow in

very short period and got relief from the pain. Even with unbearable

neurological headache, a true devotee like Purandhare never hate

Baba, in fact his love increased. Physical pain given by Baba is also

a kind of blessing.


Bow to Sri Sai – Peace be to all.

N. Sivanandam, Coimbatore, India


d. Baba's Help:





Sri Narayan Ashram of Vaman Mutt Gangapuri, Wai is a cultured sanyasi

who says, "a considerable and momentous advance in his spiritual

condition was due to Sai Baba". While serving in the Customs

Department in 1910, he approached Baba. But within few years, Baba

noted that he was after higher things than worldly welfare and

"graciously conveyed" to him without any words, the feeling that

differences between souls, nay all differences, were unreal, that the

one Real Thing is that which underlies all. Baba did not speak out

and express this in words. In fact Baba spoke to him very little.


Baba's influence, he says was mostly silent. Baba's touch was a

potent factor in moulding those who came to him. "Baba had a way of

touching (with his palm) the head of the devotee who went to him. His

touch conveyed certain impulse, forces, ideas etc., Sometimes he

pressed his hand heavily on the head, as though he was crushing out

some of the lower impulses of the devotee. Sometimes he tapped;

sometimes he made a pass with the palm over the head etc. Each had

its own effect making remarkable difference in the sensations or

feelings of the devotee".




"Baba's touch was one means. Apart from that he would invisibly

operate on the nature of the devotee and effect a great change in

him". For this, immediate proximity was not necessary. Sri Narayan

Ashram (then Mr. Toser) would go and sit even there; he was under

Baba's direct influence.


Unfortunately, almost the whole lot that went to Baba wanted worldly

benefit and had only poor, if any spiritual ambition. Hardly any was

competent to receive the highest teachings. He evidently found none

to receive all that he could confer, and so none has succeeded to his

position at Shirdi.


In case of Sri Narayan Ashram, Baba gave the first great push in

Paramartha about 1914 and left him in charge of the departed, yet

living soul of Vasudevananda Saraswathi (as all great souls are one)

who is responsible for his present condition.


"Baba was pre-eminently practical", says Sri Narayan Ashram. "He just

gave people a push to carry them a few steps beyond the level at the

time of approaching him". Others will be there at the exact

psychological moment to give the needed help and guidance at each

level and stage.



Publisher's Note:


THE SOLE PURPOSE of this newsletter is to present Sai messages and

other spiritual messages to the interested devotees on Thursdays.

Feel free to forward this newsletter to your interested associates.


In this newsletter, wherever the sources of the articles not

mentioned, please consider these items are taken from H H Pujyasri B

V Narasimha Swamiji's books.


Mailing Address: Vasuki Mahal Shri Shirdi Saibaba Trust, Vasuki Mahal

Compound, Gandhi Nagar, Edayar Palayam, Coimbatore 641025, India. e-

mail to: essgee.




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