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Sai Naama Japa - A Divine Experience

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Sai Naama Japa – A Divine Experience.

Sai Naam itself is a powerful tool in our spiritual life. In Shri Sai

Satcharitra, Baba stressed the repetition of Sai Naama Japa at various

chapters. In deed I am very much fortunate to have a Divine Experience due to

Sai Naam Japa. My gratitude to Shri D. Sankaraiah Garu, who is instrumental to

attain such a marvelous Sai Experience in my life.

We have arranged a public Sai Naama japa group prayer at Coimbatore and about

3000 invitations were distributed to Sai devotees in Coimbatore. We arranged

this Naama Japa gathering at a Kalyana Mandap which can easily accommodate 1000

devotees. We expected a minimum of 1000 devotees and accordingly all

arrangements were made for prayer, prasad, udhi and photos etc.

As per schedule Sai Naama Japa started at 3.00 p.m. on 14-02-2003 with few

devotees presented at that time. The Naama Japa was a new experience for the

people of Tamilnadu. Few devotees attended by applying leave for their office

duties and many attended without getting invitation, just by seeing engagements

column in leading newspapers. The Naama japa progressed impressively and slowly

devotees came and participated. Within me, I thought the strength of devotees

far below to my expectation and I firmly believed Baba that He will bring His

devotees in large number very soon.

This Naama Japa was arranged for 6 hours non-stop continuous group prayer and

five hours passed and no big crowd turned out. My mind got disturbed and I felt

very sad on the poor turnout. I prayed to Baba and put an open question to Baba.

"Baba, if you are a powerful God, use your miracle power and bring a good number

of devotees before closing this Japa prayer. In the past I never asked you to

show me any sakshatkar and I was least bothered about such miracles. But this

time, I am demanding my share from My Father; You must give my share and

convince me. Otherwise, I will suspect you power and I may not waste any time

to your service. It is up to You to decide". The Naama Japa prayer was reaching

towards its end, nothing happened. I felt very bad on Baba and thought Baba had

cheated me and all my faith and prayers over the past many years gone in vain.

I couldn’t control my emotions and anger against Baba.

After completion of Naama Japa, I shared my anguish with Shri. Sankaraiah Garu.

He enlightened my inexperience and explained the general behaviour of

people’s response in attending such spiritual gatherings. Persons who

have good karma in their credit can alone get the opportunity to take part in

the Naama Japa group prayer. As Baba said in Sri Sai Satcharitra, Ch. 25 "Look

at the mango tree in blossom. If all the flowers become fruit, what a splendid

crop it would be. But do they? Most fall off (either as flowers or as unripe

fruits) by wind etc., very few will remain." It is pity; many people do not

realize what is good for them. They miserably fall off due to samsaric or Maya

wind. One must understand this universal fact and utilize such rare spiritual


In the mean time I felt guilty on my prayer to Baba and demanding pre-determined

number of devotees participation. Who am I to determine such quantum? It is

deliberate expression of my ego and Baba never heard my request. He knows what

is good for me. I slowly realized that it is a test for my Saburi and Nishta. I

again prayed Baba to give me strength and wisdom to get pass marks in His test.

In my interaction on the above question with Shri Sankaraiah Garu, he asked me

to translate a Tamil article on His Holiness Pujyasri Sivanesan Swamiji’s

hand written letter published in a periodical. Alas! What a powerful words. It

is not Shri Sivanesan Swamiji’s words, but Baba’s direct answer for

my prayer and appeal to Him made an hour ago. My eyes filled with tears. What a

meaningful and powerful miracle Baba graced to me. The divine words are going

like this, "…All actions in this world are His play. Being wire puller

and Controller of this Universe, Baba made you an instrument to do this job.

Remember His words – ‘why fear, I am here’. Who ever does

what so ever actions, all are His play. Baba had chosen you to perform this

action without your consciousness or knowledge. Deep faith and infinite

patience is need of this hour. Is there any one in this world who failed in his

attempt after surrendering Him? Baba is in the heart of all and activate us

according to our karma." (HH Pujyasri Sivanesan Swamiji wrote this letter

during 1967 to Shri. Chokkalingam, who translated Sri Sai Satcharitra in


If we honestly offer prayers to Sai Baba from the bottom of our heart, that will

be answered. Baba said, "I always live everywhere" in Sri Sai Satcharitra

(Ch.28). Baba will hear our prayer through His All-Pervading ears; "sarvatah

panipadam tat samatokshi-siromukhameverywhere It has ears; everywhere It has

eyes", our prayers will be heard and answered.

Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai.

Ever yours

at the Feet of the Master


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