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Gopala Sai Baba's monkeys and cows harmed by US pharmaceuticals

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Texas representative and Bush pawn in the Congress abuses Gopal's

cows, Hanuman's monkeys, Narasimha's cats



ALL CAPITAL PUNISHMENT all violence to any being

... all war today and forever as You teleport

soldiers home.. You Who sent the Chinese army

home from India now thank You for sending Brits

and Americans out of Iraq.


We recognize that all beings of any species

are sacred to all masters, to Shiva who is Allah who is GOD.


Calf lymph is clearly marked as the source of some

of the smallpox vaccine being pushed on first responders

by pharmaceutical companies in concert with health

departments dominated by them.


Calf based smallpox vaccine caused AIDS in Africa

... according to certain staff at the World Health

Organization, President Mbeki of S Africa, Russia

government officials and others.


Dr Fauci long time NIH mouthpiece for US pharmaceuticals admitted at

a press conference in the past

that AIDS can be contracted by eating monkey meat in Zaire.

Dr David Heymann of the World Health Organization has said

that Mad Cow is a kuru like disease.. since the eating of

monkey brains in Africa causes Mad Cow similar to the

eating of human brains by cannibals, a disease which has

a 50 year generation period. http://www.mad-cow.org

http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.maddeer.org


http://groups.msn.com/robertatkins/1.msnw http://www.pcrm.orgThan


Gopala, protector of cows, will now destroy

these cow abusing companies, companies which have through

Frankenstein research combined cow and cat enzymes.







Baba: God is in every creature. How can you cause such pain?


Merck, whose George Merck developed biological weapons for 30 years

for US military, Eli Lilly, whose agent in Congress is Senator

Frist, Glaxo Smith Kline whose agent in Congress is Tom Delay

and Pfizer are the biggest vaccine producers, but there are many

companies involved in the lethal vaccines, developed

by vivisection, forced on the unwilling by price fixing

rapists of the US Treasury.


Bush junta storage and use of biological weapons developed on cats


God bring back all troops today to their homes..

as You shut down all violence systems today and forever


Tom Delay, congressional GOP rep and warmonger representative of

Harris County, the most

executing county in America, has taken 15 billion dollars out

of WW2 vets' promised health benefits and has exempted, with Senator

Frist, pharmaceuticals from lethal side effects of smallpox vaccine.







stored at Ft Detrick in Frederick Maryland, at Ft. Meade, Smithsonian,

Dugway Proving Ground, Texas Tech (bubonic plague) Univ of Texas,

CDC, Yerkes, Harvard, Yale, NASA Glenn (whose most recent animal

victims were blown over 5 states) etc.

(Battelle is also war profiteering with chemical weapons suits

and did the programming for the Diebold voting machines which

arranged false election results in NH, CO, MN, and MO, numbers

which gave the Republicans 4 extra Senate seats.)















Don Plusquellic and FELV

Don Plusquellic and Marco Sommerville, as well

as the director of the Health Dept, (now replaced by someone from


dominated Kansas health establishment) have passed a law which

resulted in the murder of 1500 cats. They are taken to the Summit

County "Animal Shelter"

from which labs such as Cleveland Clinic, Kent State,

Ohio State, Battelle, NEOUCOM, University Hospitals,

Summa are able to scoop them up for free.. and use

in template research involving Dept of Defense

AIDS biological weapons development. FELV is Feline Leukemia

Virus. Ohio State's School of Veterinary Medicine is currently

giving cats AIDS. Veterinarians in Ravenna and elsewhere

are asking for strays.. without telling

human beings that these are cruel research bound.

The governments of Russia, South Africa and elsewhere

have said that the US military developed the AIDS virus

and then infected all of Africa and other countries with it.


Dr Robert Gallo, Frankenstein & Strangelove Together

Dr Robert Gallo in 1 body contains both Frankenstein

and Dr Strangelove. He worked for many years for the

Dept of Defense developing biological AIDS weapons.

His work was furthered by periodicals such as Science,

Nature, National Cancer Institute.

His work dovetailed with that of George Merck,

of Merck Pharmaceuticals, who also was a recipient of

some of the millions the Dept of Defense voted in the 70's

for this.

Merck, whose founder worked in bioterror

for the Pentagon, developing biological weapons for several

decades, was given the contract for smallpox 'vaccine'

for Africa. Calves were injured.. their stomachs slashed..

they were sprayed with live smallpox.. several weeks later

workers came and planed off the scab, grinding it into powder.

This 'vaccine' contained BLV or bovine leukemia virus,

the same disease as HTLV or human t cell leukemia virus,

differing only in the species which has the disease. This

'vaccine' caused AIDS in Africa. The London

Times, President Mbeki of S Africa, and many

others have pointed out the amazing 17 point

match between those countries receiving smallpox

and those having AIDS, with Zaire, Zambia,

Brazil and Haiti the first four. The odds of

this occuring, a 17 point match.. are in the


Merck is presently asking Congress to eliminate

sale of Canadian drugs (25% to 50% of American drugs)

over the internet.

Merck like most pharmaceutical companies who are members

of Pharma (Eli Lilly Glaxo Smith Kline Pfizer Bayer etc)

is a pricegouger, whose products are so lethal

that each has an average page or 2 of side effects

listed in the Physicians' Desk Reference.

Pharmaceutical company prescriptions are responsible

for a percentage of the 900,000 iatrogenic deaths occurring

annually in the US.


God help Merck now to make amends to the people of Africa.

Give Merck and all pharmaceuticals the grace to promote

the vegan and fruitarian diet and positive thought and prayer

which bring healing. Shut down Merck's animal labs and those

of all pharmaceutical and university and other agencies. Help Merck

destroy their stockpiles

of weapons.. God destroy all biological, chemical, and

iron and steel, electronic and other weapons now

as You teach all in the world the ways of peace.



Leonard Horowitz is a researcher in the area of Ft Detrick (Frederick

Maryland) and other biological weapons centers. Others are Litton

Industries, Battelle of Columbus, etc.


330 375 2345 Mayor Plusquellic 330 375 2256 Marco Somerville 330 375

2256 Renee Green 330 375 2256 Mr Williams http://www.ci.akron.oh.us

has email for all councilpersons as well as comment board.

http://www.all-natural.com/riley.html (Capt of USAF)














Otter Victims of Robert Taft

Robert Taft is the governor of Ohio, whose Republican

dominated Ohio Dept of Natural Resources is using

steel jaw traps to trap otters and affix transmitters

to them. Some believe that this is a cover operation

for illegal otter trapping, and that many otters

are drowned in the operation.

ODNR and its gun lobby have spent millions teaching

children how to kill. Not ODNR but Ohio schools, seniors

have been the victims of the budget crunch.




The link between Akron's and Cleveland's otters at the zoo and this

ODNR program needs to be investigated.



Over 50 people gathered in Akron Ohio in the summer of 2002 to

protest the murders of 243 cats in 1 month by the City of Akron.

Subsequently hundreds

more were murdered, including family pets and

cats enticed onto neighbors' lots by tuna

traced traps where they can remain for 3 days or more in the stifling

heat or cold without food or water. Some have died in traps. Some

neighbors are using the traps as a vendetta against neighbors.


Those cats not murdered have been given freely at the dog pound to

any comers at the rates of as much as 11 a time.

Did they go to Ohio State for AIDS research.. or to Kent State,

NEOUCOM, Summa Hospital, Case Western, Cleveland Clinic, Battelle

or other Ohio research institutions presently involved in research on

cats, dogs, primates, mice

and other helpless creatures? or out of state to NC military labs? to

Asian restaurants

for food? as captive food for pythons and other snakes? target

practice for hunting dog trainers?



The City of Akron with the help of Mayor Plusquellic, 330 375 2345

mayor@c... law director

Max Rothal, councilpersons

Renee Green, Dan Horrigan Mike Williams McAvoy and others passed the


by illegally invoking the emergency legislation clause when, says

the Health Dept, there was no emergency.


A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Save Our Cats

http://www.saveourcats.org by Atty J Holland.


WNIR announced the gathering twice.

The Beacon Journal which is financially aligned to promotion

of animal research has editorialized in favor of the murder of cats.

Yesterday a long time Beacon reporter said the protest would

not be covered by the Beacon. vop@t...

http://www.ohio.com/bj Let the Beacon know that you are cancelling

the paper because you prefer more tree protecting web news,

because you prefer non Republican papers, and because you prefer

less biased reporting. Channel 43/19 in Cleveland filmed the protest

whereas PAX TV 23 at Main and Market in Akron could not be motivated

to walk 6 blocks down the street to cover the story. PAX is also

a Republican owned network.


The Duffield Foundation of California has established a 200 million

$ fund to finance spaying rather than murder of animals, but the

City of Akron has not yet taken this road.


In the late 60's, Atty Hugh MacNamee of Lakewood Ohio, acting

for Animal Aid, obtained a ruling of unconstitutional about

an Akron ordinance limiting cats per home to 3.


Protesters including veterinarian Mel Kress who spays strays

in Cleveland at his W 65 just north of Lorain clinic. Cat rights

activists from Navarre, Chagrin Falls, and elsewhere joined the mostly

Akron group, whose 90 members have been organized by DeAnn Christman.


The group will meet a week from Tuesday http://www.saveourcats.org


mayor@c... 330 375 2345 City Council 330 375 2256


Summit County Judge James Williams is being asked either to recuse

himself because of his son's involvement in the legislation

or to decide in favor of respect for the rights of other creatures.


The mayor has been criticized recently for his involvement in

the barbarically cruel running of the bulls in Pamplona Spain.

He was not one of the 3 Americans gored by the bulls, who were

murdered later that afternoon in bullfights condemned by the

rest of the world.


E-Mail Address each has a ci.akron.oh.us after it

those starred have actively pushed for the illegal legislation

* Ward 4 - Renee Greene Ward4@c... south side of Highland Square

* At Large - Michael Williams Atlarge3@c...

* Ward 7 - Mary Ellen McAvoy Ward7@c...

* Ward 1 - Daniel Horrigan Ward1@c... North Hill




Clerk of Council - John Valle Vallejo@c...

At Large - John Conti Atlarge1@c...

At Large - John Otterman Atlarge2@c...


Ward 2 - Joseph A. Finley Ward2@c...

Ward 3 - Marco Sommerville Ward3@c...

Ward 5 - Jim Shealey Ward5@c...

Ward 6 - Terry Albanese Ward6@c...

Ward 8 - Bob Keith Ward8@c...

Ward 9 - Mike Freeman Ward9@c...

Ward10- Garry Moneypenny Ward10@c...

All Council Members Listed Above CityCouncil@c...





7000 vegan MD's suggest reduction of animal products in cats' diets

because of increasing cancers. Animals full of cancer are condemned


human consumption and are put in pet food tankers. In addition,

female hormones

banned in Europe and allowed in the US are causing American men to

have 8

times the prostate cancer rate that Japanese men have. Animal


uric acid crystallizes in the urethra and kidneys of cats.

http://www.pcrm.org http://www.madcowboy.com http://www.notmilk.com

http://www.ivu.org/recipes http://www.vegweb.com/food/


Friends of Pets

Friends Of Pets, Summit County, Ohio

P.O. Box 3034

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221

(330) 864 - PETS


http://www.waggingtails.org has rescued some cats are the

numberswould be even higher.




The Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority has been requiring cruel cat

declawing procedures for any senior or disabled person who wishes to

live in their facilities.

This is illegal in many areas. In addition the AMHA has been involved

in nonhumane non lethal methods of rat removal.

The AMHA's relationship to corporations owning some leased

buildings is also being questioned.


Unnecessary tree destruction:

Although after the collection of thousands of signatures, emails and


the City of Akron decided not to cut down the tree at Elmdale and W


other trees in town have not been so lucky. Roots to many old trees


been severed by backhoes digging sidewalks. Then Barberton Tree


and other services are called in to kill and remove the trees.

mayor@c... ci.akron.oh.us 330 375 2345

City Council 330 375 2256

--- End forwarded message ---




Homer Simpson is asked if he minds that the fast

food chain is using Mad Cow beef.. and he replies

... no they pass the savings on to me








30,000 Chickens


Some use chicken as a synonym for coward.


Clear Channel Denver threw chickens out of 3rd story

windows.. and broadcast it.. to attempt to increase



Ward Egg Farm in San Diego had personnel tired

of strangling chickens.. so they sent 30,000 baby

chicks through a chipper.


In Kuwait, chickens were kept captive in cages

to be used like mine shaft canaries..

as sacrificial lambs.. or sacrificial chickens. Trapped

in their feathery fur coats in the desert heat, they



At Buckeye Egg Farm, near Newark Ohio in the wake of a tornado which


3 buildings, half the chickens went 9 days without food

or water, featherless, still alive, before they were

bulldozed alive into graves.


In Wisconsin, Iowa and other factory farm states, Feingold

Grassley Harkin and others want baby chick males

classified as 3rd class mail.. to remove the minimal

animal law protection they have.


In every factory farm, chickens spend 32 hours

in jail on average for each egg produced.


Fertilized chicken eggs cracked into skillets..

fill the pan with blood, claws, and beaks.


In many factory farms, the boy chicks are unncessary

and sent through eviscerators.. which are tubs

of swirling knives.


Chickens are kept often in 24 hour a day bright cold light..

their waste accumulates under factory farms.. filling

streams with ecoli and nicotinic insecticides

and other poisons.. causing record numbers of ear nose

and other infections. EPA workers have nearly drowned

... falling neck deep into the waste.. only to be saved

by pipes overhead


Tyson's CEO's were declared nonguilty of importing

illegal immigrants to do the dangerous dirty

devil work of slaughtering their billions of chickens.



Michael R in Connecticut was assigned to strangle

chickens as a child.. and strangled 8 women as an adult.


In Newport News, a fast food outlet found that a little

girl chicken's head had become, entire, a McNugget.*


Chickens' flesh has uric acid in it, pre-urine.. trioxypurine..

more toxic than caffein, dioxypurine.. Such uric acid

crystallizes in needle shape jabbing joints, giving

the pain of arthritis.


Perhaps chicken like lamb.. means a sacrificial

animal sacrificed to human chauvinism, human cruelty.

Their cholesterol, 300 mg per egg, fills human arteries

with white sludge, causing heart attacks.

Their flesh, filled with leukosis, a human chauvinist

word for leukemia when a chicken has it, causes

leukemia to those who eat them.

Their stolen baby eggs take 120 gallons each in production.


Butterball Turkeys, made topheavy by genetic enginnering,

by those who see them as objects, not living birds..

are owned by ConAgra.. monolithic pricefixer and pusher

of slaughterhouse suffering. ConAgra is also promoting

the war in Iraq by sponsoring warmonger radio talk show hosts.








* photo at /messages/ohioleft (on the home

page) http://www.upc-online.org http://www.petitiononline.com/chick

http://www.clearchannelsucks.org http://www.adaptt.org

http://www.pcrm.org http://www.ivu.org http://www.eggcruelty.com



A woman dreamt that there were dried chicken bits


in a box she opened. When she added hot water,


each became a tiny bite sized living chicken.

--- End forwarded message ---


See 3rd paragraph


Taft's ODNR is steel trapping otters. Some drown

Others are involved in secret trade with trappers.

Still others are affixing transmitters to the otters

or selling them to the Akron Zoo or Cleveland Zoo.

These are the allegations made by animal rights activists.



DOLPHINS as mine detectors

20,000 humane societies http://www.hsus.org

http://www.peta.net http://www.cousteau.org http://www.nrdc.org




http://www.hindu.org http://www.sathyasai.org


http://indymedia.org http://www.internationalanswer.org




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