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Dixit’s vairagya developed steadily along with his love of the Guru. His

Guru both by example and precept showed him the absurdity of the worldly

man’s desire for much wealth and how little was necessary even to an

ordinary sadhaka. Especially after Baba had assumed all his responsibilities,

he noted how needless it was for him to spend attention and time or energy as

before to acquire or preserve wealth. Two instances may be cited as typical of

the teaching of Baba. In the early years of Kaka Saheb’s contact with

Baba, he earned large fees. On one occasion when he come to Shirdi, he came

along with a trunk full of rupees, (may be Rs.1000) which he earned in Native

State. He came to Baba, placed the trunk before him, showed him the rupees, and

said, "Baba, all this is yours." Baba at once said, "Is that so?" and plunged

both his hands in the box full of rupees and gave away heaps of rupees to the

people that crowded round him like bees of honey. In a few moments, the trunk

became empty. This incident is narrated by Garde, a Sub Judge friend of H.S.

Dixit, who was watching all the time the face of Dixit to study the reaction on

his face to the rapid scattering of his hard earned money by Baba. Though any

other person in his position would have felt the loss of money very bitter,

Kaka Saheb was unmoved. That showed how he had hardened in his vairagya at the

feet of Baba. He learnt again that the silver so highly valued by the world was

but mud to the Sadguru, who was a "Sama loshta ascma Kachanah" i.e. one to whom

a clod, a stone and gold were equally indifferent. B.G. (6)8, (14) 24.

On another occasion, when Dixit got a cow, Baba said, "This cow was formerly a

Jalna man’s, before that an Aurangabad man’s, before that,

Mahlsapathy’s; God knows whose property it is." Baba’s statement

was an exposition of the Isavasys Upanishad, which says,

Isavasyam Ida(g)m sarvam

Yatkkincha Jagatyam jagat

Tena tyaktena bhunjithah

Ma Gridah, Kasya svid dhanam, which means

What-ever thing is in the world is covered by God

Renounce that and be happy

Covet not, Whose is property?

Or covet not anyone’s wealth (yours or others) Property is always changing

hands and changing shapes. It is not perpetual. So, it must be kept away (from

the soul) to attain happiness. Thus we have to regard all property as coming

and going agamaapayinah" (B G (2)14 and should avoid getting attached to it.

Baba’s undertaking responsibilities for Dixit and family was so wide that

Dixit felt himself always under Baba’s care and had no need to fear.

Baba’s words to Khaparde, Dixit and others were "Why fear when I am

here?" Baba gave ample proof to Dixit of his thorough knowledge of all events,

past present and future, taking place here, there, and everywhere, and his

power to see to the exact fulfillment of his promise or prediction.

Written by: HH Pujyasri B V Narasimha Swamiji

Vasuki Maha Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Trust, Coimbatore 641025, India

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