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Sai Nama Maha Mantra

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Baba said in Sri Satcharitra, "The simple remembrance of My name as "Sai, Sai"

will do away with sins of speech and hearing. (Ch.3) and "If you say 'Sai,

Sai', I shall take you over the seven seas (ch, 13) In course of time, Baba

approved Sai Nama Japa initiated by His Ankita child Sri. M. B. Rege and HH

Sivanesan Swamiji was moving spirit behind "Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai" and

we consider this as Baba's Maha Mantra.


In this connection, I request Sri. D. Sankariah Garu to give his views for the

benefit of all Sai devotees.





Peter Lin <nobunaga_100 > wrote:

Hi Sivanandam,Thanks for the very nice article on Sai Nama Japa.What's

considered as a Sai Maha Mantra? Wouldn't bechanting "Sai Baba" Itself a Maha

Mantra? Or would ithave to be in the form of Om Sri Sai...?thanks- peter> > 1.



> Message: 1> Fri, 3 Oct 2003 17:49:43 -0700 (PDT)> n sivanandam >


ENDING PROCESS> > Beloved Sairam, > > Baba said, "The simple

remembrance of My name as> "Sai, Sai" will do away with sins of speech and>

hearing" in Sri Sai Satcharitra Ch.III.> > Brihan-Naradiya Purana also stress

the importance of> nama japa, "Chant the holy names, chant the holy> names,

chant the holy names. In this age of Kali> [the age of quarrel and confusion]

without a doubt> there is no other way, there is no other way, there> is no

other way." (38.126) > > > Sai Nama Japa is a very simple method that

everybody> can follow. Though it is simple, it does not mean> that great

benefits can come out of it. Ifwe can> bring the essence of the method,

then this also will> give its maximum results.> > The Mantra-Shastra is a

secret, which tells us that> every letter of the alphabet is a condensed form

of> energy. Sounds are really energy manifest. The sound> is not merely an

empty form

of verbal manifestation,> but energy that is made to express itself in a>

particular shape. And this packet of energy, this> tied up form of force, which

is a particular letter> of the alphabet, is made to come in contact with>

another packet of energy called another letter, they> collide with each other,

or, we may say, they act> upon each other or fuse into each other, whatever be>

the thing that takes place there, so that the> utterance of a group of letters,

which is the> Mantra, produces, by the process of permutation and> combination

of these letters, a new form of energy> which gets infused into our system,

because it has> arisen from our own mind, thought and the recesses> of our

being. We get charged with that force, as if> we have touched a live electric

wire. > > What is the basic truth behind repetition of Sai> Nama Japa? The

divine responding for

the human call> is that basic truth. When repetition of Nama Japa> ripens fully,

it turns into an act of Calling Baba.> For us to concentrate fully on repetition

ofSai> name, we must keep the mind silent. If that is not> possible, at

least our mind must stay focussed.> Generally even with habitual practitioners

of nama> japam, it is common for their mind to be on> something else while they

are doing japa. In this> condition even the minimum result will not come.>

Therefore it is advisable for those who do japa to> keep their mind silent.

Then we must train our mind> to focus exclusively on japa. If that focussing>

lasts only for 6 or 7 minutes then we must terminate> japa with that and next

time try to extend it to 7> to 8 minutes. If we can carry the concentration to>

20 or 30 minutes, then our mental distraction will> stop bothering our japam.

Practicing Japa in the> morning and evening without distraction is> the first

stage.> > The second stage is much higher. During non-working> hours we can

observe our minds getting restless and> indulging in worries. If during such

idle hours, we> can arrest our mental ramblings and focus our minds> on japa,

then gradually we can devote all our> non-working hours to doing japa. That way

throughout> the day japa stays in our mind. If we can silently> repeat

Sai Maha Mantra that will be thecrowning> peak of japa.> > I dedicate

this article on this auspicious> Mahasamdhi day, which coincides the completion

of> Global Sai Nama Japa Yagnam that was commenced and> continued from January

9th 2003 onwards. It is my> humble opinion that billions and trillions are>

meaningless in spiritual sadhana, more over it will> not bind us because we are

not doing anything,> although we go through the motions of doing> something.

Everything is divinely ordained. You> cease to be the ultimate agent of action.

What> really works is something higher than yourself. Baba> Himself seems to be

doing Nama Japa sadhana for> ourselves. Who can do things in this world other>

than Baba?> > Let us make Sai Nama Japa Sadhana an inseparable> part of our

life, let us chant as much as possible,> as long as possible, wherever

possible, whenever> possible - without an end.> > Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya

Sai.> > Ever yours,> > At the Feet of the Master> > N. Sivanandam


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