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mom in need of help

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I really do not know where to start. My name is Julie, I am a

Christian and I live in Virginia. I just recently left my emotionally

and physically abusive alcoholic husband . I Am a mother of three

children a boy age 11 and 2 girls ages 6 and 8 who are everything to

me. The kids father abused me physically and mentally for years. I

tried to stay with him because I took my marriage vows seriously but

I could not stay any longer. Being beaten and abused was not only bad

for me but bad for the children to be around it.

He did awful things such as he broke my hand which caused me surgery

with 6 screws putting my hand back together. This went on for almost

10 years.I also had my head slammed into a cement statue so bad that

9 yrs later still have the scar .. I remember feeling the blood

dripping down my head and face then being carried to the car and

hearing him and his friend say we cant take her to the hospital get

in trouble then dragging me back inside then my husband raped me.

while I was hurt and half unconcious.another thing before my third

child was born I was pregnant and he slammed my stomach into a metal

trash can causing me to miscarry my baby . I have numerous scars. One

on my arm where one day he got mad at a guy for coming on to me (I

did nothing) so he broke a vase on my arm cutting it bad and refusing

to take me to the dr until 2 days later which of course it was then

too late for stiches .. and as always I had to make up what happened

to me. Like my broken hand .. I had to tell everyone I fell over a

remote controlled barbie car ..of course he would play the concerned

husband at the hospital ... made me sick. I became the type of woman

that used to make me think bad things like she must like it blah blah

blah .. then I became her. I became a person that was no longer Julie

but a scared mother who was scared to death that the threats he made

would come true .. that he would take off with the kids where I would

never find them or kill me as he said he would. I believed it and

still do believe he meant it. I live every day in fear and so do the

kids . The surgery for my hand he broke led to a blood clot in my

neck and I was hospitilized for that. Then I got Mono which has left

me very sick and weak , then Plurisey which is a lung infection and I

have severe migraines and now this car accident. I am in alot of

pain and unable to leave the bed at this point. . My friend gave me a

cordless keyboard and mouse and has set the computer up so I can do

it from bed since I am unable to get up at this point. I had two

surgeries done on my foot and leg so far and have stiches under my

left eye , both eyes are blackened and I have whip lash and bruised

rib and pelvis and a broken nose one side is collapsed and has to be

operated on later this week and fractured bones in my face also.... I

just want to get well and be able to return to working so I can

provide for myself and the children. I am alone and scared. He threw

out most of our stuff and what stuff he didnt throw out he broke. He

literally took whole drawers of clothes ect and took them to the dump

when I was not at home. I am under a protective order for the moment

anyway. He already broke it once and just spent a month in jail

because of it. He just got out of jail. They didnt put the kids on

the protective order for some reason so until Nov when we go to court

we both in the eyes of the law have custody. His lawyer did advise

him to stay away from me and the kids but .... as the kids school

said if he shows up they have no choice but let him take them. He

has threatned to take the kids and to kill me and Now all I can do is

sit here and hope he does nothing and pray. The kids have been warned

not to go with him and I dont think they would because they are

scared of him at this point... but you never know like you said if he

will try to win them over ect. I will not be able to walk ect for at

the very least 10 weeks. . He is staying as his moms so they say .

Desperate people do desperate things and I really do not know what

his mind set is. We still have to go to court for the criminal

charge for him throwing me into the van ect and my lawyer said due

to some of the things I have found out there may be more charges

pending against him. The kids are going to testify of his abuse to me

and them. I did not find out that he was also abusing them until his

arrest because they were scared to tell me and have him do something

to them. I have always been self supportive but for the last few

months everything that has gone downhill. . I am afraid I will be

evicted if I do not somehow come up with rent and I have

prescriptions that I cannot even fill. I am trying to cope the best

I can. If anyone can help me with anything I need food and clothing

and daily living items ( I have a walmart and Kroger nearby and a

friend that is able to run errands for me or used clothing for me and

the kids, food , towels , sheets, any daily living items to help us

get by please. I have tried contacting local places but have not

gotton any help except one church gave me a $50 gift card to food

lion last week and salvation army you can only go to once a month and

all they gave me was a bag of a few canned vegtables, a pack of

sausage, a pack of buns and a can of tuna. No milk even and they only

let you go once a month and I have three kids if you cannot help I

understand , but please at least keep us in your prayers. I know that

God will hear the prayers and somehow I will get through this and be

able to start over and have a wonderful life for me and the kids. I

truly believe everything happens for a reason ... and someday I will

know why all this has happened. . I have faith in the Lord that

somehow I will get through this. I do not know where to turn for

help so I am trying here I to see if anyone can because I am

desperate . I had a problem with social services about 6 years ago

which is why I will not turn to them for help Social Services does

not care .. they wouldnt even listen to me just threatened me and

treated me like total garbage. Not to mention also that also my son a

few years ago broke his arm at the babysitters and I had CPS monitor

me for months because of that. I was at work not even there. him and

another boy were playing on a wagon and he fell off ....... and

because of that I had these complete strangers questioning my kids at

school and showing up at my house. The system does not work ... it

really doesnt. Sorry to gripe but I thought I needed to clarify the

situation.) I have recieved so many hateful comments and emails

please spare me . I do not pay for my internet by the way it came

with the place I rent and the computer I have is old .. . I am trying

to just make it through until get well enough to be able to go back

to working again. .Emotionally I am a complete wreck. Just please

pray to god to give me strength to be strong for my children and find

a way to pay rent so we dont lose our home . I know that there is a

light at the end of this tunnel somewhere. Thank you. Let God see us

through.If you cannot help that is ok just pray for us. I believe

that prayers will be heard by God and he will help us out of this.


not only are we in need of food and clothing ect but My rent is

$650.00 I am already two months behind but the landlord said if I pay

this month and get back on track I will be able to stay .. he has

been cool about it but if I dont pay this month I will be evicted he

said there is nothing he can do .. . Oh also add my heat .. it will

be cut off on the 25th the bill is 402.65 I have to pay at least

184.00 on it past due to keep it from being cut off ... ... Oh CPS

went and questioned my kids at school last week ... behind my back.

my daughter was so scared and upset I had to come to school and pick

her up. also their dad got a friend of his to come by when the kids

were at the bus stop and yell at them I am going to call social

services and go with your dad on his side and make sure you get taken

away from your mommy. so that scared them too death then 2 days later

social services goes to their school and did that so you can imagine

how they felt. Then tonight he had someone come by and knock on my

door .. i didnt open it .. it was about 9 30 pm and when i didnt

answer it they started kicking the door .. yelling hey bleepI know

your home open the bleepin door then yelled I will have your kids

taken away from you do you hear me. Well I called the cops and they

said they could do nothing until he comes back and does it again for

me to call .... because he isnt my ex .. he cant be held responsible

and because that person doesnt and never has lived with me I cant get

a protection order. I am so frustrated with this. Who is there to

protect me and protect my children. They have more rights than I

do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my friends -phone number is 540 397 8916 you

can call anytime they said for information


God Bless







please email me off group I cant keep up with all the posts due to

being sick. angelmommyusa

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