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Receive the Blessings from Baba

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Pranams to all members,

I am Saibanisa - GopalaRao Ravada from Saidarbar

-Hyderabad. Kindly go through latest issue of "THE

GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI" and receive the Blessings from


In the Service of Lord Sainath and His devotees,

Saibanisa - GopalaRao Ravada.




(ISSUE-XXII/ 2003)

16-11-2003 to 30-11-2003

Please visit our Web site: http://www.saidarbar.org




















Ashwin/Vadya 13, 1910: Saibaba pushed His arm in to

the bright

burning Dhuni to save a blacksmith's child. Bhagoji

Shinde's service of

massaging the arm with ghee and bandaging it continued

till Baba's Maha






These messages are the outcome and essence of the

dream sequences of Saibanisa as given by Lord Sainath,

which reflect the Sai Philosophy and his high

thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and are

generally thought provoking, enough to set one?s

thinking process.

31) 26-07-1995: Things in the materialistic world tend

to induce self- centerdness, while taste of ?Adhyatma?

inculcates that every thing around us belongs to God

and is his creation.


32) 28th July 1995: Do not sing in praise of rich.

Sing your song in praise of "LORD" in front of him.


33) 30th August 1995: Keep away from a wealthy man

full of ego and a beautiful woman with perverted



34) 5th September 1995: You only know what I told in

the court of Dhulia but what you do not know is that I

worked as a priest (Gargamuni).

in the House of Lord Krishna.


35) 5th September 1995: God created "Atma" the number

is fixed which neither increases, nor decreases, when

it leaves the physical body it finds another dwelling

and enters in to it i.e., a new body or form. The

process of creation is endless.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY




Madhusudhan Nori, Hyderabad, India




SAI IN LETTERS(Saibanisa's letters to his Son)


Translated from the Telugu original into English by

Sri Sai Devotee Madhusudan Nori.

Secunderabad - 28 February 2000


I request the readers to read first Sri Sai

Satcharitra in English by Late Sri Nagesh Vasudev

Gunaji, before reading these letters.




27 January 1992

Letter - 22 (Chapter -24)

Dear Chakrapani,

Life is a combination of happiness and misery. A small

part of that happiness is provided by laughter through

sense of humour. Whenever Sri Sai wanted to convey a

new message to HIS devotees, HE used to narrate a

parable with reference to an occurrence at that time.

HE used sometimes wit and humour in HIS narratives.


In this chapter Hemadri Pant describes how Sri Sai

humorously conveyed a message on offering food to

others before partaking the same oneself. In that

episode Sri Sai gave a very good message to HIS

devotees - Do you think of or remember ME before

eating? Am I not with you always? Before eating

anything are you offering the same to ME? -. Think

deeply and contemplate on this message, understand it

and mentally offer the food and water to Sri Sai

before eating or drinking the same.


Make your life blessed in this way. Similarly when the

Devil (Bad behavioral habits such as Lust, Anger,

Greed, Infatuation, Ego /Pride and Jealousy) in you

raises its head hissing like a Cobra, before giving in

to it, just meditate on Sri Sai for one minute and HE

will lead you on to the right path. There may be a

difference in the way you worship Sri Sai and the way

worship is offered to Sri Sai by another devotee of

your group.


Your way of worship is yours and the other person's

way of worship is that person. Both the methods are

correct in their own way, so do not meddle in such

issues. It is not enough to go to Sri Sai Temple on

Thursdays and participate in the worship by singing

the aarati. One must see Sri Sai in each and every

living being. One must take HIS name silently every

moment. One must diligently follow HIS teachings and

try to follow the path tread by HIM. That does not

mean that one must renounce one's family and become a

Sanyasi (Recluse). You must carry out your

responsibilities in life with the aid of Sri Sai

through HIS Namasmarana (silent repetitive chanting of

Sri Sai's name) and earn HIS Love and Grace.

In Service of Sri Sai,

Your Father.

Translated from the Telugu original into English by

Sri Sai Devotee Madhusudan Nori.

13 June 2000, Secunderabad.




"SV.SWAMY" svswamy1 &


Tue, 18 Nov 2003 09:32:29 IST


Sai Ram. Let us continue with the Spiritual Gems from

the ocean of Sai Satcharitra. Shri Hemadpant says -


It is said that though God created various sorts of

creatures he was not satisfied, for none of them was

able to know and appreciate His work. So he had to

create a special being - Man, and endow him with a

special faculty, viz. Knowledge and when He saw that

man was able to appreciate His Leela - marvelous work

and intelligence. He was highly pleased and satisfied.

(Vide Bhagawat 11-9-28). So really it is good luck to

get a human body, and best one, to get an opportunity

of having recourse to Sai Baba's Feet and surrendering

to Him.


This is an echo of what was written in Viveka

Chudamani, which is attributed to Sri Adi Shankara. By

the way Viveka, means discrimination. And Viveka

Chudamani means the Crest Jewel of Discrimination,

discrimination of what is Real and what is Unreal. The

Reality is that there is only One Supreme Self. The

physical bodies, the variety of objects in this world,

which appear to be Real are but images projected on a

screen by the Self.


When the author (Shri Hemadpant) wrote that it is

better luck to get birth in a Brahmin family, he had a

deeper meaning to convey. He was not referring to the

caste, but to the way a person conducts himself. He

who has interest in Brahma Jnan is a Brahmin. That is

who is interested in spiritual knowledge, that helps

one get rid of this birth-death cycle.


Surrendering to Sai Baba's feet, that is dissolving

the ego into the supreme Self is the best means of

realizing Brahma, that is one's true Self.


Shri Hemadpant next says -

Realizing how precious the human life is, and knowing

that Death is certain and may snatch us at any time,

we should be ever alert to achieve the object of our

life, i.e. self-realization. We should meditate on the

Self, day and night. If we fail to do this, we reduce

ourselves to the level of beasts.


Here, we find the two paths to Self-realization. One

has already been described in the earlier paragraph,

i.e. total surrender to Guru. Surrendering to Him is a

very significant statement. He is not Sai in the

physical body, but the Self, manifesting as that body

for that period of time. Now the second path described

is Self-enquiry, or 'meditate on the Self'. By the

constant meditation on the Self, the same realization

comes as by surrender to self - namely that the

individual ego has no separate existence from the Self

and the feeling of separation is an illusion developed

by the ego over ages.


Shri Hemadpant continues - The most effective and

speedy way to gain our object is to approach a worthy

Saint or Sage - Sadguru, who has himself attained

God-vision. .His movements and simple talks give us

'silent' advice.


The 'silent' advice is a reference to Dakshinamurthy,

that form of Sri Siva, portrayed as eternal 16-year

young Guru, Who clears all doubts of physically much

elder Sages like Sanaka, Sanandana etc., not by

speaking, but by making them transcend the mind. Since

doubts are a part of mind, transcending the mind

clears all doubts too. So, they withdraw from the

senses and still the mind. In the stillness of the

mind, real knowledge shines, just as the image of the

Sun is clear when the water is unruffled by breeze.


The virtues of forgiveness, calmness,

disinterestedness, charity, benevolence, control of

mind and body, egolessness etc. are observed by the

disciples as they are being practiced in such pure and

holy company. This enlightens their minds and lifts

them up spiritually. Sai Baba was such a Sage or

Sad-Guru. Though He acted as a Fakir (mendicant), He

was always engrossed in the Self. He always loved all

beings in whom He saw God or Divinity. By pleasures He

was not elated. He was not depressed by misfortunes.


Shri Hemadpant describes the signs of a true Jnani.

Since the Jnani is free from the shackles of the ego,

He is not affected by external events such as

pleasures or misfortunes.


He, whose glance would turn a beggar into a king, used

to beg His food from door to door in Shirdi, and let

us now see how He did it.


He had a very special purpose in begging His food in

that small village. He used that simple act of begging

to teach many devotees, valuable spiritual lessons.


Blessed are the people of Shirdi, in front of whose

houses, Baba stood as a beggar and called out, "Oh

Lassie, give Me a piece of bread" and spread out His

hand to receive the same.


Baba was showing the signs of a true Brahmachari, that

is one who moves in and with Brahma. What is done

now-a-days as a small ritual at the time of the

Upanayana Samskara, that is the Ceremony which gives

the Yagnopavita, sacred thread to the brahmachari, and

which is considered as a necessary 'ritual' preceding

marriage, has a very deep spiritual meaning. A true

Brahma Jnani has no sense of mine or thine, so no ego

problem in begging food for preserving the body so

that it can do its duty.


Baba's tongue knew no taste, as He had acquired

control over it. Taste, external beauty, and similar

sensations, that is signals received by the five

sensory organs have no doubt a place in the ordinary

day-to-day affairs. But for a Brahma Jnani, who has

transcended the mind, taste has no significance. So,

all food was mixed up and eaten.


Dogs, cats and crows freely ate from it and Baba never

drove them away. The woman who swept the floor of the

Dwarakamayi took some 10 or 12 pieces of bread to her

house, and nobody prevented her from doing so. How

could, He, who even in dreams never warded off dogs

and cats by harsh words and signs, refuse food to poor

helpless people? Blessed indeed is the life of such a

noble person!


Sai Ram. Again by His conduct, He showed that He is

one with all animate and inanimate, sentient and

insentient beings. Doing good acts consciously is

different from doing it automatically as True Real

Nature. that is why Shri Hemadpant says there, even in

dreams never warded off a very significant statement!

In dreams, the hidden side of the mind comes to the

forefront. So all negative emotions which might have

been suppressed in conscious state come up, since the

control of the mind is relaxed in sleep and in dreams.

So, Sai did not have a harsh word for anyone else even

in dream. Since Sai is one with everyone and there is

no one else. Once that state is realized by the

individual ego, it no longer exists separately and is

no longer troubled by Maya, Illusion, and sense of

separation. -

Sai Ram -SV Swamy




(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

7. The Path of Knowledge Preached by Sri Sai Baba to

His devotees.


Baba's advice to His devotees to follow the following

fundamental principles in their lives:

?Peace is a Sacred virtue. It is the embodiment of the

self. It is an ornament to man. The heart of the

selfless one is its abode. Losing this holy ornament

peace, which is eternal and everlasting, you will fall

prey to agitation and unrest?.

?The Universe is created, sustained and dissolved by

the Trigunas. These Trigunas are the life breath of

this illusionary world, and activate the workings of

the Universe, influenced by the Trigunas, you are

losing the Divine Jewel of Peace?.

?You should strive not to come under the spell of evil

company. Give up evil company, wish for noble company,

do meritorious deeds day and night; think of the


?Evil Company results in evil feelings, wrecks your

human quality and devalues your life. Its is this loss

of virtue which leaves you as a man in form, but not

as a man in action. Evil Company is like a venomous

worm, which instantaneously preys on the noble virtues

of man and kills them in the end?.

?The words of evil sound sweet; but the mind is

saturated with poison. The evil man is the very

opposite of the true man. He who so ever observes the

harmony of thought, word and deed is a real man. You

must cultivate Divine feelings and lead a life of

exemplary excellence?.

?It is not mere association with evil persons that

constitute evil company. The cultivation of evil

qualities is also evil company?.

?If you want to shine in full splendor, you totally

exterminate ego, envy, falsehood etc. You must

completely drive them away without leaving any trace.?

?You must develop self-respect, self-confidence and

self-support. You are all lacking these qualities.

Develop them. The person who makes self-sacrifice can

acquire self-satisfaction. If you cultivate al these,

then only, you will enjoy freedom and justice. This

love is the basis of Universal Brotherhood. By

cultivating this love, the Divinity in you will


?You will realize that yourself and God are one if you

persistently practice the faith that ?I am God?. Mere

lip service yields no results. You must practice the

unity of thought, word and deed. You will develop

spiritually. Listen to spiritual teachings with

one-pointed attention. What you heard, you must

remember and act upon them. The tongue should utter

the Divine name, the ear must rejoice form, the heart

should be filled with love for God. Strive sincerely

to practice this.?

?Don?t waste food. Food is God. Your body is made of

food. Eat as much as it is necessary to eat. But do

not throw away food by taking too much of it. By

wasting food, you will be wasting Divine Energy.?

?Don?t waste money. God is wealth. Since God is

wealth, misuse of money is evil. Practice charity by

gifting away money, food, clothes etc., instead of

misusing them in extravagance. Misuse of money is sin

and evil?.

?Time wasted is a life wasted, spend the time by using

sanctifying words. Wasting time is wasting God-given


?Don?t waste energy. You are all wasting energy by

indulging in bad thoughts, bad looks, hearing bad

things and doing bad actions?.

?If you try to practice all these, a time will come,

when your mind will be extinguished and you will

achieve merger with the Divine?.

?If you are afflicted by evil thoughts at the time of

eating, these evil thoughts affect the food you take,

and consequently affects your mind. Mind is born of

the food you take. That is why you must take satwic

food. The gross part of the food you take will be

converted to excreta, the remaining part of the food

makes your muscles strong, the subtle part of the food

becomes the mind. Similarly, the gross part of the

water you takes becomes urine; subtle part of it

becomes blood and the remaining part becomes the


?If you attain any power, you need not feel

overconfident about your prosperity. You should

constantly remember that whatever you enjoyed was due

to the grace of God only, and also due to the good

acts you have done earlier and for having upheld the

rules of Law of Righteousness only. It is clear that

once the fruits of a person?s pious acts get

exhausted, the consequences of his sins will have

their effect and he has no other alternative but to

face them. The benefits of good acts yield good

results. Virtue only will win over vice and those who

contravene the rules will suffer?.

To be continued?



leela dhar : leedharart

Fri, 24 Oct 2003 17:52:02 +0100 (BST)

Quiz for Issue 22

Chapter XXXIV


1) The Doctors nephew was suffering from

a) T.B b) Leprosy c) Fever d)Stomach ache

2) "Still you disbelieve me" was being heard by the


a) Dr.Pillar b) Doctor of Malegaon c) Shama d) Abdul

3) Baba called Dr.Pillay

a) Beta b) Bhakta c) Bhau d) Bhai Saheb

4) Who told Baba the request of Dr.Pillay?

a) Kaka Saheb Dixit b) Nanasaheb c) Dr. of Nasik d)


5) What was the name of the crow, which pecked


a) Kaka Saheb Dixit b) Nana c) Shama d) Abdul

6) Who's sister-in-law was suffering from Bubonic


a) Shama b) Dr.Pillay c) Bapaji c) Kaka Saheb Dixit

7) The Iranian gentleman got the udi from _____- and

applied to his daughter

a) Dr.Pillay b) Shama c) Kakasaheb d) Nana Saheb

8) Who gave udi to the old man of Harda?

a) Dixit b) Nana c) Shama d) Inamadar

9) Who advised the woman of Kayastha Prabhu caste to

be taken to Baba for delivery?

a) Nana b) Dr.Pillay c) Sri Rama Maruthi d) Kakasaheb

Chapter XXXV


1) What were the conditions of the friend of Kaka

Mahajani to go to Shirdi?

a) Baba should not ask for faith and patience b) He

should not be forced to bow and/or pay dakshina c) He

will not bow and will not take udi d) He will pay

dakshina and pray to Baba

2) Baba asked dakshina twice from

a) Kaka Mahajani b) Kakas friend c) Thakkar Dharmasey

Jethabhai d) Balaji Patil

3) Kaka was the manager of a _______ in Bombay

a) Hotel b) Cinema house c) Hospital d) Firm of


4) What did Kaka buy as presentation to Baba

a) Dry fruits b) Kaju c) Raisins d) Guava

5) What kind of grapes did Mr.Thakkar get?

a) With seeds b) Without seeds d) Black grapes d)

Green grapes

6) What was the second test of Tarkkar to Baba?

a) Distribution of grapes to Kaka last b) Kaka should

accompany him back to Bombay

c) Distribution to start with Kaka d) Sour grapes to

be converted into sweet

7) Mr Thakkar paid Rs._____ as Dakshina to Baba

a) Rs.10 b) Rs.12 c) Rs.11 d) Rs.15

8) The Kayastha Prabhu Gentleman of Bombay was

suffering from

a) TB b) Insomania c) Leprosy d) Stomach ache

9) Who swept the passage and streets of Shridi

a) Kaka b) Shama c) Tatya d) Balaji Patil Newaskar

10) What was offered to the serpent?

a) Eggs b) Prayers c) Milk d) Udi


Chapter 34

1) a 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) a 7) c 8) d 9) c

Chapter 35

1) b 2) a 3) d 4) c 5) b 6) c 7) d 8) b 9) d 10 ) c



Sujata Subramanian: vijilakshmi

Wed, 29 Oct 2003 19:45:54 IST

Dear Saibandhu,

Humble pranams at the Lotus Feet of Sadguru Sri Shirdi

Sai Baba.I am writing this letter after some gap. I

want to share an experience with you and take your

advice on this. On Vijayadasami day (5.10.2003) I did

the usual parayan of Sai Sat Charitra and I had

planned to visit the Shirdi Sai temple at Saipuram,

Injambakkam, Chennai. But unforeseen circumstances

cropped up and I was unable to visit the temple as

planned. I was very disappointed and then I

surrendered to Baba's will thinking it is his wish. At

night at about 8:30 p.m. one of my mother's friends

visited our place with the articles of haldi-kumkum

(beetel leaves, beetelnuts, fruit and coconut) as per

the custom in Tamilnadu. But the biggest miracle is

she also gifted a small murti of Shirdi Sai Baba to my

mother saying that she has just returned from Shirdi

and this murti is from there. I was overjoyed and

understood that this is Baba's blessing to me and my

family. This compensated for my mental agitation of

not being able to visit the Baba temple on Dassera

day. I would be very happy if you could publish this

letter under devotee's experiences in the Sai darbar

magazine under the name

" Vijayalakshmi Swaminathan"






Smt. MadhuGopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.


Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use

to play with children and used to tell stories to

them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be

entertained with good stories. So I have taken this

responsibility. Tell your parents to read the Glory of

Shirdi Sai - Fortnightly E-magazine and narrate you

the stories from this magazine.




Ram Lal, lived in the village of Udatu. He was famous

for his capacity to eat. To show off before the

villagers, he would eat the dinner of ten persons in

one sitting.


As he grew old, his health began to fail. He started

suffering from vomiting and loose motions. The Vaidji

advised him to reduce the food to one bowl of khichdi

and a glass of milk per day.

For a few days he tried khichidi and cow milk as he

had a cow, but to no avail. Vaidji refused to give him

further medicine until he arranged to have goat milk.

Left with no alternative he began to pay for the milk.


After a month, he calculated and found that he had

paid one third of the price of a goat for a month's

supply of milk. He decided to save his expense by

buying a goat himself.


He went to the weekly market and bought one. As he

came walking back to the village, he was followed by

three cheats. They planned to deceive Ram Lal and get

the goat.


Running ahead through the forest, they waited

separately at some distance to each other.

As he reached the first cheat, he was surprised to see

him laugh out loudly. The cheat clapped his hands and

pointed to the goat. "Oh look at the mongrel the man

is dragging. It is the same one we shooed out of the



Ram Lal was very annoyed and cried, "You fool! Can't

you see that it is a goat or are you a blind?" the

cheat continued to laugh and point as Ram Lal walked



After some time, Ram Lal saw that the goat was tired

and could barely walk. Having pity on the animal, he

slung it across his shoulders and walked on.

The second cheat was waiting further away. He called

out to Ram Lal " Are you mad that you carry this

sickly dog on you shoulders? It is infected and we

turned it out of our village."


Ram Lal looked at the cheat with surprise and said,

"My dear man! Is there something wrong with the

villagers here that they call a goat a dog or are you

weak of eye-sight?".

The cheat laughed and replied, "It is you who are a

fool and cannot differentiate between a goat and a

dog. Any way walk on as it is of little concern to



So Ram Lal walked on. Now the third cheat accosted

him. "What are you doing with this dog my dear fellow!

Be careful or you my get infected."

Ram Lal put down the goat and looked on in awe. He was

sure now that there was a dog in front of him and not

a goat. He was convinced that he had been cheated and

started throwing stones at the goat.


The goat ran away towards the market to be caught by

the cheats who again sold it to a customer. Thus Ram

Lal came back empty handed.


LESSON: 'Have confidence in your self or you are

likely to be duped by others'.




Sun, 2 Nov 2003 08:53:15 +0000 (GMT)

Arun Reddy: arunreddy_n


Spiritual pursuit does not necessarily have to be

confined to one particular way or a particular

thought. How is it possible to realize the all

pervading conscious by a pursuit that confines one to

a particular practice or faith? Such a practice may be

fruitful as long as one realizes its limitation and

yearn to grow beyond the confines of human

convenience. God blesses such souls.

Ramachander Atmaram also known as Baba Saheb Tarkhad

was a staunch member of "Prardhana Samaj", a spiritual

community that decries worship of any idols or other

forms. Mr. Tarkhad?s wife and son were devotes to Sai

Baba and were frequent visitors to Shirdi. Mr.

Tarkhad, a broad-minded humanist did not object to his

family?s worship of Baba. Once Mrs. Tarkhad and her

son wanted to go to Shirdi to have Baba?s darshan. It

was decided that during their absence away from home,

Mr. Tarkhad would perform the daily prayer of Sainath

at home including the worship of Baba?s picture and

offering Prasad. The ritual went on without any hitch

for the first two days. On the third day, Mr. Tarkhad

performed the prayers to Baba?s picture and left to

his work forgetting to offer Prasad during the morning

ritual. About the same time, Mrs.Tarkhad and her son

were in Shirdi at Sai?s abode. Baba called Mrs.

Tarkhad nearer and said that He visited their home

that morning and that He had to return empty handed,

as there was nothing for Him to partake. Sensing

something unwanted; Mrs. Tarkhad?s son wrote a letter

to his father back home explaining the puzzling

parable that Baba narrated the morning. Later that

day, Mr. Tarkhad returned home from work, realizing

his mistake that morning he chided himself for not

keeping his word to his wife and son. He, then, wrote

a letter to his wife and son in Shirdi, detailing

about the happening that day. Both the letters were

delivered to the respective recipients at the same


Mr.Tarkhad wondered how Baba was able to know about

the event that happened several hundreds miles away.

This incident brought about a big change in his

attitude and he realized the oneness of Sai Baba,

whether it is a picture, idol, or without. This

incident shattered his personal convictions and

broadened his comprehension of God and spirituality.

He began to join his wife and son in offering prayers

to Baba and eventually became one of the Baba?s

well-known devotees.

Arun Reddy Nukala



himachandra Bollineni: hima_chandra

Sat, 08 Nov 2003 04:08:54 IST

Respected Sir,

Thank you very much for your mail. We are happy to see

your wishes for Sri Sai Baba's Idol installation

function. I am really happy to say that Saidarbar is

doing a great service to Sai devotees around the


Thank you once again.


Hima Chandra.


11/11/2003 10:00:24 -0700


This site www.saidarbar.org, has been really blessed

by Sai Baba himself, the Saibanisa experiences are

great, may Lord Sai bless the same always.

komal Madnani


11/15/2003 04:51:39 -0000


Dear Saisewakji, Jai Sai Ram

I want to request you that since I was getting this

news letter from you for the last two weeks regularly

and was pained not to receive this on this Thursday.

So please enroll me on your mailing list for this

regularly. It was wonderful to go through this letter

and do not want to be left out with Baba's blessings

in this way.

Thank you for the very good work and hope will be

getting this regularly and at the same time to request

to send me this week's letter also.

Jai Sai Ram

Arun and Anu




Visit http://shirdisaifaith.Ocatch.com/index.html for

Saidarbar -Chennai -India activities.



for Saidarbar - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for Saidarbar -

London Activities.

Visit http://www.geocities.com/wallingfordsai for

Saidarbar - Walling ford Activities

Shirdi Sai Baba <wallingfordsai

Mon, 10 Nov 2003 08:05:28 IST

Saidarbar Walling ford - PA

Dear Sai Bandhus,

Sai Ram.Our next Satsang will be held on 23-Nov-2003 @

06:00 P.M at Mr. Senthil Kumar's Residence. You may

contact us for further detail at

wallingfordsai or senthilpkumar or

call us at 610.447.1232.All are welcome and please

pass on this message to other Sai devotees, who may be

interested to participate. You may also visit our

website for this information at




Invites all Saidevotees to the Bhajan & Naam Samran

Programme at GEETA MATA MANDIR, Model Town, Jalandhar,

Punjab from Saturday, 6th December, 2003 - 8 a.m to

Sunday, 7th December, 2003 - 12:30 Noon by S/Sri

Saxena Bandhu, Vinay Ratta, Tarsem Kapoor, Poonam

Khanna and D.Shankaraiah & Group of Hyderabad.

For Details contact Phone No: +91-181-2465802,



Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center": hamaresai,

11 Nov 2003 12:42:14 -0800 (PST)

Sai Sandesh

Sai Sandesh is a Monthly Newsletter dedicated to the

Life and message of Saibaba of Shirdi. Please send

your contributions to hamaresai.

About Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center.

Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, Inc., Twin Cities, MN is

registered as a Non-profit corporation in the state of

Minnesota. The organization is funded by the voluntary

contributions of Sai devotees. The Prayer Center is

currently located at 725 NE Lake St. Apt. 139,

Hopkins, MN, where regular Sai Satsanghs are conducted

and occasions of importance to Saibaba of Shirdi are

celebrated. In addition to the Prayer Center

activities, the organization is also involved with

community service including "Meals on Wheels" and

"Adapt a Family" programs. Please visit the Prayer

Center and participate in its activities. Please write

to hamaresai for more details.


11/10/2003 22:31:07 -0800

Sai Eshwari: saiers_1999 (AT) (DOT) Global

Sai Nama Japa

Dear Sai Bandhus, Sai Brothers & Sai Sisters,

With the Divine Grace of Lord Sainath, It was proposed

to offer ONE BILLION (100 crores)

flowers in the form of SAINAMA JAPA " OM SAI SRI SAI

JAYA JAYA SAI " at the lotus feet of Eternal Sainath

from January 9th 2003 onwards. We could complete only


It has been decided to do the Nama Japa till the

target of 100 crores (equivalent to 1billion) is

completed. Since as a group we can achieve better

rather than individual, we would like the Sai

devotees across the globe, from all the group and

forum to come forward and voluntarily join in the Nama

japa from today or as soon as one comes to know about

it. Please do Nama Japa and request other devotees to

do and render monthly total to mail id


In Service of Sai,

Sridhar RangaSwamy, Convenor, GSNJ,

Orlando, Florida.



"SV.SWAMY" svswamy1 &



By Sai's grace, I have been inspired to share my

knowledge of wholistic (holistic if you prefer that

spelling) health systems with those in need. With that

objective, a 'wholistichealth' was

started. Similar groups were also started in other

servers. While it is clear that only Sai heals, it is

also known that He helps directly or indirectly. This

is His way of helping indirectly. So, those Sai

Devotees who are in need of health-related

information, especially in Bach Flowers, Homeopathy,

Reiki, Tissue Remedies and most importantly in

Spiritual Healing are requested to avail the FREE

services by joining our group.

A separate email address: saiheals has also

been created, to which the devotees can send their

emails for further help. Sai Ram.

In Sai Seva,



saibandhu" <saibandhu

Mon, 17 Nov 2003 18:56:00 -0000

Sai_Parivaar] Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans- Invitation -

November 20th


Dear Shirdi Sai devotees

This week Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans are at Laxmi Patil's

house in

Sunnyvale. We would like to invite you and your family

for these


Date : November 20th (Thursday)

Time: 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

For details contact on Phone: Res :(408) 720 8167

Cell: (408) 569 2848




Saidarbar, Hyderabad:


1.Saibanisaji has returned to Hyderabad on 18-10-2003

after attending Shirdi Sai Utsav -2003 at Orlando,

Florida, USA and after giving discourses on Shirdi Sai

Philosophy in the States of NewYork, New Jersey,

Penselveniya, Canitcut, Minnesota, Texas, Nevada,

Oregon, and California. For report please visit:



Saibanisa will be participating in 150th Sri Shirdi

Saibaba Satcharitra parayana festival being conducted

from 21-12-2003 to 31-12-2003 at Shirdi Saibabamandir,

Kovvada, Kakinada, and AP.India. This festival is

taking place at National level and eminent Sai

devotees engaged in spreading Sai philosophy are

taking part. For further detail contact over phone:

+91-884-2371186 or 2383383.


We all know that Shirdi Saibaba encouraged his

devotees to read Jnaneshwari (Bhagavad-Gita). On

behalf of Saidarbar, Saibanisaji during his Stay in

USA has come to an understanding with American Gita

Society, Fremont, California, USA, to start the

correspondence course on Sri Bhagavad Gita from

January 2004.

The details of the Correspondence course will be

published in the next issue.


12.From the Editor's Desk:

Saidarbar team was happy to inform that we are

entering in to Sixth Year on 25-12-2003 in the service

of Sai devotees, and "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" our

Fortnightly E-magazine is celebrating the First

Birthday on 01-01-2004. We would like to thank all Sai

devotees for their co-operation and support for this

success. In this context Sai devotees may give their

valuable suggestions and comments for the improvement

and better service to Sai Community.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in

their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to "

The Glory of Shirdi Sai" - they may be address their

contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar

with a copy marked to webmaster

We shall put in our best efforts to include them in

the Glory of Shiridi Sai- a Fortnightly E -Magazine.

Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to

publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a

matter of routine practice.

You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a

friend /relative and also read the old issues from:



Editor does not accept responsibility for the views

expressed in the articles published.

This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation



Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory

of Shiridi Sai ", kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our

necessary action.









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