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>From 3rd November 1952 to 18th February 1953, Sai Baba gave discourses to Yogi

M.K.Spencer, in the altar room and they have been published in the Book "How I

met God" and these messages were written down by Spencer, in the altar room

word by word without making any change in compliance With Babas command. These

discourses embody the teachings of all the prophets Zoroaster, Krishna, Buddha,

Moses, Christ and Muhammad and the experiences of saints and sagbes in all the

countries of the world, from the most ancient to recent time to date. Religion

is a matter of the heart, It has to be lived and transcended. The discourses,

in beautiful and lucid language, contain so much exoteric andesoteric material,

that they make a wide range

of appeal, even though thethruths adumbrated are as old as the hills, and there

may be nothing new inthem

With profound thanks to the Author, Publishers, and with the permission of Sai

Baba, I share this wonderful messages of Baba with fellow devotees.

SourceHow I found God by Yogi M.K.SpencerEdited by S.P.RuhelaPublisherIndian

Publishers Distributors,New Delhi




All religions are pathways to God and one should not arrogate that his religion

is the best. In fact, religion is a matter of mans inner consciousness. This

inner consciousness can be aroused in two ways, by man’s contact with external

phenomena, the rough scriptures association with good and saintly people and

masters, and secondly, by man’s individual quest for something that can satisfy

his soul.

Religion is a matter of the heart. When the heart is awakened, the desire to

know the secrets of the universe and probe into the problems of life become

keener and keener. It is difficult for man to be satisfied with bread alone. He

knows divine nectar and that is supplied by religion, which can take him to God

and the world beyond the precincts of the earth plane.

Religion should be understood in its essence. It is the ritualistic side of

religion which causes separation and iconoclastism. To know the Truth, one must

delve deep into the experience of life in utter disregard of one’s own gain, in

the pure spirit of enquiry and investigation. When man searches for Truth in

this way, he will notice that all religions as taught by the prophets, saints

and sages are universal in their teachings and application, with God as the

object of life and righteousness as the main factor. God speaks through the

chosen ones, with the same voice and application, with God as the object of

life and righteousness as the main factor. God speaks through the chosen ones,

with the same voice and with the same object viz., to enlighten mankind and

show them the way to His kingdom.

Religion binds man to God. It gives him a philosophy, which both satisfies the

hunger of his heart as well as gives him strength and vitality to fight the

battle of life bravely and successfully.

No man can live without religion. It is the fulcrum of life, the soul’s prop,

and the searchlight in the dim, dismal horizon of man’s creation. God is all

LIGHT, LOVE AND BEAUTY. He is the absolute. There is no duality in divinity.

There is no relativity in God’s conception. He is ONE without second. He is

Timeless, Spaceless, Causeless, Motionless. But this divine absoluteness is

missed by man, who is finite and who measures all things with the dim light of

his own reasoning faculty. His reason gives birth to the ideas of relativity,

dimensions etc.

No evil exists in the Godhead. But man creates it in his finite nature. This is

the origin of evil. It is not permanent, for it is the outcome of man, who is

finite. The minute he becomes perfect and reaches Godhead, the evil disappears.

It is nescience, ignorance and there not permanent. God alone is the REALITY and

all his life should b taken as an unreal phenomenon, to be overcome and

conquered by the force of the spirit within. Discard the world and its

temptations. Seek refuge in God. He is both with and without. (22.11.1952)


Human being is divided by Caste, Religion, Region, Country, Rich, Poor, and in

many ways, Human being always try's to find ways and means to further the

divide, and try to boss over fellow human beings in some way or the other, and

uses all kinds of weapons available with him to further his own interest. To

curb this tendencies and to drive home the point that God wants only love,

faith, patience from his devotees, and the so called divisions among Human

beings based on Caste, Religion, Region, Country is only made by human beings.

God sends his servants or comes himself in the form of avatars to set things

right and teach human being the basic foundation of Dharma and one such

incarnation of God in recent times was our Lord of Lords Sai.

Baba is a shinning example of the concept of God in all things; Baba never

advocated that a particular religion is superior to the others. Baba used to

allow the Sandal Procession in the Masjid and also the Ramanavami festival

(Chapter-VI), and he never discriminated among the Muslims and Hindus, with

Muslims he used to offer Namaz and with Hindus behaved as the Hindus and

allowed them to do the worship as per Hindu traditions. He stayed in the Masjid

and called it Dwarka Mai, what a beautiful way of bringing about the concept of

oneness of God.


Baba also identified himself with the devotees, and used to accept their worship

in the way they are accustomed to do (1) He identified himself with Nansaheb

Chandorkar and was in a mood to go to Pandarpur – (Chapter VII). (2) He

identified himself as a Dog when Mrs. Tarkhad fed a hungry dog. (Chapter IX)

(3) He identified himself as Guru Golap Swami to Moolay Shastry (4) As Rama to

the Doctor (Chapter XII) (5) Baba identified himself as Moulisaheb of Nanded to

Ruttonji Shapurji Wadia (Chapter XIV), There are umpteen examples where Baba

identified himself as per the wishes of his devotees to set an practical exam

i.e., to see god in each and every thing and the moral is god is present every

where and god is universal.


Baba also encouraged devotees who were interested in reading books or doing

bhajans etc, (1) He encouraged Mr.Sathe to read Guru Charitra (Chapter XVII and

XIX) (2) He favoured Shama with many books that the devotees brought and he also

blessed Kaka Mahanji with a copy of Ekanathi Bhaghawat (Chapter XXVII). His

method of teaching was unique, he taught the meaning of Ishavasya Upanishad to

Das Ganu in a unique way, i.e., through the maidservant of Kaka Saheb Dixit

(Chapter XX). Baba discouraged rituals (i) Shama cured of snake bite, (ii)

Cholera epidemic in Shirdi (Chapter XXIII) and disapproved fasting (Chapter

XXXII) and the moral is that God can be reached through any means, and one need

not follow rituals, or fast or one need not go to learned men to know about god,

insignificant persons can also be teachers, so the essence is that every small

incident in life is a lesson in itself and we can

learn by just observing our surroundings.


Sai Baba supported all the religions, till the last moment non-can surely say

that whether Sai Baba was a Muslim or Hindu. Baba’s Mission and advice to his

devotees was “Rama and Rahim are one and the same there was not the slightest

difference between them; then why should their devotees quarrel among

themselves? You ignorant folk children, join hands and bring both the

communities together act sanely and thus you will gain your object of national

unity. It is not good to dispute and argue. So don’t argue, don’t emulate

others. Always consider your interest and welfare. The Lord will protect you.

Yoga, sacrifice, penance, knowledge are the means to attain God. If you do not

succeed in this by any means, vain is your birth. If any one does any evil do

not retaliate. If you can do anything, do some good unto others”

So dear devotees, as true devotees of Sai, lets us see Sai in every creature and

being, and Sai can be reached by any means we follow provided we have faith and

patience and we need not practice rituals, austerities, or fast or read books,

if we just remember him as ‘Sai’ ‘Sai’ in all things we do, then we tend to see

Sai in everything and everything in Sai.

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