Guest guest Posted April 1, 2004 Report Share Posted April 1, 2004 Pranams to all members, I am Saibanisa - GopalaRao Ravada from Saidarbar -Hyderabad. Kindly go through this issue of "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" and receive the Blessings from Baba. In the Service of Lord Sainath and His devotees, Saibanisa - GopalaRao Ravada. -------------------------------- THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI A FORTNIGHTLY E-MAGAZINE Issue 7/2004 01-04-2004 to 15-04-2004 Please visit our Web site: ---------------------- THIS ISSUE CONTAINS: 1. VISWASAIDARBAR 2. SAI’S NEWS FROM TIME MACHINE 3. SAI PHILOSOPHY 4, WHAT IS SAIDARBAR? 5. SAI IN LETTERS 6. CORRESPONDENCE COURSE ON BHAGAVAD -GITA 7. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA 8. QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY 9.DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES 10. SAI WITH CHILDREN 11. ARTICLES FROM SAI DEVOTEES 12. LETTERS FROM SAI DEVOTEES 13.FROM SAI ORGANISATIONS 14.EDITOR'S DESK ---------------- 1.VISWASAI DARBAR: would you like to join? Visit For further details contact saidarbar -------------------- 2. SAI'S NEWS FROM THE TIME MACHINE: April 1886: Baba performed Yoga kriya samadhi for 72 hours. April 1904: Rao Bahadhur.H.V.Sathe first arrived at Shiridi. April 1912:Baba announces the first arrival of Dhurundhara brothers from Bombay in advance. April1914: Baba appeared in the dream of B.V.Deo and explained as to how to go about reading Gnaneshwari. April 1918: Baba paid RS 25/- to person named Vaze and made him to perform Satyanarayan pooja. April1923: First issue of Sri Sai Leela published. April 1940: Shama (Madhav Rao Deshpande passed away at Shiridi at the age of 80 yrs. -------------------- 3. SAI PHILOSOPHY: SAI PHILOSOPHY FROM THE DIARY OF SAI.BA.NI.SA. These messages are the outcome and essence of the dream sequences of Saibanisa as given by Lord Sainath, which reflect the Sai Philosophy and his high thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and are generally thought provoking, enough to set one’s thinking process. Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY 71) 15th October, 1996: While perambulating around the temple, your physical health improves, whereas constant thinking and chanting of "LORD'S name improves the health of mind. 72) 11th November, 1996: "LORD" can appear in any form to help you. When you recognize, you are lucky. This happens only to a blessed few. 73) 12th November, 1996: Stop abusing the people who harmed you in the past and learn to forget and forgive. That day onwards, I shall stand by you in some form or other to help you. 74) 27th November, 1996: Many friends and relatives turn selfish when it comes to money transactions. So think twice before entertaining money related matters. 75) 13th November, 1996: With all the education and wisdom people fall prey to vices and invite ocean of troubles into their lives. On the contrary people with no formal education, with lot of faith in "SADHGURU" make a smooth sailing all through. ------------------- 4. WHAT IS SAIDARBAR? For answer please browse: -------------- 5. SAI IN LETTERS: Madhusudhan Nori, Hyderabad, India nomavi AUM SRI SAIRAM SAI IN LETTERS (Saibanisa's letters to his Son) Translated from the Telugu original into English by Sri Sai Devotee Madhusudan Nori. Secunderabad - 28 February 2000 I request the readers to read first Sri Sai Satcharitra in English by Late Sri Nagesh Vasudev Gunaji, before reading these letters. OM SAI Hyderabad 05 February 1992 Letter - 31 (Chapter - 33) Dear Chakrapani, Sri Hemadri Pant described in this chapter the Mahima (supernatural power) of Udi (sacred ash) from Dhuni (eternal fireplace) at Dwarakamayi (Sri Sai's residence). You can understand the supernatural power of Udi when you read with devotion Sri Sai Satcharitra. I have adopted the ritual of applying regularly Udi on my forehead in my daily life. During my visit to Korea in May 1991, General Manager of a Korean company called SAMMI asked me a question. That question was - What is the significance of the two marks, one vermilion and the other white, on your forehead? I have met many Indians, some with a vermilion mark, some with a white mark and some with no mark on their foreheads. But I have not come across anyone with both vermilion and white marks before meeting you and hence my curiosity and the question. Why should anyone wear both the marks on the forehead and can you please enlighten me on this? I was lost in thought for a while on what should be my response to these questions. Then I recollected Sri Sai's words from this chapter - All the things we see in this world are not permanent, similar to Ash. Our body made out of five elements, after enjoying material comforts will ultimately disintegrate into Ash (concept similar to From Dust to Dust)-. I replied immediately - the vermilion mark on my forehead represents the spirit or life force that is within my body. Soon after the spirit or the life force leaves my body i.e. when I die, the body will be cremated and inevitably turn into ash. The white mark of ash on my forehead is for reminding me this eternal truth. Thus the vermilion and white marks on my forehead represent the cycle of life (birth) and death which are certain-. The Korean gentleman was greatly astonished at my reply, and he immediately made a note of the same in his diary. I derived immense happiness at being able to tell the significance of Udi, as narrated by Sri Sai to Sri Hemadri Pant in those days, to foreigners in Korea during 1991. There is an episode in this chapter about the way Sri Sai sent Udi from Shirdi through a recluse Ramagiri Bua to Nanasaheb Chandorkar at Jamner during 1904 - 05 when his daughter Maina Tai was immensely suffering from labour pain and saved her. The events described in this episode cannot easily be believed to be true by people in general, but for Sri Sai devotees the episode represents Sri Sai Leela (a miracle or supernatural power exhibited by Sri Sai). I will now narrate an incident witnessed personally by me for bringing out Udi's mahima (supernatural power of sacred ash). My friend Sri Hotha Kameswara Rao visited our house on an evening during October 1991 and requested me to donate blood as his younger brother was to undergo heart surgery (Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) next day in Nizam's hospital. I agreed by promising him that I will come to the hospital next morning and donate blood. Next morning after bathing I took a packet of Sri Sai Vibhuti (another word for Udi - sacred ash) and prayed to Sri Sai for a message. I closed my eyes, meditated on Sri Sai and opened randomly a page in Sri Sai Satcharitra. That page was from 33rd (this) chapter and I carefully read that page. I derived clearly Sri Sai's message from that page, the message was - Danger has passed-. I went to the hospital, keeping Sri Sai's message in my mind, donated blood, opened the packet of Vibhuti, took out a pinch of the same, applied it as a mark on the patient's forehead and returned home. My friend Sri Kameswara Rao came to our house that evening and said - Doctors examined my younger brother once again this morning. They opined that there was no need for a major heart surgery, but they will perform a minor surgery two days later during which an air bubble will be sent in the blocked artery for clearing the blockage-. I remembered Sri Sai's message - Danger has passed - given to me by Sri Sai in the morning, as soon as I heard Sri Kameswara Rao's words. I told him Sri Sai's message by narrating my meditation on Sri Sai that morning. I opened the page of Sri Sai Satcharitra and showed the message to him. Sri Kameswara Rao bowed before Sri Sai's image and offered his gratitude to HIM in my presence. I believe this is an example for demonstrating supernatural power of Udi from Dhuni at Dwarakamayi in Shirdi. Think about this incident and realize the power of Sri Sai's Vibhuti. Sri Hemadri Pant writes thus in this chapter - Baba will, forever protect whomever, whole-heartedly loves and worships HIM. Baba will answer his prayer at any place and at any time by appearing in some form or other to fulfill his wish. Baba will always be by his side-. I believe these to be literally true and I will narrate a few incidents from my life. I went for Godavari (a river in South India) Pushakaram (a religious event similar to Kumbh held on the banks of river Ganges) in 1991 and commenced my return journey. My maternal uncle met me at Rajahmundry railway station and gave me a small metal trunk with a request to deliver the same to our relative in Hyderabad. I was carrying only a small handbag. I readily agreed to my uncle's request for delivering that trunk, as I did not have many luggages with me. On arrival at Secunderabad railway station the ticket collector, at the exit gate, said that the trunk needs to be weighed. I agreed and proceeded towards the weighing balance. I placed the trunk and my handbag on the balance. My baggage was overweight by 10 Kg. and the ticket collector told me that I have to pay a penalty for excess baggage. On hearing this I requested for the baggage to be re-weighed without my handbag and my request was turned down. I was told to pay a penalty of Rs.102 for the excess baggage. I had only Rs.20 on me at that time. I was told by the ticket collector to leave my baggage, go home, get The required amount and collect the baggage after payment of the penalty. I pleaded that the trunk did not belong to me, I was carrying it on behalf of a friend and hence I may please be let off without paying the penalty. The ticket collector did not accede to my repeated pleas. I was in a hopeless situation and prayed, with tears in my eyes, to Sri Sainath. People on the platform took me to be a thief, gathered around me and were watching the scene with curiosity. I was ashamed at my predicament and could not lift my head up. At that time a railway officer, dressed in white uniform, came there, placed his hand on my shoulder and consoled me saying that he knew that the trunk did not belong to me. He ordered for a glass of cool water to be brought and offered the same to me. A lady arrived from somewhere and started talking in a familiar manner with the ticket collector, who cornered me. The railway officer, who gave cool water to me for drinking, ordered a railway porter to pick up my baggage and accompany me up to an auto-rickshaw. I could not believe my ears at the turn of events. I could visualize my Sai in that railway officer. I paid my respects by raising and joining my palms together to HIM, came out of the station and reached our home in an auto. I sought Sri Sai's assistance when I was undergoing mental agony in Secunderabad station. Did Sri Sai appear in front of me in the form of a senior railway officer, understood the problem faced by me, consoled me, offered me a cool glass of water and saved me from my predicament? This is a question that arose in my heart at that time. My answer to that question is that I can say with full confidence and faith that Sri Sai himself appeared in the form of a human being and saved me. I suppose that you will not negate this belief of mine. Mother of my childhood friend Ravindranath passed away in Ajmer town during 1991. I went immediately on hearing the sad news to Ajmer and offered condolences to my friend. He told me that a Dargah (Mausoleum) of a great Aulia (Muslim saint) exists in the town and advised me to visit the monument. He deputed his servant to accompany me on my visit to the holy place. All visitors to Ajmer town, irrespective of the religion followed by them, visit this holy shrine. I felt that Sri Sainath himself is instructing me to visit the shrine when my friend suggested the same. I came out, accompanied by my friend's servant, of his house and took an auto for going to that shrine in Ajmer. One old man stopped our auto, after we traveled for a kilometer, and requested the driver for lift to a place close to the shrine. Auto driver asked the old man for Rs.4 as fare but the old man said that he gives only Rs.2 to any one. At this stage I intervened on behalf of the old man and asked him to get into the auto. The auto was approaching the shrine; the old man asked the driver to stop the vehicle, got off and was about to pay Rs.2 to the driver. I intervened once again saying that I will pay Rs.2 on his behalf to the driver. Saying these words I joined both my palms and paid my respects to the old man. I could visualize Sri Sainath in the benign smile of the old man. That old man took out a small bottle, containing some medicine, from his pocket and gave it to me saying that I should apply it on any part of my body where there is severe pain. I accepted the bottle with medicine and gratefully thanked him with folded hands. As the auto proceeded towards the shrine, I felt that Sri Sai was sitting next tome a small while earlier. With these thoughts in my mind I looked back on the road and could not see the old man anywhere on the road. What an idiot I was that I did not recognize Sri Sainath when HE sat next tome and addressed him as old man. This incident is a proof for the fact that Sri Sai appears in some form or other near HIS devotee grants his wish and then disappears. I have been surrendering myself to Sri Sai since 1989. I called whole-heartedly Sri Sai for assistance; HE appeared in some form or other in front of me, provided the sought help and then disappeared. I have so far written 3 incidents from my life in support of this claim of mine. Firstly during my flight to Korea the person who sat in the seat next to mine and presented a box of chocolates to me while disembarking at Hong Kong was Sri Sai. Secondly when I was in a distress at Secunderabad railway station, as I did not have enough money to pay the demanded penalty for excess baggage, the person who offered a cool glass of water to drink and came to my rescue was Sri Sai. Thirdly while proceeding in an auto towards the shrine in Ajmer, the person who shared the auto with me and who gave me a bottle of medicine to relieve body pain after getting off at his destination was Sri Sai. I can tell with full confidence after citing these 3 examples that when we call Sri Sai with love & devotion HE will appear in some form or other and fulfill our desires. It is for us to recognize when that happens and the fault is ours alone if we are unable to see HIM when HE appears in some other form. Sri Hemadri Pant narrated an episode concerning Sri Appasaheb Kulkarni in this chapter. After reading this episode I am reminded of an incident that occurred on 22nd March 1991 evening. I will write about this incident. 22nd March is your mother's and my wedding anniversary day. Your mother and me went to Sri Kanyaka Parameswari temple that evening. When we reached the temple, the priest had not as yet opened the doors of the sanctum sanctorum. I was meditating on Sri Sai's name and at that time one recluse appeared at the entrance to the temple. He announced that he had come from Sri Kanaka Durga temple at Vijayawada and asked for Dakshina (offering). I gave him one Rupee coin, which he accepted and went away. A thought occurred, after his departure, in my mind that I should have given at least Rs.10 as an offering as it was our anniversary that day. I then resolved that if he came back I would give him Rs.10 as an offering. By that time the temple priest opened the sanctum sanctorum doors. Your mother and me performed Kumkuma Archana (ritual worship of the deity using vermilion coloured powder), came out of the temple and sat on the steps outside. A Sikh recluse, wearing white clothes, went around the temple once and sat next to us. He had a cloth bag slung on his shoulder. He held a tin in one hand and a short stick in his other hand. The moment I looked at him I could visualize Sri Sainath in him. I asked the Sikh recluse wherefrom had he come. He replied stating that he came from an Ashram (hermitage) in Nasik City on the banks of Godavari River. I imagined him to be Sri Sai in that form, gave Rs.10 as an offering, which I had resolved to give the earlier recluse if he came back. The Sikh recluse accepted Rs.10 offering, blessed your mother and me and then left. When he was accepting Rs.10 from me the Sikh recluse appeared tome as Sri Sai himself. Sri Hemadri Pant wrote about Sri Haribhau Karnik at the end of this chapter. After reading that episode I resolved in 1991 that I would offer clothes, in the name of Sri Sai, on every Guru Purnima day (a Hindu holy festival). It is for Sri Sainath to accept my resolution of offering clothes in HIS name on every Guru Purnima day. How Guru Purnima will be celebrated by me in future depends on Sri Sainath's grace and not in my hands*. In service of Sri Sai, Your father * Sai Ba - Ni - Sa told the translator that by Baba's grace he has been fulfilling his resolution by performing Vastra Danam (offering of clothes) on every Guru Purnima day since then. Translated from the Telugu original into English by Sri Sai devotee Madhusudan Nori. Secunderabad. 08 February 2001 --------------------- 6.JOIN CORRESPONDENCE COURSE ON BHAGAVAD -GITA: --------------------- 7. SPIRITUAL GEMS FROM SAI SATCHARITRA: "SV.SWAMY" svswamy1 & swamyswarna 3/30/2004 22:32:41 -0000 Sai Ram. Let us continue with the exploration of Chapter 10 and see what Spiritual Gems come up out of the depths. “His Stay in Shirdi and Probable Birth-date None knew or knows the parents and exact birth-date of Sai Baba; but it can be approximately determined by His stay in Shirdi. Baba first came to Shirdi, when he was a young lad of sixteen and stayed there for three years. Then all of a sudden He disappeared for some time. ………. Baba took His Maha-Samadhi in the year 1918. From this we can say that the year of Baba's birth is approximately 1838 A.D.” Sai Ram. Baba kept His life’s origins a deliberate mystery to reflect the mystery of each of us. Do we really know when we were born, from where we came, who our real parents were etc.? And do we really know what we were in our previous births and what is going to happen in our next births, unless of course we get liberated from the cycle of birth and death by cutting the knot of our desires? And what is more important, what our history is or what we are doing now with what is given to us? As already mentioned, Baba represents the core Spirit in each of us, animal or human, animate or inanimate. He represents the Unity in Diversity, the one common to many. So, He deliberately kept the details of His birth and His early childhood a mystery. In Bhagavad-Gita Gita, Lord Krishna compares the manifest universe to an inverted Banyan (Aswattha) Tree, with its branches spreading down from a root somewhere up. If we assume that we are on one of the twigs of a branch, can we simply trace the origin, i.e. the root? Similarly when Lord Brahma first became conscious in this Cycle, He found Himself seated on a lotus. He did not know from where the lotus originated. So, He investigated and found that He originated from the navel of Vishnu. Vishnu literally means one who is everywhere. Of course, Lord Vishnu materialized Himself into some form so that Brahma can see Him and understand from Him the secret of Creation represented by Vedas. Thus Sai, by keeping His birth details a mystery, is conveying several important messages. One, that unless we overcome our Maya, we cannot realize our true origin. Second, to who we were born etc., is not as important as what we have done with that gift of human birth. And if we really trace our birth to the real roots, we find that though we all look so different, we all share one common ancestor, thus eliminating the need for conflict. The same idea is expanded by Shri Hemadpant in the following paragraph. Sai Ram. "Baba's Mission and Advice The paths followed may be different but the goal and the purpose will be the same i.e. to reach the ultimate. Any one does any evil unto you, to do not retaliate. If you can do anything, do some good unto other." This in short was Sai Baba's advice to all; and this will stand in good stead both in material and spiritual matters." Sai Ram.Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah. When someone does good, we do good. That is nothing great, though good. When someone does some harm to us, we tend to retaliate. Though we get momentary satisfaction, we continue to be trapped by the action-reaction cycle. It is like the tree, seed and a new tree… If we need to get out of the cycle of birth and death, we need to cut the tree down to the roots and burn the seeds so that fresh trees don’t sprout. So, it is in our real self-interest to stop this retaliation, and to stop it not only in action, but in thought and speech. Yes, if we remember Sai’s advice and follow it, we do well in spiritual matters. In material matters too it does us well if we leave all the perceived injustices etc. to Him, who is seated in the hearts of all, including our enemy. By not retaliating, we raise the conscience in the other person. He will realize his mistake. Sai Ram. Yours truly, SV Swamy ------------------ 8.QUINTESSENCE OF SRI SAIBABA'S PHILOSOPHY: (By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao) "Shashi": shashi_31 31. Poverty is the highest of the riches and is a thousand times superior to ill gotten wealth. 32. You must put full faith in Me. You should not worry about food and clothing. Do not waste your life on these worldly things. In the abode on My devotee, there will not be any dearth of food and clothing. 33. I say things here, they happen there. 34. God is great. He is the Supreme Master. How great is God? No one can compare with Him. He creates, supports and destroys. His leela is insatiable. Let us be content to remain as He makes you submit your desires to Him. Take what comes. Be contented and cheerful. Never worry. Not a leaf moves without the consent and will of God. 35. Love all creatures. Do not fight with anyone. Do not retaliate or abuse any. When anyone abuses you, pass on unperturbed. If you do so, the abuses of such person cannot pierce your body. Their abuses will affect them only, but not you. It is only your acts that will affect you. 36. You should not harbor hatred, or envy towards others. If others hate you, simple take to Nama Japa or sit in Dhyana. 37. Without Yoga, life becomes useless. You must achieve Yoga-Tapas and then only Jnana can be achieved. 38. Have Saburi and patience. Otherwise your life will be bitter and the end will be hard indeed if one does not heed the advice given. 39. Speak the truth alone. No one cares to take from Me what I give abundantly. But you people want from Me what I do not want to give. 39A. Preserve faith in case of doubt till I clarify to you. Despise irresponsible and uninformed people’s talk. Place your mind at My feet. Then you will be safe. 40. Have friends that will stick to you till the end. I will never leave anyone in the middle. Baba said to Abdul- Eat very little. Do not go in for a variety of dishes. A single dish will suffice. Do not sleep much. Make SMARANA on what you have heard. To be continued… --------------------- 9. DEVOTEES EXPERIENCES: shanker_veeturi Veetury Venkata Rama Sastry, Res. Phone : 0884 - 2379698 SAI LEELA NO. 3 With in 10 days there were two marriage functions at my sister-in-law’s house at Visakhapatnam. So we wanted to attend the marriages being elders than all. We both (me and wife) started with two suitcases filled up with costly silk sarees and others, costs nearly 8-10 thousand rupees. We got down at one sister-in-law’s house at Visakhapatnam, at the time they were ready to go another sister-in-law’s house where her son’s marriage will be done. So, my son-in-law has arranged an auto for us. We loaded our luggage in the Auto Rickshaw and started for marriage spot. On seeing us from the third floor, my sister-in-law’s sons including “bridegroom” came down running and received us with thanks and arranged all the luggage to be cleared by there friends. We both went upstairs and taken rest. After chitchat for sometime my wife wanted to change her dress and started searching for her suitcase. But she could not find it anywhere. In the meantime, I also wanted to change my dress and searched for my suitcase. But, my suitcase was also not found. So we have decided that we have forgotten our suitcases in the auto. So what to do? My wife started crying like anything. Her sister started assuring her and arranging the costly sarees up to the end of two marriages. I managed those 10 days and the last day has come to leave Visakhapatnam for my hometown Kakinada. Throughout this past ten day neither my wife nor my self were happy, active or attentive. On the last day after taking meals I sat in a chair taking rest and realizing the past ill-fated situation. My wife was also same with her sisters. >From Visakhapatnam, at 4 P.M. one passenger was there, that arrives Samalkot by 9.00PM. I want to catch that particular train with my wife. At about just 3.00PM. I saw from a long distance a man is coming towards me and with in no time he reached me and said “ Sir, that day you have loaded your luggage, this 2 suitcase in my auto and I found them yesterday only in my auto’s dicky. When I wanted my auto to be watered. So please checkup your articles whether they were intact or not in my presence. I astonished to see the man who after 10 days, that too an auto driver in a city like Visakhapatnam returned since early with my luggage to handover. Loudly I called for my wife and she had reached me thinking something wrong might have been happened. I told her “See you SAI has come with our luggage to handover, please checkup and satisfy him”. She overwhelmed with joy and immediately opened the two suitcases and told him that the inside material are intact. I also thanked him like anything. My wife has offered him with so many sweets and presentations. We both followed him up to the main road where his Auto was and said goodbye to him. What is this? Isn’t it a thrilling incident? Who is the good gentleman? Who came after 10 days, keeping it in mind with my lost luggage searching my home at a city like Visakhapatnam? Is there a man who acts such a way? If anybody asks you, you can say “Yes”. He is only HE who can protect his bhakthas from their worries and anxieties, provided you have an unshaken faith, belief and bhakthi in him. So let us say once again to “SAI MAHARAJ KI JAI….” Thanking you ------------------ 10. SAI WITH CHILDREN: Smt. MadhuGopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad. Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. I have told you 24 stories during the year 2003. Baba told before He took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So I started Krishna Leelas with effect from the first issue of New Year 2004. Study well and learn good manners. Tell your parents to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai - Fortnightly E-magazine and narrate Krishna Leelas from this magazine. TRINAVARTA: Kansa was not depressed with the death of Putana. He sent another demon called Trinavarta to Gokul to kill Krishna. Trinavarta had magical powers with which he was able to engulf anything that came his way when he turned himself into fierce dust storms. He left for Gokul as soon as he got order from Kansa. In Gokul Yashoda was enjoying her son Krishna who was in her lap. Suddenly she felt that he was getting heavier and heavier and a point came when she could not bear his weight at all. She was alarmed at this and sent for Nand. Trinavarta who was waiting for this chance turned himself into a severe dust storm. The people of Gokul were surprised at seeing such fierce tornado. The entire village was filled with dust and was clouded. Nobody could see anything in front of their eyes as the dust and sand made them blind. Yashoda rushed to pick up Krishna but when she did not find him there she became frightened and fell unconscious. Krishna was picked up by the evil demon in its twirls and he swirled curiously around him. He lifted little Krishna higher and higher in the dust storm. He thought he would drop the child from a great height. But as he held the child he felt that it was getting difficult for him to hold the child as he was getting heavier and heavier. Trinavarta was caught in his own trap and fell to the ground with a loud thumping sound as the weight of little Krishna became unbearable for him. His neck broke and his head was broken into several pieces. He died on the spot. It took some time for the dust storm to settle down. The people started coming out of their houses. Yashoda too regained consciousness and started searching for Krishna with anxiety. He was nowhere to be found. She took help of the villagers and started looking for him at all the places. Suddenly one villager spotted Krishna and pointed towards him. The giant body of the demon Trinavarata lay in the field and Krishna was happily playing over it. Yashoda ran and picked up Krishna. She had tears in her eyes but was also happy when she found that Krishna was safe and sound. People kept talking about the incident, as nobody could understand how Krishna reached there. They also could not understand how Trinavarta was killed. But one thing became clear to all of them that Krishna was not an ordinary child because strange things keep happening around him and he even escapes death every time. To be continued. ------------------ 11. ARTICLES FROM SAIDEVOTEES: N. Sivanandam essgee Wednesday, March 17, 2004 11:31:31 AM COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS YOU are very fortunate and highly blessed, because, If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75 percent of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare changes in a dish someplace, you are the top 8% of the world’s wealthy. If your parents are still alive, you are very rare. If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful, you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not. If you prayed yesterday and today, you are the minority because you believe in God does hear and answer prayers. If you can read, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all. You, being Baba’s child, you are blessed FEW among the whole global population as our Divine Mother Baba said, “Those, who are fortunate and whose demerits have vanished, take to My worship” in Ch.XIII and “It is on account of Rinanubandh (former relationship) that we have come together” in Ch.XVIII & XIX of Sri Sai Satcharitra. Now count your blessings, is there any comparison available in this Universe? Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai ----- "Sai Eshwari" saiers_1999 Mon, 22 Mar 2004 11:29:29 -0800 (PST) Om Sai Shri Sai Baba came to Shridi with a marriage procession. He stayed at Dwarakamai till the very end of his life. This is the place where He lived His divine advent and performed Leelas. Not only He named but in practice also the doors were open too all castes and religions. Not only Humans but also animals were allowed inside. It has been a store house of Spiritual power by 60 long years stay of Mother Sai. Innumerable devotees got blessings of Baba here. Before Baba's arrival in Shridi, Dwarakamai was an old structure in a dilapidated condition. Baba turned it into Dwarakamai and proved that God is one. It is here one can observe how a universal religion can be practiced. We see devotees of Hindu, Parsi, Christian and Muslim religions. All are allowed to worship according to their religion. Sacred Fire (Dhuni) lit by Baba is ever burning here. Baba used to give Sacred Udi to the devotees to solve their problems in life. Baba named it Dwaraka at the time of His entrance into it, but also advised Shri.Buti to build a Mandir for Muralidhar.His mortal remains were preserved in the place of Lord Murlidhar.This confirms Sai is no other than Lord Krishna of Dwapara Yuga. The feeling of His physical presence persists even today most overwhelmingly. The citizens of present day,or atleast devotees who believe in Shirdi Sai should try to understand,implement Sai's method of ReligiousTolerance and propogate Universal brotherhood. !! Jai Bolo Sai Samarth !! ---------------- 12. LETTERS FROM SAIDEVOTEES: S Chopra saileela99 Saturday, March 20, 2004 11:53:59 AM SaiRam! pls pray to our dear Baba to give us strength to carry our mission and with Baba's Grace we are able to touch many souls. Shammi Chopra -- Span006 3/18/2004 17:26:54 EST Dear Webmaster: I have a question. I read "The Sai's News from time machine" section in the newsletter often. Where do you get the precise authentic information about Baba’s activities (or related to him or his disciples, etc.) on a date and month-by-month basis. Except some instances even the original Sai Charitra written by Dabholkar (in Marathi language) does not give such dates. I am curious to find out the source of such information. Being Baba's devotee for a long time I would like to read as much as I can about him. I appreciate if you could provide me the source/s that you use to provide the precise chronological information regarding Baba's life. Thanks for your help. You folks are doing a great work! best regards, Sai Devotee -------------------- "sai aerospace: saiaeropace Sat, 20 Mar 2004 02:43:45 -0800 (PST) SaiRam, What a golden opportunity I had thanks to your “The Glory of Shirdi Sai – Issue 6/2004 magazine the entire contents are most interesting and I have come to know many things in life which I was not aware of. Thank you once again. Yours sincerely, g.sugunakar ------------------ N. Sivanandam essgee Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:49:57 AM SaiRam Glory of Shirdi Sai is a very noble information Treasure for Sai devotees all over the world. One must accept that those who are divinely ordained alone can read these Sai messages and writing to this issue is also His desire. We do not have any right in His way of making things happen for the pure benefit of His children. Your team's BEST work must continue forever and I pray to His Lotus feet to make your endeavor all success and purposeful. Yours at Sai Service N. Sivanandam ------------------------- 13. FROM SAI ORGANISATIONS: Visit for Saidarbar -Chennai -India activities. Visit for SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities. Visit for SAIDARBAR - London Activities. Visit for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford Activities -------------- Anil Kumar Zutshi zutshi Monday, March 29, 2004 8:21:23 PM SAI DARBAR –Danbury,CT-USA Sai Ram! We are conducting Sri Shirdi Saibaba Puja & Bajan at SAI DARBAR –Danbury during the end of April 2004. Mr.Saxsena & party have come from India. They are the official singers of Shridi Sansthan & do only SAI bajan's. We requested them to come to our place and they agreed. Saidevotees in and around Danbury may contact us for exact date and time of this programme on zutshi ------------- Ravinder Thota: thota Tuesday, March 23, 2004 1:26:05 PM RAM NAVAMI CELEBRATIONS SRI SACHIDANANDA SADGURU SAINATH MAHARAJ KI JAI Saturday, April 3, 2004 Time: 2:45PM - 7:00PM Venue: Vishnu Mandir, 8640 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, ON L4J 1W8 The Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan of Canada cordially invites all devotees to participate in RAM NAVAMI celebrations and receive Baba’s blessings. The following activities will start at 3:00 PM sharp: · Ganesh Vandana · The significance of Ramnavami · Baba's 108 names recital · Vishnu Sahasranaam recital · Bhajans · Aarti · Prasad For more information and to volunteer, please contact: Email: saileela99 ---------------------- "Saiesha Manisha”: babasaiesha Tue, 23 Mar 2004 11:08:32 -0800 (PST) Sairam To All Shirdi Sainath is Ultimate By coming Thursday it shall be one month chanting the Divine name of Sri Sadguru Sainath and we all will surely agree that serenity, internal bliss, devotional vibration and love towards baba in us has multiplied in many folds. Praising/chanting his glorious name day in and day out has build in us the subconscious state where unconsciously the heart and mind keeps chanting "Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai" we need not make any effort to say…. it keeps going on within us non -stop and this is a lovely experience where heart burst in love and devotion, and mind is at rest at the feet of Sadguru Samarth Sainath Its our humble request to the GSNJ members and those who are doing but haven’t given the name to please update us on the Naam Jaap count by 25th of March which is coming Thursday at the following ID shirdisaisharan Even those members who have registered in the website can give their counts but incase if they do not update we shall take their count from the website. Our request to all the Sai family members is to kindly spread the GSNJ among their friends, brother. Sisters, colleague, relatives and help them also offer the flower of Naam Jaap at the feet of Sadguru Sainath. "Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya Jaya Sai" Sairam Baba guide us all ------------------------------- Shirdi Saibandhu saibandhu Thursday, February 26, 2004 3:08:45 AM RamaNavami celebrations in Bay Area, CA on April 3rd Dear Shirdi Sai Devotees SHIRDI SAI- RAMANAVAMI CELEBRATIONS IN BAY AREA, CA We welcome all of you with family, to join us for SHIRDI SAI- RAMANAVAMI CELEBRATIONS Celebrations in the Bay Area, CA on April 3rd (Saturday) in Sunnyvale .. Date & Time: April 3rd (Saturday) 4:00 p.m. to 8:00p.m. Venue: Las Palmas Park Building 850 Russet Drive Sunnyvale, CA (Located off of Remington Dr. and Spinosa Dr.) AGENDA: Significance of RamaNavami, Rama Namavalli, Sai Mahima, Hanuman Chalisa, Shirdi Sai Bhajans, Naivedya, Dhoop Arathi, Distribution of prasad, Devotees sharing their experiences. For RSVP and INFO: saibandhu ------------------------------- "Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center”: hamaresai Thu, 11 Mar 2004 13:29:15 -0800 (PST) Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, Inc. Twin Cities, Minnesota, invites you for the Sri Rama Navami / Baba's Urs celebrations on April 3rd from 3pm at Geeta Ashram [10537 Noble Ave, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443]. The program includes Sai Abhishek with devotee participation, Archana, Shirdi Sai aartis, Bhajans/Kirtans, Devotees’ Experience sharing and Palki Utsav. The program also includes traditional Flag / Sandal procession as carried out during Sri Ramanavami in Shirdi [explained in Chap 6 of Sri Sai Satcharita, by Shri Hemadpant]. Program Schedule 3:00 – 4:30 Sai Abhishek with devotee participation (incl. Vishnu Sahasranama recital, Ashtotra Namavali )4:30 – 5:30 Devotees’ Experience Sharing 5:30– 6:00 Dhoop Aarti 6:00– 6:30 Kids Bhajans/Songs6:30 - 8:00 Bhajans 8:00 – 8:15 Sandal and Flag procession 8:15 – 8:45 Palki Utsav with Sai Naam Jap9:00– 9:30 Shej Aarti 9:30onwards Maha Prasad (Dinner) Please join us in the celebrations and receive Sadguru Sainath's blessings. ------------------ Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir" baba Wed, 24 Mar 2004 13:34:12 –0600 Mandir Patrika is now available online at out web site at New additions on our web site, Temple timings: Weekdays (except Thu) - 6.15pm to 7.00pm; Thu – 6.30pm to 9pm; Weekends – 9am to 7pm. Dhoop (Sandhya) Arathi performed on all days and in addition Noon (Madhyan) Arathi on weekends. All devotees are encouraged to sign up either by contacting temple committee members or by sending an email to baba to sign up for weekend volunteer service. ----------------- SAIDARBAR - HYDERABAD. During the month of March 2004 Saidarbar –Hyderabad has actively participated in Spreading Saiphilosophy in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Saibanisaji has given discourses on the eve of Sri Ramanavami in Sri Venkateswara Swamy temple in Old Alwal, Secunderabad at 7:30 P.M on 22-03-2004. He has given discourse on Sri Ramanavami in the days of Lord Sainath and “God is truth and Sai is truth”. 2. On the request of temple management Saibanisaji addressed the devotees of Sri Shirdi SaiBaba Mandir, Laxminagar, Saidabad, Hyderabad on 29-03-2004 at 7:30 P.M and he spoke on “Eleven Assurances of Baba and prominently on My Bones Shall speak from Tomb –BABA”. 3. SAIDARBAR has conducted Sree SitaRama Kalyanam with the association of Sree Rama Nama Sankeerthana Samithi – Old Alwal in the premises of Sri Venkateswara Swamy temple at Old Alwal, Secunderabad on 30-03-2004. On behalf of Twenty Eight Saidevotees from Abroad Saidarbar has conducted Sree Sita Rama Kalyanam. After Kalyanam, the prasadam and Pooa Akshintalu were sent to them by post. By this Saidarbar has given an opportunity to Saidevotees who are residing out of India to participate in Sree SitaRama Kalyanam, the tradition given by Lord Sainath of Shirdi. ------------------- 14. FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK: Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" - they may be address their contributions to E-mail id: saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of Shiridi Sai- a Fortnightly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish them as a matter of routine practice. You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative and also read the old issues from: Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the articles published. This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only. Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi For SAIDARBAR-HYDERABAD P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi Sai ", kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action. Small Business $15K Web Design Giveaway http://promotions./design_giveaway/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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