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Human life is the most precious of all forms of life in nature. It is said so,

for one single reason, the ability to question, the innate capacity to make

choices, the choice for the quest or the choice to ignore. Every sane human

being is encountered with the zeal to question the unknown, a trait that begins

much earlier in life as the child wanders into woods in search of its playmates.

The fire is untimely quenched if one chooses to ignore its significance, as

would happen in the material jungle. Fortunate ones follow the yearning and

reach its purpose.

Spiritual aspirant treads the path of beautiful gardens in the sensuous fields

all along in a pursuit that is not easily explained by the normal conscious.

After all, even Bhakthi is a state of emotion! Double-edged sword as it may

appear; senses are to be used to identify that state of being, which is beyond

our perceptible senses. However, a natural mind trained to relate to everything

in physical dimensions, soon realizes the limited returns of such a pursuit.

Often it is said that a spiritual aspirant must practice discrimination along

with enormous efforts to control the mind, body, and speech. True knowledge is

the one that leads to detachment. Viveka leads to Vairagya. Indulgence

dissuaded and detachment promoted he rushes to the coffers full of treasures.

As one assiduously practices the living of making choices, he moves towards the

state of eternal happiness. One makes the choice of virtues over vices, Shreyas

(the one that is good for

us) over Preyas (the one that is liked most for their sensuous response).

Hemadpanth wrote that as the meditation progresses, the distinction between the

meditator and the meditated upon, dissolves. For the skeptics, here is one: A

recent research study in Neuroscience found that the practice of meditation

affects the part of human brain which deals with the attributes that define the

Self. As one progresses in this practice, the faculty that is responsible for

identifying and nurturing the attributes of Self slowly wanes. When there is no

Self, there is no discrimination. The world sees this material as mad fakirs and

naked sanyasins. Meditation is one such choice that a seeker has to make in

order to realize that eternal state of non-discrimination.

Baba said, "Blessed are those who see Me in everybody". He also added, "You need

not go far in search of Me. Barring your name and form, there exists in you, as

well as in all beings, a sense of Being or Consciousness of Existence. That is

Myself. Knowing this, you see Me inside yourself, as well as in all beings. If

you practice this, you will realize all-pervasiveness, and thus attain oneness

with Me". Let us mull on these thoughts on this Thursday in a pursuit to know

the nature of our Selves just the way our Sadguru wants it. Let us for a moment

dwell on that discrimination, the instruments of our choice that leads to



Arun Reddy Nukala

+44 7946 595063


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