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You can influence another man without any audible language. What is wanted is

concentration of thought that is directed by the will. This is telepathy.

Here is an exercise for your practice in telepathy. Think of your friend or

cousin who is living in a distant land. Bring a clear-cut image of his face to

your mind. If you have his photo look at it and speak to it audibly. When you

retire to bed think of the picture with intense concentration. He will write to

you the desired letter the following day or so. Try this yourself. Do not doubt.

You will be quite surprised.

You will get success and firm conviction in the science of telepathy. Sometimes

when you are writing something or reading a newspaper, suddenly you get a

message from someone near and dear to you. You think of him suddenly. He has

sent a message to you. He has thought of you seriously.

Thought vibrations travel faster than light or electricity. In such instances

the subconscious mind receives the messages or impressions and transmits the

same to the conscious mind.

If you have comprehensive understanding of the working of the thought vibration,

if you know the technique of controlling the thoughts, if you know the method of

transmitting beneficial thoughts to others at a distance by forming clear cut,

well defined powerful thought waves, you can use this thought power a thousand

fold more effectively. Thought work wonders.

A wrong thought binds. A right thought liberates. Therefore, think rightly and

attain freedom. Unfold the occult powers hidden within you by understanding and

realizing the powers of the mind. Close your eyes. Slowly concentrate. You can

see distant objects, hear distant sounds, send messages to any part of the

other planets as well, heal persons thousands of miles off from you and move

about to distant places in no time.

Believe in the powers of mind. Interest, attention, will, faith and

concentration will bring the desired fruit. Remember that mind is born of the

Atman through His maya or illusory power.

You can aid a friend in trouble by transmitting to him thoughts of comforts,

right from the place where you are. You can help a friend in search of truth by

thoughts clear and definite of the truths you know.

You can send into mental atmosphere thoughts which will raise, purify and

inspire all who are sensible to them.

If you send out a loving, helpful thought to another man, it leaves your brain,

goes directly to that man, raises a similar thought of love in his mind and

returns back to you with redoubled force.

Therefore, understand the laws of thought, raise only thoughts of mercy, love

and kindness from your mind and be happy always.

When you send out a useful thought to help others, it must have a definite

positive purpose and aim. Then only it will bring out the desired effect. Then

only the thought will accomplish a definite work.

Practise telepathy in the beginning from short distance. It is better to

practice at night, to start with.

Ask your friend to have the receptive attitude and concentration at ten O’clock.

Ask him to sit in Vajrasan or Padmasan with closed eyes in a dark room.

Try to send your message exactly at the appointed time. Concentrate on the

thoughts that you want to send. Will strongly now. The thoughts will leave your

brain and enter the brain of your friend.

There may be some mistakes in the beginning here and there. When you advance in

practice and know the technique well, you will always be correct in sending and

receiving messages.

Later on, you will be able to forward messages to different corners of the

world. Thought waves vary in intensity and force. The sender and receiver

should practise great and intense concentration. Then there will be force in

sending the message, clarity and accuracy in receiving the messages. Practice

in the beginning telepathy from one room to the next room in the same house.

This science is very pleasant and interesting. It needs patient practice.

Brahmacharya is very essential.

Even as the sacred Ganges takes its origin in Gangotri, Himalayas and runs

perennially towards Ganga sagar, the thought currents take their origin from

the bed of Samskaras (impressions) in the inner layers of the mind, wherein are

embedded the vasanas or latent subtle desires, and flow incessantly towards the

objects both in waking state and in dreaming state. Even a railway engine is

sent to engine shed for rest, when its wheels become over-hot, this mysterious

engine of mind goes on thinking without a moment’s rest.

Practice of telepathy, thought reading, hypnotism, mesmerism and psychic-healing

clearly proves that the mind exists and that a higher mind can influence and

subjugate the lower mind. From the automatic writing and experience of a

hypnotised person, we can clearly infer the existence of the subconscious mind

which operates throughout the twenty four hours. Through spiritual sadhana

change the subconscious thought and mind and become a new being.

Thought is life. What you think, that you are. Your thought creates your

environment. Your thoughts constitute your world.

If you entertain healthy thoughts, you can keep good health. If you hold on to

sickly thoughts in the mind, thoughts of diseased issues, thoughts of weak

nerves, thoughts of improper functioning of organs of viscera, you can never

expect good health, beauty and harmony. Remember that the body is a product of

the mind and is under the control of mind.

If you hold on to vigorous thoughts, your body, too, will be vigorous. Thoughts

of love, peace, contentment, purity, perfection, divinity make you, and also

others around you, perfect and divine. Cultivate divine thoughts.

(Written by HH Swami Sivananda)

Thought for the day

The road is the same – uphill or downhill. Different people choose differently.




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