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The True Follower !

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Human behavior is conditional and influenced by the environment. The way we

interact with friends' relatives and children is conditional. We were taught to

behave in an acceptable manner to the standards laid down by the society. If our

behavior deviates from the set standards, then we are called antisocial or

lunatics or something that perceivably fits our behavior.

The statements such as "this is what I am and so be it" or "I can't change,

accept me as I am" or "I got these qualities by birth so can't help it" is a

mere façade, to hide our reluctance to make a positive effort to change. When

we are treated indifferently by some friends, we tend to behave in the similar

fashion towards them. We also help people and expect help in return. This is

not what BABA has taught us. Service and love should be without expectations.

As children of god, we have every right to have expectations from God, who is

our father, but doing service in anticipation of a return favor is not what we

are taught by God. Our behavior takes a turn when people do not behave as we

expect them to behave. We keep dwelling on their bad characters or thoughts.

Guruji CB Satpathyji said "do not ponder over negative traits in other, for

then they will take root in you". This is a fact. When we think only of

negative in people we respond

to them in the similar manner, hence we are no better than those that we

condemned. We are conditioning our mind and behavior to match those of the

people who cause us displeasure and provoke our anger. In such situations, it

is better to walk away rather than indulge in arguments and exchange of words.

BABA said the same in chapter 22 of Satcharita where BABA said all the actions

of the person are ordained by God and not to involve in arguments.

In Satcharita Hemadpant says, "mind cannot remain without thinking, if you give

it an object it thinks about that object similarly if you give it guru it keeps

thinking about guru". Well here is a case of habituating our thought process to

think of God when faced with uncertainty and disturbing situations. A person,

sincere in efforts to evolve in the spiritual path tries harder to practice

what their guru has taught. Initially it is difficult to practice what is

taught but conscious efforts to keep thinking of BABA will help us overcome our

weaknesses and remain fixed in doing good even in face of negative external

influences. Ultimately such a sadhak sees the guru as the friend, guide and

master. When we have the Master of the universe as our companion what is there

to fear? Let the world dessert us, we remain happy and do good to serve people

around us.

A man can be called a perfect siddha, only when he overcomes his senses in the

face of temptations such as kama, krodha moha, lobha, and madha. One who is

amidst these situations can only conquer them. Once all these qualities are

conquered then the person evolves into a higher state of spirituality. Valmiki,

Vishwamitra, Tulsidas, to name a few, rose to the height of spirituality only

after overcoming their senses and changing their behaviour. A person who has

not come across these hurdles in life does not have the opportunity to control

the behavior, as these senses lie dormant and would rise when fanned in a given

situation. It is normal for kids to make mistakes while learning, so also our

lord and master looks at us, HIS children, and forgives our sins. It is okay to

falter in the path of spirituality, but he who can successfully tread the path

towards Sai in the face of temptations and rise above is a true follower of the


We need to seek the guidance and blessings of guru for success. Constant thought

of sadguru's name would make the journey even through the "narrow footpath near

the Barvi well" a stroll under the moonlight. When we enshrine guru as our

companion in our hearts all the difficulties in life seem smaller. Let us earn

the grace of guru by constantly thinking of him and conditioning our mind to

think positively, live in hope, and take one step at a time. Let us march ahead

being aware that it is okay to make mistakes, but repentance and effort to avoid

such pitfalls by holding on to the holy feet of sadguru, will get us through the

sins and helps us evolve spiritually. Sai Satcharita is the only answer for our

spiritual evolution.

(Contributed by Anitha Kandukuri, Canberra, Australia)


Arun Reddy Nukala

+0044 (0) 79 1629 6119


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