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"leeladhar" <leedhar (AT) rediffmail (DOT) com>


15. Baba fulfilled the desire of Shri

M. M. Amingad Gulanche.


"leeladhar" leedhar

15. Baba fulfilled the desire of Shri M.

M. Amingad Gulanche.

15. Baba fulfilled the desire of Shri M. M. Amingad Gulanche.

Shri Sai Baba came to my house, to the surprise of all just seventeen years

before in the year 1956, in the form of a calendar, through a student of

mine by name Kumar Gowri Mathur, when I was working as an Assistant master

at Shri M. V. Pathare High School, Rabkari District Bijapur, Mysore State

now known as Karnataka. Since that day, I have been an ardent devotee of

Shri Sai Baba. I had a great desire to visit His Shrine at Shirdi, but I

neither hand an opportunity nor die permission of Shri Sai Baba till

October, 1968 in conformity with the belief that nothing on the earth

happens without His will With the blessings of Shri Sai Baba, I used to get

money whenever I was in need. Even when I was badly in a need of a big sum,

I started from home in the morning simply uttering his name and by evening

before I returned home, I had the amount that I needed and cleared off my

dues. I never knew how, but somehow somebody came forward to offer the money

and helped me to get out of the difficulties that I was in trouble.

In the year 1959, I took the M.Ed. Examinations of Karnataka University,

Dharwar. Just before the examinations for about 15 or 20 days, I strained

every nerve and left no stone unturned by burning mid-night oil during the

course of studying. But as ill luck would have it, on the day of

examination, a severe half headache began to trouble me from the very

morning. I was in a fix. I did not know what to do. I was on the hours of

dilemma. All through the morning till 10.00 clock, I was vaccillating

whether to go to the examination hall and whether to take or not to take the

examination. But 10-00 clock for about 5 minutes, I kept quiet and began to

see the inward mind through the inward eye. This five minutes meditation

spared me on to offer prayers to Shri Sai Baba and to go to the examination

hall with his unseen blessings. This inspiration made me burn the incense in

the form of Agarbathi before the photo of Shri Sai Baba presented to me by a

class mate of mine during one of the sessions of M.Ed., classes. After

burning the incence, I smeared the UDI to my forhead with a prayer to Shri

Sai Baba to help me in my venture. Thus throwing all the responsibility and

faith in Baba. I entered the examination hall. When the question papers and

answer books were distributed, I uttered Baba's name and began to answer the

paper. I finished the paper within a two and quarter hours. I never knew

what I wrote. So all my friends asked me with surprise whether I had really

finished the paper or not. They were also in doubt regarding my success. The

only answer I gave them was that I had done my job with full faith in Baba

and then it was left to Him to bring me success or failure. My headache

continued till the last paper and when I completed it my headache suddenly

stopped. If this is not a miracle, then what it is? To the surprise of all,

I was declared successful at the M Ed. examination no doubt due to the

miracle wrought by Shri Sai Baba. In the year 1960, when I was in the

central institute of Engineering, for the course in the teaching of

Engineering, one co-trainee persuaded me to switch over to Maharashtta as

Head Master and promised that he would try for that. He kept up his promise

and in 1961, I switched over to Maharashtra as Head Master of a secondary

school from Karnataka. Since June, 1961, till this day, I have been in the

services of Maharashtra State. Thus Baba dragged me to Maharashtra the

province of His shrine. Very recently when I was at Poona, to take the M.A.

Examination in November 1972, Shri Sai Baba visited my residence in my

absence at Gulunche in the form of a Fakir. On enquiry, he told that he had

come from Shirdi. He was offered groundnuts but He demanded rice in lieu of

groundnut. He accepted the little bit of rice that was offered to Him and

blessed all the members of my family saying "Allah Bala Karega" and within

in a moment he disappeared. On my return from examination, I started reading

Sai Satcharitra in English with a request to Baba to make my result known to

me before I completed the Satcharitra. To my great surprise that 10 to 12

days before the date of result I received a massege invitation card bearing

the words M.A.,M.Ed. after my name. This suggested to me that I was going to

be successful in the M.A, Examination. And so it happened. Twice in the year

1968, I had the good luck to pay homage to His Shrine at Shirdi. During my

stay there, my inner voice suggested to me to become a Life Member and to be

in the service of Shri Sai Baba till last breath. A peculiar experience that

I had was that the Fakirs of Shirdi never demanded anything from anybody and

were satisfied with what they got. This sort of complete satisfaction and

surrender to the will of Shri Sai Baba is not found in any other place. I

have still some ambition to be filled and I hope that a firm faith in Him

will help me towards the attainment of my goal. I pray for His choicest

blessing to all His devotees.

Surrender Shri Sai Completely I stupendous Delectation and Deliverance be

there II

( Adopted from AMBROSIA IN SHIRDI by Ramalingaswamy, Life Member of Shri

Sai Baba Sansthan, Shirdi at Munja Baba Sthan, Shirdi for more literature on

Sai Baba and consolidated stories of "Ambrosia in Shiridi" before

Mahasamadhi and after Mahasamadhi please visit www.saileelas.org)

Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj ki Jai !!!

Baba Bless us all

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