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Pearls of Wisdom by Swami Kesavaiahji

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(Pearls of Wisdom - is the title chosen to the collection of writings,

speeches and messages of His Holiness Swami Kesavaiahji dealing with his

Guru, Sri Sai Baba of Shridi, speanning a period of four decades of the

Swamijis Spiritual ministry of Sainath, we will try to publish a portion of

the book every day)

Those who are fortunate and whose sins are at an end seek Me and worship

Me. No need for any big show or paraphernalia. Let My name —Sai, Sai— be

uttered in wholehearted devotion and with a melting heart one-pointed. Your

difficulties will vanish in an instant and I shall redeem you from all sins.

Believe this.

Anything, however small that is offered to Me with full love and devotion,

that I readily accept. Even if the world is offered to Me with pride and

sense of ego, that I immediately reject. What I accept is love and not the

object offered. Note that I do not accept from all. I have to give back a

hundred times more than what I receive.

To attain the highest end, —goal— Dhyana is very important. By deep

meditation the Vrittis —thoughts—are calmed and made one-pointed. Quite

desireless and with firm determination, you should meditate on the Lord who

is in all creatures. If you cannot meditate on the formless, meditate

keeping the Guru before your mind. The mother tortoise by mere glance feeds

her young ones. The Guru's glance is nectar supreme for your sustenance,

happiness, peace, redemption from Samsara, and everlasting bliss. May you

taste this ambrosia sweet and divine waiting for you !

Give water to the thirsty, food to the hungry and clothes to the naked and

whatever help you can offer to the sick and the desolate. Never bark like a

dog whenever any person approaches you for help. Treat him courteously and

with love. See Had in him. " Allah Malik " i.e. God is our sole refuge. The

Divine plan is mysterious, inscrutable and marvellous. Submit to His will.

His will be done and if we seek Him in every creature surely He will bless


This Dwaraka Mayi (the mosque in Shirdi where Baba lived) is your Mother.

Once you enter and sit on Her lap all your anxieties and worries cease and

dangers are warded off. This Mother is all-merciful and extremely kind to

her children. That fortunate child who takes delight in resting on Her lap

attains bliss.



(Adopted from the Book Pearls of Wisdom by His Holiness Swami Kesavaiahji)

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