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Pearls of Wisdom by Swami Kesavaiahji

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(Pearls of Wisdom - is the title chosen to the collection of writings,

speeches and messages of His Holiness Swami Kesavaiahji dealing with his

Guru, Sri Sai Baba of Shridi, speanning a period of four decades of the

Swamijis Spiritual ministry of Sainath, we will try to publish a portion of

the book every day)


You should give up the bad habit of eating alone without offering it to

others. You should remember the Lord and offer things to Him first before

partaking of anything. He who satisfies his senses without offering the

object to the Source is a sinner.

I am not the five-feet body you have been seeing. Though My body may vanish,

My bones in the Tomb will ever remain active. Not only Myself but also my

Tomb will talk and give solace, hope and cheer to those who seek Me as their

sole refuge. This I speak in truth. Believe Me ! I am always with you,

though I may not be in the physical body. Grieve not.

I want only two things, Nishta (intense faith) and Saburi (patience). Hari

(The Lord) will protect him who has faith and patience.

Oh Shama! take this book—Vishnu Sahasranama—I present it to you. When I

suffered intensely once I kept this book close to My heart and I cannot

describe how it relieved Me of My pain and suffering. It is a wonderful

medicine for all our afflictions and ailments and is very efficacious. So

read this with devotion and love, and it will do you good.

What is the use of merely reading sacred works without shedding ‘I’ ness and

'My' ness and without keeping the mind pure and spotless and passions under

complete check ? A true devotee should have no Mamata—attachment—but should

have Samata —equal vision—towards all beings.

I would never be untrue to My promises. I will keep My word and even

sacrifice My life to keep it.

Surrender does not mean mere prostration and service to the Guru. It means

complete surrender of everything, including the body and mind, with the

conviction that the body belongs to the Guru and exists merely to serve Him.

Such total surrender, Saranagati, completely devoid of the' ego sense-aitd

overflowing with sincere love and devotion, quickly leads one to attain

Brahma Gnana, the key to Kaivalya, Immortality and Bliss. By the Guru's

grace, the Timira, ignorance, in the spiritual eye of the devotee is removed

and he perceives Divine Light. The Sadguru is Nirguna, Sat, Chit, Ananda in

reality. The disciple in essence is of the same nature. But owing to Avidya,

ignorance, the disciple is deluded birth after birth. When the Guru's grace

at last descends on him, the dark clouds melt away into nothingness and the

Radiant Sun, Suddha Chaitanya, shines forth in all its glory and pristine

purity. The paths of Gnana and Bhakti lead to the same goal.


(Adopted from the Book Pearls of Wisdom by His Holiness Swami Kesavaiahji)

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