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Pearls of Wisdom by Swami Kesavaiahji

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(Pearls of Wisdom - is the title chosen to the collection of writings,

speeches and messages of His Holiness Swami Kesavaiahji dealing with his

Guru, Sri Sai Baba of Shridi, speanning a period of four decades of the

Swamijis Spiritual ministry of Sainath, we will try to publish a portion of

the book every day)



Gnana Marga is Ram Phal. Bhakti Marga is Sita Phal. The pulp of the Sita

Phal is almost on the surface and can be assimilated quickly, whereas the

pulp of Ram Phal is deeper within and is hard to get at.

He who indulges in criticism and slander really injures Me, but he who bears

all this with patience and fortitude is extremely dear to Me. If you want My

blessing, never injure others even in thought.

There is no need to go far to find Me. I am always in you. Forget your name

and form. What remains? That supreme consciousness is Myself. You see Me in

yourself and in all beings. He who loves Me thus and meditates on Me surely

comes to Me. This is the truth supreme. In fact, he is really Myself. The

whole world without Me is a desert to him who always loves Me. So for your

own benefit, leave off Ahamkara and Mamakara, which is the root cause of

Ranga and Dwesha see Me who am seated in your heart and in the heart of

every being. Blessed be thou !

It is my special characteristic to free any person who surrenders himself

completely to Me, who worships Me faithfully and who remembers Me and

meditates on Me constantly. I shall draw out My devotees from the jaws of

death. If My stories are listened to, all the diseases will be got rid of.

So, hear My stories with respect and think and meditate on them, assimilate

them. This is the way of happiness and contentment.

If I take one rupee as Dakshina from anybody, I have to return it ten-fold

to him. I never take anything gratis. I never ask anyone indiscriminately. I

only ask and take from him whom the Fakir (my Guru) points out. If any one

is indebted formerly to the Fakir, money is received from him. The donor

gives, i.e., sows his seeds, only to reap a rich harvest in future. Wealth

should be the means to work-out Dharma. If it is used for personal

enjoyment, it is wasted. Unless you have given it before, you do not get

now. So the best way to receive is to give. The giving of Dakshina advances

Vairagya — non-attachment and thereby Bhakti and Gnana. Give one and receive



(Adopted from the Book Pearls of Wisdom by His Holiness Swami Kesavaiahji)

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