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World's first replica of Dwarkamayee Masjid after Shirdi..

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Om Sai Ram!!I have no idea how I got to this site but as we all beleive- NOTHING

HAPPENS WITHOUT HIS CONSENT -Anyway, Its great sharing this information with all

of you ..

Sai Ka Aangan Delhi is the heart of India ,they say and reflects the state of

the Nation. Indeed it does, for the growing urbanization ,fast paced life and

concrete jungle that has come to represent the obvious repercussions of

modernity is beginning to tell its own tale.So as one winds the way from Delhi

and onward towards Sushant Lok Gurgaon,broad roads lined with matchbox shaped

buildings under construction can be seen throughout.The hustle - bustle of life

,the glittering shops that justify consumerism ,all stare back at the visitor.As

one drives further down towards the end of Sushant Lok ,one suddenly sees an old

relic on the horizon. A piece of architecture from the 18th /19th century , a

slanting brick roof and an expanse,that leaves one dazed.This is the replica of

Dwarkamai from Shirdi.With the inspiration of revered Guruji Shri C.B Satpathy

and Mrs Meera Satpathy a dream of Ms Kumkum Bhatia of the Sai Prakash Spiritual

and Charitable Trust, that is slowly

taking shape since Oct 2000,when the Bhumi Poojan was conducted.Several

auspicious events have already been held at the temple even when it had no

concrete roof and one could see the stars at night .On 18th March 2002 on Maha

Shivratri day,Guruji Shri C.B Satpathyji and just a handful of devotees

congregated at the temple premises in the morning. The temple had a large

"aangan" still not paved or constructed ,giving it an aesthetic look coupled

with sylvan surroundings. The temple was decorated with lamps and flowers and

the place wore a festive look.Guruji,conducted Puja of Shri Sainath. There

after Mrs Mangla Apte ,who had come all the way from New Jersey USA,rendered

beautiful Marathi bhajans on Shri Sainath.In the impending dusk,surrounded by

devotees who sang Bhajans,Guruji Shri Satpathyji presided over the Holi

festival on 28th March 2002, Smt Meera Satpathy also graced this evening.

Ram Navmi, which has a very special significance with Sainath and Shirdi as it

was on this day that Hindus and Muslims decided to celebrate the Urs and the

Navami procession together.Hence , Guruji Shri C. B Satpathyji decided to have

the inaugration of this temple on 21st April,2002 the Ram Navmi day. On this

day, amidst Navagraha Pooja, chanting of " Shri Sainathaya Namaha" and

devotional songs, two beautiful Moorties of Sainath were consecrated. One of

them is made of white marble which sits high on the stone. The other life size

Moorti of Baba , in sitting posture in Dwarkamayee, made of fibre glass

communicates to the devotees. Since the consecration ceremony, 4 Aartis are

being conducted every morning at 9 a.m, 12 noon, evening at 6:30 p.m, and 9 pm

at night.The Palki is taken in a procession every Thursday.It is also proposed

to construct a replica of the Samadhi Mandir at Shirdi, Chavadi, and Hanuman

temple. Undoubtely, Sai Ka Aagan will be an oasis

for those seeking spiritual solace and moments of peace amidst the hustle bustle

of Delhi. About The Temple

The temple has stone walls, old lamps from the times in Shirdi and artifacts

just like one is used to seeing in Dwarakamai- the favourite residence of Shri

Shirdi Sainath. No effort has been spared to identify every detail and

replicate so that those who wish to visit Shirdi as often as possible can at

least still fulfil their heart's desire by being in these environs for a few

moments. The horse Shyam Karna, the tiger who died at Sai Baba's feet, the

Chulla where he cooked food, and the Chakki with which he is said to have

ground the ailments of His devotees are all replicated. The life size statue

of Baba ,in sitting posture made of fibre glass takes one back to the times

when Sainath would sit among His followers and lovingly distribute Udi and food

cooked with His own hands. The statue embodies and emits an aura of resplendence

to all the devotees and countless others.The sacred embers of Lord Sai's Dhuni

at Shirdi were brought

from the sanctum sanctorium at Sai temple at Chhatarpur. Inauguration of

Dwarkamai in Sushant LokThe formal innauguration of Dwarkamayee Masjid was done

by revered Guruji C.B Satpathy ji on Sunday 21st April ,2002 which was the

RamNavami day.After the formal Pooja at dusk, Deepavli Utsav was celebrated by

lighting candles all along a 40 X 30 feet bust sketch of Shirdi Sai Nath.At the

same time star studded sky was strewn with glittering and colourful

"Atishbazi".This was followed by a procession of a palanquin decorated with

Zari and flowers on red satin.The Palki was carried by the devotees on their

shoulders under a beautiful deep red velvet umbrella decorated with an

intricate Zardosi work.This procession was taken out through the temple

precincts led by Guruji.The Palki proceeded along with the sounds of

Nadyaswaram,Mridung, Jhanj,Dhol and Shankh.The chanting of "OM SAI SHRI SAI JAI

JAI SAI" made the environment auspicious, heavenly and

intoxicating. As the Palki swayed towards the Gurustahn with the tune of

melodious combination of musical notes through the unpaved grounds of the

temple there was an intermittent shower of fragrant rose petals from the

sky.Gurusthan,the place where Guruji had planted the neem sapling was lit up

with Diyas,incense sticks.The atmosphere became nostalgic with the fragrance of

marigold and Loban.The framed picture of Shri Sainath placed in the Palki was

welcomed with chandan, kumkum, garland and coconut, by Guruji.The ceremony

ended with Shej Aarti followed by Satguru Ka Langar which included Baba's

favourite Kacharya and Pooran Poli.All the devotees carried along with them the

memory of this auspicious day. AddressSai ka AanganNext to E110,Sushant Lok

Phase-1,Gurgaon Phone : 91 8541378Contact Person: Mr Jaspal Singh Chabra

Dusshera CelebrationsDusshera, which happens to be the Mahasamadhi Day of Shirdi

Sai Baba, was clebrated on Tuesday the 15th October 2002, at Dwarka Mai Temple

in Sai Ka Aangan at Sushant Lok Gurgaon. This was the first Mahasamadhi Day

celebration here in this Aangan as this temple was inaugurated on 21st April

2002, the Ram Navami Day. After many years three things coincided, Dusshera

15th October and Tuesday. This was the exact combination of the day Baba took

his Mahasamadhi in the year 1918. The day started with Havans, Pujas and

MahaAbhishek of Baba followed by Langar. Bhajan Sandhya was organised in the

evening. The Chief Patron Guruji Shri C.B.satpathy and his wife Mrs. Mera

Satpathy blessed the occasion.

An experience of a devotee from USA - Thakur Mukund Raj

It was on Saturday December 7th 2002 morning that we had a chance to visit “Sai

ka Angan”, Baba’s abode on the outskirts of Delhi. Baba seems to have taken on

after the popular Indian mantra, “Chalo Delhi”, Delhi being capital of India.

Once someone steps inside the door, then the difference between Shirdi and this

place dissolves. The layout, the structure, interior and everything up to the

nails in walls is so carefully done that one can’t say the difference between

Baba’s abode in Shirdi and here. Not only that, HE himself sits next to the

railing in the form of a life sized replica of HIS form as though saying to his

visitors; “When this masjid was not built, then also I was present here but no

one recognized me; hence I have come with the masjid, so that my devotees can

recognize this place also as my abode!”

It is not mere coincidence that at that moment a family arrived here just

returning from their trip to Shirdi and the lady’s statement bears truth when

she exclaimed “It seems that we did not even leave and we are still in Shirdi!”

Such is the magic of this place. Not to be carried away just by emotions and

people’s reactions we decided to put our faith to test. The first thought that

came to the mind was that no one speaks Marathi here, so this place can’t be

Shirdi! What a cheap thought one may say! But pat came back the reply from the

master sitting in his court. All of a sudden the speakers started blazing the

glory of Shirdi and the Master in Marathi. Where from and who played the tape

is not of importance so much that the tape played in Marathi and it was

glorifying the Lord as was done by the villagers each morning in Shirdi. It

started looking and feeling like the stories and characters were rising from

the pages of Sai Satcharita to enact and replay the scenes that took

place almost a century ago!

Not still satisfied, the eyes and the mind wanted more! The body stood in the

“Sabha Mandap” or courtyard outside the famous three steps of the Masjid and

prayed to Baba. “Baba, if this is you then I can’t climb the steps with out

your permission. So, hey lord, till you give express permission, we can’t come

up!” Not even a minute passed after this mental prayer was offered then came

the result from the master. Some one walked up and said, “Please step into the

masjid and do “phanka” (fan the master)”. With tears in eyes, hair standing up

on its edges and ego crushed, the command was instantly accepted and obeyed.

Then as if to satisfy more, the Master continued to play his game. All of a

sudden from no where long lines of children, mothers and fathers, started

queuing in front of the masjid. Upon inquiry, it was informed that on this day,

there was a comprehensive health camp being organized by “Sukarya” a non

governmental organization for the benefit of poor and needy followed by

“annadan” or feeding the poor. Baba’s Handi and Radha krihsna Mayi’s kitchen

started playing in the very front of our eyes. Many ladies donning the roles of

Laxmi and Radha Krishna Mayi relived the days of Baba’s Shirdi, some cutting

vegetables, some serving the food, some cooking but all of them very immersed

in telling tales of Baba’s influence in their lives!

Came the time for Arathis, one could clearly hear the conch of the shell loud

and clear for miles, inviting and informing one and all of the time for Arathi.

The masjid roared with live singing of “Ghevooni Pancharathi..”. And our feeble

minds wanted to test Baba’s strength merely on the language of Marathi! “Shame

on us! O’ Lord of Lords, please forgive this sinner! How many times have you

told and explained to us and how many times we have not listened we know not,

by you know it all! Hey Baba, have mercy. At this moment, we do not even feel

worthy of your grace but out of your kindness, please do forgive us for we are

not even worthy of that!”. The mind presently came back as the arathi was

ending. Then came the time for “langar” or partaking of food. Men and women got

busy in serving the food that was being prepared since morning. Seeing there

were big lines, we thought of waiting on the side. Stepping on the dirt, all of

sudden the eyes fell on a long line of ants walking

very briskly in a great hurry. Curiosity arisen, we started to follow the long

line of ants very busily going and coming from somewhere. The trail led

straight to the back of the masjid, where there was a small hole and through

which were seen ants carrying on their back, a pinch of food for a human, but

as big as a cart load no doubt for the little ant in a line. The same food that

was being served on the other side of the wall! Reminds of food served from

Baba’s daily begging rounds? By this time, the heart was begging the Master to

stop proving his point!

The jet lag started to set in, the body was very tired from the long journey and

the back was hurting immensely. The body was screaming to rest and lie down but

the crowds were still looming. How can one leave without taking Baba’s prasad

and his permission. After all, He has already shown his presence! The mind

started its game once again. “Why not ask Baba to cure this hurt and avoid

bearing the pain? He is here isn’t it, then why can’t he provide relief for

it?” Not even a moment passed after the thought arose that the eyes fell on a

sign declaring that place to be where Baba stood leaning and distributing Udhi.

Having read the sign, we quickly walked there and standing against the wall

started rubbing our backs to the wall. In less than few minutes, all the pain

in the back vanished and the body felt well rested with out any signs of

tiredness at all!

Thus the day continued with sharing and listening to Baba’s leelas and stories

from many. While taking his leave, a though arose to pen this day down for

whose benefit and for whom we know not! We are sure though that through this he

will reach his intended audience. The Dwarkamayee of North India, “Sai Ka

Angan”, is located in Sushant Lok, Gurgaon, Haryana on the outskirts of Delhi.

If one is in Delhi for a visit, one should surely check out this place of Baba

that brings Shirdi and its experience away from Shirdi.

May the Merciful Sri Sai Baba always shower His grace on us and our families

and remove our problems and anxieties by giving us all - strength , goodluck,

success and happiness with peace of mind.Sai bhakt,Deepa Hdebu7366

Celebrate 's 10th Birthday! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web

Attachment: (image/jpeg) Replica of the masjid.jpg [not stored]

Attachment: (image/jpeg) lifesize moorti of Sai baba.jpg [not stored]

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