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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 6--2005

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Third Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 6/2005


Please visit our Web site: http://www.saidarbar.org


















Saibanisa GopalaRao Ravada- Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

Part –II

When we go through the 12th chapter of Guru charitra, we can very well

understand that a great saint named Krishna Saraswathy in Kasi

disclosed Sri Narasimha Saraswthi's greatness to the World. In the

similar way, saints like Anandnath Maharaj and Gangaghir Maharaj

disclosed Lord Sainath's greatness to the World. We will come to know

that in the 12th chapter of Guru Charitra, Sri Narasimha Saraswathy

accepted Sri Krishna Saraswathy as his Guru. In a similar way, in Sai

Satcharitra, Sai Baba also told that He has a Guru and HE served

during HIS childhood.


Please refer Chapter 13 from Gurucharitra, we can find that Sri

Narasimha Saraswathy cured the Leprosy of a lady. In the similar way,

in Sai Satcharitra, Sai Baba has cured the Leprosy of Bhagoji Shinde.

In the 13th chapter of Guru Charitra, a Brahmin whenever he took food,

he suffered from stomach pain. To avoid this pain, he used to take

food once in a while. Finally he decided to commit suicide. Sri

Narasimha Saraswathy made him to eat full meals with rich food and

thus cured him of his stomach pain once for all. In the similar way,

in Sai Satcharitra, when Govind Mukund Booty when suffering with

Cholera, Saibaba has offered him rich milk dish made out of dry fruit

Badam and Akrote and cured the disease. In Chapter 18th of

Gurucharitra, Sri Narasimha Saraswathy has told ,in the eyes of

Parameswara, the both rich and poor are all equal. In Sai Satcharitra,

Baba has demonstrated this statement by treating the multi millionaire

Sri Govind Mukund Booty and poor devotee Mahalsapathy alike.


In the chapter 20th of Guru Charitra, Sri Narasima Saraswathy has

shown the importance of Audambara a tree which will remove the sins of

his devotees. In similar way, in Sai Satcharitra, Baba told that the

Neem tree in Gurusthan would remove the sins of His devotees.

With the above statements, these great saints told us that God is

present in plants too. In Gurucharitra 21st chapter, Sri Narasimha

Saraswathy has given life to the dead son of a Brahmin lady, after

seeing the pitiable condition of the mother. In the similar way in

1916, Sri Sai Baba has given life to the dead daughter of His devotee



In the 22nd chapter of Guru Charitra, Sri Narasimha Saraswathy has

told that Holy Rivers flows from the feet of the Guru. In Sai

Sathcharitra, Lord Sainath had demonstrated to Dasganu that Ganga,

Yamuna were flowing from His feet. In chapter 25th of Guru charitra,

it was clearly mentioned that the Saints will not have any difference

in feeling between the victory and loss. In Sai Sathcharitra, it was

practically demonstrated by Baba when he lost the wrestling bout with

Mohinuddin Tamboli. In Guru charitra chapter 28th, Sri Narasimha

Saraswathy has told that a person should not Renounce without

fulfilling his moral responsibilities towards his wife and children.

In Sai Satcharitra, Baba told the same in 1910 to Bapusaheb Jog, a

retired P.W.D supervisor. In chapter 30th of Guru Charitra, with the

blessings of Sri Narasimha Saraswathy, the poor people became rich,

the leprosy affected people were cured and childless couple were

blessed with children. The Same miracles were performed by Baba.


In Guru Charitra, chapter 37, it was clearly mentioned by Sri

Narasimha Saraswathy that even a sinner, who has murdered his parents,

comes to your house for food, you should not refuse him. This is

demonstrated by Baba. He used to cook food in Dwarakamai and used to

perform Annadhanam. In Guru Charitra, Chapter 38, a poor Brahmin was

having a desire to perform Annadhanam to nearly 4,000 people in that

village. But he was only having one pot full of rice in his house.

With the blessings of Sri Narasimha Saraswathy, he has cooked the food

and served all the 4,000 people in the village. In the similar way,

in Sai Satcharitra, Baba has blessed the wife of late Balaji patel

nevaskar on the annual ceremony day, where she has prepared food for

only 100 persons, but the gathering was more than 400 persons. It was

clearly mentioned in the chapter 48 of Gurucharitra, that Sri

Narasimha Saraswathy has visited a poor farmer's paddy field and

blessed him with a rich crop. In the similar way, in Sai Satcharitra,

Baba used to allow all the people irrespective of caste, creed or

colour into Dwarakamai and blessed them. In light of the above

comparisons, I am fully satisfied that Lord Sainath of Shirdi is the

fifth incarnation of Lord Dattatreya. Jai Sai Ram Jai Gurudatta.




March 1917- (Holi). Baba appeared to Hemadripanth in dream and said

that he would come for meals that day and finally he arrived in the

form of a picture.


March 1988- Swami Ram Baba a noted devotee associated with Baba left

his mortal coil at Bombay.






These messages are the outcome and essence of the dream sequences of

Saibanisa as given by Lord Sainath, which reflect the Sai Philosophy

and his high thinking. They carry a sense of deep meaning and are

generally thought provoking, enough to set one's thinking process.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


196) 20th NOV 1997: All classes of people are living in the society.

Goddess of JUSTICE surfaces to see that the truth prevails.


197) 20th NOV 1997: Population is ever increasing. People with

selfishness, jealousy and hatred are attacking each other,

establishing a path for themselves to be reborn as animals.



198) 21st NOV 1997: You have not raised your voice on the day when

your hard-earned money was stolen. What makes you to get excited when

some one offers you a small gift?



199) 24th Nov 1997: When veils of "AGNANA" (IGNORANCE) are before your

eyes, you have to lead a life you deserve. Come to me I shall remove

those veils to have a clear vision.



200) 27th Nov 1997: When you are talking about divinity be humble

because "EGO" is the first hurdle in the path of "ADHYATMA". Destroy

the ego



These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA

from our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.

Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.

Dated: 24-11-1992.

The dream contents of the day have put me on a new platform of

confused thoughts. My son and daughter have isolated me from their

company in my old age. I was loitering on the roads with hunger. I

could at last site a person similar to Sai. He was deep- frying some

fast food in oil. He took out four pieces of them with bare hands from

the hot oil and gave them to satisfy my hunger. His hands were not at

all affected in spite of the fact of putting them in to hot oil. Thus

my mental agony was overcome and has decided to gradually detach from

the family bonds.

All relations are temporary in nature and only God is eternal.


Dated: 27-12-1992.

I was camping at Shirdi.

I attended to the Sej aarati of Baba in the Booty Wada and returned to

my Lodging. Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person. He patted

me on my shoulder and addressed -" Some people view a cinema with

borrowed money and some people prefer to view it at other's cost. "I

came to my normal senses and analyzed the underlying meaning of his

words. Sai never encouraged people to visit Shiridi with the money

borrowed. On the contrary he took objection to it and advised

suitably. I have not taken loan for the purpose but extended official

favour to a businessman and sought financial help (bribe) in return.

It is with that money, I came to Shiridi. And was wonder struck as to

how Sai has come to know of this nasty affair. I opened up a page at

random from Satcharitra and the words are powerful enough to put me

away from undertaking such ventures in future- " Remember, no matter

where you are and what you do is fully known to me. I am the Ruler to

control your thoughts and actions and resident in your hearts". It is

only because of this never failing assurance; he could grasp what has

transpired between me and my friend. That was the last occasion in my

life to have succumbed to such willful desires. A positive decision

was taken which helped in changing my life style.

All your deeds good or bad are watched and monitored and there is no




"Venkateswaraswamy Swarna" swamysv

3/13/2005 03:46:07 –0800

Swamy : swamymain

Sai Ram. Let us continue with the Spiritual Gems from

Chapter 14.


"Baba was moved and told him not to be worried, and that that time his

bad days had ended. He then gave him Udi, placed His hand on his head

and blessed him saying that God would satisfy his heart's desire." Sai

Ram. A Saint's blessing never goes waste. God is bound by His Bhaktas

and Saints. He resides in their hearts, minds and bodies. So,

everything that comes out of their mouth comes true. And we shall see

shortly that Baba's blessing did indeed come true. Baba knew the past,

present and future of all devotees. So, He allowed only such devotees

to come to Him, in whose cases, their destiny allowed their desires to

be fulfilled. Ratanji's case was like that. "Then after taking Baba's

leave, Ruttonji returned to Nanded and told Dasganu, which he could

not understand. Baba said to him that he had got Rs.3-14-0 before.

Please explain as to what Baba meant by this remark. He said to

Dasganu, "I never went to Shirdi before, and how could I give Him the

sum to which Baba referred?" Ratanji was a simple man and he followed

the practice of asking others about things he didn't know. And he had

a lot of faith in Dasganu's wisdom. In fact, it was Dasganu, who was

instrumental in making Ratanji to go to Shirdi.


"To Dasganu also, it was a puzzle, and he pondered much over it for a

long time. Some time afterwards it struck him that Ruttonji had

received some days ago a Saint, by name Moulisaheb, in his house and

had spent some money for his reception. This Moulisaheb was

coolie-saint well known to the people of Nanded. When Ruttonji decided

to go to Shirdi, this

Moulisaheb accidentally came to Ruttonji's house. " Moulisaheb did not

come accidentally. He and Sai were one at the soul level and He came

at Sai's prompting. How else can this Leela of Sai take place?

"Ruttonji knew him and loved him. So he gave a small party in his

honour. Dasganu got from Ruttonji the yadi or memo of expenses of this

reception, and everybody was wonderstruck to see, that the expenses

amounted to exactly Rs.3-14-0, nothing more, nothing less."


Sai Ram. If this is not a miracle, what else is? Most of the devotees

of Shirdi were daily witness to many similar miracles. Yet, they

never ceased to wonder since Maya was covering their intellect. "They

all came to know, that Baba was omniscient, that though He lived in

Shirdi, He knew what happened outside far away from Shirdi. In fact He

knew the past, present and future, and could identify Himself heart

and soul with anybody. In this particular instance how could He know

the reception given to Moulisaheb, and the amount spent therefore,

unless He could identify Himself with him, and be one with him?" Sai

Ram. Not only did Sai identify Himself with Moulisaheb but also with

Ratanji! How, you will ask. Here is how. Moulisaheb knew the reception

given in his honor by Ratanji but could not be expected to know the

expenses incurred for such reception. Who will know the expenditure

but Ratanji? So, Sai gave a hint to Ratanji that He is one with him

and knew his innermost secrets. He also knew that Ratanji's bad days

came to an end and hence arranged Dasganu's suggestion, and Ratanji's

visit, Moulisaheb's darsan etc.


"Ruttonji was satisfied with this explanation and his faith in Baba

was confirmed and increased. In due time afterwards, he was blessed

with a son and his joy knew no bounds. It is said that he had in all a

dozen (12) issues out of which only four survived."

Sai Ram. Faith in God and Saints helps us to not fulfill our desires

(which are in accordance with our destiny), but also to accept with

grace and humility the difficulties that come our way. "In a foot-note

towards the end of this Chapter, it is stated that Baba told Rao

Bahadur Hari Vinayak Sathe, after the death of his first wife, to

remarry and that he would get a son. R.B. Sathe married second time.

The first two issues by this wife were daughters and he, therefore,

felt very despondent. But the third

issue was a son. Baba's word did turn out true and he was satisfied."

Sai Ram. Doubts are part of the learning process, learning to trust in

the intelligence, wisdom and compassion of the Universal Self, which

manifests as several Gods and Saints, apart from all of us. The

difference between the Saint and us is that He is aware of the Oneness

of everything in this universe and is able to connect Himself with

everything and every one as needed. We are unable to do that because

of our illusion developed over several births that we are separate

from the One. In a later chapter, Sai explains to His dear devotee

Nanasaheb Chandorkar how the Jnani, The Guru destroys this illusion of

the Sishya over a few births.


Sai Ram. We will continue with this beautiful chapter.


Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer




(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

16. What is God? Who is God? How are we to see God?

Life is made up of so many items or bits of thought, faith, emotion,

etc., and if one's life is completely occupied by appreciation of

beauty, order, etc., that life is life merged in God, whatever the

line of advance that leads to the consumption. It is impossible to

distinguish between the aesthetic approach to God and the intellectual

or moral approach.

God is itself a very indefinitely grasped term though many people

think that God is an object somewhere in space with certain definite

properties and qualities. Whatever lifts us from the dull and miseries

of day-to-day existence is a pull Heavenward and reaching God means

achieving a goal, which may appear to be the very upper most end

whence, a person kicks off the lower rungs of His ladder to Heaven.

These are essential and finally indistinguishable from the rest of

life. Life is morality, life is beauty, life is the finest refinement

of thought, and life is everything we consider divine.

Life, moral life, healthy life, vigorous life, life on the higher

levels and life illuminated by the loftiest ideals enabling one to

soar into Divinity and penetrating the lowest strata diffusing purity,

wisdom and joy everywhere – that is where we see God.

a) What is God?

God is love and our hearts should abound in this Supreme Love.

Complete surrender to God is the only way to realize the fullness and

grandeur of this Love. Through all our activities, let us make him the

mark and goal of life, for He is the only Reality, the ONLY Truth.

Pujya Sri Narasimha Swamiji of A.I.S.S, Chennai, says: What is God? Is

there anyone who does not know about God? These questions appear

childish. He explained elaborately on these two points then. "The

truth is that the God idea is as widely prevalent as air in the world.

But, when one tries to grasp it, and set it forth either in the mind

or heart or in words, with some definiteness the task proves

impossible. The truth is that God is a peripheral idea and not a

central idea. God is what we find, easy to pray and ask someone to

pray to Him or God's activity with perfect clearness in our minds. But

when all things stated about God are put together and analyzed, then

we discover that God is a mere peripheral idea. When we question a

Saint about God, he will give answers, which will puzzle us. When we

ask him, `Have you seen God?' the answer is often dependent on the

perception of the questioner.


Sri Swamiji further said: "When Swami Vivekananda questioned Sri

Ramakrishna Paramahansa: "Have you seen God?" He replied YES. He also

promised Swami Vivekananda to make him see God. There are certain

things seen which give on the impression that one has seen God. There

are hundreds of persons who have this experience and to tell them that

God cannot be seen is to horrify them and make them mollify themselves.

To be continued…



A devotee

2/23/2005 21:44:01 +0530


O SAI! I really need your Blessings for my brother I have been asking

you to have a glance on brother from 2 yrs, parents are really very

tensed about him and you know everything about everybody please shower

some grace on him. All I need to see my parents Happy, I share

everything with you, you know that, please we need your blessings &

all Saibagawathbandus please help us out. For sure I will write mail

in this again after I get the result. Oh Sai Bless us please shower

some bhakthi on my brother Sai. I know this place is to share the

experience but I don't know where to write this and so I am writing. I

am sorry for the inconvenience.




2/09/2005 04:37:35 +0530

Dear saibandhus

I would like to share my first experience which I will remember it

forever and how I became a strong believer of Baba. I was an excellent

student till 10th grade. I know about Baba from 9th class onwards. But

I was not a strong believer of Baba at that time. Though Baba was

helping me from time to time. I did not recognize that Baba is helping

me in every stage. When I was in 11th grade. I somehow did not prepare

well for computer science subject. I wrote all the exams very well and

the computer exam was fallen on my birthday date. So I was more

curious in celebrating birthday rather than concentrating on that

subject. I still remember that day. I distributed sweets to all my

friends and even to lecturers. After few months the results came and I

was shocked to see my results. I got all above 70s and 80s except

computer science in which I got only 29. The passing mark was 35 out

of 100. That was the first time in my life I failed an exam. I was

ashamed. Though my parents did not say anything because they knew that

I am a bright student. I just worried for few days and later on I just

continued with my 12th grade subjects. The supplementary exam date was

announced and I paid the fee. Again I did not study that subject and

prepared only the 2nd year subjects. One day before the exam I just

prayed to saibaba in my house. I just locked the room and sat with

sainath's picture in front of me and cried before him. I prayed him

wholeheartedly for the first time and asking him to pass me that

subject. I asked him to give only 35 marks and I also asked him not to

give 34 or 36. Just 35 out of 100. And I did not study at all. I just

gave a glance once that's it. I went to exam the next day. I don't

know what I wrote in that exam. I just forgot about the results also

and concentrated on 12th grade subjects seriously. After few months I

got my results. I was very very scared to see the results on notice

board. I prayed to baba and saw the results.


I was surprised that I passed my exam. I gave the whole credit to Baba

and that day evening I went to Baba temple and performed archana and

bought sweet for Baba and distributed in the temple. After few days I

got my memo (marks list). U should see my face on that day. I was

completely shocked and happy also. I got only 35 marks as I asked

Baba. I narrated this experience to all my friends and family. By the

grace of lord Sainath, I passed the overall exams with not only first

class but with distinction. I finished my graduation and PG also in

first class. Lord sainath also found a match for me. Somebody saw my

picture in marriage bureau and called my father. They were interested

in this match. They said that the boy is currently in America and he

will be coming to see your girl and if he likes, then marriage should

be made within 2 days without dowry. By the grace of lord Sainath my

marriage took place without any problems and within a week's time I

went with my husband to America. Though we had some minor problems at

immigration office, lord Sainath helped us at immigration also.

Without any problem, we landed in America. During the marriage I kept

Saibaba's photo in my hand thanking him a lot and now my husband also

became a strong believer of lord Sainath. We both read satcharitra

regularly. Now lord Sainath has to bless us with kids. Just the kids.

I am confident that he will definitely give us kids. Not only to me

but also to all childless couples. I just left it to Sainath. He is

going to take care of it. But I request all saidevotees, please

remember Sainath wherever u go, whatever u eat, whatever u do. Please

treat Baba as a head of your family. Try to develop shradda and saburi

as much as possible. Don't try to indulge with bad people. Try not to

talk bad about anyone. If anyone talks bad just ignore them and don't

try to participate in their talk. If u have time just read satcharitra

and or any religious books and Pray for everyone. I thank this website

for giving this opportunity to share experiences.





Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He

took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in

Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed

Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity with Lord Sri

Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan. Tell your parents

to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai – Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate

Ramayan from this magazine.



After about ten years Rama, Lakshmana and Sita left sage Sutikshna's

campus and reached sage Agastya's hermitage. The sage cordially

welcomed them and treated them well till they stayed there. The sage

gave some celestial weapons to Rama. After taking leave of sage

Agastya the three moved futher. Thus wandering they reached a place

known by the name of Panchavati, which was situated near the river

Godavari. It was a beautiful and peaceful place. They liked and

appreciated the place and decided to settle there. Once more Lakshmana

collected wood and branches of trees and built a beautiful and

comfortable kuteer on the bank of the river, and they settled there.


In that forest there lived a demoness Surpanakha. She was the sister

of Ravana, the mighty demon king of Lanka. She lived there with her

other two brothers Khara and Dushana. One day during her wandering she

saw the handsome and valiant Rama and being fascinated with him she

started to entertain the idea of marrying him. So, she quickly

transformed herself into a beautiful and comely maiden reached Rama

and said, " You are a handsome and brave man, I wish to marry you. In

response to Surpanakha's proposal Rama politely declined by saying

that he was already married and that his wife, Sita, was living with

him. He jestfully directed her to Lakshmana by saying " My brother

Lakshmana is also as handsome and brave as I am. Why do you not

approach him? He may perhaps be willing to marry you." Surpanakha

then went to Lakshmana and proposed to him who also turned her down.

Thus a couple of times she was tossed from here to there and there to

here which made her furious. She again assumed her true form of a

demoness and ran towards Sita crying, "So long as Sita lives, you will

not marry me; so, first, I should kill Sita herself." Before she could

reach Sita, Lakshmana intervened and by his swift arrows cut off her

nose and ears.


Finding her nose and ears cut off Surpanakha roared with pain and

anger. She rushed to tell her tale of sorrow to her brothers Khara and

Dushana. Seeing Surpanakha's nose and ears cut off, Khara and Dushana

foaming with anger asked her, " Who did dare do this to you?"

Surpanakha told them the happenings at Rama's hut. The two demon

brothers roared, "We shall kill them and avenge your insult and

humiliation." They immediately rushed to Rama's hut with their horde

of demons following. Khara and Dushana with their large army of demons

advanced towards Rama's hut renting the air with their roars and

darkening the sky with their huge forms and creating dust storm. Rama

and Lakshmana sensed the approaching danger. Rama asked Sita to go

inside the hut. Rama and Lakshmana faced the attack mounted by the

demons. A long and fierce battle started. Khara, Dushana and a

multitude of demons were killed. Rest took to their heels with the

stunned Surpanakha. Surpanakha witnessed a scene, which was

unbelievable. "How could mere two young mortals kill mighty Khara and

Dushana, and vanquish the whole army of demons!" was haunting her

mind, while she ran to her brother Ravana – the ten headed demon king

of Lanka – to seek his help and venge the insult and humiliation she

suffered and wrong done to her.

To be continued…



Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama


Lord Sainath used to visit Rahata, Rui and Neemgaon villages during

His physical presence at Shirdi. A group of devotees planned to visit

these villages on foot from Shirdi as a first step for the proposed

Mobile Sainama Sankeertan to be introduced throughout the country. We

know Sai's Nama, Sai's photo is not different from Sainath. We had

taken His name while covering the above places on foot.

It was on 9th March 2000 about sixty devotees gathered at Lendi Baugh

of Shirdi after offering prayers to Ganesa and pradakshinas to Lord

Dattatreya and Nanda Deep, We left for H H Sivanesan Swamiji's

Mahasamadhi. Apart from devotees from various centers, the trees

planted and nursed by Sainath and Nanda Deep were eyewitnesses. About

four hours, Sai Nama Sankeertan and Sai Bhajan were conducted at the

Divine Feet of H H Sivanesan Swamiji who was the moving spirit behind

"OM SAI SRI SAI JAYA JAYA SAI" Nama prachar work. Later the group left

for Rui village and did Bhajan opposite to Mahadev Mandir of Baba's

period. Former chairman of a sugar factory, resident of Rui told as

that Sainath spent a day near the hill got dug by Mrs. Ahalya Holkar

of Indore. Later we proceeded to Neemgaon.

Nana Saheb Dengle and his brother Baba saheb were ardent devotees of

Baba. Nana Saheb presented Sai with a wooden plank for sleeping. We

gathered at Khandoba Mandir, which was visited by Sai. In memory of

His visit, a statue of Baba and sacred padukas were installed in the

same corner where Baba used to sit. Adjacent to the mandir an old

Chavadi exists in a dilapidated condition (It appears it was built in

1209 AD). We did Bhajan and Nama Sakeertan for 2 hours and left for

Shirdi on foot. On the 10th March again all of us gathered in Lendi

Baugh and left for Rahata. When we Rahata our mind automatically goes

to Sri Chandrabhanu Seth's house which was frequently visited by

Sainath. Baba loved his nephew Kushal Chandji. Grand children of this

family lovingly welcomed us. Their hospitality to Sai devotees is

memorable. Perhaps they see Sai in everybody who visits their

residence in the name of Baba. We did Nama Sankeertan and Bhajan in

the Maruthi Mandir visited by Sai Maruthi. After visiting Idga and

Veerabhadra Mandir returned to Shirdi and concluded the two day programme.

About fifty-five devotees from Sai Datta Venkata Sai seva Samajam

(Regd.) Kallur, Adilabad (Dt.), AP participated doing Sai Nama in

different styles. It may not be an exaggeration if we say they gave

life to the programme They participated in the first "OM SAI SRI SAI

JAYA JAYA SAI" Nama Saptaha covering 550 Km on foot conducted at

Shirdi during June 1982. Now Baba has again chosen them for the

inaugural function of Mobile Sainama Sankeertan at Shirdi. We

distributed sweets, biscuits, and chocolates to devotees on the way

including school-going children. A special cart to carry Lord Sainath

and H H Sivanesan Swamy was hired for 2 days. May Shirdinath inspire

all Sai Seva Samajams/Mandirs with resources to sponsor Mobile Nama

Sankeertan on Holidays so that vast area can be covered with His


Jai Bolo Samartha sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai 'OM SAI SRI SAI




"giri rajan" : girirajan79

Fri, 4 Mar 2005 12:46:47 +0000 (GMT)

Sai Maharaj Ki Jai,

Humble Namaskarams to all sai devotees. I thank you very much for

your E-magazine "The Glory of Shirdi Sai". If you send me some Photos

of Saibaba I will great full to you.

Thanks & Best Regards

Giri Rajan.T.A.


"Syam Sundar *" sai_syam

2/23/2005 13:09:10 -0600

Om Sairam

Thank you for the invitation for getting E-magazine, Glory of Shirdi

Sai. I already signed with my mail address.

I informed other friends about this. .

In Sai love, with warm regards



"Sudha Chandrasekhar" sudhaaz

Fri, 4 Mar 2005 05:16:28 -0800 (PST)

Sairam: I was reading the contact information about Sai Bhajans in

Arizona. The correct contact address is:


Sudha Chandrasekhar


"Bellam seethalaxmi": bellam_sl

Thu, 10 Mar 2005 12:10:18 +1300 (NZDT)

Dear Saibandhu,]


Happy Sathguru Saibaba s day. We are all sathguru Sai s family. Shri

Saibaba guides all.

Om sairam.

Seethalaxmi nz.


"S Gandhi": gandhi

Thu, 10 Mar 2005 15:39:37 +0800

In case you have a softcopy of SHRI GURUCHARITRA, is it feasible to

send one to me?

Many thanks



"Sai Vishnu" saivishnu

Mon, 14 Mar 2005 16:47:49 –0500


Hope all the Sai activities going fine at Hyderabad and other places.

Thanks a lot for all great Sai newsletters and Saimails on behalf of

saidarbar. They are very interesting to read.






Please visit:



Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London Activities.

Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford



Shanthi Ramakrishnan : shanthi

Mon, 07 Mar 2005 09:41:14 IST

Sai Darbar activities Portland OR USA for the month of February 2005

Sai Ram !

We had a wonderful session of our monthly Sai Darbar on February 19th

Saturday. We started the session with OM, Gayatri and Sai Gayatri

followed by Sai Ashtothram and sang a Ganesh Bhajan. Then we read 34th

& 35th chapters in Sai Satcharitra.

Sai Darbar was concluded with Aarti & prasad. Thank you for your support.



Shirdi Sai Baba technical

3/14/2005 04:55:49 –0000

Next Satsang on Saturday 19th March 2005

Dear Sai Bandhu,


We invite you and your family to attend our next special Sai darbar

and satsang on Saturday the 19th March 2005.

Venue: 212 Moore Road, Wallingford, PA 19086

03:00pm - Satsang Prayer - Ganesh Mantram - Guru Mantram - Ganesh

Namavali - Shri Sai Ashtothram - Bhajans

- Study Circle (Reading Chapter 36th from Shri Satcharita) New

Members Introduction- Baba's Aarthi

For further details contact: technical


Saidarbar Chennai saidarbarchennai

Mon, 28 Feb 2005 20:21:47 IST

Dear Saibandhus,

Baba conducted this month's sathsang in a grand manner. Around 75

devotees attended the sathsang. The program started with Vishnu

sahasranama followed by Dhup Arathi, Satcharitha Parayana, A

Discussion on Relationship, Shirdi Sai Ashtotra Naamavali,

Introduction to Satcharitha Panchasheel Examination, Shirdi Sai Bhajans

and Prasad Distribution. Radha Desai gave introduction to

Sathcharitha Panchasheel Examination and volunteered for satcharitha

classes. Chandrika (webmaster for babatoday) also supported the same.

This time Baba made three units Saidarbar, Annababa Temple

Representative Chandrika and Dr. Aniruddha's representative Radha

Desai to meet at chennai Saidarbar.

As said, "The whole is greater than the sum of the constituents", we

agreed that together we can achieve more.

Long Live the Ancient and Supreme One!

At the feet of Lord Shirdi Sai,

Chennai Saidarbar Team.


"SAI MANDIR" saimandir


Sai Ram,

By the Insipration and blessing of Shirdi Sai Baba, Shirdi Sai Mandir,

Banswara, Rajasthan is inaugurated. Please find the link below for

further details. http://groups.msn.com/saimandir

Banswara is in Rajahasthan on border to Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh, India.

Sai Ram

Yash Kothari


S Chopra saileela99

SHIRDI SAI BABA SANSTHAN OF CANADA invites all to join us for Satsangh

every Thursday 6:30PM at 147 Winston Castle Dr. Markham Ont. L6C 2N4.

For details on other Activities and Services please contact Shammi

Chopra on email : saileela99



sudhaaz": sudhaaz

For the details of Sai Bhajan Please contact: ayoshna1




"Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: shirdisaidallas

Dear Shirdi Sai Devotees,

Events Announcement

First Tuesday of every month (1 time a month) @7:15pm - Lalita

Sahasranamam Chanting

Every Sunday @7:00pm - Satcharitra Reading

Every Purnima (1 time a month)- Sathyanarayana Puja @6:30pm

Every Thursday - Sai Bhajans @ 7:30pm

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web

site to: admin http://www.shirdisaidallas.org


"Sai Sandesh" saisandesh

Sai Sandesh Issue::Om Sai Mandir's Newsletter. An online version of

Sai Sandesh can be read at:



"Shirdi Sai Jalaram Mandir": saibabahouston

Sai Ram

We are very happy to inform that we have acquired land of 7.5 acres on

West Belfort near Highway 6, Houston for our temple. Mandir Patrika is

now in it's second year of circulation.

Temple timings:

Weekdays (except Thu) - 6.15pm to 7.00pm; Thu – 6.30pm to 9pm;

Weekends – 9am to 7pm. Dhoop (Sandhya) Arathi performed on all days

and in addition Kakad and Noon (Madhyan) Arathi on weekends. All

devotees are encouraged to sign up either by contacting temple

committee members or by sending an email to baba to

sign up for weekend volunteer service



Tue, 15 Mar 2005 03:54:35 –0000

[sai_Parivaar] Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans- Invitation

On March 17th (Thursday) At 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m

For conducting Bhajans and Satsanghs in Bay Area – C.A.-U.S.A

For Further details visit: www.ShradhaSaburi.org


For Details and timings of Shirdi Sai Temple, Inverness, Fl USA

Contact: Shri.voora" on e-mail id: voora




You can get your copy at http://www.ebeacon.indiainabook.com

Sai Sevak-Vijay Agarwal vijishvanya


Sai Ram! We welcome your valuable comments time to time. On behalf of

Saidarbar, We are grateful to Saisevak Vijay Agarwal, who has released

the Second edition of SAI A BEACON FOR HUMANITY, consisting of Baba's

Aaratis in Audio form

We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar



Before taking the courage to write a few words on Baba, I seek humbly

the blessings of Lord Ganesha as is customary and look towards our

beloved Samardha Sadhguru Lord Sainath for the guidance. However a cue

is taken on instruction from SAI and I have to bow down to HIS

dictates. Firstly I consider SAI in expanded form as `SARVA

ANTHARYAMI- (SAI)'-the Omniscient and Omni-present. It was Chand patil

who has brought HIM with the marriage party this great living

personality to Shiridi and aptly introduced by Mahilsapathi with a

welcome note to the people of Shiridi. All this happened without

perhaps any forethought or little realization that this man would one

day become a jewel to the Crown of Shiridi, rule and make it a holy

place to attract and draw HIS devotees like sparrows entangled in the

twines of destiny. Dear readers, we wish to venture upon this attempt

to put forward few lines in every issue of `The Glory Of The Shiridi

Sai' Magazine and invite readers to air upon their views so that w can

make it an interactive and educative session to enrich ourselves

spiritually while at the same time try understanding the underlying

purpose and Essence of life as told by BABA. Please HOLD on and look

forward for the next issue.


We would like to convey our hearty thanks to the Team members and web

masters of www.saidakshina.com and www.saidarbarusa.org for

publishing "The Glory of Shirdi Sai" in their web site and giving an

opportunity to many more Saidevotees in the world to read the E-magazine.

Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster

We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org

also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm,

from www.saidakshina.com and from http://www.saidarbarusa.org

Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.

This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi





P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi Sai ",

kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.

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